
Everybody Hates Jaydon

May 30th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: She drove up the street and pared her car across the street from her building. She did pretty good for a chick who was very wasted and driving. She got out the car and stumbled over to her building. Luckily traffic was scarce at this hour otherwise she'd probably get hit. She waited for the others before heading upstairs. "Don't worry guys. Nobody's gonna even know we fucked shit up at that dumb bar."
  2. Artificer: Damian got out of the car, shivering a bit as the cool night wind blew over his shirtless body. "Im sorry guys." He said, feeling like a jackass. "Today has been.." He trailed off, following Libi up to her place.
  3. Covet: "I'm not concerned about going back, I'm more concerned about Damian." She said as she climbed out of the vehicle and made her way towards the stairs. "Don't feel sorry, Everyone's got their shit, Damian. Jay was the one who got his entitled panties in a twist trying to drop his dad's name like it matters."
  4. Tsaaq: "Shut up. It's fine." Libi waved her hand at him. She struggled to open the door to her apartment and went to take off her heels as she sat on her couch. "He was being a fucking shit head..." She mumbled, reaching under the couch as she grabbed her bong. "Help me fill this." She yawned before laying on her side. "All we gotta do is sleep this day off. It's fine."
  5. Artificer: Damian grabbed the bong and walked to the kitchen, filling it in the sink. "I-I was with this patient today. Sheryl." He smiled a bit thinking back. "She's been coming in since I started a year ago. She always would make cookies and bring them in for us." He walked over, handing the bong back to Libi before sitting down in front of the couch, leaning his back against it since Libi took up the whole couch. "Everything was going fine, we were talking about..." Damian paused, his face going sullen again. "She just seized up. I couldnt do anything." He chewed the inside of his cheek, trying to fight back his emotions again. "She was a fucking DNR. I couldnt do anything. I couldve saved her." He hissed under his breath before his head dropped, still trying to keep it together.
  6. Covet: Angel reached for the bong seeing that Libi was beyond useful help as Damian grabbed it, she huffed and waited for him to bring it back " I got it, I got it. Damian you need to get washed up and get some ice on your face, You can't lay down yet, bitch, you're supposed to be a host." Angel said as she worked on breaking up the nug to load the bong , as she nudged Libi. "I'm sorry.. that's.. that's really sad. I can only imagine what it's like to have to go through that, But sometimes these old people.. when it's their time to go.. they want to go. Can't really say I blame them."
  7. Tsaaq: "Fine." Libi grumbled as she got up from her couch and went to grab some ice from the kitchen along with a rag. She wet it up before going back over to the two on the couch. Libi didn't quite know how to process what he said so she just frowned. "I'm sorry your friend died." She muttered, biting the inside of her cheek and speaking gently like a child as she went to wipe the blood from his face.
  8. Artificer: Damian shook his head and took a breath. "Shit, Im sorry." He scoffed at himself, looking over at Libi as she wiped his face. "I dont know why Im like this. Ive seen people die before. Ive seen people getting stabbed and shit and wasnt like this." He tapped his foot looking up at the bong. Desperately needing a hit.
  9. Covet: "Seriously, stop saying sorry. You don't have to say sorry... you get close to people... it happens." She said while she packed the bowl making sure it was tight but still had airflow, then handed it over to him, once his face was cleaned off. She set the stash on the wood surface next to her.
  10. Tsaaq: Libi nodded her head. "Yeah... And I'm guessing it sucks when people you love go away..." She trailed off awkwardly, still cleaning off the blood from his face until it was clean. "You totally wailed on that yuppie." Libi said with a smirk, trying to get a smile out of him.
  11. Artificer: Damian gave Libi a half smile before taking a rip from the bong. He held it in as he handed the bong off to Libi. He exhaled, tilting his head back blowing the smoke straight up. "That guy was a douche right? I wasnt just being crazy?" He asked, glad to change the topic.
  12. Covet: "Oh he was a douche long before tonight... Trust me." Angel said waving it off like it was nothing. "He totally deserved that ass kicking." She said leaning back into the couch getting comfortable. "I already texted him telling him as much, because nobody gives a shit when you start throwing money and dropping names, that's just setting you up for the ass kicking."
  13. Tsaaq: "I definitely took his money though." Libi wrapped ice with paper towels and went to hand it to Damian so he could hold it onto his face. She took the bong and took a long rip as she went to sit down beside him. As she exhaled she began to slouch. "You guys can stay here..." She offered. "Like you don't have to go home to sleep or anything?" She muttered.
  14. Artificer: Damian held the ice to his face, leaning against Libi a bit as she sat beside him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Thanks." He said to her before repeating himself. "Thank you, both. I appreciate you two having my back."
  15. Covet: "I would have too. That's what he gets for throwing it out there like a douche. No problem Damian, we take care of our Rave escort. Plus, you're a pretty cool friend too" She said with a laugh and picked up the bong to tak a rip herself. "I'll probably hang out for a while, for sure. If I pass out I pass out. I don't have anything going on tomorrow."
  16. Tsaaq: She nodded her head. "Of course jackass." She smirked as she nodded for Angel to pass the bong back to Damian. She lowered her head and sighed a little. "I can't believe you're texting that asshole." Libi said to Angel before closing her eyes and yawing a bit.
  17. Artificer: Damian took the bong and hit it again, coughing a bit as he exhaled this time. He closed his eyes, leaning against Libi as he held her in his arms. He felt himself starting to drift off, his eyes fluttering as he attempted to fight the sleep.
  18. Tsaaq: ((Yeah it's beddy-bye times.))
  19. Artificer: ((We are all falling asleep yes? lolol))
  20. Covet: "Only to rub his face in it some more." She said with a laugh, handing the bong over to Damian so he could take another rip. " She saw the two of them passing out and smiled. She got up to get a blanket to throw over them, before she made her way out and called for a ride home.
  21. Covet: [SLEEPS!]
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