
perfect universe part 1

Jan 22nd, 2015
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  1. gushing_granny: a shitty anime nerd finds a pitch black metal stone one day in a park sitting in a tree. He is intrigued by it and takes it to a scientist to see if it is a meteorite he can describe
  2. [6:02 AM] ayy: hmm, what time period is this set in?
  3. [6:02 AM] gushing_granny: slight future
  4. [6:02 AM] gushing_granny: 2030 at most
  5. [6:03 AM] gushing_granny: eh
  6. [6:03 AM] gushing_granny: couldnt think of anything else
  7. [6:03 AM] gushing_granny: anyway
  8. [6:04 AM] ayy1 changed nickname to ayy
  9. [6:05 AM] gushing_granny: While he is walking to the shop he notices that the black stone is vibrating in his pocket, he pulls it out and realises that his phone doesnt work any more
  10. [6:05 AM] gushing_granny: "damn, must be some stupid magnet"
  11. [6:06 AM] ayy: hmm
  12. [6:06 AM] gushing_granny: he decides to take it to the scientist anyway, but when he approaches the scientist in lab, all of the electrical equipment starts shaking violently
  13. [6:06 AM] gushing_granny: *around him
  14. [6:08 AM] gushing_granny: confused by whats going on, he takes the stone out of his pocket, but notices its shape and composition has changed from a spherical rock to a soft, putty like substance
  15. [6:09 AM] gushing_granny: the scientist is visibly disturbed by this and asks, are you doing this? to the boy
  16. [6:10 AM] gushing_granny: the soft putty like substance begins latching into his skin and feels tingly and warm to the touch
  17. [6:11 AM] gushing_granny: as this happens, a sizable bolt of electricity arcs from a random electrical appliance to the black putty, and the shock makes dan black out
  18. [6:12 AM] gushing_granny: fastforward a bit, dan is in the hospital
  19. [6:13 AM] gushing_granny: his 2 friends come by to check on him, followed by his big sister after a little while, she scolds him for mucking around in exposed electrical equipment, which confused dan
  20. [6:15 AM] gushing_granny: dan is reflecting on his life and the events which recently happened, when he gets notified by the touchpad on his bed that he has a visitor
  21. [6:15 AM] gushing_granny: it turns out that its the scientist
  22. [6:15 AM] gushing_granny: the scientist walks in and sits down
  23. [6:16 AM] gushing_granny: the first think he says "you know i couldnt tell the police what had happened, right?"
  24. [6:16 AM] gushing_granny: dan, dejected and confused, nods his head slowly
  25. [6:18 AM] gushing_granny: "i mean, they would think i was crazy! some boy coming into my lab and electrocutes him self without even touching my equipment"
  26. [6:18 AM] gushing_granny: dan is still speechless, daunted by the mans words
  27. [6:19 AM] gushing_granny: "look dan, ive known you for a long time, and i know you like to tinker with technology"
  28. [6:19 AM] gushing_granny: dan looks up
  29. [6:19 AM] gushing_granny: "i wont tell anybody, what the hell was that black ball?"
  30. [6:20 AM] gushing_granny: dan furrowed his eyebrows and clutched his hand to his face
  31. [6:20 AM] gushing_granny: "i dont know"
  32. [6:20 AM] gushing_granny: dan paused, trying to form his thoughs
  33. [6:20 AM] gushing_granny: *thoughts
  34. [6:20 AM] gushing_granny: d-do you know where it is?
  35. [6:21 AM] gushing_granny: the scientist motioned to his jacket pocket
  36. [6:22 AM] gushing_granny: "right here, kid."
  37. [6:23 AM] gushing_granny: he produces a small black box with yellow markings running up and down each side of it
  38. [6:23 AM] gushing_granny: "Wait a second, isnt that-"
  39. [6:24 AM] gushing_granny: "you're a smart kid arent you? that box is embedded in a material that suppresses high fidelity electromagnetic pulses"
  40. [6:25 AM] gushing_granny: he passes the box towards dan
  41. [6:26 AM] gushing_granny: "now, you're going to do something for me, do you understand?"
  42. [6:26 AM] gushing_granny: dan nods
  43. [6:27 AM] gushing_granny: "that stone, dangerous. you are going to take it back to where it belongs, hide it, bury it, destroy it, do anything thing you can to make sure it doesnt fall into the wrong hands
  44. [6:28 AM] gushing_granny: (heh, i like foreshadowing)
  45. [6:28 AM] ayy: lel
  46. [6:29 AM] gushing_granny: dan clutches the box in his hand, mulling over the words the scientist just told him in his head
  47. [6:30 AM] gushing_granny: "dangerous...? i want to find out more about it, not just bury it would be a waste? what the hell even is this thing?!"
  48. [6:30 AM] gushing_granny: dan looks up to the scientist "i understand."
  49. [6:31 AM] gushing_granny: "but....the thing is.....i found it in a tree"
  50. [6:32 AM] gushing_granny: the scientist facepalms
  51. [6:32 AM] gushing_granny: "just get rid of the damn thing, dont be a smart ass"
  52. [6:33 AM] gushing_granny: the black smith gets up and walks towards the door "more trouble than its worth.....damn thing nearly wrecked all the shit in my lab"
  53. [6:33 AM] gushing_granny: "well, see ya dan."
  54. [6:33 AM] gushing_granny: "see ya."
  55. [6:34 AM] ayy: So far, this is pretty awesome, id probably read it if it was a comic.
  56. [6:34 AM] gushing_granny: the scientist leaves
  57. [6:34 AM] gushing_granny: ty
  58. [6:34 AM] gushing_granny: you know
  59. [6:34 AM] gushing_granny: this wasnt even the beginning
  60. [6:34 AM] gushing_granny: i started a bit further than this
  61. [6:34 AM] gushing_granny: but i knew i would have to have a further back story
  62. [6:34 AM] gushing_granny: anyway
  63. [6:35 AM] gushing_granny: fast forward about a week
  64. [6:35 AM] gushing_granny: dan is out of the hospital, feeling better than ever
  65. [6:36 AM] gushing_granny: probably the best hes ever felt in his entire life
  66. [6:36 AM] gushing_granny: he didnt feel weird
  67. [6:36 AM] gushing_granny: or different
  68. [6:36 AM] gushing_granny: he just felt
  69. [6:36 AM] gushing_granny: good
  70. [6:36 AM] gushing_granny: he held his head up more as he walked to school
  71. [6:36 AM] gushing_granny: even though he knew his life was boring and shitty
  72. [6:37 AM] gushing_granny: for some reason, after that incident
  73. [6:37 AM] gushing_granny: he didnt care
  74. [6:37 AM] gushing_granny: obviously he didnt get rid of the stone
  75. [6:37 AM] gushing_granny: shit was too cool not to check out
  76. [6:37 AM] gushing_granny: i mean, what if he got some awesome mega cool super powers from it?
  77. [6:38 AM] gushing_granny: that would be cool as hell
  78. [6:39 AM] gushing_granny: some crazy ass electricity powers, like storm, or doctor doom
  79. [6:39 AM] gushing_granny: fuck yeah
  80. [6:39 AM] gushing_granny: dan thought to him self as he sat down in home room
  81. [6:39 AM] gushing_granny: pause
  82. [6:39 AM] gushing_granny: i suck shit at dialogue
  83. [6:40 AM] gushing_granny: cant believe i did dan talking to the scientist as well as i did
  84. [6:40 AM] gushing_granny: i was about to introduce his friends
  85. [6:40 AM] gushing_granny: but i dont know what their names are or their personalities or what to make them say
  86. [6:40 AM] ayy: yeah, that's not my strong suit either
  87. [6:41 AM] gushing_granny: so......skipping this shit
  88. [6:41 AM] ayy: probably why i avoided the concept of friends
  89. [6:41 AM] gushing_granny: .....
  90. [6:41 AM] gushing_granny: yeahhhh
  91. [6:41 AM] gushing_granny: the thing is, meeting people and interacting with them is going to be important
  92. [6:41 AM] gushing_granny: eh, ill worry about it later
  93. [6:42 AM] gushing_granny: anyway, after that shit, class starts
  94. [6:43 AM] gushing_granny: it was the same redundant crap they learned last week, so dan started to doze off
  95. [6:43 AM] gushing_granny: all of the sudden, he feels something sharp hit him in the back of the neck
  96. [6:43 AM] gushing_granny: "BULLSEYE"
  97. [6:44 AM] gushing_granny: see, dan got bullied
  98. [6:44 AM] gushing_granny: dan got bullied so much, it wasnt even an obstacle anymore
  99. [6:44 AM] gushing_granny: it was more like a state of being
  100. [6:45 AM] gushing_granny: dan reached around the back of his neck and felt the stinging warmth of blood
  101. [6:46 AM] gushing_granny: "filed that one down extra narrow for you, faggot~"
  102. [6:47 AM] gushing_granny: you see, heres the point where dan would have gave the bully an angry look, asked the teacher to move to the other side of class (again), and keep a book covering his head for the rest of the period
  103. [6:47 AM] gushing_granny: usually.
  104. [6:48 AM] gushing_granny: but, after the incident with the black stone, dan felt.....better about this
  105. [6:49 AM] gushing_granny: he knew he couldnt take on this bully, this jacked, muscle-bound prick under any circumstances
  106. [6:49 AM] gushing_granny: but today
  107. [6:49 AM] gushing_granny: this one day
  108. [6:49 AM] gushing_granny: he didnt give a shit
  109. [6:49 AM] gushing_granny: he had had enough
  110. [6:50 AM] gushing_granny: dan got up abruptly from his chair
  111. [6:50 AM] gushing_granny: "you fucking prick, apologize to me and go tell the teacher what you did now"
  112. [6:52 AM] gushing_granny: he knew how to urge a steroid raging buffoon like this on, cant spend all those nights mucking around on the internet for nothing
  113. [6:52 AM] gushing_granny: the bully started laughing
  114. [6:52 AM] gushing_granny: "haha, are you fucking serious? hahahaha, sit down you fucking pussy"
  115. [6:53 AM] gushing_granny: "make me, dumbass"
  116. [6:53 AM] gushing_granny: (starting to fall flat on the dialogue here, shitshitshit)
  117. [6:54 AM] gushing_granny: the classroom begins to stir as things heat up between dan and.....bully
  118. [6:56 AM] gushing_granny: the bully gets up, speaking in a mocking tone "oh yeah, well when you fuck with me, theres no baby bitch crying back to his widdle mommy bullshit, its just my foot in your ass. especially in your case, because that ugly inbred cunt is dead"
  119. [6:57 AM] gushing_granny: dan snarls with a livid, profound anger, making the hair stand up on the back of his neck
  120. [6:57 AM] gushing_granny: so yeah, they fight.
  121. [6:58 AM] gushing_granny: dan walks up to the bully a swings at him with a haymaker to his right
  122. [6:59 AM] gushing_granny: the bully dodges the poorly telegraphed assault with ease, and punches dan in the stomach, causing him to double over in pain
  123. [7:01 AM] gushing_granny: the teacher exclaims a barely audible "stop that!" over the commotion of the classroom, which is promptly responded to by the bully with "shut up, bitch!"
  124. [7:01 AM] gushing_granny: dan on the floor, he may have just got hit in the stomach by a fucking bulldozer that hurt so bad
  125. [7:02 AM] gushing_granny: he clutches his head as the bully begins to walk up to him, lazily kicking him in his side and taunting him
  126. [7:03 AM] gushing_granny: "you alive, dumbass? why would you pick a fight with me?"
  127. [7:04 AM] gushing_granny: he continues to kick dan in his side as dan lays there on the floor in agony, festering in his own rage and helplessness to the situation
  128. [7:05 AM] gushing_granny: between the sporadic spouts of agonizing pain taking his full attention, he begins to think
  129. [7:06 AM] gushing_granny: "dammit."
  130. [7:06 AM] gushing_granny: "damnit damnit damnit daMiT DaMit DAMNIT DAMNIT"
  131. [7:07 AM] gushing_granny: "fuck, why?"
  132. [7:07 AM] gushing_granny: "WHYYY?"
  133. [7:07 AM] gushing_granny: "you spineless fucking wimp, get back up and hit him"
  134. [7:07 AM] gushing_granny: "him him for all the bullshit hes done to you"
  135. [7:08 AM] gushing_granny: "it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts
  136. [7:08 AM] gushing_granny: "fucking do it"
  137. [7:09 AM] gushing_granny: "but im so angry, i cant do anything about it"
  138. [7:09 AM] gushing_granny: "thats right"
  139. [7:09 AM] gushing_granny: "you're angry arent you."
  140. [7:10 AM] gushing_granny: "why am i doing this to myself?"
  141. [7:10 AM] gushing_granny: "because im angry"
  142. [7:10 AM] gushing_granny: "why am i in this situation?"
  143. [7:10 AM] gushing_granny: "....."
  144. [7:11 AM] gushing_granny: he sits there motionless on the floor as the bully continues to stomp and kick him
  145. [7:12 AM] gushing_granny: "because im fucking ANGRY"
  146. [7:12 AM] gushing_granny: dan opens his eyes, an unfamiliar feeling boiling within him
  147. [7:12 AM] gushing_granny: "thats right dumbass. you're angry"
  148. [7:13 AM] gushing_granny: "lucky for you, you just might be able to do something about it this time"
  149. [7:13 AM] gushing_granny: he thought to himself, as he laid there on the cold cement floor
  150. [7:14 AM] gushing_granny: "get up."
  151. [7:14 AM] gushing_granny: (cue badass music)
  152. [7:15 AM] gushing_granny: dan grabs the bully's leg mid stomp, and pushes it back with enough force to nearly topple him over
  153. [7:16 AM] gushing_granny: he stands up slowly, due to the agonizing pain in his midsection, he could barely move.
  154. [7:16 AM] ayy: (bad ass music cued)
  155. [7:16 AM] gushing_granny: be he didnt give a shit.
  156. [7:16 AM] gushing_granny: (ayy)
  157. [7:16 AM] gushing_granny: he slowly looked up at the bully, as he began to think once again
  158. [7:17 AM] gushing_granny: "now what are you going to do"
  159. [7:17 AM] gushing_granny: "im gonna beat him"
  160. [7:18 AM] gushing_granny: the bully is bewildered at his sudden display of strength, the place where dan grabbed his leg felt like a vice
  161. [7:18 AM] gushing_granny: "no you arent"
  162. [7:19 AM] gushing_granny: the bully cocks his head back "so, the little bitch has some fight in him today huh?"
  163. [7:19 AM] gushing_granny: ""what do you really want to do"
  164. [7:19 AM] gushing_granny: "....."
  165. [7:20 AM] gushing_granny: "i want to bash his fucking head in"
  166. [7:20 AM] gushing_granny: the bully eyes dan up and down "aww, looks like the widdle baby wants to cry"
  167. [7:21 AM] gushing_granny: "i cant hear you, dan"
  168. [7:21 AM] gushing_granny: he begins to whisper
  169. [7:21 AM] gushing_granny: "i want to bash....his fucking head in"
  170. [7:22 AM] gushing_granny: "aww, what was that bitch boy? speak up."
  171. [7:22 AM] gushing_granny: "you heard him. louder."
  172. [7:23 AM] gushing_granny: dan raises his tone
  173. [7:23 AM] gushing_granny: "I bash his fucking head in."
  174. [7:23 AM] gushing_granny: the bully laughs
  175. [7:23 AM] gushing_granny: "i dont think you were loud enough"
  176. [7:24 AM] gushing_granny: dan speaks in a normal tone
  177. [7:24 AM] gushing_granny: "I want to bash his fucking head in"
  178. [7:25 AM] gushing_granny: "aww, thats so sweet. its angry"
  179. [7:26 AM] gushing_granny: dan looks up at the bully, his face contorted in a clot of anger and desperation
  180. [7:26 AM] gushing_granny: he screams at the top of his lungs, howling with an almost demonic tone
  181. [7:27 AM] gushing_granny: "I WANT TO BASH HIS FUCKING HEAD IN NOW!!!!"
  182. [7:29 AM] gushing_granny: dan lunges forward towards the bully at a breakneck speed, vaulting straight over two desks that he had stepped behind when dan grabbed his leg a few seconds ago
  183. [7:29 AM] gushing_granny: "NOOOOW!!!!!"
  184. [7:29 AM] gushing_granny: "wait wha-"
  185. [7:33 AM] gushing_granny: dan brings his arm back and rockets it forward like a piston, his arm and shoulder dislocating themselves as they writhe under the unbridled force of dans jet-black anger and hatred
  186. [7:35 AM] gushing_granny: as he thrust forward like a cannon dan was subcosciously suprised when it did not hit bone, but air
  187. [7:36 AM] gushing_granny: the force of the punch however was so powerful that i created a shockwave that flung the bully back several rows of chairs
  188. [7:38 AM] gushing_granny: the bully was nearly knocked out by the force alone, but the sight of his own crimson blood trickling down his forehead made him slip into unconsciousness
  189. [7:39 AM] gushing_granny: dan speaks in a dull, slurred tone "i am become maximum."
  190. [7:39 AM] gushing_granny: he collapses to the ground
  191. [7:39 AM] gushing_granny: (fuck.)
  192. [7:40 AM] gushing_granny: (fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck)
  193. [7:40 AM] gushing_granny: (that was long)
  194. [7:40 AM] gushing_granny: fast forward a day or two
  195. [7:40 AM] gushing_granny: dan "so this is familiar."
  196. [7:41 AM] gushing_granny: he awakens in a ward, in the same hospital he was in before
  197. [7:41 AM] gushing_granny: the only difference was, he didnt feel so good anymore
  198. [7:43 AM] gushing_granny: dan rubs his head "fuck, it feels like someone threw grenade at me"
  199. [7:43 AM] gushing_granny: "are you awake?"
  200. [7:44 AM] gushing_granny: dans big sister turns from her phone to look up at dan
  201. [7:44 AM] gushing_granny: "what, you didnt just hear me speak"
  202. [7:45 AM] gushing_granny: "i was asking you if you were okay dumbass"
  203. [7:45 AM] gushing_granny: "My fucking arm almost got torn off, how could i be ok?"
  204. [7:45 AM] guest-1328547 entered the room.
  205. [7:45 AM] guest-1328547 left the room.
  206. [7:46 AM] gushing_granny: "herp derp, dan and his sister dont like each other"
  207. [7:47 AM] gushing_granny: (gonna skip as much as i can to the important part, from dans perspective of course)
  208. [7:47 AM] gushing_granny: dan recovers
  209. [7:47 AM] gushing_granny: dan is suspended from school for fighting
  210. [7:48 AM] gushing_granny: dan gets all pissed off at everything because his life sucks and decideds to go work out
  211. [7:49 AM] gushing_granny: takes his tunes with him so he can zone out and forget about everything, oh and the stone too, cant forget that plot point
  212. [7:50 AM] gushing_granny: (this point in the story is really close to part one of the me non making shit up as i go along story)
  213. [7:50 AM] gushing_granny: (gotta go take a piss, brb)
  214. [7:51 AM] ayy: aight
  215. [7:52 AM] gushing_granny: (im back)
  216. [7:53 AM] gushing_granny: oh and another thing, him and his sister actually have a normal converstation for once
  217. [7:53 AM] gushing_granny: she tells him that she is sorry that she is so hard on him and she knows how mom would have killed that bully for the situation he put you in
  218. [7:54 AM] gushing_granny: "thanks. that somehow makes me feel a little bit better."
  219. [7:54 AM] gushing_granny: then he leaves.
  220. [7:54 AM] gushing_granny: herp a derp, hes working out
  221. [7:56 AM] gushing_granny: then he starts to feel tremors for a bit, doesnt really think its a big deal, small earthquakes arent too uncommon where he lives
  222. [7:57 AM] gushing_granny: he decides to stop working out early because he doesnt want to be too tired to walk back home
  223. [7:57 AM] gushing_granny:
  224. gushing_granny: he decides to stop working out early because he doesnt want to be too tired to walk back home
  225. [7:14 AM] gushing_granny: (holy shit finally, part 1)
  226. [7:14 AM] ayy: damn bro, dis long
  227. [7:14 AM] gushing_granny: yeah
  228. [7:15 AM] gushing_granny: only going to the end of part one
  229. [7:15 AM] ayy: probably only feels log
  230. [7:15 AM] ayy: long
  231. [7:15 AM] gushing_granny: ya
  232. [7:16 AM] gushing_granny: shit, i dont want to accidentally make up something, bare with me as i copy down the story word by word from the paper
  233. [7:16 AM] gushing_granny: so hes walking back home
  234. [7:16 AM] gushing_granny: dan has a super weird vibe
  235. [7:17 AM] gushing_granny: mostly because theres like, NO ONE in in the portion of town hes walking through to get home
  236. [7:18 AM] gushing_granny: soon after that, he heard a loud, muffled, thundering sound that makes the ground shake
  237. [7:18 AM] gushing_granny: "the fuck was that, an explosion"
  238. [7:20 AM] gushing_granny: dan begins to run away when an object blitzes past him extremely fast and craters the ground next to him, naturally causing him to scream like a girl and accidentally do that annoying thing when you move your hands really fast and you clip your ear buds out of your ears
  239. [7:20 AM] gushing_granny: *buds
  240. [7:20 AM] ayy: I know that feel
  241. [7:21 AM] gushing_granny: as he glanced at the ground, he noticed that the unidentificed object actually had well defined pectoral muscles
  242. [7:21 AM] gushing_granny: a man
  243. [7:21 AM] gushing_granny: "A DUDE?!"
  244. [7:22 AM] gushing_granny: no no no its a satellite
  245. [7:22 AM] gushing_granny: "well, so much for this making any fucking sense.
  246. gushing_granny: dan inspected the guy further and noticed, not only was not injured by that impact at all, he was already back on his feet
  247. [7:25 AM] gushing_granny: Dans face became twisted with confusion, as he inspected the man further he realised he wore futuristic armor, like the spiffy shit from sci-fi movies combined with modern military gear
  248. [7:26 AM] gushing_granny: he also bore a wicked blade at his side, it seemed to be coated in a sheen of lightning
  249. [7:26 AM] gushing_granny: the odd and futuristic man puzzled dan
  250. [7:27 AM] gushing_granny: The man looks at him and says "herp derp derp this isnt english herp derpa durpa derp you cant understand me"
  251. [7:28 AM] gushing_granny: Dan furrows his eyebrows and remains motionless "uwotm9"
  252. [7:30 AM] gushing_granny: the futuristic man looked impatiently at the sky for a few seconds, then after closing his eyes for a bit, began to speak again
  253. [7:33 AM] gushing_granny: "It isnt safe here, citizen of earth, it is in your best interest to move away from here as soon as possible" he pulled his sword from his sheathe and pointed it in a direction opposite where that explosion that sent the guy flying backwards came from just in case dan didnt understand english either
  254. [7:33 AM] gushing_granny: *citizen of earth
  255. [7:33 AM] gushing_granny: ""
  256. [7:34 AM] gushing_granny: (im changing up the dialougue quite a bit but i dont feel like copying word for word also shitty 11th grade me wording and grammar)
  257. [7:35 AM] ayy: ah
  258. [7:36 AM] gushing_granny: dan prepares to run away again but is cut short after a few steps by a giant fucking purple lazer beam erupting from the ground, the shockwave and debris knocking dan to the ground
  259. [7:36 AM] ayy: holy shit, you've been writing for 2 hours/
  260. [7:37 AM] gushing_granny: HAHAHAHAHA
  261. [7:38 AM] gushing_granny: he falls over on his back dazed and confused as the black stone in his pocket begins to vibrate
  262. [7:38 AM] gushing_granny: "ok seriously, what is today?"
  263. [7:39 AM] gushing_granny: (ummm)
  264. [7:39 AM] gushing_granny: (derpin, bear with me)
  265. gushing_granny: (i need to figure out the pacing and the order of the sentences so it sound completely jumbled up and stuff)
  266. [7:40 AM] gushing_granny: *doesnt
  267. [7:42 AM] gushing_granny: the man wearing futuristic armor begins to stare at dan intently as he hears the black stone vibrate (translated) "could it be? the celestials gift is with that human!?"
  268. [7:43 AM] gushing_granny: (ohohohoh lore shit imma have to get into later hihiiihihhhi)
  269. [7:44 AM] gushing_granny: dan directs his attention to sky and prentends not to see the giant fucking alien guy that totally doesnt exist and totally didnt almost kill him with that laser ground thingy
  270. [7:46 AM] gushing_granny: as the alien dude's hands begin to crackle with dark purple energy (translated) "no, stay back, i got this"
  271. [7:47 AM] gushing_granny: he lunges towards dan and then accelerates toward the sky, narrowly missing that lazer ground thing
  272. [7:47 AM] gushing_granny: (i got youtube in the back ground, if you're wonder why i pause sometimes/dont get bored)
  273. [7:48 AM] gushing_granny: the future dude then drops dan on a nearby building
  274. [7:48 AM] gushing_granny: "ow"
  275. [7:48 AM] ayy: I got music goin on while on the chat, so it chillin.
  276. [7:49 AM] gushing_granny: yeah
  277. [7:50 AM] gushing_granny: "hold on kid, you're in no danger here" the future dude says as a powerful wind begins to erupt from his body, projecting an angelic aura around his body
  278. [7:51 AM] gushing_granny: dan "are you fkin srs this shit is happening to me right now"
  279. [7:52 AM] gushing_granny: the future dude extends his sword, a virulent, chaotic, black lightning surrounds the blade
  280. [7:53 AM] gushing_granny: "kan-art, SKY SPLITTER!!"
  281. [7:53 AM] gushing_granny: (herp derp more shit i need to explain)
  282. [7:54 AM] gushing_granny: the lightning extends from the future dude's blade and cuts the sky as bolts toward the alien looking dude who is also futuristic
  283. [7:55 AM] gushing_granny: the alien man laughs "such a weak technique. i will have the divine celestials power"
  284. [7:58 AM] gushing_granny: the alien man extends his arm as the lightning strikes his hand, but instead of killing him, it simply rebounds off of his palm, leaving a small singe on his fingertips
  285. [7:59 AM] gushing_granny: the future dude's eyes go wide, dan notices this, puts two and two together, and realizes that he is most likely screwed
  286. gushing_granny: "umm.....shit" (translated) the future dude says as he projects a shockwave from his body and bolts off towards the alien guy with his sword clutched tightly is both hands
  287. [8:03 AM] gushing_granny: the alien bro draws a crimson red blade and clashes with the future dudes sword, sending out a massive shockwave, knocking dan on his ass again
  288. [8:05 AM] gushing_granny: as dan was about to look about to look up at the epic struggle that was about to take place, he noticed that the two warriors had dissapeared
  289. [8:05 AM] gushing_granny: "wait what"
  290. [8:06 AM] gushing_granny: "......"
  291. [8:06 AM] gushing_granny: "i swear this is just like on of my japanese animes"
  292. [8:07 AM] gushing_granny: dan got up, a very, very confused look on his face
  293. [8:07 AM] gushing_granny: "no, no, it fucking had to be real"
  294. [8:07 AM] gushing_granny: he looked up at the sky
  295. [8:07 AM] gushing_granny: '"was it?"
  296. [8:09 AM] gushing_granny: all of the sudden, the black stone in his pocket began screeching loudly, causing dan to cover his ears in response
  297. [8:09 AM] gushing_granny: "what the hell...." dan took a step forward
  298. [8:12 AM] gushing_granny: as soon as dan took a step forward, a giant hole appeared in the building infront of him
  299. [8:12 AM] gushing_granny: "what the"
  300. [8:13 AM] gushing_granny: the man and alien appeared a second later, both pressing their full strength against each other
  301. [8:13 AM] gushing_granny: "damn! you made me miss!"
  302. [8:14 AM] gushing_granny: "leave the human out of this damnit! i wont let you take the lives of anyone else!"
  303. [8:16 AM] gushing_granny: "you so sure about that? i made your little level 10 kan art have the effectiveness of a bouncing rubber ball."
  304. gushing_granny: the future dude was having none of that nonsense. he shifted his weight so the alien guy would slide past him and quickly slashed his arm
  305. [8:19 AM] gushing_granny: as the alien guy recoiled in pain, the future dude reared back and kicked the alien guy hard enough send him hurtling away a few miles
  306. [8:19 AM] gushing_granny: WAIT
  307. [8:19 AM] gushing_granny: WAIT
  308. [8:19 AM] gushing_granny: HOLY SHIT
  309. [8:19 AM] gushing_granny: WHATS THAT
  310. [8:19 AM] gushing_granny: "end of part 1"
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