Guest User


a guest
Aug 18th, 2020
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text 0.66 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Styling:
  2. Locked-Material: COAL_BLOCK
  3. Locked-Lore: '&cLocked'
  4. Unlocked-Material: DIAMOND_BLOCK
  5. Unlocked-Lore: '&aUnlocked'
  6. Name: '&b%description%'
  7. Prize: '&6Prize: &e%prizeDescription%'
  8. Achievements:
  9. mini_wins:
  10. '1':
  11. description: Win 1 minigames(s)!
  12. prize-description: Earn 5 coins!
  13. executed-command: pg coins add %player% 5
  14. '5':
  15. description: Win 5 minigames(s)!
  16. prize-description: Earn 25 coins!
  17. executed-command: pg coins add %player% 25
  18. '10':
  19. description: Win 10 minigames(s)!
  20. prize-description: Earn 50 coins!
  21. executed-command: pg coins add %player% 50
  23. More achievements...
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