
Akemi - Application

Jul 27th, 2016
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  1. { happiness }
  3. ↝ name | Angelica Ryu | Korean Name: Ryu Miseon
  5. ↝ nickname |
  7. |} Angel - Given to her by her grandmother due to her kindness and her voice
  9. |} Angie - A short form of her full name; given to her by her closest friends
  11. |} Sunny/Seonie - A reference to her cheerful persona; given to her by her fellow group members
  13. |} Squirt - Due to her short height; given to her by her older siblings
  15. |} Baby Genius - Due to her being really smart
  17. ↝ birthdate + age | November 29, 1994 | 21 years old
  19. ↝ birthplace | San Francisco, California, USA
  21. ↝ hometown | New York City, New York, USA
  23. ↝ nationality | American
  25. ↝ ethinicity | Korean
  27. ↝ height | 162 cm
  29. ↝ weight | 51 kg
  32. { ice cream cake }
  34. ↝ background | Angelica grew up in an academically rich and competitive environment. Her parents moved to the US to pursue higher education when they were younger and met during a conference in San Francisco, California. They dated for a long time, waiting until after they finished their degrees to get married. Angelica's older twin siblings, Elizabeth and Alexander, were born four years before her but they were all very close. Her parents were adamant in them excelling in school and had them taught by their fellow university friends. She grew up home-schooled and learning things her peers haven't touched down yet.
  36. When she was 12 years old, her parents accepted a job offer in New York City. They decided to register Angelica in a public school. There, she skipped from sixth grade straight to eight grade. The kids there made fun of her due to her height and her tendency to daydream. She was the bane of every teacher for she seemed to know more about the subject than they did. The very few friends that she had were very loyal and protective of her.
  38. At ten years old, Angelica attended her first musical. Her sister played the part of Juliet - the first Asian in the school to take on the role. She decided that she wanted to perform onstage like that too. She persuaded her parents to take her to singing lessons and acting workshops along with taking a few dance classes. When she was fourteen (during her sophomore year in high school), she became a part of her school's a capella group and went to win the ICHSA Championship. She also participated in various singing related contests along with interscholastic competitions.
  40. Her parents decided to return to Korea after her grandfather fell ill when she was sixteen years old. Her sister decided to stay in New York while her brother went to California for college. Her grandmother - who owned a cafe/bookstore - enlisted her help to bring in customers. Angelica sang outside the cafe in the afternoon and acted as a DJ during the weekdays. She had a hard time adjusting to the change and was often seen hanging out with the teachers due to her wanting to improve her Korean. She graduated at the top of her class when she was seventeen and got offers from various prestigious colleges.
  42. Angelica was scouted after a JYP representative found her singing outside of her grandmother's cafe one afternoon. He encouraged her to audition for the entertainment. She sang "On My Own" from Les Miserables and got accepted. While she was a trainee, she attended Seoul University, double majoring in Musical Theater and Business while minoring in Linguistics.
  44. ↝ personality | Angelica is someone with a lot of layers. People - even those who are close to her - find themselves surprised at the different aspects of her that they don't know about.
  46. To those who aren't close to her, Angelica is a very withdrawn and introverted girl. She's sincere and hardworking. She's shy and waits for the people to approach her first. She's quiet, overly polite, and hesitates to put her opinion out. Angelica likes to be liked and is very cautious when speaking her mind around people she doesn't know. She cares about leaving good first impressions.
  48. When she opens up to people, they find that Angelica is a complete opposite from what other people see her as. She's very rambunctious and talkative. She often says what she thinks without realizing it and is full of energy. She isn't very good at minding other people's business and likes to pull pranks and jokes on other people. She can also be very perverted and clingy. Angelica is full of imagination and curiosity. This, combined with her never-ending energy and impulsive traits, gets her into sticky situations and in trouble. She's also very giggly and gets excited too easily. Some people get tired and annoyed of her loudness and insensitivity. Angelica can also be a little immature.
  50. People sometimes underestimate Angelica's knowledge and intelligence. Due to her unfiltered brain, she sometimes comes off as a bit ditzy and scatterbrained. In the contrary, Angelica is very smart. Though she might not seem like it, she is very observant. Her thirst for knowledge is vast and she likes thinking about things her peers might not be even concerned about. She likes to think out of the box and sometimes when she says something random or unfiltered, it's usually due to the fact that her mind is going a million miles an hour and she doesn't have the time to sort through all her thoughts. Sometimes, she overthinks things and it just makes her paranoid.
  52. Angelica has a way with words. She's outspoken and she often expresses her feelings through words. She likes to write because it allows her to put her thoughts down without the pressure of something coherent. It's her way of dealing with hard emotions and situations and a way to cope with stress.
  54. She's very kind and a hard worker. Even though her playfulness can get too extreme, she doesn't cross any lines and avoids things that can hurt other people. She's ambitious and a little to obsessed with perfection. She isn't satisfied with something unless she poured her heart and soul into it - until she reaches near perfection. Angelica strives to impress and she can sometimes come off as a bit of a show-off when she shows people something she worked hard for. She isn't easily hurt, but she does take everyone's opinions to heart. This can often lead to her overworking herself.
  56. Angelica cares for the people she's close to. She would do anything to keep them happy and safe. She can be overprotective sometimes - and a little territorial. She's very kind to everyone she meets and doesn't judge. She can, however, get angry easily - especially towards those who are mean people. Angelica is very dedicated to her humanitarian beliefs and isn't afraid to shoot down those who insult them. She starts a lot of fights because she can get offended easily and her pride doesn't let her apologize.
  58. ↝ likes |
  60. > Pastel Colors/Pink
  62. > Reading
  64. > Crime Shows (Bones, Castle, Forensic Files)
  66. > Writing
  68. > Learning
  70. > Singing
  72. > Fashion
  74. > Italian Food
  76. > Cats
  78. > Sad Things
  80. ↝ dislikes
  82. > Fish
  84. > Ignorance/Bigots/Misogynists/Racists/Everything Wrong In The World
  86. > Heat
  88. > Mess
  90. ↝ trivia
  92. > When she was growing up, Angelica wanted to rule the world - only so she can get rid of everything wrong and make it better.
  94. > She is nearsighted and needs to wear glasses.
  96. > She has a four octave vocal range.
  98. > She knows six languages; English (Native) | Korean (Fluent) | Japanese (Intermediate in Speech and Reading, Basic in Writing) | Spanish (Conversational Level) | Italian (Learning) | Tagalog (Basic) | French (Learning)
  100. > Angelica took art lessons, but she still sucks at art.
  102. > She has two cats; a Pale-Silver Blue Persian named Nico and a White Siberian named Perseus ("Percy" for short).
  104. > She's obsessed with Hamilton.
  106. > Angelica can rap, but it isn't as prominent as her vocal skills.
  108. > She shakes the person next to her when she's excited and she screams a lot.
  110. > She isn't a fan of horror movies.
  112. > She has a blog (under an alias of course).
  114. > If she were to rank her talents it would be: Vocals, Rap, Dance.
  116. > She's a night owl and usually sleeps at 2 A.M. (the latest she slept was at 5 A.M.).
  118. > Angelica almost left, but her pride didn't allow her to.
  120. > She gives great hugs.
  122. > She likes to cook.
  125. { dumb dumb }
  127. ↝ stage name | Elysia
  129. ↝ stage behavior | On-stage, Angelica is very focused on her work. She puts emotion and effort into her singing and does her best with her dancing. She can't really be sexy, but she can be fierce. She knows how to work it on stage and she is very professional.
  131. ↝ what kind of fanservice do you do? | She usually initiates a lot of touchy skinship with the other members. During concerts, she usually sits at the edge of the stage and just talk with the fans. She also gives a lot of hearts. On stage, when performing, she sends a lot of winks and subtle hearts for the fans. During fan meetings, she always gives each of the fans a hug before they move on. At airports, she talks with them while she's waiting for a flight. Outside of revenues (while they're waiting in the cold), she always sneaks out to give fans blankets and brings big thermostats full of homemade hot chocolate.
  133. ↝ faceclaim | Seohyun - Girls' Generation
  135. ↝ backup faceclaim | Seohyun - Oh My Girl
  139. { one of these nights }
  141. ↝ love interest | Junior from GOT7
  143. ↝ backup love interest | Suga from BTS
  145. ↝ his personality | Junior is quiet and a little mysterious. He's the type of guy to hang back and observe, but at the same time, he can be just as lively as his other group members. He's motherly and caring towards other people and looks out for his friends a lot. Junior is a hard worker and bit of a perfectionist. He always sees a place needing improvement and he can be a little harsh on himself. He likes the peace and quiet and enjoys reading books. He can be really cute, but then become sexy.
  147. ↝ how does he act around you? | He's quieter around Angelica. He's smiley and he likes to stare at her. People can always find them discussing books, talking about random things, or just playing around. He's even more playful around her and he's bolder - a little flirty (not enough to send red flags for the fans, but enough for his members to know). He likes to initiate skinship with her (putting an arm around her, giving piggyback rides, sitting close together). Junior always finds a way to make eye contact with her and goes out of his way to make her laugh. She also likes to make her flustered.
  149. ↝ password | They're honestly all perfect. If I had to choose one, I feel like it would be Wendy. Her vocals are to die for, she's literally an angel on Earth, and she's such a cute dork.
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