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Oct 24th, 2017
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  1. .text:08048694 UseSkill proc near ; CODE XREF: main:loc_804868D↑p
  2. .text:08048694
  3. .text:08048694 var_10 = dword ptr -10h
  4. .text:08048694 var_C = dword ptr -0Ch
  5. .text:08048694 var_4 = dword ptr -4
  6. .text:08048694
  7. .text:08048694 push ebp
  8. .text:08048695 mov ebp, esp
  9. .text:08048697 push ebx
  10. .text:08048698 sub esp, 14h
  11. .text:0804869B sub esp, 0Ch
  12. .text:0804869E push offset format ; "User Skill:\n 1. No\n 2. Kick\n 3. Punc"...
  13. .text:080486A3 call _printf
  14. .text:080486A8 add esp, 10h
  15. .text:080486AB sub esp, 0Ch
  16. .text:080486AE push 5
  17. .text:080486B0 call read_int
  18. .text:080486B5 add esp, 10h
  19. .text:080486B8 cdq
  20. .text:080486B9 mov [ebp+var_10], eax
  21. .text:080486BC mov [ebp+var_C], edx
  22. .text:080486BF mov eax, [ebp+var_10]
  23. .text:080486C2 xor eax, 1
  24. .text:080486C5 or eax, [ebp+var_C]
  25. .text:080486C8 test eax, eax
  26. .text:080486CA jnz short loc_80486E1
  27. .text:080486CC sub esp, 0Ch
  28. .text:080486CF push offset s ; "OKAY!"
  29. .text:080486D4 call _puts
  30. .text:080486D9 add esp, 10h
  31. .text:080486DC jmp loc_80487BD
  32. .text:080486E1 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. .text:080486E1
  34. .text:080486E1 loc_80486E1: ; CODE XREF: UseSkill+36↑j
  35. .text:080486E1 mov eax, [ebp+var_C]
  36. .text:080486E4 imul edx, eax, 0F4523F22h
  37. .text:080486EA mov eax, [ebp+var_10]
  38. .text:080486ED imul eax, -1
  39. .text:080486F0 lea ecx, [edx+eax]
  40. .text:080486F3 mov eax, 0F4523F22h
  41. .text:080486F8 mul [ebp+var_10]
  42. .text:080486FB add ecx, edx
  43. .text:080486FD mov edx, ecx
  44. .text:080486FF mov ecx, ds:MANA
  45. .text:08048705 mov ebx, ds:dword_804B064
  46. .text:0804870B add eax, ecx
  47. .text:0804870D adc edx, ebx
  48. .text:0804870F test edx, edx
  49. .text:08048711 js loc_80487AD
  50. .text:08048717 test edx, edx
  51. .text:08048719 jg short loc_8048724
  52. .text:0804871B cmp eax, 0
  53. .text:0804871E jbe loc_80487AD
  54. .text:08048724
  55. .text:08048724 loc_8048724: ; CODE XREF: UseSkill+85↑j
  56. .text:08048724 sub esp, 0Ch
  57. .text:08048727 push offset aSkillAttacked ; "Skill Attacked!"
  58. .text:0804872C call _puts
  59. .text:08048731 add esp, 10h
  60. .text:08048734 mov eax, [ebp+var_C]
  61. .text:08048737 imul edx, eax, 0F4523F22h
  62. .text:0804873D mov eax, [ebp+var_10]
  63. .text:08048740 imul eax, -1
  64. .text:08048743 lea ecx, [edx+eax]
  65. .text:08048746 mov eax, 0F4523F22h
  66. .text:0804874B mul [ebp+var_10]
  67. .text:0804874E add ecx, edx
  68. .text:08048750 mov edx, ecx
  69. .text:08048752 mov ecx, BOSSHP
  70. .text:08048758 mov ebx, dword_804B054
  71. .text:0804875E add eax, ecx
  72. .text:08048760 adc edx, ebx
  73. .text:08048762 mov BOSSHP, eax
  74. .text:08048767 mov dword_804B054, edx
  75. .text:0804876D mov eax, [ebp+var_C]
  76. .text:08048770 imul edx, eax, 0F4523F22h
  77. .text:08048776 mov eax, [ebp+var_10]
  78. .text:08048779 imul eax, -1
  79. .text:0804877C lea ecx, [edx+eax]
  80. .text:0804877F mov eax, 0F4523F22h
  81. .text:08048784 mul [ebp+var_10]
  82. .text:08048787 add ecx, edx
  83. .text:08048789 mov edx, ecx
  84. .text:0804878B mov ecx, ds:MANA
  85. .text:08048791 mov ebx, ds:dword_804B064
  86. .text:08048797 add eax, ecx
  87. .text:08048799 adc edx, ebx
  88. .text:0804879B mov ds:MANA, eax
  89. .text:080487A0 mov ds:dword_804B064, edx
  90. .text:080487A6 call CheckHP
  91. .text:080487AB jmp short loc_80487BD
  92. .text:080487AD ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  93. .text:080487AD
  94. .text:080487AD loc_80487AD: ; CODE XREF: UseSkill+7D↑j
  95. .text:080487AD ; UseSkill+8A↑j
  96. .text:080487AD sub esp, 0Ch
  97. .text:080487B0 push offset aNotEnoughMana ; "Not enough mana!"
  98. .text:080487B5 call _printf
  99. .text:080487BA add esp, 10h
  100. .text:080487BD
  101. .text:080487BD loc_80487BD: ; CODE XREF: UseSkill+48↑j
  102. .text:080487BD ; UseSkill+117↑j
  103. .text:080487BD mov ebx, [ebp+var_4]
  104. .text:080487C0 leave
  105. .text:080487C1 retn
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