
Second Darkness Postgame: Session 119

Feb 20th, 2014
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  1. [15:33] <Kjell> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:33] <Kjell> ~~~Postgame~~~
  3. [15:34] <Kjell> \Kjell and Kahree/
  4. [15:36] <Kjell> After Separating from Kilarra and Aluthyra, at Kjell's request, their first destination was the Cypherlodge, where Samaritha Beldusk, Kjell's old flame, resides. He wished to see if that relationship could be rekindled.
  5. [15:36] <Kjell> -Session 119-
  6. [15:40] <Kjell> Rather than paying a ferryman, Kjell takes advantage of magical convenience and simply dimension doors himself and Kahree over the river to the Cypherlodge.
  7. [15:41] * Kjell looks to Kahree, "Well, here goes nothing."
  8. [15:43] <Kahree> Kahree nods, motioning for Kjell to continue. Not that she's rushing him, but it's clear that she doesn't want to wait long.
  9. [15:44] * Kjell nods and enters the Cypherlodge. He approaches the main counter, where a disinterested looking apprentice goes over some boring looking scrolls. He looks up as Kjell approaches, "How can I help you sir?" He asks in a bored drawl.
  10. [15:45] * Kjell nods, "I would like to see miss Samaritha Beldusk please."
  11. [15:45] * Kahree crosses her arms, behind Kjell. "Want me to come with?"
  12. [15:46] <Kjell> The apprentice looks up, past Kjell to Kahree for a moment as she enters, then looks over another sheaf of parchment. "She actually just got back. One moment." He stands up and heads deeper into the lodge.
  13. [15:46] * Kjell looks to Kahree, thankful for her company
  14. [15:49] <Kjell> The apprentice returns after a couple minutes and sits back at the desk. Shortly thereafter, Samaritha Beldusk, the Varisian Half-elf steps out. She blinks as she sees Kjell, looking surprised. However, a smile crosses her lips as it becomes apparent it's a pleased surprise. "Kjell. Welcome back."
  15. [15:49] * Kjell smiles, "Hello Miss Beldusk. I hope the past couple months have treated you well."
  16. [15:51] <Kjell> Samaritha nods, "Quite well. I've learned quite a lot during my time with the Cyphermages. Except..." She pauses a moment, then smiles again, "Would you like to go somewhere and talk? I suspect we have a bit of catching up to do."
  17. [15:51] * Kjell blinks, looking a bit surprised. "Well, I do not mind. I am glad to hear you're doing well though." He begins to lead Sam and Kahree out of the Cypherlodge
  18. [15:51] <Kjell> The bored apprentice goes back to his paperwork
  19. [15:52] * Kahree snickers at Kjell. Seems to be going fairly well.
  20. [15:53] <Kjell> As they leave the Cypherlodge, Samaritha takes Kjell's hand, "I'm glad you're back and in one piece. Given what you told me about where you'd be going, I worried you might meet some unfortunate end."
  21. [15:54] * Kjell nods, giving Samaritha the short version of their exploits over the past three months. "There were some close calls, but ultimately we all made it through alive, and averted catastrophe."
  22. [15:55] * Kjell has been vaguely meandering in the direction of the Golden Goblin while they walked and talked
  23. [15:56] <Kjell> Samaritha nods, looking to Kahree, "We haven't been properly acquainted, but thank you for the part you played. Both in helping Kjell and in saying the Elven homeland. My mother still lives there somewhere, as it happens."
  24. [15:57] * Kahree chuckles and shrugs. "It's what we do-- apparently." She smiles. "Long stretch from trying to take their gold."
  25. [15:58] <Kjell> Samaritha chuckles, "Indeed. So what do you plan to do now?"
  26. [15:59] * Kjell looks to Kahree. That was really more her call on whether to share or not.
  27. [16:00] * Kahree nods. "Well... we're going to Qadira to find an old friend of mine-- a slave." She frowns. "We thought that we'd try to liberate more of the slaves there too... but we'd need help to do so."
  28. [16:01] <Kjell> Samaritha blinks. "Wow. You guys are... well, admirable doesn't seem to quite cut it." She rubs one of her arms, "Admittedly, I've felt a little iffy about how things have been going around here lately."
  29. [16:01] * Kahree raises an eyebrow.
  30. [16:02] * Kjell blinks, "How so?"
  31. [16:03] <Kjell> Smaritha nods, "Well, when Clegg Zincher disappeared a couple months ago, the power in the city began to fluctuate. Avery Slegg lost a lot of assets when his expedition to Devil's Elbow never returned as well, and Gaston Chromarchy has been looking weaker and weaker in the public eye. The leader of the Cyphermages, Elias Tammerhawk, has his sights on the position of Overlord."
  32. [16:05] <Kjell> Samaritha shakes her head, "As much as the Cyphermages are respectable overall, Elias ambitions seem to be... rather dangerous. Should he attempt a takeover, likely a hostile one, I don't really want to end up drafted into the conflict. I came to the Cyphermages to learn, not to be a weapon."
  33. [16:07] * Kjell nods, "That is unfortunate. I knew the politics here were volatile, but I preferred not to get involved in their squabbles."
  34. [16:09] * Kjell looks to Kahree, "Perhaps she could join us? Get away from the volatile situation here and participate in something decidedly more noble."
  35. [16:12] * Kahree smiles. "Yeah, I wouldn't mind." She offers her hand to Samaritha, "If you want to, the more, the merrier."
  36. [16:13] <Kjell> Samaritha looks to Kahree, "Really? Well, if you'll have me. It certainly sounds like a noble cause." She shakes the hand firmly. "As well," she looks to Kjell, "it would prevent us from having to separate again while you take care of important matters."
  37. [16:14] * Kahree withdraws her hand and nods, giving Kjell a wink. "I'm sure he'll like that."
  38. [16:15] * Kjell actually gains a touch of red in his cheeks. "Anyways, we were on our way back to the Gold Goblin. We were hoping to stay there while we figured out how best to pursue our goal."
  39. [16:15] <Kjell> Samaritha smiles, "Ah, that takes me back. It will be nice to see Daroskt and Katarina again."
  40. [16:17] * Kjell nods and leads on, bringing the party back to the Gold Goblin after a bit more walking and talking
  41. [16:19] <Kjell> Kjell, Kahree and Samaritha find the Gold Goblin to be quite bustling and nearly every playing table is full up. A pair of bouncers approach the trio, but before they can say anything, a familiar gruff voice calls out, "Let them through Anton, they're old friends."
  42. [16:20] <Kjell> The voice comes from Daroskt, who is standing over near the bar. He waves the three of them over.
  43. [16:20] <Kahree> Kahree grins, looking over the tables and games as she approaches by Kjell's side. She has plenty of money to spend too...
  44. [16:21] <Kjell> Kjell smiles at Daroskt, "Long time no see my friend. It seems you are doing well for yourself."
  45. [16:21] <Kjell> Daroskt nods, "Pretty well. Zincher's arrest and removal from the picture freed up a lot of patrons, so we ended up getting a lot of new business in the time since."
  46. [16:22] <Kjell> Samaritha smiles at Daroskt, "What about Katarina? Is she still here as well?"
  47. [16:23] <Kjell> Daroskt nods, "Yes actually. She's probably picking up Grimby from his tutor. She'll be back shortly."
  48. [16:25] * Kahree finally looks back to Daroskt after looking over all of the different gambling games. "Grimby?" she asks. "Kjell's talked about you two, but I've never heard that name."
  49. [16:26] <Kjell> Daroskt takes his turn to gain a smidgen of blush, "Katarina and I adopted a son. He's six."
  50. [16:26] <Kjell> Kjell cuffs Daroskt on the back, "Good on you man."
  51. [16:26] * Kahree nods and smiles.
  52. [16:27] <Kjell> Daroskt nods, "What about you? How have you been faring?"
  53. [16:27] <Kjell> Kjell chuckles, "Well enough, but it's a long story."
  54. [16:28] <Kjell> Daroskt nods, "Well, why don't I treat you to a drink while we wait for Katarina, then you can tell us all about it."
  55. [16:29] <Kjell> Daroskt has the barmaid give each of them a glass of their beverage of choice.
  56. [16:31] <Kahree> Kahree is served a glass of white wine. She takes a sip every once-in-a-while as she lets Kjell take the lead to tell the story once more.
  57. [16:32] <Kjell> Daroskt seems rather impressed at how much the scope of events grew beyond what he and Katarina had been privvy to. It was a rather remarkable scale up.
  58. [16:35] <Kjell> After Kjell finishes the shorthand tale, the front door opens again. This time, Katarina is the one admitted. Holding her hand on the left side is a human child of six years. He seems content to stick very close to Katarina as she leads him through the crowd to the bar counter. "Hello dear," she addresses Daroskt, then smiles when she sees the others. "Welcome! How have you been?"
  59. [16:35] <Kjell> Daroskt gives the child a pat on the head, then gestures to Samaritha, Kjell and Kahree. "These are old friends of daddy. They were just telling me about what they've been doing."
  60. [16:36] <Kahree> "Pretty good," Kahree replies, taking another sip of her wine.
  61. [16:36] <Kjell> Grimby smiles, "Like, adventures and stuff?" He slips out from Katarina's side and looks them over. He seems fixaed on Kahree for a moment. "Your hair is really cool."
  62. [16:36] <Kjell> Katarina smiles, "I was wondering when we might see you again," she says to Kjell and Samaritha. "Perhaps we should get away from the crowd and really catch up."
  63. [16:37] <Kahree> Kahree smirks, looking to the child. "Thanks. And yes, adventures. Like, slaying dragons and evil."
  64. [16:37] <Kjell> Grimby smiles, "Cool!"
  65. [16:37] <Kjell> Kjell nods, "Indeed. We have quite a bit to discuss."
  66. [16:38] <Kjell> Daroskt nods and leads the group up to a study on the second floor, formerly Saul's. He takes an armchair by the fire and allows everyone to get comfortable. Katarina joins them with a bottle of wine and pours a glass for each of them.
  67. [16:41] * Kahree takes a seat and nods her head in thanks to Katarina; Kahree now having a newly-filled wine glass.
  68. [16:41] * Kjell goes through the story in much greater detail this time.
  69. [16:42] <Kjell> Katarina and Daroskt nod along with the tale, looking impressed. Grimby looks ecstatic as he hears of their exploits, occasionally commenting on parts he finds particularly riveting.
  70. [16:43] <Kjell> When Kjell concludes, Grimby is beaming; "So you literally saved the world? Or, a whole country anyways. That's awesome!"
  71. [16:44] <Kahree> Kahree adopts a smug grin. Flattery is always welcome.
  72. [16:45] <Kjell> Katarina attempts to calm Grimby down a bit while Daroskt asks: "What were you planning to do now that it's all over? Take up that job offer from the Elf Queen?"
  73. [16:47] * Kahree shakes her head. "No. We're planning on going to Qadira to find an old friend of mine."
  74. [16:48] <Kjell> Daroskt raises an eyebrow, "Oh? That's a long way to go."
  75. [16:51] <Kjell> Katarina nods, "He must be a rather important friend for you to take such a trip."
  76. [16:51] * Kahree nods. "Yeah."
  77. [16:52] * Kjell leans over to Kahree, whispering: "Were you not going to tell them your friend's circumstances? They might be willing to help."
  78. [16:53] * Kahree thinks for a moment then nods. "Yeah... if it weren't for him, I wouldn't have escaped. He's a slave." She frowns. "I'm hoping to save him... and other slaves too."
  79. [16:54] <Kjell> Katarina gasps. "Goodness. I'm so sorry dear, I had no idea."
  80. [16:55] <Kjell> Daroskt nods grimly, "An unfortunate life for anyone to lead. If it can be called a life at all."
  81. [16:59] * Kahree shrugs. "Right... Kjell thought you might be able to help."
  82. [17:00] * Kjell nods, "I jumped at the opportunity to help some poor captive souls, but yes, we have a lot of planning to do if we're going to make it work."
  83. [17:01] <Kjell> Daroskt looks to Katarina and Grimby, "I might have jumped at the opportunity as well, but well... now we have a son to look after, and we have to maintain the Gold Goblin so we can provide for him."
  84. [17:03] * Kahree nods. "Sure. That's what I figured."
  85. [17:04] <Kjell> Grimby looks to Kahree, "But you saved the world already. How hard would it be to rescue a few people?"
  86. [17:05] <Kahree> Kahree frowns. "We'll see... the Qadirans aren't anything to laugh about. They're pretty strong too."
  87. [17:06] <Kjell> Daroskt looks to Grimby, "And saving people is a lot different from slaying monsters and bad guys. When you save people, you have to be able to make sure they're safe and have somewhere to go."
  88. [17:07] * Kjell nods in agreement, "They need a safe place to go to, and supplies to keep them looked after. If they're slaves, they won't have any of that."
  89. [17:07] <Kjell> Grimby looks to Kahree, "Can't you take some stuff from the bad guys while you rescue the slaves? I mean, it's not stealing if they're evil, right?"
  90. [17:07] * Kjell snickers a bit at Grimby.
  91. [17:07] * Kahree chuckles. "We'll see. Easier said then done, but yeah."
  92. [17:09] <Kjell> Samaritha chimes in, "As for a safe place to stay..." She loosk to Kahree, "You are from this nation, yes? Do you know of any cities therein that might be sympathetic to the plight?"
  93. [17:10] * Kahree frowns and shakes her head. "Not that I know of."
  94. [17:11] <Kjell> Samaritha nods, "That is unfortunate. How did you plan on getting the slaves away once you had freed them from their bonds?"
  95. [17:12] * Kahree sighs. "Not sure... we still need to figure that out. Although," she looks through her haversack, taking out her lyre of building. "this can be used to raise buildings, so if we find the land, we can make the town or city."
  96. [17:16] <Kjell> Samaritha nods, "That's... not a bad idea actually. If you can't find a solution, make one. However... establishing a settlement is no easy task. How many were you planning to support?"
  97. [17:17] * Kahree frowns and shrugs. "Not sure... I don't think the lyre has limits, and I hadn't thought that far."
  98. [17:18] * Kjell looks to Kahree, "Then perhaps we should take this opportunity to think farther ahead. We can take a week to get a better grasp of our plan and what we'll need to fulfil it."
  99. [17:19] <Kjell> Daroskt speaks up, "While we cannot go with you, we could perhaps arrange some of our spare finances. As a loan if nothing else." He smirks, "I could promise good terms if you needed."
  100. [17:19] * Kahree nods. "Alright. And that'll give me time to practice with this thing." She gestures to the lyre. "I imagine I'll need to learn how to play it for it to work."
  101. [17:19] <Kjell> Katarina chuckles, "Or you could try to win some of what you need downstairs, but that would be a touch riskier."
  102. [17:21] * Kahree looks to Daroskt. "A loan would probably work. How much would you be willing to lend?"
  103. [17:22] * Kjell notes to Kahree, "It would also give us a chance to unwind a bit, maybe read those tomes Queen Telandia gifted us with."
  104. [17:22] <Kjell> Daroskt points to Katarina, "She has a better head for numbers than I do."
  105. [17:23] <Kjell> Katarina nods, "I'll look into it, see what we can spare. Some of our wealthier patrons might be interested in sponsoring a new settlement as well, although I suppose part of that will depend on how it's phrased to them. I shall see what we can do for you."
  106. [17:24] * Kahree smiles and nods. "Thank you."
  107. [17:26] <Kjell> Daroskt looks to Samaritha, "Were you planning on going with them?"
  108. [17:27] <Kjell> Samaritha nods, "Yes. The Cyphermages' leader is getting a bit too ambitious for my tastes at the moment."
  109. [17:27] <Kjell> Katarina nods, "We've tried to stay under the radar during the political tension. Saul used to be one of the City's crimelords, but we've tried to just run our business honestly without the need for that kind of position."
  110. [17:29] * Kjell nods, "Well, all the best to you. Do you have any rooms available?"
  111. [17:30] <Kjell> Daroskt nods, "We do. Do you need two or three?"
  112. [17:30] * Kjell looks to Samaritha, wondering how she felt.
  113. [17:30] <Kjell> Samaritha blushes just a bit and nods, "I will be staying with Kjell, yes. We have a fair bit of our own catching up to do."
  114. [17:30] * Kahree smirks.
  115. [17:30] * Kjell smiles warmly, glad to still have Samaritha's affections.
  116. [17:36] <Kjell> Kjell and Kahree have a nice, relaxing week. Samaritha takes the opportunity to prepare herself for departure form the cyphermages, while also getting some maps and charts to help determine a good place for them to settle.
  117. [17:36] * Kjell spends the week reading his tome from the Emerald Library, exchanging a few spells with Samaritha, and making up for lost time in his courting of her.
  118. [17:37] * Kahree spends her week learning to play the lyre, as well as reading up on her tome.
  119. [17:43] <Kjell> After the week passes, Samaritha calls them all together to share what she's found, and hopefully to hear good news from Katarina and Daroskt's search for sponsorship
  120. [17:45] <Kjell> Samaritha spreads out a map of the inner sea region on the table in Daroskt's den, "So, Qadira is here." She points to it. "Which city was it that your friend was in Kahree? Do you know exactly?""
  121. [17:47] <Kahree> Kahree frowns and concentrates, wishing to know that... using her wish that Haiten Bhaq granted her.
  122. [17:52] <Kjell> As Kahree looks on, a small pool of clouds seems to materialize in front of her, a shimmering window opening up amidst them. The window shows her a bald, well muscled but badly scarred Oread man. Broad in the shoulder, but standing less than five feet tall, he is currently sitting with his legs crossed in meditation.
  123. [17:53] <Kjell> His skin is a flat, slate grey, and his eyes look like a pair of amethyst gemstones, except that the left one is cracked, lining up with a scar over that eye.
  124. [17:54] <Kjell> As Kahree watches, the oread opens his good eye, then glances over his shoulder, as though feeling like he was being observed. He stands and looks around. His current residence, if it could be called that, looked like an unused Stable, and he was sharing it with half a dozen others, all of them human.
  125. [17:56] <Kjell> Viraj stands and walks over to a barred window, coming up just short of it by a heavy iron ball chained to one leg. He looks out the window, and Kahree can see some sights she recognizes as being in Sedeq.
  126. [17:57] * Kahree nods. "Yes... in Sedeq."
  127. [18:01] <Kjell> As Kahree watches the scene for a few more minutes, Viraj's sight seems to draw her attention to a nearby building that looks like a small palace. It's entrance was adorned by a pair of huge bronze statues, both in the shape of Efreeti Genies, one male, one female, with massive Falchions held overhead.
  128. [18:05] <Kjell> After observing the particular landmark, Viraj seems content to go back to meditating
  129. [18:08] * Kahree nods. "I think I know where in Sedeq too."
  130. [18:09] <Kjell> Samaritha nods and puts a little mark on the map next to Sedeq. "Well, it's a bit of distance to cover, so there might be a bit of adlibbing required when you get there, but take a look at this." She directs Kahree to a landmass south of the Peninsula separated from the mainland by a narrow strait. "This land, while nearby, is technically not a part of the country. To my knowledge, it is not currently claimed by any nation."
  131. [18:09] <Kjell> Samaritha notes, "Of course, that is likely because there is little there of value. At the very least though, it would be easy enough to filter and draw water from the ocean for irrigation."
  132. [18:10] * Kahree smiles. "Then that will work."
  133. [18:13] <Kjell> Daroskt nods, "We have some funds we can lend you, and as well, have made an arrangement with a shipwright. He and his crew will take you there, and act as workers to help build this new 'trading post'. Although the amount of supplies you'd need..."
  134. [18:14] * Kjell smiles, "We could contact Queen Telandia. She had teleporting traders making trips to Celwynvian once every month. She would almost certainly be cooperative."
  135. [18:15] <Kjell> Katarina nods, "With a country so richly forested, I'm sure surplus lumber would be readily available for export."
  136. [18:15] <Kjell> Samaritha smiles, "And it's easy enough to make stone from sand with magic."
  137. [18:16] <Kjell> Daroskt nods, "All told, that should be enough to get your feet under you for this settlment project, but after that you'll have to find your own way to keep it running."
  138. [18:17] * Kahree smiles and nods. "Of course. Thank you for that."
  139. [18:18] * Kjell nods, then looks to Kahree, "We should pay a visit to the Silken Veil. Kilarra would probably be willing to contact Telandia on our behalf. Plus it would help to have her know what we're getting up to."
  140. [18:19] <Kjell> Samaritha looks to Katarina and Daroskt, "Perhaps I should meet this shipwright of yours, and finalize the arrangements while they take care of that."
  141. [18:21] * Kahree nods. "So, while you do that, Kjell and I shall go see Kilarra and Aluthyra at the Veil?"
  142. [18:21] <Kjell> Samaritha nods. "Then we can meet back here tonight and exchange information. Then it jsut comes down to making sure everything is in order for our departure."
  143. [18:21] * Kjell nods and extends a hand to Kahree, "Let's take a shortcut."
  144. [18:23] * Kahree nods, taking Kjell's hand.
  145. [18:24] * Kjell teleports the two of them to just outside the Veil
  146. [18:24] <Kjell> Upon their arrival, Kjell and Kahree see Lavender Lil coming down the steps, looking a bit perplexed. She's carrying a small shopping basket.
  147. [18:26] * Kahree nods her head to Lil, not exchanging pleasantries, as they'd never met before! Kahree looks to go past and into the Veil if not stopped.
  148. [18:28] <Kjell> Lavender Lil stops and looks at Kahree, "Wait a sec. Weren't you one of Kilarra's friends?" She looks at Kjell as well. "And you were with her when she busted Zincher, yeah?"
  149. [18:28] * Kahree nods, stopping.
  150. [18:28] * Kjell blinks for a moment, then nods, "I was, yes. I think I remember seeing you before, but we were never properly introduced."
  151. [18:30] <Kjell> Lil nods, "Name's Lil. Lavender Lil they call me as well. If you were coming to see Kilarra, you might be waiting a bit. She and Aluthyra looked like they were going to be spending some 'quality' time together."
  152. [18:31] * Kahree rolls her eyes. "Alright. How long you think they'll be?"
  153. [18:36] <Kjell> Lil shrugs, "At least an hour probably. Tell me though, are the four of you planning any more expeditions? After hearing what you got up to, i have to say I feel like I've been squandering my free time."
  154. [18:37] * Kahree nods. "Well, probably not all four of us... I know they were planning on taking up Queen Telandia's offer. Probably just Kjell and I."
  155. [18:38] <Kjell> Lil nods, "Where are you headed?"
  156. [18:39] * Kahree thinks for a moment, not sure she'd like to tell everyone she meets. She purses her lips, then shrugs. "Qadira... looking for a friend of mine."
  157. [18:40] <Kjell> Lil nods, "Sounds exotic. Mind bringing along an extra passenger? I'm getting kinda tired of this city, especially with Kilarra one-upping me for dinner table stories."
  158. [18:41] * Kahree looks to Kjell, not sure whether or not Lil is to be trusted with this kind of... project.
  159. [18:42] * Kjell shakes his head, "We'll think about it." They could ask Kilarra about the kind of Person Lil was when they met with her.
  160. [18:42] <Kjell> Lil shrugs, "Suit yourself. I have some shopping to do." She makes her way off to the marketplace.
  161. [18:42] <Kjell> -End Session-
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