
Musical Alastor (an Angel x Alastor story)

Nov 10th, 2019
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  1. Thread #137 of /hhg/ - Hazbin Hotel General
  2. ---
  3. >It's not an everyday occurrence he does this but when he has the whimsy to Alastor likes to cook something that hearkens him back to simpler, debatably less entertaining, but certainly happier times.
  4. >A bygone lifetime when he was just a boy helping his mother bustle around the kitchen, laughing and swaying to whatever was tune she would be humming, singing switching between French or English punctuated harshly with creole.
  5. >He supposes if asked music and cooking were some of the true joys his mother had left him in their relatively short lives, even if time twisted them as cries of terror became a song and flesh began to taste better than even the most succulent pork.
  6. >The sharp smell of Louisiana spices and cooking meats saturate the hot air of the kitchen while Alastor busies himself at a large pot with a wooden spoon, Jacket hanging near the kitchen doorway on an apron rack, his dress shirt's sleeves rolled up, top button unbuttoned.
  7. >It would seem domestic, normal, if not for the small antlers, blood red eyes and teeth you would only find on a shark or a lawyer.
  9. >"... a bit of lovin, oh so bad
  10. >I feel so funny, I feel so sad."
  12. >There is one other oddity, over the sound of sizzling and clang of spoon on pot, a song gently drifts through the air, distorted almost like it was coming from a busted radio.
  13. >Ever since he'd come to hell, his powers had manifested in many ways, some of them useful, allowing him to climb to the near top of hell's food chain and others seemingly useless outside of leisure moments, such as this ability to produce sounds and specifically music from his being.
  14. >Though, as the years in hell went by he found this one particular useless ability to be the one he was entertained by the most.
  16. >"I need a lil' steam-heat fo' my flo', Maybe I can fix things up, so they'll go."
  18. >He pulls a pinch of salt and a heaping amount of pepper adding it to the Jambalaya and some chicken stock giving it a good stir, letting flavors meet and marry some, absorb into the rice.
  19. >The next line comes and his hand doesnt even twitch from its current purpose, nor do any of his muscles tense involuntarily.
  21. >"Whatsamatta hard papa? Come on an save yo' momma's soul
  22. >Cuz' I need some sugar in ma' bowl, doggone it, I need some sugar in ma' bowl"
  24. >It tickles him inside at the thought of it, not because he doesnt find the lines vulgar, but because he's so encaptured by the slow roll of the music, he cant help to do anything but continue cooking and sway in place gently to the music with a subdued smile, appreciating the pleasures of both the smells of his efforts, the heat and the music.
  25. >However just because he doesnt react because he's relaxed doesnt mean he's so lax that he doesnt immediately know when someone has come down the corridor leading to the kitchen, let alone has chosen silently to enter the kitchen aproximately 40 seconds ago, he continues to sway his hips side to side.
  27. >"I need a lil' sugar in ma' bowl, I need a lil' hot dog between ma' rolls
  28. >You gettin' differin', I've been tol'
  30. >The spoon leaves the inside of the pot, tapping on the rim to remove any excess liquid or food particle almost innocently, with the other hand, Alastor kills the heat. Alastor stops swaying and for the first time since he had begun took cook he speaks, in turn causing the hand reaching for his rear to pause.
  32. "Angel"
  34. >"Move yo' finga', drop somthin' in ma' bowl"
  36. "If you dont retrieve that appendage I'd be more than happy to add it to the pot"
  38. >The spoon and the hand holding it almost blur, swinging around Alastor's body hitting the offending hand that had begun to move again towards his rear, followed by a loud yelp of pain and a curse.
  39. >The attached assailant pulls back shocked by both the moevement and strike, stumbleing to the kitchen floor, injured hand clutched by three others. Alastor turns, giving Angel an unimpressed smile while the spider waves the pain off giving Alastor a sultry smirk.
  41. "Come on, Al, I was trying to get a snack"
  43. >"I need a lil' steam-heat fo' my flo', Maybe I can fix things up, so they'll go.
  45. >Alastor doesn't feel the familiar flash of anger or any thing like that he would with other demons off the street who would attempt to lay a hand on his person, he was never in really any danger to begin with but usually the sheer gall some people used to have still leaves his skin crawling and chest tight.
  46. >No all he feels is exasperation and another thing he wont bother to deal with, With Angel the aversion he feels is only slightly less than any other demon outside of the hotel but still more so than with anyone else who would try to touch him without his permission inside the hotel, not that he ever gives anyone permission really.
  48. "I'll remind you of the five foot rule being a rule for a reason"
  50. >"Get off yo' knees, I can't see what you're drivin' at it's dark down there looks like a snake!"
  52. "Cuz you're afraid of a good dicking"
  54. >Alastor's teeth disapper into a thin smile eyes narrowed.
  56. "So you dont end up a snack 'accidentally'"
  58. >"C'mon here and drop somethin' here in my bowl"
  60. >He meant it to come off as a threat but Angel just gives him a filthy smile and raised eye brows and if angel were anyone else, he would never have given them the time of day to come down the corridor as it was, he was here and the person infront of him was angel.
  61. >Alastor turns towards the pot, grabbing a bowl and filling it with jambalaya and a spoon.
  63. >"Stop your foolin' and drop somethin' in my bowl!"
  65. >Alastor walks over to Angel unceremoniously droppin the bowl into the spider's lap, high enough that it would scare the spider into action, but not high enough that it would make a mess, he'd cooked it damned it all if he's going to waste his efforts.
  67. "Your 'Snack'"
  69. >Alastor grabs his jacket on the way out as Angel calls at his back, mouth full of food
  71. "Hey Al! What was that song? It's pretty saucy!"
  73. >He wishes the jambalaya's kick was strong enough to kill him
  74. >No, it's not an everyday occurrence but when Alastor feels it, he'll cook and listen to some music, though these days he's considering eating other demons again, at least when he eats other demons he's never questioned about his music choices.
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