
Golden Fanta Woes

May 18th, 2019
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  1. I've used the Golden Fanta mod for a while and I can tell you why I've moved on from it.
  2. 1) The "golden" aspect of the parts stems from the colour of the material used for the metal parts like the shaft and rings for the battops. Unfortunately, ASI have decided to use brass, which corrodes easily, and the corrosion (a blue substance) has actually gotten onto my joystick hand without me trying. Particularly with the two ringed battop, and even with a brand new shaft, which got dirty within a 2 hour play session. The earliest shafts were also not threaded properly, and while minor, a very small percentage of them would nevertheless break off if you screwed the battop on too tightly.
  3. 2) The grommets ASI manufacture do not seem to offer even tension at all. I would notice that inputting right did not require nearly as much distance compared to inputting left on the lever, for instance. This did not change even when I switched the orientation of the grommets. This has happened for the purple, red, and old red grommets on multiple bases, including the Fujin and Kaze bases (I own but have not used any grommets weaker than purple for a long time so I have no say on them).
  4. 3) Even when fully assembled and assuming that the grommets didn't already have the above issue, they also did not provide the measured tension in the Fanta. I found that using a stock Fujin had greater tension than even an old red grommet setup with ASI's oversized core (which btw adds very little tension compared to the Fujin's oversized core). I even ended up trying the ASI grommets with the Fujin, but the above issues and the fact that they were just too heavy even for my hands led me to go back to the IST black grommet (which also has the 2nd issue but unlike ASI grommets is remedied with the proper orientation, which you might not know until you put it in).
  5. 4) The parts were "designed" to be used only with themselves. This means that they do not fit with literally any other brand of Korean lever parts. I figure this is likely done to get you to buy a whole kit to "try for yourself", but it also discourages, say, the use of the regular Delrin battop (which is actually good since there is no brass on it) on the Fujin, or using the Fujin's core with the Golden Lever (which is a whole other level of waste given everything I've said so far, even with the use of the bearing actuator, which requires you to use the constantly corroding shaft in the first place). And to be fair, not everything is supposed to fit together (why else would Crown and Fanta parts be incompatible with each other), but this design does limit the Golden mod customizability a little bit.
  6. I've talked a lot about the Fujin, and you may guess that it is what I use now over any sort of Golden configuration. Sort of; I use a Fujin base, but replaced the actuator and the shaft with those of the Kaze's. Yes, I do have to deal with the red Sanwa battop unfortunately, but it works really well for me since I love having a large actuator and shaft (and as I found out, the Fujin's base actually has the perfect 16 mm switch spacing to minimize the dead zone with the Kaze's 16 mm actuator; the Kaze's spacing is the same as a standard Myoungshin Fanta, 16.5 mm). I also use the hard Omron V-152-1A6 switches (which I did NOT buy from ASI) because I thought it would be a nice substitute for using the crappier, heavier ASI grommets (and while not exactly having that intended effect, I did eventually grow to hate the Gersung A3s because they felt way cheaper than the Omrons).
  7. These are my thoughts on my journey of Korean lever testing. I have nothing against Wazwuz, only the product he is selling. I don't think it is that good and at least requires some revision. A rather vocal minority in the Korean Grommet Sniffers Discord seems to agree with that.
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