
Rage.. Just rage.

Dec 15th, 2016
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  1. I'm angry. Actually I'm really angry about a bunch of shit that doesn't make sense, I'm flipping the hell out because my sub count drops one a day, and I'm in love with a woman that may or may not be in love with me due to one thing or another. Despite all this, I'm trying to get angry so I can work up through the bullshit wall I always set up!
  2. Despite every fucking thing in the world going shit ways south, I'm absolutely sure that I'm losing my fucking mind over inconsequential bullshit! Is is so wrong to want to just kick the fuck out of some random ass hat because they tried to get jiggy with your girl!? IS IT!? I mean, that's the main reason everything such a fog! I mean, seriously! I have to work through this mental wall of bullshit just to get back into verbal fighting form just so I can fucking swear, and I sick of it! I should just be able to fucking snap like a sumbitch and say whatever the fuck is on my mind without tripping over my damned words!
  3. But, noooo! I have to slowly build up to it! Like I'm writing a fucking story! THAT'S TEN THOUSAND CHAPTERS LONG! AND THERE'S NO GOD DAMN CHARACTER GROWTH! Isn't that the problem with getting older!? The eventuality that we're all going to fuck the reaper with its dick scythe in our soul mouth!? And more importantly, did I just invent a gruesome, dark, and stupid fucked up version of fan fiction1? I HAVE TO STOP GETTING DISTRACTED OR NONE OF THIS WILL MAKE SENSE!
  4. ALSO, THIS IS A REALLY Weird PLACE IN THE FUCKING RANT TO LEAVE THE CAPS LOCK ON, BUT IT'S WORKING! So there! there was a giant rant last night about a bunch of IRL bullshit that was going on in my life, and it was jsut this fucking awesome moment where everything connected and I was me! The old me! the me that gave no fucks about one thing or another and was just laying out there what needed to be let out there!
  6. Why do we constantly feel the need to fucking sensor ourselves when we get older!? WHY!? this isn't the way i want my 30's to go! i want to fuck every night, fight everyday, and chew sugar free bubblegum in the afternoons between five and five thirty because I'm very specific about that kind of thing!
  7. And I'm sure everyone has this fucking ah ha moment where the coils of their own mortality are laid bare in front of them and they think to themselves, "Huh, I should've gotten laid more!" But nooooooooo.
  8. Society tells us that we need to conserve our dick juices for someone special. the only people that are actually special are the superheroes and video game movies that keep being made because Hollywood doesn't know when to shut the fuck up about one thing or another.
  9. Mortality is the ultimate chess game between the ticking clock of our heart and the grim reaper furiously jacking his dick scythe on our souls like we're his best source of porn in the eternal struggle to maintain a boner (HAHAHAHA DICK JOKE AND PUN!) And all we can ever really do is watch a bunch of increasingly dark teen dramas that we're obviously supposed to get excited for, BUT HONESTLY, ARE WE? ARE WE REALLY!? their teen fucking dramas for a damned reason, because we no longer give a shit about half baked, crappily written stories starring people we can't fuck for the sake of, "Well, the're famous, and we're not!"
  11. there doesn't seem to be a hsortage of anger at us, the people who are decrying such a fucking fucked up fuckery of the election process because the only way to get laughs now a days is either read dark poetry in hot topic next to the jack skelington hoodies, or watch a black kid get shot because a racost white man has a problem with FUCKING HOODIES!!!!
  13. And more importantly, speaking of stupid race wars not involving indy cars or Jeff Gordon, because fuck making right turns! That douche fucker Dylan Storm Roof was like, "Yeah, totally did it! Totally did it, wanted start a fucking race war. Also wanted to kill myself but I got fucking hungry instead! how about that!?" And now the new thing is stabbings. STABBINGS!? ARE YOU FUCKING ME WITH A CACTUS ON THIS BULLSHIT!? We have official downgraded to 1980's style of killing people in the most ineffecient way possible, where guns just go out the window, and knives are the new thing! Knives only kill if you do it right!
  14. What, are you just going to swing wildly and hope someone gets mildly annoyed because you gave them a few nicks and scratches!? WHAT THE FUCK!? JUST WHAT THE FLYING FUCK ANYMORE!
  16. There was more, but I don't know where to take it from there.
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