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Feb 6th, 2016
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  1. first things first: no such thing as an unproblematic person.. and if you somehow think you're exempt from that, i urge you to reevaluate. no unproblematic human being exists.. only problematic people who are open to recognizing their problematics and accepting when they're wrong and learning how to correct it! we all go through this learning process every day! each human being is flawed in some form. it's just a matter of who's willing to grow and who isn't. some people you encounter obviously will be defensive or prideful and won't want to recognize their words or their actions as problematic. their mind is made up. they choose to remain stagnant. eventually you need to learn not to waste your breath on these people because they're never going to value the information you're trying to pass onto them. that being said though, let's face it, at one point or another we've all been too stubborn and prideful or couldn't see past ourselves to admit when we may have been in the wrong in any given situation. main point here though: after awhile with certain people who constantly display problematic behaviors and outright let you know they have no desire or need to alter themselves... that's when you just need to learn how to walk away and leave it. leave them. your time could be much better spent elsewhere rather than wasted on the same people where nothing is going to change. trust me.
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