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Nov 25th, 2014
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  1. Congratulations to Atlas Alliance for picking up its first Eve Faggot Award equivalent, the David Motari Cruelty to Pets Award, for their abandonment of several alliances without a fight. I am sure your friends in Ethereal Dawn, Intrepid Crossing, Quarantine Zone, Raining Doom, Cult of War, Veritas Immortalis, Minor Threat, Aggression and all the rest are so happy for you all in this time of your great victory. Here is your fancy award, guys, I hope you enjoy it! (for those wondering who the...
  3. Insmother:
  4. Raining Doom seems to have lost all sov except for their station system. Despite being supposedly reset by Atlas Veritas Immortalis has not dropped their sov levels so I guess they want to fight it out in their new home.
  6. Raining Doom were ED / IRC pets so I guess they are going back to Curse / Empire but I would love to see them make some sort of deal to fight with Atlas against the drone region Russians. I grow increasingly doubtful of Mittani's ability to follow up on his words. If RAWR really is fighting the drone regioners and PL is not participating anymore I just do not think he has the ability to conquer Insmother with the forces he and his allies have available.
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