
C+C Impression

Aug 20th, 2019
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  1. What I want to say regarding the VN is simple....GODDAMN IT THAT IS FUCKING AMAZING. I can't stress how powerful and good it is. I've reread the ending arc right after finished the first end, and holy shit, it still got me, twice. As if a crossbow bolt thrusting into your very soul and mind, twice. Seeing a light from the deepest, darkest, and smallest of gutter; that's how I describe the ending.
  3. Ok into actual impression now
  5. C+C is about human relationship, and their struggle facing a harsh world. C+C Take a very pessimistic approach to convey its message, depicted through its characters and the condition they live and struggle in.
  7. The plot takes a unique concept (at least for its time), but I don't find the plot is convincing, and this VN aren't for the plot either. In fact there's a lot of plotholes. Regardless of that, it's a very straightforward. It's also somehow a linear story in a way. Don't expect traditional VN system of route here.
  9. Move on the the writing; now this is a big one. Arguably the most influental factor that make this VN possess it's kamige status. Romeo's writing/prose is, undoubtedly, amazing. Extremely impressive. Simple, unique, minimal, and poignant, yet extremely powerful. He convey A LOT with only a few words. Everytime you read his prose, there's a beauty in it. His prose have a distinct rhythmic and style to it, that you feels like you're reading a very beautiful poem, but it's not. And often times, you might think that he's writing a line figuratively, but in fact he don't. Which bring me to another good things about his writing; he effectively utilize the emphasis of context on Japanese language really well, that make it possible to create such a simple yet beautiful and powerful prose. And he uses all of that to convey his message at the story. Though, I will be honest that I was struggled to get used to his writing, because it was very difficult at first to me. Once you adapt to his writing though, everything went really smooth.
  11. Now the characters. As I stated before, human relations/connection/bond is the key here; therefore character plays a crucial role in the story. All of the characters is well done. From meme Sakuraba, to the most complex character told in the VN, Taichi. It also helps, that the VN let us to know all the characters with their own arc, to further deepen our bond to them. There's no excessive characterization or is there any significant character development, but the character is really good, memorable, and interesting; again, when it comes to Romeo, Simple but powerful. Though i'd be honest that I didn't really liked Taichi's perverted behaviour; He's still one of my favo charas there because of how complex he is, particularly after seeing his whole struggle throughout the story.
  13. As for Arts, I won't say much since this is an old VN. Regardless, for VN in such age, it's pretty good. I also liked the character design.
  15. The music might be too plain, since there's not much variation, and some music are the same melody repeated in different way. But again, we must remember that it's released in 2003, so bear with it. Nonetheless, it's still ok.
  17. Overall,
  18. C+C is definitely a kamige for me, one of memorable VN and the most impactful VN for me. Conveyed with simplicity, yet extremely powerful. In no way it's all about happiness, but I find it so beautiful.
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