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emoose DQXIS Engine.ini v3h (lighting fix+)

a guest
Mar 10th, 2021
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  1. [Core.System]
  2. Paths=../../../Engine/Content
  3. Paths=%GAMEDIR%Content
  4. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/SQEX/OSDKModule/Content
  5. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/2D/Paper2D/Content
  6. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Media/MediaCompositing/Content
  7. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Runtime/CriWare/CriWare/CriWare/Content
  8. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/UnrealEnginePython/Content
  10. [SystemSettings]
  11. ; Improved graphics INI by emoose (Havoc)
  12. ; Adjusted for lighting fix (0.0.6) by mike9k1 --
  13. ; Integrated & edited by Tim Allahn Snackbarr --
  14. ; Note that after running the game with these settings, all the nice comments below will disappear!
  15. ; But don't worry, the online version will always have the comments available to read :)
  18. ; default value is 5000 in DQXI-S, recommended 12000 (DQXI OG) or more
  19. r.JackLoadReduction.HiddenThresholdDistance=15000
  21. ; How much MB to dedicate to the texture streaming system, i'd set to half of your GPUs VRAM.
  22. r.Streaming.PoolSize=4096 ; game default = 1500
  23. r.Streaming.MaxTempMemoryAllowed=128 ; game default = 50, lets increase it a little
  25. ; Allows you to increase the render resolution, as the game doesn't seem to support DSR @ 4k (for me at least)...
  26. ; I've left it at 100 here as this can be very perf-heavy (if you run the game at very high resolutions), feel free to increase it if you like (125 is my choice)
  27. ; !!! PLEASE READ !!!
  28. ; IF YOU RUN @ 1440p or 4K, set to 100 or 125 at the most
  29. ; IF YOU RUN @ 1080p or lower, set to 150 or higher
  30. r.ScreenPercentage=150 ; game default = 100
  32. ; Makes the game try to fully load textures as soon as the map is loaded, instead of loading them as you play
  33. ; (note: minor slowdown/blurry textures for first couple of seconds after map loads, but then after that no more texture load slowdown!)
  34. ;r.Streaming.FullyLoadUsedTextures=1 ; game default = 0 -- commented out due to multiple reports of slowdown, no perceptible benefit
  35. r.Streaming.FramesForFullUpdate=3 ; game default = 5 -- 1 updates *every frame* but is very CPU intensive, changed to 3
  36. ;r.Streaming.HLODStrategy=2 ; forces all LOD mips to be loaded rather than streamed. game default = 0 -- commented out (same as above)
  38. r.UseShaderCaching=1 ; game default = 0
  39. r.UseShaderPredraw=1 ; game default = 0
  41. ; a.URO seems to be used to optimize animations so that they aren't so taxing
  42. ; apparently it has interpolation support though, so we'll enable it to try and help improve the 30FPS anims
  43. a.URO.ForceInterpolation=1 ; game default = 0
  44. a.URO.ForceAnimRate=2 ; 1 = 30fps, 2 = 60fps? game default = 0
  46. r.MipMapLODBias = -3 ; more texture detail, game default = 0
  47. r.LandscapeLODBias = -3 ; more landscape detail, game default = 0
  48. r.SkeletalMeshLODBias=-2 ; increase character LODs. game default = 0
  49. r.LightMaxDrawDistanceScale = 2.5 ; increases light distance? game default = 1 (increased to 2.5)
  50. r.JackMonsterViewDistanceScale = 2 ; game default = 1
  52. r.ViewDistanceScale=5 ; game default is 5!? no need to change it, just set it here so nothing can override it
  53. r.StaticMeshLODDistanceScale=0.25 ; similarly, game default is 0.25, seems good enough as is
  55. ; foliage settings - added MinVertsToSplitNode (set to UE4 default), density scale, LOD distance scale
  56. foliage.LODDistanceScale=5 ; increase grass LOD distance, not much perf impact. game default = 1
  57. foliage.MinInstancesPerOcclusionQuery=1024 ; game default = 256, but UE4 recommended is 1024-65536...
  58. foliage.MinVertsToSplitNode=16384 ; default 4096
  59. foliage.DensityScale=7
  60. foliage.LODDistanceScale=15
  62. r.DefaultFeature.AntiAliasing=2 ; game default = 1
  63. r.PostProcessAAQuality=6 ; game default = 6
  64. r.TemporalAASamples=32 ; game default = 8
  65. r.TemporalAAPauseCorrect=1 ; game default = 1
  66. r.TemporalAACurrentFrameWeight=0.08 ; game default = 0.04
  67. r.TemporalAAFilterSize=0.6 ; game default = 1
  69. r.MaxAnisotropy=16 ; game default = 8
  71. ; Adjusted for lighting fix - added lens flare & eye adaptation, particle light quality
  72. r.Tonemapper.Sharpen=0.5 ; game default = 0
  73. r.LightFunctionQuality=3 ; game default = 1 (adjusted to 3)
  74. r.LensFlareQuality=3 ; default 2
  75. r.EyeAdaptation.MethodOveride=2 ; set basic eye adaptation (the histogram-based method does not work correctly in DQXI and will result in overexposure in certain spots!)
  76. r.EyeAdaptationQuality=3 ; creates an auto-exposure effect when going from a dark environment to bright or vice-versa (default 0, set in Scalability) -- this can cause an "overexposure" issue in certain spots! disable if necessary
  77. r.ParticleLightQuality = 2 ; Simple+HQ lights, game default = 1 (only simple lights)
  79. ; Lighting fix - refraction & reflection quality
  80. r.RefractionQuality=3 ; default 2
  81. r.ReflectionEnvironmentScale=1 ; default 0.5
  83. ; Improved Depth of Field Quality
  84. r.DepthOfFieldQuality=4 ; default 1
  85. r.DepthOfField.MaxSize=100
  86. r.DepthOfFieldNearBlurSizeThreshold=0.005
  88. ; SSR & SSS effects
  89. r.SSR.Quality=4
  90. ;r.SSR.Cone=1 -- matter of personal taste, I prefer cone off (default) but leaving commented out
  91. r.SSS.Filter=1
  92. r.SSS.SampleSet=2
  93. r.SSS.Quality=1
  94. r.SSS.HalfRes=0
  96. ; Volumetric fog
  97. r.VolumetricFog=1
  98. r.VolumetricFog.GridPixelSize=8
  99. r.VolumetricFog.GridSizeZ=128
  100. r.VolumetricFog.HistoryMissSupersampleCount=4
  102. ; Motion blur quality
  103. r.MotionBlurQuality=4
  104. r.MotionBlur.Amount=0.47
  105. r.MotionBlur.Max=0.85
  106. r.MotionBlur.Scale=1
  107. r.MotionBlurScatter=1
  108. r.MotionBlurSeparable=1
  109. r.FastBlurThreshold=100
  111. ; game culls lights based on their size on the screen, lower the culling size so that more lights can stay onscreen.
  112. r.MinScreenRadiusForLights=0.015 ; game default = 0.03
  113. r.MinScreenRadiusForSmallLights=0.005 ; game default = 0.01
  115. ; Shadow fixes, seems to help with shadow fade-in
  116. ; Additional changes made with lighting fix (increased shadow detail)
  117. r.Shadow.MaxResolution=8192 ; increase overall max supported resolution of shadows
  118. r.Shadow.MaxCSMResolution=4096 ; game default = 2048
  119. r.Shadow.CSMDepthBias=10 ; game default = 20
  120. r.MinScreenRadiusForCSMDepth=0.0 ; always enable CSM Depth
  121. r.Shadow.CSM.MaxCascades=16
  122. r.Shadow.TexelsPerPixel=10
  123. r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold=0.0
  124. r.Shadow.CSM.TransitionScale=2
  125. r.Shadow.SpotLightTransitionScale=512
  126. r.Shadow.DistanceScale=1.7 ; when used with CSMDepthBias change above this actually seems to work nicely?, game default = 1
  128. ; Disable some S-edition "optimizations" that weren't in original DQXI, likely just ugly things up
  129. r.JackLoadReduction.DisableAnimUpdateRateOptimization=1 ; default = 0
  130. ;r.JackLoadReduction.DisableDitherHidden=1 ; default = 0 -- commented out (leaving dithering on)
  131. ;r.JackLoadReduction.DisableMovementModeOptimization=1 ; default = 0 -- -- commented out (issue causing NPCs to float)
  133. ; ----------------------------------
  137. ; ----------------------------------
  138. ; Experimental changes!
  139. ; If you notice any weird artifacts feel free to remove these!
  140. r.PostProcessingColorFormat = 1 ; better quality color format, game default = 0
  141. r.PostProcessing.PropagateAlpha = 1 ; "scene alpha channel support in the post processing", game default = 0
  142. r.HZBOcclusion = 1 ; "Use HZB occlusion system (less GPU and CPU cost, more conservative results)", game default = 0
  143. r.GBufferFormat = 4 ; higher-precision GBuffer, game default = 1
  144. r.Filter.SizeScale = 2 ; scale up sample count for bloom/DOF, game default = 1
  145. r.EmitterSpawnRateScale = 2 ; double the emitter/particle count, game default = 1
  146. r.DFFullResolution = 1 ; "full resolution distance field shadowing", game default = 0
  147. r.SceneColorFormat = 4 ; game default = 4, lets keep it that way
  148. r.SceneColorFringeQuality = 0 ; game default = 1, doesn't seem used though, disable for possible perf boost?
  149. r.CreateShadersOnLoad = 1 ; "create shaders on load, which can reduce hitching, but use more memory", game default = 0, unsure if this has any effect but maybe can help
  151. ; ---------------------------------------------------
  152. ; ---------------------------------------------------
  154. [ConsoleVariables]
  155. ; Render Target Buffer
  156. r.RenderTargetInitializeBufferSizeX=2560 ; default 1600 x 900
  157. r.RenderTargetInitializeBufferSizeY=1440 ; changed to 2560x1440
  159. ; Light Propagation Volume
  160. r.LightPropagationVolume=1 ; default 0
  162. ; SSAO
  163. r.AmbientOcclusionRadiusSkin=10 ; default 5 in DE, 10 in OG
  164. r.AmbientOcclusionRadiusScale=0.8 ; slight scaling of general model AO radius
  165. r.AmbientOcclusionSampleSetQuality=1 ; improve quality of ambient occlusion
  166. r.AmbientOcclusionStaticFraction=1 ; same with this
  167. r.AmbientOcclusionMaxQuality=-100 ; fixed to (negative) 100 (overrides postprocessvolume setting)
  168. r.AmbientOcclusionLevels=2
  169. r.AmbientOcclusionMipLevelFactor=0 ; 0 will always use the highest mip level regardless of postprocessing (set in Scalability), but may cause cache to be wasted (less RAM efficient), default 0.5
  171. ; Bloom
  172. r.BloomReverseStages=1
  173. r.BloomQuality=5 ; default 3, 5 is highest quality
  174. r.Bloom.Cross=-0.7 ; strengthen bloom effect
  176. ; Distance Fields Atlas Texture Size
  177. r.DistanceFields.FixedSizeAtlasTexture=0 ; default 1 -- dynamic size for atlas texture
  178. r.DistanceFields.AtlasSizeZ=1024 ; default 512, changed by devs from 1024 (UE4 default)
  180. ; Distance Fields Shadow Light Tiles
  181. r.DFShadowFixedLightTiles=256 ; default 128
  183. ; Enable planar reflection
  184. r.AllowGlobalClipPlane=1
  186. ; HDR for 2D Rendering -- improves 2D render quality, but significant performance impact *comment these out if you experience frame drops in menus*
  187. ; r.TextureRenderTarget2DDefaultHDR=1 ; default 0 -- commented out (no real improvement, possible performance hit)
  188. r.TextureRenderTarget2DScale=1.5 ; 1.5x scale for 2D renders (UI, etc)
  190. ; Tonemapper Settings
  191. r.TonemapperGamma=1.5 ; enable tonemapper gamma (improved s-curve to linear gamma by default), default 2.0 / 0-(reverts to linear gamma)
  192. r.Color.Mid=0.7 ; added to counteract a slightly lower tonemappergamma value, improves colors (less "washed-out"), default 0.5
  194. ; Translucency Lighting Volume
  195. r.EnableAsyncComputeTranslucencyLightingVolumeClear=1 ; disabled by the devs due to issues w/ the PS4 version
  197. ; Cache Scene Shadows (more RAM heavy - performance tradeoff)
  198. r.Shadow.CacheWholeSceneShadows=1
  200. ; AO Distance Field Properties
  201. r.AOGlobalDistanceField=1 ; default 0
  202. r.AOHeightfieldOcclusion=1 ; default 0
  203. r.HeightfieldGlobalIllumination=1 ; default 0
  205. ; Shadow sizes (improved shadow detail w/ larger size, more VRAM use)
  206. r.Shadow.MinWholeSceneShadowMapSizeX=6144 ; default 3072 in DE, set to OG value
  207. r.Shadow.MinWholeSceneShadowMapSizeY=2048 ; default 1024 in DE, set to OG value
  208. r.Shadow.MinPointLightShadowResolution=128 ; adjusted in 0.0.2 (32 -> 128)
  209. r.Shadow.MaxPointLightShadowResolution=2048 ; adjusted in 0.0.2 (1024 -> 2048)
  211. ; Higher reflection quality
  212. r.MinNumReflectionCaptures=200
  214. ; Enable jittering for TAA (UE4 default, devs set to 2 for FXAA only)
  215. r.Jittering=1
  217. ; Enable tiled deferred shading
  218. r.TiledDeferredShading=1 ; "false" by default, 1 is UE4 default -- "no 80 point lights are placed", so devs turned off
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