Guest User


a guest
Jun 16th, 2019
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  1. #some placeholders
  2. # %online% = online count
  3. # %ping% = ping of player
  4. # %nick% = nickname of player
  5. # %ip% = IP of player
  6. # %time% = for example 20:30:00
  7. # %rank% = permission group of player
  8. # %money% = money of player
  9. # %world% = name of world where player is
  10. # %worldonline% = amount of players in the same world, might be useful with per-world-playerlist enabled
  11. # %canseeonline% = similar to online, but doesn't count vanished players
  12. # %staffonline% = amount of staff online, groups can be defined below
  13. # %kingdom% = if kingdom plugin is installed..
  14. # %faction% = if a faction plugin is installed..
  15. # .. + PlaceholderAPI
  17. change-nametag-prefix-suffix: false #Warning! Disabling will break sorting of players in tablist!
  18. change-tablist-prefix-suffix: true
  19. enable-header-footer: true
  21. #1 tick = 50 milliseconds
  22. nametag-refresh-interval-ticks: 200
  23. tablist-refresh-interval-ticks: 200
  24. header-footer-refresh-interval-ticks: 1
  26. header:
  27. - '&3%animated-object:Hi%&r &l%nick%!'
  28. - '&7Online players:%animated-object:online% %online%'
  29. - '%animated-object:ip-ping%'
  30. # - "&6Online staff: %staffonline%"
  31. - "%animated-object:MyAnimation1%"
  32. # - "%animated-object:versions%" #requires ViaVersion
  33. footer:
  34. - "%animated-object:MyAnimation1%"
  35. - '&7Visit our webpage %animated-object:web%'
  36. - "%animated-object:vote%"
  39. show-ping-in-tab: true
  40. invalid-ping-replacement: -1
  41. use-essentials-nickname-in-tab: false
  43. #different playerlist in differnt world. Like on a bungeecord
  44. per-world-playerlist: false
  46. #renamed, so hopefully nobody will ask what is this anymore..
  47. if-a-player-is-assigned-to-more-than-1-group-the-group-higher-in-this-list-will-be-used-to-apply-prefix-suffix:
  48. - "Owner"
  49. - "Admin"
  50. - "Mod"
  51. - "MVP"
  52. - "VIP"
  53. - "Donator"
  54. - "Member"
  56. #used for %staffonline% variable
  57. staff-groups:
  58. - "Admin"
  59. - "Mod"
  60. - "Owner"
  62. #better showing of %rank% value
  63. rank-aliases:
  64. Admin: "&4&lAdmin"
  65. Mod: "&b&lMod"
  66. Donator: "&6&lDonator"
  67. MVP: "&6&lMVP"
  68. VIP: "&6&lVIP"
  69. default: "&7Member"
  70. player: "&7Member"
  71. Builder: "&eBuilder"
  73. #tabprefix = prefix in tablist with no known limit of characters
  74. #tagprefix = prefix above player's character with limit of 16 characters
  75. #tabsuffix = suffix in tablist with no known limit of characters
  76. #tagsuffix = suffix above player's character with limit of 16 characters
  77. #you don't need to use all 4, you can delete the empty values to not have this config full of "spam"
  79. #players are sorted in tablist alphabetically by their tabprefix
  80. #for a guide how to "bypass" this, check FAQ on plugin's spigot page
  81. Groups:
  82. Owner:
  83. tabprefix: "&0[&4Owner&0] &c"
  84. tagprefix: "&4&lOwner &c"
  85. Admin:
  86. tabprefix: "&0[&6Admin&0] &e"
  87. tagprefix: "&6&lAdmin &e"
  88. Player:
  89. tabprefix: "&6[&eMember&6] &7"
  90. tagprefix: "&e&lMember &7"
  91. Member:
  92. tabprefix: "&6[&eMember&6] &7"
  93. tagprefix: "&e&lMember &7"
  94. MVP:
  95. tabprefix: "&6[&eMVP&6] &7"
  96. tagprefix: "&e&lMVP &7"
  97. VIP:
  98. tabprefix: "&6[&eVIP&6] &7"
  99. tagprefix: "&e&lVIP &7"
  100. Donator:
  101. tabprefix: "&6[&eDonator&6] &7"
  102. tagprefix: "&e&lDonator &7"
  103. Builder:
  104. tabprefix: "&6[&eBuilder&6] &7"
  105. tagprefix: "&e&lBuilder &7"
  107. #personal settings, override group settings
  108. Users:
  109. Player1:
  110. tabprefix: ""
  111. tagprefix: ""
  112. tabsuffix: ""
  113. tagsuffix: ""
  115. #list of worlds with different settings than default, other worlds will use settings from above
  116. per-world-settings:
  117. world1:
  118. header:
  119. - "an example of world with custom"
  120. footer:
  121. - "header/footer and prefix/suffix"
  122. Groups:
  123. Admin:
  124. tabprefix: "&2&lAdmin &1&l"
  125. tagprefix: "&2&lAdmin &1&l"
  126. Player:
  127. tabprefix: "&5&lMember &3&l"
  128. tagprefix: "&5&lMember &3&l"
  129. world2:
  130. Groups:
  131. Admin:
  132. tabprefix: "&2&lAdmin &1&l"
  133. tagprefix: "&2&lAdmin &1&l"
  134. Player:
  135. tabprefix: "&5&lMember &3&l"
  136. tagprefix: "&5&lMember &3&l"
  137. Users:
  138. Player1:
  139. tabprefix: "&5&lMember &3&l"
  140. tagprefix: "&5&lMember &3&l"
  141. tabsuffix: ""
  142. tagsuffix: ""
  143. world3:
  144. header:
  145. - "an example of custom header/footer"
  146. - "in world3, but"
  147. footer:
  148. - "prefix and suffix still same"
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