
Aug 30th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. on rightclick with clock:
  2. if name of event-item is "&c&lメニュー":
  3. play sound "BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the player
  4. open chest inventory with 1 row named "&c&lメニュー" to player
  5. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to ender pearl named "&b&lテレポート" with lore "&e&l各施設などにテレポートできる" and "&e&l戦場に出撃中は使用できない" and "&4(*未実装)"
  6. set slot 1 of player's current inventory to book named "&b&lスキル変更" with lore "&e&l解放済みのスキルに変更できる" and "&e&l戦場に出撃中は使用できない"
  7. set slot 2 of player's current inventory to enchanted book named "&b&lアビリティ変更" with lore "&e&l解放済みのスキルに変更できる" and "&e&l戦場に出撃中は使用できない"
  8. set slot 3 of player's current inventory to crafting table named "&b&lTIPS" with lore "&e&lサーバーの仕様などを確認できる" and "&e&l分からないことがあったらこれを見よう!"
  9. set slot 4 of player's current inventory to iron ingot named "&b&lギルドメニュー" with lore "&e&lギルドの情報を表示、または操作できる"
  10. set slot 7 of player's current inventory to paper named "&b&lキルランキング" with lore "&e&lプレイヤーのキルやキルレートなどの" and "&e&lランキングを表示する"
  11. set slot 8 of player's current inventory to lime dye named "&b&l設定" with lore "&e&l連続出撃、キルログ非表示など" and "&e&l便利な設定などが行える"
  13. on inventory click:
  14. if name of clicked inventory is "&c&lメニュー":
  15. cancel event
  16. if event-item is ender pearl named "&b&lテレポート" with lore "&e&l各施設などにテレポートできる" and "&e&l戦場に出撃中は使用できない" and "&d(未実装)":
  17. else if event-item is crafting table named "&b&lTIPS" with lore "&e&lサーバーの仕様などを確認できる" and "&e&l分からないことがあったらこれを見よう!":
  18. open chest inventory with 6 row named "&a&lTIPS" to player
  19. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to red glass named "&d↓銃・PVPについて↓"
  20. set slot 9 of player's current inventory to iron horse armour named "&d銃の性能" with lore "&eこのサーバーでは、メイン武器はホットバーに一つ" and "&eサブ武器も一つ装備した状態でしか使えません" and "&a(ホットバーにメインまたはサブ武器は二つ以上持てません)"
  21. set slot 18 of player's current inventory to iron horse armour named "&d銃の性能②" with lore "&eまた、基本的に銃の弾は真っすぐ飛びます" and "&a(グレネードランチャーなど例外はあります)" and "&e弾速は少し遅めですが、弾道がしっかり見えるようになっています"
  22. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to iron horse armour named "&d銃の性能③" with lore "&eヘッドショットは現在AR,SRに設定されています" and "&eまた、スニーク状態で精度は上がりません" and "&a(皆さんの意見により、この辺りは調整されていきます)"
  23. set slot 36 of player's current inventory to diamond sword named "&d↓PVPについて↓" with lore "&eプレイヤーをキルすることで、10ペル" and "&eキルアシストで5ペル入手できます" and "&e敵を倒した人はHPが即座に全回復します" and "&aまた、ギルドに入会してると、ギルドのメンバーがキルした際" and "&aそのギルドに入会している人全員にペルが配られます"
  24. set slot 45 of player's current inventory to beacon named "&d拠点制圧" with lore "&eマップの中央にあるビーコンの色が赤い時" and "&eその上を踏むことで、拠点が制圧できます" and "&e100ペルを入手でき、&aイベント開催中は" and "&a特殊なアイテムを入手できる場合があります" and "&eまた、制圧した拠点は45秒で復活します"
  25. else if event-item is book named "&b&lスキル変更" with lore "&e&l解放済みのスキルに変更できる" and "&e&l戦場に出撃中は使用できない":
  26. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_XYLOPHONE" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the player
  27. {fieldmenu.%player%} is not set
  28. open chest inventory with 2 row named "&a&lスキル変更" to player
  29. set {_num} to 0
  30. set {_num1} to 1
  31. loop {SkillNumber} times:
  32. set slot {_num} of player's current inventory to {hel%{_num1}%}
  33. add 1 to {_num}
  34. add 1 to {_num1}
  35. loop {SkillNumber} times:
  36. if {skill%player%} is loop-number:
  37. set slot loop-number - 1 of player's current inventory to purple wool named "&d&l選択中"
  38. loop {SkillNumber} times:
  39. if {skillunlock::%player%::%loop-number%} is false:
  40. set slot loop-number - 1 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&d&l未開放"
  41. if {skillunlock::%player%::%loop-number%} is not set:
  42. set slot loop-number - 1 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&d&l未開放"
  43. else if event-item is enchanted book named "&b&lアビリティ変更" with lore "&e&l解放済みのスキルに変更できる" and "&e&l戦場に出撃中は使用できない":
  44. {fieldmenu.%player%} is not set
  45. open chest inventory with 2 row named "&a&lアビリティ変更" to player
  46. set {_num} to 0
  47. set {_num1} to 1
  48. loop {AbilityNumber} times:
  49. set slot {_num} of player's current inventory to {abi.%{_num1}%}
  50. add 1 to {_num}
  51. add 1 to {_num1}
  52. loop {AbilityNumber} times:
  53. if {abi.%player%} is loop-number:
  54. set slot loop-number - 1 of player's current inventory to diamond block named "&d&l選択中"
  55. loop {AbilityNumber} times:
  56. if {abi.unlock.%player%::%loop-number%} is not set:
  57. set slot loop-number - 1 of player's current inventory to tnt named "&d&l未開放"
  58. else if event-item is iron ingot named "&b&lギルドメニュー" with lore "&e&lギルドの情報を表示、または操作できる":
  59. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_XYLOPHONE" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the player
  60. open chest inventory with 1 row named "&a&lギルドメニュー" to player
  61. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to name tag named "&c&lギルド一覧" with lore "&e現在のギルドの一覧を表示する"
  62. set slot 1 of player's current inventory to ender pearl named "&c&l自分のギルドを見る" with lore "&e自分のギルドの情報を表示する" and "&a(ギルドのオーナーは管理画面を表示します)"
  63. set slot 7 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&c&lギルドを脱会する" with lore "&e入会しているギルドから脱会する"
  64. set slot 8 of player's current inventory to gold block named "&c&lギルド作成" with lore "&e自分のギルドを作成する" and "&e費用:&b1000ペル"
  65. else if event-item is paper named "&b&lキルランキング" with lore "&e&lプレイヤーのキルやキルレートなどの" and "&e&lランキングを表示する":
  66. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_XYLOPHONE" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the player
  67. open chest inventory with 1 row named "&a&lランキング一覧" to player
  68. set {_high} to 0
  69. set {_count} to 7
  70. set {_killrankitem} to diamond sword named "&aキルランキング"
  71. loop {kill::*}:
  72. set {_killrank::%loop-index%} to loop-value
  73. loop {_count} times:
  74. loop {_killrank::*}:
  75. loop-value-2 > {_high}
  76. set {_high} to loop-value-2
  77. set {_highplayer} to loop-index
  78. set line loop-number of lore of {_killrankitem} to "&a%loop-number%位.&b%{_highplayer}%: &c%{_high}%Kill"
  79. set {_high} to 0
  80. delete {_killrank::%{_highplayer}%}
  82. set {_high} to 0
  83. set {_count} to 7
  84. set {_moneyrankitem} to gold block named "&a所持金ランキング"
  85. loop {money::*}:
  86. set {_moneyrank::%loop-index%} to loop-value
  87. loop {_count} times:
  88. loop {_moneyrank::*}:
  89. loop-value-2 > {_high}
  90. set {_high} to loop-value-2
  91. set {_highplayer} to loop-index
  92. set line loop-number of lore of {_moneyrankitem} to "&a%loop-number%位.&b%{_highplayer}%: &c%{_high}%ペル"
  93. set {_high} to 0
  94. delete {_moneyrank::%{_highplayer}%}
  96. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to {_killrankitem}
  97. set slot 1 of player's current inventory to {_moneyrankitem}
  99. else if event-item is lime dye named "&b&l設定" with lore "&e&l連続出撃、キルログ非表示など" and "&e&l便利な設定などが行える":
  100. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_XYLOPHONE" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the player
  101. open chest inventory with 1 row named "&a&l設定" to player
  102. if {setting.killlog::%player%} is set:
  103. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to lime dye named "キルログ表示" with lore "&e現在&dON" and "&aON:キルログを表示" and "&bOFF:キルログを非表示"
  104. else:
  105. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to grey dye named "キルログ表示" with lore "&e現在&dOFF" and "&aON:キルログを表示" and "&bOFF:キルログを非表示"
  106. else if name of clicked inventory is "&a&lTIPS":
  107. cancel event
  108. else if name of clicked inventory is "&a&lギルドメニュー":
  109. cancel event
  110. if event-item is name tag named "&c&lギルド一覧" with lore "&e現在のギルドの一覧を表示する":
  111. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_XYLOPHONE" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the player
  112. open chest inventory with 6 row named "&a&lギルド一覧" to player
  113. set {_a} to 0
  114. loop {guild::*}:
  115. set {_c} to 6
  116. set {_b} to gold ingot
  117. #set the name of the {_b} to "&e%{}%"
  118. set line 1 of lore of {_b} to "&dレベル:&c%{guild.level.%loop-index%}%"
  119. set line 2 of lore of {_b} to "&dメンバー数:&c%size of {guild.%loop-index%.member::*}%/%{guild.membercap.%loop-index%}%"
  120. set line 3 of lore of {_b} to "&d次のアップグレードまで:&c%{guild.moneybal.%loop-index%}%/%{guild.needmoney.%loop-index%}%"
  121. set line 4 of lore of {_b} to "&dギルドの総キル数:&c%{guild.kill::%loop-index%}%"
  122. set line 5 of lore of {_b} to "&b--Member--"
  123. loop {guild.%loop-index%.member::*}:
  124. set line {_c} of lore of {_b} to "&a%loop-index-2%"
  125. add 1 to {_c}
  126. set slot {_a} of player's current inventory to {_b} named "&e%{}%"
  127. add 1 to {_a}
  128. else if event-item is red wool named "&c&lギルドを脱会する" with lore "&e入会しているギルドから脱会する":
  129. if {guild.%{guild.membername.%player%}%.member::%player%} is not set:
  130. close player's inventory
  131. send "&d[GuildSystem]&e貴方はギルドに入会していません!"
  132. stop
  133. if {guild::%player%} is true:
  134. close player's inventory
  135. send "&d[GuildSystem]&e貴方はギルド主なので、脱会はできません!(ギルドを削除することはできます)"
  136. stop
  137. open chest inventory with 1 row named "&c&l本当にギルドを脱会しますか?" to player
  138. set slot 2 of player's current inventory to lime dye named "&eもちろん!"
  139. set slot 6 of player's current inventory to grey dye named "&cやっぱりヤダ!"
  140. else if event-item is gold block named "&c&lギルド作成" with lore "&e自分のギルドを作成する" and "&e費用:&b1000ペル":
  141. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_XYLOPHONE" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the player
  142. if {guild::%player%} is set:
  143. send "&d[GuildSystem]&e既に貴方はギルドを作成しています" to player
  144. close player's inventory
  145. play sound "ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT" with volume 2 and pitch 1 to the player
  146. stop
  147. if {money::%player%} >= 1000:
  148. open chest inventory with 1 row named "&c&l本当にギルドを作成しますか?" to player
  149. set slot 2 of player's current inventory to lime dye named "&eもちろん!"
  150. set slot 6 of player's current inventory to grey dye named "&cやっぱりヤダ!"
  151. else:
  152. close player's inventory
  153. play sound "ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the player
  154. send "&d[GuildSystem]&eギルド作成費用(1000ペル)が足りません!" to player
  155. else if event-item is ender pearl named "&c&l自分のギルドを見る" with lore "&e自分のギルドの情報を表示する" and "&a(ギルドのオーナーは管理画面を表示します)":
  156. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_XYLOPHONE" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the player
  157. if {guild::%player%} is true:
  158. open chest inventory with 1 row named "&a&lギルド管理メニュー" to player
  159. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to book named "&dギルドの状態を確認する" with lore "&e名前:&c%{}%" and "&eレベル:&c%{guild.level.%player%}%" and "&eメンバーの数:&c%size of {guild::%player%.member::*}%/%{guild.membercap.%player%}%" and "&eアップグレードまで:&c%{guild.moneybal.%player%}%/%{guild.needmoney.%player%}%"
  160. set slot 1 of player's current inventory to anvil named "&aギルドの名前を変更する" with lore "&e金床に名前を入力し、完成欄の金床をクリックしてください"
  161. set slot 2 of player's current inventory to diamond sword named "&cギルドのメンバーの管理" with lore "&eメンバーの状態の確認、脱会などが出来ます"
  162. set slot 3 of player's current inventory to enchanted book named "&eギルドスキルの変更" with lore "&c未実装"
  163. set slot 4 of player's current inventory to golden carrot named "&dギルドにプレイヤーを招待する" with lore "&eクリックした後、チャットに" and "&e招待したい人の名前を入力してください!" and "&e相手が承認すると、入会します"
  164. set slot 5 of player's current inventory to bed named "&eギルドのホーム地点を決める" with lore "&c未実装"
  165. set slot 8 of player's current inventory to redstone block named "&cギルドを削除する" with lore "&e自分の保有しているギルドを削除します"
  166. else if {guild.membername.%player%} is set:
  167. open chest inventory with 1 row named "&a&lギルドの情報" to player
  168. set slot 4 of player's current inventory to book named "&dギルドの状態を確認する" with lore "&eレベル:&c%{guild.level.%{guild.membername.%player%}%}%" and "&eメンバーの数:&c%size of {guild::%{guild.membername.%player%}%.member::*}%/%{guild.membercap.%{guild.membername.%player%}%}%" and "&eアップグレードまで:&c%{guild.moneybal.%{guild.membername.%player%}%}%/%{guild.needmoney.%{guild.membername.%player%}%}%"
  169. else:
  170. close player's inventory
  171. send "&d[GuildSystem]&e貴方はまだギルドに加入していません!"
  172. else if name of clicked inventory is "&a&lギルドの情報":
  173. cancel event
  174. else if name of clicked inventory is "&c&l本当にギルドを脱会しますか?":
  175. if event-item is lime dye named "&eもちろん!":
  176. delete {guild.%{guild.membername.%player%}%.member::%player%}
  177. delete {guild.membername.%player%}
  178. delete {guild.playerkill.%player%}
  179. close player's inventory
  180. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the player
  181. send "&d[GuildSystem]&eギルドを脱会しました!"
  182. else if event-item is grey dye named "&cやっぱりヤダ!":
  183. close player's inventory
  184. play sound "ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the player
  186. else if name of clicked inventory is "&a&lギルド管理メニュー":
  187. cancel event
  188. if event-item is anvil named "&aギルドの名前を変更する" with lore "&e金床に名前を入力し、完成欄の金床をクリックしてください":
  189. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_XYLOPHONE" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the player
  190. set {anvil.%player%} to true
  191. open anvil gui named "ギルドの名前の変更" with icon anvil text "ここに名前を入力してね!" to player
  192. else if event-item is redstone block named "&cギルドを削除する" with lore "&e自分の保有しているギルドを削除します":
  193. open chest inventory with 1 row named "&c&l本当にギルドを削除しますか?" to player
  194. set slot 2 of player's current inventory to lime dye named "&eもちろん!" with lore "&c削除した場合、ギルドに関するデーターをすべて消去します"
  195. set slot 6 of player's current inventory to grey dye named "&cやっぱりヤダ!"
  196. else if event-item is golden carrot named "&dギルドにプレイヤーを招待する" with lore "&eクリックした後、チャットに" and "&e招待したい人の名前を入力してください!" and "&e相手が承認すると、入会します":
  197. set {_b} to size of {guild.%player%.member::*}
  198. if {guild.membercap.%player%} <= {_b}:
  199. send "&d[GuildSystem]&eプレイヤー数が上限に達しています!(アップグレードで上限を増やすことができます!)"
  200. stop
  201. set {invite.%player%} to true
  202. close player's inventory
  203. send "&d[GuildSystem]&e招待する人の名前を入力してください!(オンライン状態じゃないと招待できません!)"
  204. else if event-item is diamond sword named "&cギルドのメンバーの管理" with lore "&eメンバーの状態の確認、脱会などが出来ます":
  205. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_XYLOPHONE" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the player
  206. open chest inventory with 6 row named "&a&lメンバー一覧" to player
  207. set {_a} to 0
  209. loop {guild.%player%.member::*}:
  210. set slot {_a} of player's current inventory to gold ingot named "&e%loop-index%"
  211. add 1 to {_a}
  212. else if event-item is enchanted book named "&eギルドスキルの変更":
  213. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_XYLOPHONE" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the player
  214. set {_a} to 0
  215. open chest inventory with 1 row named "&a&lギルドスキル一覧" to player
  216. loop 9 times:
  217. set slot {_a} of player's current inventory to gray wool named "&c未開放です・・・" with lore "&eギルドのレベルアップで解放されます!" with lore "&d必要レベル:&b%{_a}+1%"
  218. add 1 to {_a}
  219. else if name of clicked inventory is "&c&l本当にギルドを削除しますか?":
  220. cancel event
  221. if event-item is lime dye named "&eもちろん!" with lore "&c削除した場合、ギルドに関するデーターをすべて消去します":
  222. set {deleteguild.%player%} to true
  223. send "&d[GuildSystem]&e[最終確認]本当にギルドを削除しますか?yかnで答えてください(y=はい,n=いいえ)"
  224. close player's inventory
  225. else if event-item is gray dye named "&cやっぱりヤダ!":
  226. play sound "ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the player
  227. close player's inventory
  228. else if name of clicked inventory is "&a&lギルド一覧":
  229. cancel event
  230. else if name of clicked inventory is "&c&l本当にギルドを作成しますか?":
  231. cancel event
  232. if event-item is lime dye named "&eもちろん!":
  233. loop all players:
  234. play sound "ENTITY_WITHER_AMBIENT" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the loop-player
  235. remove 1000 from {money::%player%}
  236. set {guild::%player%} to true
  237. set {} to "%player%のギルド"
  238. set {guild.%player%.admin::%player%} to player
  239. set {guild.%player%.member::%player%} to player
  240. set {guild.gilname.%player%} to player
  241. set {guild.membername.%player%} to player
  242. set {guild.level.%player%} to 1
  243. set {guild.moneybal.%player%} to 0
  244. set {guild.needmoney.%player%} to 5000
  245. set {guild.membercap.%player%} to 3
  246. set {guild.kill::%player%} to 0
  247. set {guild.death.%player%} to 0
  248. set {guild.getmoney.%player%} to 1
  249. close player's inventory
  250. broadcast "&d[GuildSystem]&e%player%さんがギルドを作成しました!"
  252. else if event-item is gray dye named "&cやっぱりヤダ!":
  253. play sound "ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the player
  254. close player's inventory
  255. else if name of clicked inventory is "&a&l設定":
  256. cancel event
  257. if event-item is lime dye named "キルログ表示" with lore "&e現在&dON" and "&aON:キルログを表示" and "&bOFF:キルログを非表示":
  258. clear {setting.killlog::%player%}
  259. send "&a[Setting]&eキルログ表示を&dオフ&aにしました!"
  260. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the player
  261. close player's inventory
  262. else if event-item is grey dye named "キルログ表示" with lore "&e現在&dOFF" and "&aON:キルログを表示" and "&bOFF:キルログを非表示":
  263. set {setting.killlog::%player%} to player
  264. send "&a[Setting]&eキルログ表示を&bオン&aにしました!"
  265. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" with volume 0.8 and pitch 2 to the player
  266. close player's inventory
  268. else if name of clicked inventory is "&a&lランキング一覧":
  269. cancel event
  271. else if name of clicked inventory is "&a&lスキル変更":
  272. cancel event
  273. if event-item is not air:
  274. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the player
  275. if event-item is {hel1}:
  276. set {skill%player%} to 1
  277. send "&5[システム]&c&lスキルを&e新兵&c&lに変更しました"
  278. set the player's walk speed to 0.25
  279. set the max health of the player to 20
  280. set player's helmet to unbreakable {hel1}
  281. close player's inventory
  282. else if event-item is {hel2}:
  283. set {skill%player%} to 2
  284. send "&5[システム]&c&lスキルを&e鉄壁&c&lに変更しました"
  285. set the max health of the player to 24
  286. heal the player
  287. set the player's walk speed to 0.20
  288. set player's helmet to unbreakable {hel2}
  289. close player's inventory
  290. else if event-item is {hel3}:
  291. set {skill%player%} to 3
  292. send "&5[システム]&c&lスキルを&e忍者&c&lに変更しました"
  293. set the max health of the player to 20
  294. set the player's walk speed to 0.20
  295. set player's helmet to unbreakable {hel3}
  296. close player's inventory
  297. else if event-item is {hel4}:
  298. set {skill%player%} to 4
  299. send "&5[システム]&c&lスキルを&e職業軍人&c&lに変更しました"
  300. set the max health of the player to 20
  301. set the player's walk speed to 0.20
  302. set player's helmet to unbreakable {hel4}
  303. close player's inventory
  304. else if event-item is {hel5}:
  305. set {skill%player%} to 5
  306. send "&5[システム]&c&lスキルを&e衛生兵&c&lに変更しました"
  307. set the max health of the player to 20
  308. set the player's walk speed to 0.20
  309. set player's helmet to unbreakable {hel5}
  310. close player's inventory
  311. else if event-item is {hel6}:
  312. set {skill%player%} to 6
  313. send "&5[システム]&c&lスキルを&e狩人&c&lに変更しました"
  314. set the max health of the player to 20
  315. set the player's walk speed to 0.20
  316. set player's helmet to unbreakable {hel6}
  317. close player's inventory
  318. else if event-item is {hel7}:
  319. set {skill%player%} to 7
  320. send "&5[システム]&c&lスキルを&e豆腐&c&lに変更しました"
  321. set the max health of the player to 15
  322. set the player's walk speed to 0.20
  323. set player's helmet to unbreakable {hel7}
  324. close player's inventory
  325. else if event-item is {hel8}:
  326. set {skill%player%} to 8
  327. send "&5[システム]&c&lスキルを&e範馬勇次郎&c&lに変更しました"
  328. set the max health of the player to 17
  329. set the player's walk speed to 0.17
  330. set player's helmet to unbreakable {hel8}
  331. close player's inventory
  332. else if event-item is {hel9}:
  333. set {skill%player%} to 9
  334. send "&5[システム]&c&lスキルを&e賞金首&c&lに変更しました"
  335. set the max health of the player to 20
  336. set the player's walk speed to 0.20
  337. set player's helmet to unbreakable {hel9}
  338. loop all players:
  339. add 1 to {_a}
  340. if {_a} is 1:
  341. send "&a[賞金首システム]&eプレイヤーが他に存在しません!他にプレイヤーがいる時に再度このスキルを選択してください!"
  342. loop all players:
  343. loop-player is not event-player
  344. {fieldmenu.%loop-player%} is true
  345. set {_bounty::%loop-player%} to loop-player
  346. set {_boun} to a random element out of {_bounty::*}
  347. set {bounty.%player%::%{_boun}%} to {_boun}
  348. set {bounty::%player%} to {_boun}
  349. set {bounty.player.%player%} to player
  350. close player's inventory
  351. else if event-item is {hel10}:
  352. set {skill%player%} to 10
  353. send "&5[システム]&c&lスキルを&e高速兵&c&lに変更しました"
  354. set the max health of the player to 14
  355. set the player's walk speed to 0.29
  356. set player's helmet to unbreakable {hel10}
  357. close player's inventory
  358. else if event-item is {hel11}:
  359. set {skill%player%} to 11
  360. send "&5[システム]&c&lスキルを&eギャンブラー&c&lに変更しました"
  361. set the max health of the player to 20
  362. set the player's walk speed to 0.20
  363. set player's helmet to unbreakable {hel11}
  364. close player's inventory
  365. heal the player
  366. if {skill%player%} is not 9:
  367. delete {bounty::%player%}
  368. delete {bounty.player.%player%}
  370. else if name of clicked inventory is "&a&lアビリティ変更":
  371. cancel event
  372. if event-item is not air:
  373. play sound "entity.player.levelup" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the player
  374. loop {AbilityNumber} time:
  375. if event-item is {abi.%loop-number%}:
  376. set {abi.%player%} to loop-number
  377. send "&5[システム]&c&lアビリティを&e%{abilityname.%loop-number%}%&c&lに変更しました"
  378. close player's inventory
  379. set {abi.ct.%player%} to true
  380. on chat:
  381. if {invite.%player%} is true:
  382. set {_p} to message parsed as player
  383. cancel event
  384. if {recieve.%message%} is true or false:
  385. send "&d[GuildSystem]&e既に招待が送られている、または他の人から招待を受けています。時間をおいて再度お試しください。"
  386. delete {invite.%player%}
  387. stop
  388. if {guild.membername.%message%} is set:
  389. send "&d[GuildSystem]&e指定したプレイヤーはすでにギルドに加入しています!"
  390. delete {invite.%player%}
  391. stop
  392. set {_player} to true
  393. loop all players:
  394. if message is loop-player:
  395. set {_player} to false
  396. if {_player} is false:
  397. play sound "entity.cow.ambient" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to {_p}
  398. set {invitename.%{_p}%} to player
  399. send "&d[GuildSystem]&e%{_p}%に招待を送りました!"
  400. send "&d[GuildSystem]%{}%&bから招待が送られました!yかnを選択してください!y=承認,n=拒否" to {_p}
  401. play sound "entity.cow.ambient" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to {_p}
  402. delete {invite.%player%}
  403. set {recieve.%{_p}%} to true
  404. wait 12 second
  405. if {recieve.%{_p}%} is true:
  406. send "&d[GuildSystem]&e相手からの承認が得られませんでした(12秒以上経過)"
  407. send "&e12秒経過したので、招待を拒否しました・・・" to {_p}
  408. delete {recieve.%{_p}%}
  409. else:
  410. set {_once} to false
  411. send "&d[GuildSystem]&eプレイヤーが存在しません!名前をご確認ください・・・"
  412. delete {invite.%player%}
  413. else if {recieve.%player%} is true:
  414. if message is "y" or "yes":
  415. send "&d[GuildSystem]&e招待を承認しました!"
  416. play sound "entity.firework.twinkle" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to the player
  417. set {guild.%{invitename.%player%}%.member::%player%} to player
  418. set {guild.membername.%player%} to {invitename.%player%}
  419. send "&d[GuildSystem]&e%player%さんが承認しました!" to {invitename.%player%}
  420. delete {invitename.%{_p}%}
  421. delete {recieve.%player%}
  422. else if message is "n" or "no":
  423. send "&d[GuildSystem]&e招待を拒否しました・・・"
  424. delete {recieve.%player%}
  425. send "&d[GuildSystem]&e%player%さんが招待を拒否しました・・・" to {invitename.%player%}
  426. play sound "entity.cow.ambient" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to the player
  427. else:
  428. send "&d[GuildSystem]&eyかnでの入力をお願いします!(y=承認,n=拒否)"
  429. play sound "item.flintandsteel.use" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to the player
  430. delete {invitename.%player%}
  431. cancel event
  432. else if {deleteguild.%player%} is true:
  433. if message is "y" or "yes":
  434. delete {guild::%player%}
  435. delete {guild.owner.%player%}
  436. loop {guild.%player%.member::*}:
  437. delete {guild.%player%.member::%loop-index%}
  438. delete {guild.membername.%loop-index%}
  439. delete {guild.playerkill.%loop-index%}
  440. loop {guild.%player%.admin::*}:
  441. delete {guild.%player%.admin::%loop-index%}
  442. delete {guild.level.%player%}
  443. delete {guild.moneybal.%player%}
  444. delete {guild.needmoney.%player%}
  445. delete {guild.membercap.%player%}
  446. delete {guild.kill::%player%}
  447. delete {guild.death.%player%}
  448. delete {guild.getmoney.%player%}
  449. send "&d[GuildSystem]&eギルドの削除が完了しました!"
  450. play sound "entity.firework.twinkle" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to the player
  451. delete {deleteguild.%player%}
  452. cancel event
  453. else if message is "n" or "no":
  454. send "&d[GuildSystem]&eギルドの削除をやめました・・・"
  455. play sound "entity.cow.ambient" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to the player
  456. delete {deleteguild.%player%}
  457. cancel event
  458. else:
  459. send "&d[GuildSystem]&eyかnでの入力をお願いします!(y=はい,n=いいえ)"
  460. play sound "item.flintandsteel.use" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to the player
  462. on anvil gui done:
  463. {anvil.%player%} is true
  464. loop {guild::*}:
  465. if event-string == {}:
  466. send "&d[GuildSystem]&eギルドの名前は既にほかのギルドに使われています!"
  467. delete {anvil.%player%}
  468. stop
  469. if length of event-string > 3:
  470. if length of event-string < 12:
  471. set {} to "%event-string%"
  472. send "&d[GuildSystem]&eギルドの名前を&b%event-string%&eに変更しました!"
  473. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the player
  474. else:
  475. send "&d[GuildSystem]&e12文字より短くしてください!"
  476. play sound "ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the player
  477. else:
  478. send "&d[GuildSystem]&e3文字より多くしてください!"
  479. play sound "ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the player
  480. delete {anvil.%player%}
  483. on damage:
  484. wait 0 tick
  485. damage was caused by poison
  486. set victim's no damage tick to 0
  488. every tick:
  489. loop {bounty::*}:
  490. make loop-value glow for {bounty.player.%loop-index%}
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