
roommate 24

Nov 27th, 2017
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  1. app tl sum. not accurate. more so on that last part(dont take the sum as if it's exact ..tl might differ by a lot!).
  3. douche goes how now he will put in 2 finger. sensei prbly goes how it's too much(wm here..). douche asks if it's tolerable. she prbly goes how yeah and it's okay(notsure..ownerless bubble). douche tells sensei to asks him to put it in and she kinda goes how she's opening up. sensei tells her how that's it and she cant stand it anymore(idk if for or against). some commentaries from douche and he goes in. sensei prbly cusses out douche cause it feels shitty. lots of moans and douche goes how he's cuming and sensei tells him that it's okay to do it inside. sensei prbly loved it plenty(slangish text) and tells douche to call her when he comes by seoul, but he's all silent. mc asks fmc where she is and she tells him she checks things out on her assignments. he asks when will she come and she tells him she might be a bit late. mc thinks she's been late these past few days. fmc comes and asks why mc isn't sleeping cause she thought he would and he goes an 'ah ..' and then she tells him she will go wash. he opens her bag and sees that she has a lot of fast money loaning flyers from various firms. fmc comes out of the shower and goes 'so good'. she asks why does he stares so fixed it on the spot and mc asks if she's been hiding stuff from him these days. she asks if he asks this cause of her being late today. mc asks about the flyers and she takes issue with him going through her bag. mc replies with how that doesn't matter now, but she goes how it matters cause even if they live together it doesn't mean he can do as he pleases. mc goes sorry and how he apologizes but she's been acting weird recently and he was wondering. mc tells her that it's dangerous to borrow money from those places and tells her to tell him what happened and why she needs the money for. silence and then she shyly goes how she needs it for smth(money needed somewhere/her mom prbly). how it's smth personal and doesn't wanna say too much about it. mc sighs and then asks how much does she need and if she can tell him that. she goes 500k won and he tells her he will check his account balance. he checks and wonders when he spent so much money cause he only has 127k won, and thinks that tomorrow he will have to ask his mom to send it to him. he tells her he will transfer it to her tomorrow but not to do this again/be like this again(prbly keep silence about and use loan sharks places). fmc then goes how she has yet to pay him back for the tuition loan and mc tells her not to worry, there's no hurry there and she can payback slowly all gently. she goes 'donggu..' and goes how she will pay him back soon when she gets her part time pay, and thanks him very much. mc thinks he can do as much to help her out and she just has to tell him or how he helped her so far because she's smbdy dear to him(notsure). then how he doesn't even know/not telling him what she needs the money for. then how he saw on some site, where girls make a bf and then suck them dry of money. then how fmc isn't that kind of girl, but he feeds her, give her and lends her money(notsure), and wonders if it's normal and if it's not smth that he should be able to do(notsure), and how he has to try it. he then calls her name and tells her that he wants to try smth new today and pulls his pants down(so this last part is prbly mc wondering that if he pays for all this shit he should at least be able to get smth out of it..notsure ofc). tbc ...
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