
Roblox application center

Jan 16th, 2018
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  1. ocal module = {
  2. ["PrimaryColor"] = Color3.new(0/255, 0/255, 0/255), --[[Color for text/background etc (Leave all the /255 bits, you just change the number before them! See http://html-color-codes.info/ and get the RGB numbers there.]]
  3. ["GroupName"] = "World Builders!", --Company Name, pretty self explainitory huh?
  4. ["Questions"] = {"Tell us a bit about yourself.", "What job are you applying for?[ MANAGEMENT TEAM AND BELOW ONLY ]", "Who is the current Chaiman of Bonus Donuts?", "What is the job of your selected job?", "What timezone are you located in? [EG: GMT, EST.]", }, --Questions to be answered, you can keep adding questions by adding another ,"" before the last curly parenthesis/bracket.
  5. ["Logo"] = "", --Group's Logo Texture, make sure you've -1 from you ID if you get it from your assets!
  6. ["Trello"] = "JO5i7Nse", --Trello Board's URL, this is the small random letter section before the board's name in the URL. e.g. https://trello.com/b/hs5AIHja/random-board; "hs5AIHja" would be the part.
  7. ["Group"] = 3772262, --ID of ROBLOX Group, pretty sure you'd know this..
  8. ["Key"] = "adcaae601440a3b1e0fc6bf3d7faf0da", --https://trello.com/app-key <- just go to that URL and it's they Key, not Secret key.
  9. ["Token"] = "b92d053c6cc97b6e470178441f70b5389650ac9bc5d582f8337e9976a981961a" --https://trello.com/1/authorize?key=PUTAPPKEYHERE&name=My+Application&expiration=never&response_type=token&scope=read,write <- make sure to change the PUTAPPKEYHERE bit to your key from above!
  10. }
  12. return module
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