
04.03 xitlalli thrall

Apr 15th, 2018
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  1. [00:01:55] {combat} Noxim Florus has been defeated by Adsila Coaxoch! They're unable to continue fighting.
  2. [00:01:55] LOOC - Noxim Florus: (Rip.)
  3. [00:01:55] LOOC - Noxim Florus: (What does the hidden do anyway?)
  4. [00:01:55] LOOC - Noxim Florus: (Just hide shit you put down?)
  5. [00:01:55] LOOC - Noxim Florus: (Yeah, I was curious about that.)
  6. [00:02:46] LOOC - Noxim Florus: (It's neat, hopefully it doesn't cost anything to get.)
  7. [00:02:46] LOOC - Noxim Florus: (Or almost anything.)
  8. [00:02:46] LOOC - Noxim Florus: (Because if it costs 15. Enjoy being the only person to ever buy that hidden ever.)
  9. [00:02:46] LOOC - Noxim Florus: (5, hrm. ppl might buy then)
  10. [00:03:37] LOOC - Noxim Florus: (woosh, now i return to the tribe village)
  11. [01:11:02] {Item} You drop Mantle.
  12. [01:11:02] {Item} You picked up Mantle.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  13. [01:11:53] Cocinar says, "Hey, Chitli."
  14. [01:12:44] Cocinar says, "Also, hey Lotlhuitl."
  15. [01:12:44] Lotlhuitl says, "Greetings."
  16. [01:13:36] Cocinar says, "Tsk."
  17. [01:13:36] Cocinar says, "Maybe she's tired."
  18. [01:13:36] Lotlhuitl says, "Or ignoring you."
  19. [01:14:27] Cocinar says, "True."
  20. [01:14:27] Cocinar says, "I am annoying at times."
  21. [01:14:27] Lotlhuitl says, "... "
  22. [01:35:47] A crackle of lightning, and Lotlhuitl was standing behind Noa. The Nagual seemed pensive. Gloomy. "Noa." The Nagual said, announcing her presence. Seemed tense.
  24. She had kitted up. Bothered to wear armour. A staff held loosely in her left hand.
  26. A moment of awkwardness followed as Lotlhutil pursed her lips, her fluffy left ear twitching as she seemed to regard Noa, her friend. "News?"
  27. (Lotlhuitl)
  28. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. [01:35:47] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "!!!"
  31. [01:35:47] JaDrako Kumo asks, "Huh?"
  32. [01:37:29] Mahiko had been standing atop the pyramid-temple of the Ezmara doing yoga for some time, keeping in shape with a morning routine. She had begun to get used to the sweltering humidity of the braziers combined with the dense nearby forest. Wiping some sweat from her brow, the girl stood before spotting a giant panda headed person nearby.
  34. Letting out a sharp gasp she ran down the stairs, approaching them with an expression of awe. Her mouth opened to speak before she stopped- Oh, it was JaDrako.
  36. The girl hesitated, staring for a moment before turning around and running away.
  37. (Mahiko Yu)
  38. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. [01:38:20] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ahaha)
  41. [01:38:20] Ah?
  43. Taking a moment to pause he quickly found himself turning to face this woman now. Hands pushed beneath his cloak as a gentle tilt of his head seemed swift to follow from such. Was she expecting him to fill her in on the details of Gehenna?
  45. "Let's see. Jianghu intends to strike against Gehenna and push us towards a war, Dmex is in the Demon city and I am really tired." He mused without so much as a second of hesitation and a crooked grin coming to press upon his lips. Surely she wanted that.
  47. "... And that is the news. Unless you meant something else."
  49. ... Hopefully she didn't.
  50. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  51. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  53. [01:39:12] JaDrako Kumo says, "Weird..."
  54. [01:40:03] JaDrako Kumo exclaims, "Heya Maggie!"
  55. [01:43:28] Mahiko running around threatened to bring a smile to the serious woman's expression. Threatened, but didn't quite succeed. Her gaze had momentarily tracked the Sarradian teenager's movements, before turning her attention back to Noa.
  57. "Dmex is in the Demon city?" Lotlhuitl tilted her head. "What do you mean, Noa?"
  59. Her tail swayed back and forth. Sloowly. "Tired? Tsk." The Nagual blinked, visibly thinking about what Noa had said. "Is whatever you're helping Xitlalli with keeping you awake?"
  61. Another blink.
  63. "Has she overburdened you?"
  64. (Lotlhuitl)
  65. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  67. [01:44:19] Mahiko would go back to doing yoga once she was sure JaDrako had fled.
  68. (Mahiko Yu)
  69. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  71. [01:46:01] ... What?
  73. Tilting his head further to the side there seemed only visible confusion stretched upon his features. The mention of the exploits being acted upon by Dmex could almost certainly be touched upon first however everything else only seemed to leave him confused.
  75. "She is working to assure we continue to secure peace with them for the time being. Until Jianghu is rightfully pushed back into their hole." His words ringing clearly with an audible snap of lightning rolling from his tongue. Though what seemed to follow was that of a pause.
  77. "... I'm not helping Xitlalli with anything at the moment however. We're more keeping one another awake, why do you ask?"
  79. Questions, questions.
  80. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  81. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  83. [02:14:11] Lotlhuitl blinked slowly. Once. Twice. The Nagual's fluffy ears had even twitched as she thought about what Noa had said.
  85. "What does this news mean for relationships with Atl?"
  87. She leant against her staff, hip jauntily being pressed out as she regarded her friend. Yeah. It was clear she hadn't quite understood the implications of what Noa was saying. Thought the two were working on a project or something.
  89. "Keeping each other awake?"
  91. She tilted her head.
  93. "Like.. for a project, or.. I didn't know you two lived close. Is she noisy at night? Dancing can be noisy, I guess."
  94. (Lotlhuitl)
  95. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  97. [02:20:09] JaDrako feels like a amazing speach was given...
  98. (JaDrako Kumo)
  99. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  101. [02:21:00] Mm.
  103. War created situations that neither side truly wanted to find themselves in. Tilting his head to the side his lips found themselves gently pursing at the mention of such a horrendous tribe still allowed to exist. Idly fingers found themselves tapping against the grip of his staff as words continued to pour past his lips.
  105. "Atl... Is being put on hold until Jianghu is handled. That is what I gained from the situation anyways, though this is not the outcome I had wished for." His words rang in an audible snap as silence quickly fell over him in that moment. Still she continued to push about Xitlalli as though what had occurred wasn't obvious.
  107. "... No, as in we share a bed now. I confessed my feelings to her, we share one anothers hearts. There is no project taking place, Lotlhuitl."
  109. Had that not been obvious?
  110. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  111. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  113. [02:27:50] Lotlhuitl's ear twitched, turning to listen to Noa's fingers tap out a rhythm against his staff as he spoke to her.
  115. Noa and Xitlalli, sitting in a tree. Lotlhuitl blinked as the news was revealed to her. Truthfully, she hadn't really thought about it. Considered it. "Oh!"
  117. The Nagual rubbed behind one of her fluffy ears. Awkwardness intensifying. "Congratulations!"
  119. Beat.
  121. "I thought you liked men."
  125. "Hm. I assume Atlians are no longer being detained then? Or is that something I will have to ask Hatsune about.."
  126. (Lotlhuitl)
  127. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  129. [02:32:57] "... What?"
  131. His words found themselves laced with confusion as for a moment he hadn't ever thought that a possibility. The idle tapping against the grip of his staff falling flat as those words graced his ears as a tint of red met his features. Something along those lines didn't quite sit right when they were used so casually.
  133. "I- You- What?" Those words repeating themselves time and time again as all he could truly do in retort was blink. The confusion was one thing but the betrayal he felt was something entirely different, had he given off that impression? Despite all his acts in war and standing alongside Gehenna was that what others thought of him?
  135. "I- We never approved that of Hatsune. That is Cruxati business, just ask her..."
  137. ... Men? Really?
  138. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  139. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  141. [02:37:13] Mahiko continues to do yoga while eavesdropping.
  142. (Mahiko Yu)
  143. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  145. [02:40:38] Lotlhuitl wasn't completely lacking empathy. She could tell that she'd just blurted something out, some truth of what she had genuinely assumed about her friend that she really should have held her tongue on.
  147. She wasn't certain why Noa seemed so shocked and embarrassed by the comment. It wasn't like being romantically attracted (or otherwise attracted) to the same sex would have stopped Noa from serving his patron spirit. Though, maybe that was something about the Sun God that Lotlhuitl didn't know.
  149. "Very well, yes. I'll do that." Lotlhuitl mumbled, in regards to speaking to Hatsune, deciding it was better if she didn't continue to casually throw out comments which would upset her friend.
  151. "Really, ah. You and Xitlalli. Yes, I can see that now. Congratulations." Awkwardness intensifying.
  152. (Lotlhuitl)
  153. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  155. [02:43:12] "... Lotl."
  157. His words ringing only slightly more audibly now as this staff hung upon his shoulders rolled effortlessly into the hands of this warrior. Raising upwards as lightning cracked and snapped from the grip of such and simply pointed back off in the direction of Cruxati without another thought.
  159. "You're making this really awkward. Just... Just... Go stand next to Xoconan or something." Noa's tone almost defeated now as in a single instance this weapon once more dropped down back to his side. Slamming against the ground all so a hand could come to rub gently at his forehead.
  161. "Men... Men..? Is that the aura I give off..?"
  163. How... Horrible.
  164. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  165. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  167. [02:57:42] Lotlhuitl genuinely didn't understand what Noa's deal was. She hadn't even known Xitlalli and Noa were a thing! The Nagual's tail twitched, her ears visibly drooping slightly as a sort of panic rose up within her. She hadn't meant to upset him!
  169. "N-no, Noa, I didn't - it's not an aura as such..!" Lotlhuitl once again spoke without thinking. The Nagual was trying to make this right! How awkward.
  171. She might have offered an apology. Or heck, even just tried to retract the entire remark. But then Noa had to go and try and dismiss her. Told her she was making it awkward. Her alarm and guilt at having upset her friend swiftly shifted into outrage.
  173. Lotlhuitl's posture shifted. Expression shifting. The Nagual's ears pinned backwards, and she let out a huff. "I'm making this awkward?" She repeated, her tone somewhat incredulous. "Don't.. don't dismiss me. Don't tell me what to do, Noa. Really."
  174. (Lotlhuitl)
  175. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  177. [02:58:33] LOOC - Akar Denvar : (*whistles*)
  178. [03:06:14] Tedious -- Whatever you wanted to call this it was tedious.
  180. Fingers continued to rub at his forehead as now it was her who took a sort of assertive tone. Shaking his head from side to side it wasn't as though it actually brought about agitation yet simple annoyances that needed addressed. Straightening outwards once more that hand pressed against his head found itself tucked beneath his cloak once more.
  182. "Come now, you can't really deny the comment about men wasn't awkward." He seemed to muse with that childish grin stretching upwards once more. Leaning forwards his own features pulling closer towards Lotlhuitl aiming only to stare her right in those eyes that could make any non-magi tremble if given the right situation.
  184. "... You're still quite scary when you take that tone. So, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to dismiss you, merely trying to clear my thoughts."
  186. One more apology added on.
  187. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  188. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  190. [03:12:12] Noa stared into her eyes, and Lotlhuitl stared right back. For a good minute she regarded him, her jaw still squared, her gaze quietly furious.
  192. Sigh. She couldn't really stay angry at Noa, not when presented with his childish grin.
  194. Lotlhuitl deflated, once more leaning against her staff as she gave him a slight wave of her hand, admitting defeat. "Yeah, okay." Wince. Cringe. Another sigh. "Noa, I'm sorry."
  196. A genuine apology.
  198. "I'll leave if you really want to be alone."
  199. (Lotlhuitl)
  200. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  202. [03:13:04] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Mmm. No, I'm over it now."
  203. [03:13:04] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Stay if you really want."
  204. [03:15:37] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (brb)
  205. [03:15:37] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (food)
  206. [03:40:22] Dmex asks, "...Karma?"
  207. [03:40:22] Dmex asks, "Have you gotten shorter?"
  208. [03:40:22] Dmex asks, "What has Maiya done to you?"
  209. [03:41:13] Karma Vindict says, "...I..."
  210. [03:41:13] Karma Vindict says, "I'm a girl at the moment, Dmex."
  211. [03:41:13] Karma Vindict says, "It doesn't... look all that much similar--- I..."
  212. [03:42:04] Dmex asks, "Yes, but - have you gotten shorter?"
  213. [03:42:56] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Karma."
  214. [03:42:56] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Help."
  215. [03:42:56] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "I am trapped."
  216. [03:42:56] Karma Vindict says, "Yes, yes...only when I'm a girl, though--- it seems to shrink."
  217. [03:42:56] Karma Vindict says, "Noa, fend for yourself like a real man."
  218. [03:42:56] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Karma, please."
  219. [03:42:56] Karma Vindict says, "A real sun man."
  220. [03:42:56] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Come here and let me follow you."
  221. [03:42:56] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "I beg of you."
  222. [03:42:56] Karma Vindict says, "Let me teach you..."
  223. [03:42:56] Noa Huitzilopochtli exclaims, "KARMA!"
  224. [03:43:47] Karma Vindict says, "Just like that."
  225. [03:43:47] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "I am going to cry."
  226. [03:43:47] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "I'm converting."
  227. [03:43:47] Dmex says, "As I will save all men, some day."
  228. [03:43:47] Karma Vindict says, "Disappointing... it was an easy task."
  229. [03:43:47] Dmex says, "All will be saved, from themselves."
  230. [03:44:38] Dmex says, "From the tyranny of..."
  231. [03:44:38] Dmex continues speaking, but trails off into unintelligible mumbling.
  232. (Dmex)
  233. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  235. [03:44:38] Karma Vindict says, "..."
  236. [03:48:54] Dmex eventually, gradually, comes back to something audible. "...In the wake of virtue."
  237. (Dmex)
  238. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  240. [03:48:54] Akar Denvar says, ". . ."
  241. [03:49:45] Dmex says, "...Oh. Tragedy doesn't want to kill me, by the way."
  242. [03:50:36] Karma Vindict says, "Mmh... don't think she's after anyone in Gehenna anymore."
  243. [03:50:36] Dmex says, "Probably still Hatsune."
  244. [03:51:28] Dmex says, "But yes, I was in Aetherius again to visit Effigy. She was there, too. Spoke a bit."
  245. [03:51:28] Dmex says, "Uncomfortable conversation, but I'm not to be punished for anything."
  246. [03:52:19] Karma Vindict says, "Unsure about Hatsune, but Traged did declare neutrality towards Gehenna a while back--- the fact that their city harbors necromancers irks me, though. There's only, like, two of them, but..."
  247. [03:52:19] Karma Vindict says, "Tch. Survivors of Valmasia are a pain... Tarquin and others."
  248. [03:53:10] Noa Huitzilopochtli asks, "... Tarquin is in the demon city?"
  249. [03:53:10] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "I'm going to challenge and kill him, in the event you don't mind."
  250. [03:53:10] Dmex says, "If he is, I've never seen him there."
  251. [03:53:10] Akar Denvar whispers something.
  252. [03:53:10] Dmex says, "Never seen a Valmasian of particular note, there."
  253. [03:54:01] Dmex asks, "...Well. Juniper?"
  254. [03:54:01] Dmex says, "Tragedy, if she counts."
  255. [03:54:01] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Akar Denvar whispers: (Hey man scoot over. Toot that ass up...)
  256. [03:54:01] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( WHAT
  257. [03:54:01] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "I'd assume she does."
  258. [03:54:01] Karma Vindict says, "Tarquin visits often--- I heard Juniper stays there. The necromancer Fae has made the place her home."
  259. [03:54:01] LOOC - Akar Denvar : (I said no such thing)
  260. [03:54:52] LOOC - Akar Denvar : (lies)
  261. [03:54:52] Dmex asks, "...Necromancer fae?"
  262. [03:54:52] Dmex says, "Is that -"
  263. [03:54:52] Dmex asks, "Nyphadora?"
  264. [03:54:52] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Kaaarma."
  265. [03:54:52] Noa Huitzilopochtli asks, "How to duels work there?"
  266. [03:54:52] Karma Vindict asks, "Juniper in particular would be frowned upon greatly by Gehenna, I suppose... personally, I'm not a fan of Tarquin either. The guy irks me--- and yeah, Nyphadora. That's what I was told?"
  267. [03:55:44] Karma Vindict says, "And... duels? "
  268. [03:55:44] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Mhm."
  269. [03:55:44] Karma Vindict says, "Be more specific."
  270. [03:55:44] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "I have to slay Tarquin."
  271. [03:55:44] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "So."
  272. [03:55:44] Karma Vindict says, "Oh--"
  273. [03:55:44] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "If he hangs around there..."
  274. [03:55:44] Dmex asks, "...People who return from the dead typically do so with damaged memory, right?"
  275. [03:56:35] Karma Vindict says, "Damaged memory... I'd say it affects their personality somewhat? Everyone said Gorou Sasaki was messed up and nothing like what he was before when they revived him."
  276. [03:56:35] Karma Vindict says, "And--- Tarquin is free to refuse, Noa. If he accepts, sure..."
  277. [03:56:35] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Boring."
  278. [03:56:35] Karma Vindict says, "Mmh..."
  279. [03:56:35] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "He is partially the reason Solem is dead, I can only offer him the kindness of death."
  280. [03:58:17] Karma Vindict says, "Tarquin is... he's as Azraelite as one can get--- not to mention, necromancer, too? Is he not? Regardless, not someone I'd the presence of on Agartha."
  281. [03:58:17] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Mmm."
  282. [03:58:17] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "So long as I have your approval to challenge him."
  283. [03:59:08] Dmex says, "I'm not about to disapprove, myself."
  284. [03:59:08] Karma Vindict asks, "...not that it'd matter, he'd just refuse, but--- go ahead?"
  285. [04:00:00] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Mmm."
  286. [04:00:00] Noa Huitzilopochtli exclaims, "Well!"
  287. [04:00:00] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "I wanna see this demon city you're fond of."
  288. [04:00:00] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "So, taaake me."
  289. [04:00:00] Karma Vindict asks, "Uh-oh--- you want to visit?"
  290. [04:00:00] Karma Vindict says, "Sure thing, I guess... just feels a bit weird with likes of Juniper running around."
  291. [04:00:51] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Don't be a baaaaby."
  292. [04:00:51] Dmex says, "...I sort of owe her one, kind of."
  293. [04:00:51] Dmex says, "She loaned me the key to her tavern for a night."
  294. [04:00:51] Noa Huitzilopochtli asks, "Want to come, Dmex?"
  295. [04:00:51] Karma Vindict says, "It's more like I'm expected to kill the woman--- but I am clearly not supposed to when i ntheir city."
  296. [04:01:42] Karma Vindict asks, "But--- got a spare Lax, Noa?"
  297. [04:01:42] Dmex says, "Tempting, but - Effigy's already asleep, or busy."
  298. [04:01:42] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "No."
  299. [04:01:42] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "I do not use drugs."
  300. [04:01:42] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "It goes against my religion."
  301. [04:01:42] Karma Vindict says, "Let's go buy one--- I'd rather be a man again before visiting their place."
  302. [04:10:14] JaDrako Kumo says, "Ahem."
  303. [04:10:14] Eztli Xizoh says, "reee"
  304. [04:25:36] Xitlalli returns from the depths of afk.
  305. (Xitlalli)
  306. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  308. [04:26:27] Xitlalli says, "Hi."
  309. [04:59:44] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "I sleep."
  310. [05:50:56]
  311. {LOAD GAME}
  313. [06:01:10] "Congratulations,"
  315. Lotlhuitl addressed Xitlalli. Her expression serious, but a certain kind of gleam in the normally gloomy Nagual's green gaze.
  317. Lotlhuitl stood close to Xitlalli, staff in her left hand. Her grip loose. The staff was a new addition. Shiny. Purchased from the markets. Not yet touched by a rune magi.
  319. "On you and Noa, I mean."
  320. (Lotlhuitl)
  321. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  323. [06:04:35] Ah yes, her and Noa; but as to why the congratulations. Why was a good question, so as soon as her eyes ceased that zoned out demeanour, Xitlalli shook her head and focused upon Lotlhuitl.
  325. Spirit Rot was still a thing, something still eating away at Xitlalli.
  327. "Huh?", at first though, she sounded confused, merely tilting her head to the side, eyes focused upon the Nagual until she spoke again, "Why the congratulations? Do I perhaps sense..."
  329. A lick over her lips there, as she prepared herself to tease her friend.
  331. "Jealousy?", to which was topped off with a sly smile.
  333. "But yeah, it was kind of obvious he was going to fall for me. Especially when he wanted me to 'enchant' his hair ages back. Mm."
  335. Xitlalli's expression eventually shifted to it's usual coy nature, sea blue eyes glimmering with curious excitement, the spirit dancer appearing bright as ever...!
  336. (Xitlalli)
  337. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  339. [06:19:56] Lotlhuitl blinked.
  341. Was she jealous?
  343. It.. hadn't occurred to her previously that such a thing could even be construed. The Nagual's fluffy blue-black tail twitched, flicking back and forth as she visibly contemplated Xitlalli's words.
  345. "You jest, surely." Lotlhuitl had grumbled. Her good mood fading. Maybe she was jealous. She didn't think so, but.. she had already managed to upset Noa about this. Lotlhuitl, too, was still suffering from a spiritual rot. Her... thoughts erratic. Emotions difficult to control.
  347. But she was in control. She was. She exhaled.
  349. "I l-" Lotlhuitl started to profess her love of Xoconan to her dear friend, before stopping herself mid sentence. A deep blush rising to her cheeks. That was too affectionate, too private a thing to say aloud in public. Embarrassing! "I don't think of Noa as anything other than a dear friend." She folded her arms in front of her chest. "A younger brother, and you, a younger sister. No, truly. I am happy for you both."
  351. Lotlhuitl wrapped her tail around herself, desperately wanting to get a handle on the vulnerability she was somehow feeling. Why on earth would she be jealous. The paranoia was more what bothered her than anything. Why would Xitlalli think that? Why would she be anything other than happy for her two dear friends?
  353. The Nagual tried to push these things out of mind. To focus on something else. Think about anything else. She was in control. A flickering ember of anger rose within her.
  355. Aaand was promptly extinguished. Distinctly uncomfortable, uneasy, Lotlhuitl thrust the staff she had newly purchased towards her friend. "X-Xitlalli. I ah, changing the subject. I need your opinion. Your help. I want to enchant this, but I'm-"
  356. (Lotlhuitl)
  357. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  359. [06:19:56] Lotlhuitl didn't finish her sentence, lost for words.
  360. (Lotlhuitl)
  361. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  363. [06:26:46] The spirit dancer felt something there within Lotlhuitl's words, her actions, her expression and in a way it reminded something of her teachings from her second teacher.
  365. It was interesting to say the least and to Xitlalli it might be an opening for something later on down the road, but still.
  367. The subject had been changed, her curiosity perked up once more.
  369. "Mrh. Mrh. Right. Right.", a quick dismissal was aired out, Xitlalli's plump lips pushed together as her face darkened for a moment; thinking she was, trying to drum up a reasonable response to what she heard prior to the demands of enchanting.
  371. "Weeeell."
  373. And from pursed lips, came a pout, Xitlalli placing her hands behind her back as she posed shyly.
  375. "Okay, my help, right."
  377. From there, blue eyes would slowly move downwards, gaze pinned upon the staff that was within Lotlhuitl's possession; from there, the spirit dancer inspected it with... Hungry glare, after all, it would be yet another chance to have another witness her art and another moment to etch her own history into an item.
  379. Proof of her skills. Speaking of which...
  381. "I'd say it'd be easy to improve it's magical capabilities, yeah."
  382. (Xitlalli)
  383. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  385. [06:38:43] Lotlhuitl, despite her embarrassment, hadn't looked away from Xitlalli. The Nagual watched as her dancer friend primped and posed. Seeing Xitlalli's gaze go to the staff, it had been held out, offered to her.
  387. Exercising some patience, Lotlhuitl had remained silent. The end of her tail twitched rapidly. It was still wrapped around her slender waist.
  389. "Really?"
  391. Lotlhuitl, despite herself, was impressed. Xitlalli truly was gifted. Even so, part of her felt.. ashamed. If her friend was gifted, what was she? Mediocre at best, probably.
  393. "I would like to watch." Her tone was terse, strained. Lotlhuitl was desperately trying to not give away how much she appreciated Xitlalli's help.
  395. "I.. actually, I have a few items which I.. I haven't enchanted. I've been holding off until I get better. Do you.. I'd really appreciate it if you gave me advice on them."
  397. But maybe she never would improve? Maybe this was as good as she ever would get. Just some angry Nagual, only passably competent a rune scribe. Only passably competent at combat. Barely able to protect what she cared about, if she was actually capable of such things.
  399. There was a real fear there. A real fear which the Nagual squashed down deep inside herself. Agony bottled up, locked away.
  401. Her voice was quiet now. "I've never really had a teacher."
  402. (Lotlhuitl)
  403. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  405. [06:44:41] As of currently until further notice, Xitlalli did have far too much freetime; it allowed sloth to settle in, allowed her to become somewhat content and lazy despite the post-traumatic stress coming back to haunt her regarding Zahhual, or those episodes of Spirit Rot. Yeah.
  407. Xitlalli was aching to burn off some time and with Lotlhuitl, she'd have just yet.
  409. "Fine. Fine. Fine. I'll enchant your staff.", the woman says with a roll of her eyes, only to begin moving off towards the east. Her path was to a place indoors with a table, someplace cozy, someplace safe and away from prying eyes. After all, Xitlalli wasn't one to air her business publically constantly, that'd be unprofessional.
  411. More to the point, she knew how low in self-esteem her friend was, Xitlalli knew Lotlhuitl's position was at best, mediocre and even then it was easy enough to see how...
  413. Fed up, the Nagual is, of it all. Something was surely eating her up from the inside out; though Lotlhuitl wouldn't be the first to go through such a thing, after all plenty on Agartha had suffered such torment, such pain and loss.
  415. "Follow me."
  417. A quick jib of her voice there, a rather compelling command? Or request, rather... Issued!
  418. (Xitlalli)
  419. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  421. [06:45:32] Xitlalli says, "Come on, sit, Lotlhuitl, sit."
  422. [06:45:32] Xitlalli says, "And we'll see if I can't help you out some."
  423. [06:54:04] Lotlhuitl had followed Xitlalli. Head held high, despite the turmoil she felt at all this. It wasn't wrong to have a teacher. It wasn't wrong to admit that someone was your better, and to seek to learn from them.
  425. But by all the spirits. Lotlhuitl was sick of being insufficient in every area of her life. Of struggling to keep her hands on that which was hers and having things taken from her again, and again.
  427. She took a seat, placing the staff on the table before them both.
  429. "I.. ah. I mean, I'm wearing some armour which is.. unenchanted." Lotlhuitl let out a wry laugh. "A runescribe who is too frightened to enchant her own armour. What a coward you must think me, Xitlalli." The words were said as a kind of joke, but.. somehow one may get the idea that there was a chunk of anger, of pain hidden within.
  431. "Macha made two sets for the Chieftess Kayeliun. I delivered it to her, and she gifted a set to me. It was... kind of her."
  432. (Lotlhuitl)
  433. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  435. [06:54:04] {Item} You drop Master Staff.
  436. [06:54:56] LOOC - Xitlalli: (I need orchilacum)
  437. [06:54:56] {Item} You drop Orchilacum x9.
  438. [06:54:56] {Item} You picked up Orchilacum x8.Dropped by Xitlalli. .
  439. [07:03:28] As soon as Xitlalli grasped Lothuitl's hand, a rather viciously smug grin seeped onto her mocha skinned visage. After all, in her hand was an individual could like herself could be molded; Oyaotl had molded her into something special and now, now was the chance to begin that process with another.
  441. "Come, come, sit.", through contact, an uneasy sensation of vertigo would wash over Lothuitl as Xitlalli tugged and pulled on their limb, leading her by the hand to Oyaotl's abode.
  443. Though, it wasn't uneasy after it 'settled', no, far from it.
  445. After that wave washed over Lothuitl's being, subtle suggestions of the subconscious to simply act passive and docile were there; they weren't loud but more akin to hushed whispers, easily ignorable yet at the same time, listening to them felt good.
  447. Xitlalli's hand felt good and that everything was A-Okay.
  449. But such sensations werecut short, with Xitlalli's hands being released and with Lotlhuitl now being seated, that 'feel good' warmth was quickly leaving Lotlhuitl and that. That was sure to cause a jarring feeling, or something to mentally compare and become aware of.
  451. "So, lets see. A lack of enchantments... Hadn't you been training your uhm, runescribing? Or did you simply just give up?", a question leaked out of Xitlalli's mouth there as she pulled out her own seat and sat upon it, eyeing the Nagual intensively; trying to gauge out a reaction to both what she had just expelled through touch and from what she had just said.
  453. The hint of passive-aggressive anger there, had been noticed by the dancing enchantress and that there was enough in Xitlalli's mind to justify what she was planning to do, or what she wishes to do rather.
  455. After all, the woman wasn't one for plans... Moreso on the spot give-ins to impulses, to lie andmanipulate as she saw fit to amuse her person.
  457. And as of late, she hadn't truly indulged herself.
  459. "A coward, perhaps and a gift from Kayeliun? Lucky you. Shame you didn't do too much with it. It's probably why I kept beating you without too much error on my part earlier on."
  461. "That being said if you do want to learn, you only have to say yes, it's quite the word, grants plenty of permissions depending on the context too."
  462. (Xitlalli)
  463. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  465. [07:04:19] LOOC - Xitlalli: (hand* being released oops
  466. [07:07:44] LOOC - Xitlalli: (naywya pick up your staff)
  467. [07:07:44] LOOC - Xitlalli: (so it doesn't despawn)
  468. [07:10:17] {Item} You picked up Master Staff.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  469. [07:10:17] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (thanks :)
  470. [07:28:12] Lotlhuitl didn't like being touched. She was all but allergic to public displays of affection, even from her beloved Xoconan. And so when Xitlalli took her hand, Lotlhuitl had visibly tensed. But she didn't immediately pull away, or protest. She didn't want to upset her dancer friend.
  472. She told herself it was because she needed her to do these tasks for her. But in truth? Lotlhuitl wasn't nearly as callous as she wanted to believe herself.
  474. She liked silly and affectionate Xitlalli. Her dancer friend was kind and strong and smart and beautiful. Worthy of admiration.
  476. But.. ordinarily, she would have pulled away long before Xitlalli released her. How nice holding hands had felt. The Nagual didn't have much in the way of a poker face, and so Xitlalli surely couldn't have missed both the confusion and the pang of longing that was evident in the Nagual'sgaze.
  478. Lotlhuitl exhaled. Trying to clear her thoughts. Something in her subconscious whispered just to go along with it. To just let Xitlalli lead. Give in to her.
  480. Alien thoughts..? Or.. or had Xoconan really done something to her, after all...
  482. Lotlhuitl wasn't sure what to make of these strange feelings she was having around her dear friend. So much so that she didn't say anything when Xitlalli led her within her own home. Oyaotl's abode it may once have been, but the White Witch had transferred ownership to Xoconan, her son and Lotlhuitl's fiancé.
  484. The Nagual was silent, seeking to be cool around her dear friend. She'd winced when Xitlalli asked if she'd just given up. She hadn't.
  486. "I do not give up." Lotlhuitl asserted. Ears only mildly flicked back. "A-and you mistake me. I'm no coward. Merely.. practical. I haven't been strong enough to wear the armour Kayeliun gifted me. It took me a while to work out how to properly fit it on my own." Lotlhuitl was clearly defensive about this.
  488. Another wince. It almost felt like Xitlalli was rubbing her prowess in at this point. Being reminded of it was clearly a sore point. The Nagual could almost clearly remember each and every time Xitlalli had beat her. The first had been the worst, and yet.. she wouldn't have been the dancer's friend if it wasn't for it. The others she had asked for. Sought Xitlalli out and each time hopeful that she would advance closer towards being able to stand on her own against her friend.
  490. And she failed each time.
  492. Pain. The woman instinctually suppressed any emotion that wasn't anger. It was.. easier, better to remain angry. Let that power her. And yet, around Xitlalli, there was a real temptation to just meekly sit there.
  494. "I want to learn, Xitlalli." Lotlhuitl said, distinctly stressed. The woman had turned to face her friend, reaching for the dancer's hands. "Please, yes, teach me. I don't expect or want charity. I'll make it worth it for you. Whatever you need, want. I'll do it. Get it for you."
  496. (Lotlhuitl)
  497. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  499. [07:29:04] {Item} You drop Green Shawl.
  500. [07:29:55] {Item} You picked up Green Shawl.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  501. [07:29:55] {Item} You drop Shirt.
  502. [07:29:55] {Item} You picked up Shirt.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  503. [07:40:09] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (lack of prowess** Lotlhuitl doesn't mind that Xitlalli is good. She feel self conscious about her own ability.. That's what I meant to imply)
  504. [07:41:00] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (smh.. every time i read my post after i hit enter i find like a million mistakes)
  505. [07:42:43] In truth, Xitlalli wasn't entirely up to date with Oyaotl or as to who owned the white witch's abode, but in her mind it mattered not. What happened to matter in her mind was granting Lotlhuitl some much needed 'help', but what was help...? How was it going to be conveyed or given rather to the Nagual.
  507. Not even Xitlalli knew the answer to that.
  509. But it was quite clear that she herself in comparison to Lotlhuitl was a source of admiration; something she painfully expressed out to the world, seemingly flawless and perfect, least superficially.
  511. "Ah, yes, I can see it now.", blue eyes soaked up Lotlhuitl's image, the irises slowly beginning to shift and give away, as if they were moving like a pair of miniature vortexes; storms in a bottle. Whilst Lotlhuitl had a hint of longing within her being, it was Xitlalli who was quite simply the definition of it.
  513. But, she held off for now, held off from doing what she really wanted; timing was everything in the dance after all and running off what Oyaotl taught her! Good things came to those who waited, those who let it all built up.
  515. "Well, lets get started then, skip all that idle and pointless chit-chat."
  517. A hand hovered over to the stave that was presented to her, placed down upon the table assumedly; it'd be here that the enchantress, Xitlalli exposed something of herself, with just naught other than simple flicks and etches of her right hand.
  519. The index finger gracefully jutting around the staff's surface, as blue ether shot out from her fingertip, cutting into the wood and metal.
  521. "You want to learn, so then watch how I do it."
  523. In truth, Xitlalli cared very little for whatever pain that Lotlhuitl might be suffering; after all, feelings didn't mean an awful amount to Xitlalli unless they were there to be exploited or toyed with. It wasn't so much as shewas heartless but it was something else.
  525. Whether or not Lotlhuitl would discover such a thing was not so 'confirmed' as of this moment but...
  527. The runes. The runes had Lotlhuitl been watching! Were most unusual.
  529. They appeared intricate and beautiful in their own right, curvy lines, flowers and the sun itself along with stars, all etched in and pulsating with mana. Although as Xitlalli's finger remained connected for the last part, putting the final touches upon the item.
  531. The Nagual might notice it glowered with a alluring and healthy looking green colouration; only to quickly dim and fade out, shortly replaced by a vibrant sea blue!
  533. Most unusual. Yet Xitlalli's expression, moreso her demeanour hadn't really given any hint that she noticed it herself; but it was the first time she had done it, the glint within her eyes suggested as much.
  534. (Xitlalli)
  535. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  537. [07:56:22] Lotlhuitl swore she felt Xitlalli's gaze upon her willowy form. Her own gaze, blinking, obscured briefly by a flutter of dark eyelashes. The Nagual wasn't sure what to make of the look her friend was giving her. Would Xitalli teach her? Was she judging her? It felt unusual to be on the other end of the appraisal.
  539. The Nagual bit her bottom lip. Struck silent.
  541. Then, relief. Xitlalli didn't want to talk about it any more. She was going to help her. Teach her. Lotlhuitl nodded, indicating that she would watch. Learn.
  543. This was preferable. Talking about problems, bah. Who wanted to do that? Lotlhuitl certainly didn't. Certainly preferred to just bottle them all away, pretend that everything was fine. I mean, she was fine.
  545. The Nagual's ears had pricked up, her green eyes wide as she watched the practiced and deft way that Xitlalli engraved the runes into her staff. She didn't.. mark itout, like Lotlhuitl would have done. Just.. channelled her mana, her will, into shaping the metal. Wow.
  547. Lotlhuitl could see Xitlalli's mana sinking into the staff. Closing the runes and empowering them. Green. Again, another difference between Lotlhuitl's runemagics. "What is--" She began to ask, before blinking. The mana running through the runes was a more usual sea blue now, the forest green having faded.
  549. "For a second I thought.. nevermind." Lotlhuitl murmured, rubbing behind an ear. She was surely seeing things. Mana was bluish-white. "Xitlalli, I.. this armour. Would you perhaps take a look at it also for me? I'd be appreciative."
  550. (Lotlhuitl)
  551. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  553. [07:57:13] Lotlhuitl asks, "Or.. perhaps another time?"
  554. [08:04:03] Xitlalli slipped her hand away from the staff, digits hooked around it for a moment as they clung albeit in a joking manner almost before being pulled off. From there, the dancer bit her bottom lip, as she gazed upon the weapon; she knew that what she had done wasn't just empower the weapon persay but put some general emphasis into it.
  556. Mayhaps impulse and desire for one's goal would burn brighter if it was used, especially excessively and if Lotlhuitl's willpower wasn't made of sterner stuff.
  558. But with a roll of her eyes and the flicker of her eyelashes, followed by a sigh, the woman found herself once more gazing upon Lotlhuitl. Having expressed her methods of runewriting which were more 'basic' in execution, more disposed of her will and of her passion onto the surfaces presented, Xitlalli couldn't help herself at this stage.
  560. No, no, no, whilst the Nagual's form left much to be desired, that it wasn't of her tastes she was curious.
  562. Though she sensed hesitation or fear; something to press upon, something to peel away after pressing down upon it.
  564. Though did she not speak straight the way; she granted Lotlhuitl naught but awkward and deafening silence for almost half a minute, her gaze firmly set onto her form and second by second it grew more intense, more as if Lotlhuitl could feel it.
  566. Crossing her legs over one another, bottom lip being released, Xitlalli smirked; she continued to bear down upon Lotlhuitl with her eyes which very well may have felt a bit too 'large' in the Nagual's mind.
  568. Though that was merely what she could feel. It wasn't the actual physical appearance being manipulated here.
  570. The only question one might be able to ask is... Why was Xitlalli doing this? Was it perhaps to see Lotlhuitl squirm? Or was it to gain some sort of reaction?
  572. Why exactly was Xitlalli simply looking upon Lotlhuitl in such a fashion?
  573. (Xitlalli)
  574. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  576. [08:22:49] Xitlalli hadn't answered her.
  578. Ordinarily, Lolthuitl was a bit of a starer herself. Either she was unaware that lingering glances made other people uncomfortable, or she ordinarily didn't care. But somehow? This time, she cared. It felt.. strange. Xitlalli's gaze was piercing. Despite this being such an innocuous scene, the Nagual was reminded of other times someone she had cared about had cast such gazes over her body. But that wasn't - No, that wasn't why Xitlalli was looking at her. It wasn't like that. She loved Xoconan. Exclusively. She wasn't jealous that Noa was dating Xitlalli. She was happy for them.
  580. The Nagual, silent, became visibly conflicted as the silence persisted.
  582. Silent now, the Nagual had watched Xitlalli place the staff on the table. There was an impulse to reach for it. To take it, and inspect it closer.
  584. But Lotlhuitl had asked a question. And she was waiting for an answer. Desperately so! Silent, practically holding her breath, Lotlhuitl's tail twitched, once. Twice.
  586. Normally she might have already snapped at Xitlalli for being weird. Just sitting there, staring at her. Instead of answering her question. Who did that?
  588. "Nn," Lotlhuitl had breathed, finally exhaling. Awkwardly breaking her own gaze which had been directed towards Xitlalli. She picked her staff up.
  590. "Oh," she exhaled. Blinking. Fluttering dark eyelashes as she reached out with her magical senses and felt the new power within the staff. It felt both strange and right at the same time, somehow. The Nagual felt an impulse to try it out. To channel her own magic through it.
  592. But Xitlalli was watching her. Judging her, perhaps. Even though the Nagual had turned her own gaze from her dancer friend, she still could feel Xitlalli's eyes tracing over her body. Her tail bristled slightly, the slightest of blushes rising to her cheeks. Her ears had drooped ever so slightly as her composure threatened to break.
  594. "I.. ah. Xitlalli. I'm truly grateful," she offered, her voice soft. Suppressing a shudder -- why was she feeling like this?? -- Lotlhuitl looked back to her friend. Trust. "Your work is beautiful. I hope that someday I have something worthy to offer you in return."
  596. Yeah. She'd just.. forget that she'd asked if her armour could be enchanted. Just let that one go..
  597. (Lotlhuitl)
  598. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  600. [08:31:21] Lotlhuitl gave way but not in the way which Xitlalli expected, that being said she truly wished to test the waters as it were, to see what kind of person she might be able to make Lotlhuitl out of, see what she might being able to do in the future.
  602. After all, one of the key things which Xitlalli loved was change; it was something she desired in people and given her long-winded 'appraisal', it was only right she started molding others to her vision, or those she wanted to conform to it, as of present.
  604. So with a smile, a breathy sigh being released, with a unusual wisp of green escaping her lips, the dancer didn't give out a request, no, the word she was about to utter out came as a demand! A rather, upfront and brash yet bold demand.
  606. The dancer stood up, pushing off her chair as she waltz'd around for a moment or two, boot clad feet touching the ground softly as she kept her now predatory gaze onto the Nagual; but it wasn't her body she was after, but that within itself was a quality that could be abused and used and offered up if need be.
  608. "Strip."
  610. The spirit dancer was after something, yet she knew she couldn't aim for it whilst Lotlhuitl was still safe and secure as they were! Whilst they still had their dignity and otherwise thanks to their clothing; the dancer aimed to peel such things away given this opportunity.
  612. And more importantly, see just how far she could manipulate Lotlhuitl; if they were to resist such a thing, then Xitlalli would have her answer too soon and not to her liking.
  613. (Xitlalli)
  614. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  616. [08:40:44] {Item} You drop Mythril Cuirass.
  617. [08:41:36] {Item} You drop Mythril Cuisse.
  618. [08:42:27] Lotlhuitl watched Xitlalli move, almost as if entranced. The Nagual had turned her delicate face to her friend as she stood. Watched her practically dance around her's and Xoconan's bedroom from beneath long, dark eyelashes.
  620. There was the vaguest hint of admiration in Lotlhuitl's gaze, and for a second it seemed like the Nagual had relaxed. Tail no longer twitching. Posture easing from ramrod straight. Tension slowly evaporating from her limbs.
  622. And then she was told to strip. Lotl's rich brown skin took on a distinctly pink hue as she almost started in surprise and annoyance. She didn't take well to being brusquely commanded. But then she seemed to think. A soft "oh," passed her lips. And, indeed, perhaps naievely Lotlhuitl assumed that Xitlalli had decided to help her with her armour after all.
  624. Man, Lotlhuitl was almost embarrassed. Not from the command, but for thinking for a second that there wassome sort of impropriety on Xitlalli's behalf. How silly. Xitlalli was such a kind person.
  626. And so Lotlhuitl removed first the colourful silks which she always wore. Then.. an intricately forged set of mythril plates which had been worn beneath the silks. The elegant and fitting curved metal was first and utmost a piece designed to protect, but it was by no means ugly.
  628. She still wore a shirt beneath her armour, and indeed, the breaches which had been beneath the cuisse!
  630. "Thank you, Xitlalli."
  634. (Lotlhuitl)
  635. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  637. [08:43:18] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (man, aha. The shirt isn't visible so i didn't care what it looked like..)
  638. [08:43:18] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (its ugly..)
  639. [08:43:18] LOOC - Xitlalli: (don't drop items cause they'll despawn)
  640. [08:43:18] {Item} You picked up Mythril Cuisse.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  641. [08:43:18] {Item} You picked up Mythril Cuirass.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  642. [08:43:18] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oh, soz)
  643. [08:43:18] LOOC - Xitlalli: (and that would be evil)
  644. [08:43:18] LOOC - Xitlalli: (also)
  645. [08:43:18] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (y-yeah..)
  646. [08:43:18] LOOC - Xitlalli: (>male base)
  647. [08:44:09] LOOC - Xitlalli: (I'VE BEEN RUUUUUSED)
  648. [08:44:09] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (yeah, well.. I didn't look at it..)
  649. [08:44:09] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (sorry)
  650. [08:44:09] LOOC - Xitlalli: (i was giggling)
  651. [08:44:09] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (FIINEEEEEEEEE)
  652. [08:44:09] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (w/e)
  653. [08:44:09] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (you wear clothing under armour..
  654. [08:44:09] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (D<)
  655. [08:44:09] LOOC - Xitlalli: (magic)
  656. [08:50:08] "Entirely."
  658. Xitlalli meant what she meant, approaching Lotlhuitl and placing her index finger and prodding at her forehead. From there tiny green arcs of energy jumped from fingertip to the rich brown skin of Lotl; a small flex of her sickly sweet power, something she herself truthfully wasn't fully aware of yet.
  660. Though she had noticed people had been bending to her whims more easily now, especially after a bit of song and dance; her voice sounding so much more 'fetching', or rather alluring, similar to how Oyaotl did it. It's probably why her teacher no longer... Sounded as enticing, tricks of the trade quite clearly picked up and learned well enough.
  662. "I need to see how pathetic you are, so I can truly help you."
  664. A harsh and insulting comment slipped free from Xitlalli's gob there, her eyes garnering a sharp expression as she stared at Lothuitl. Once more did they swirl and glimmer with a sense of malice yet longing!
  666. "Strip so I can see why Xococonan chooses to be so... Dull with you."
  668. The wardrobe of the Nagual would be fixed in due time but for now, the enchantress had other ideas.
  669. (Xitlalli)
  670. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  672. [08:50:08] LOOC - Xitlalli: (Xoconan* oop)
  673. [09:11:28] Entirely.
  675. Lotlhuitl felt like Xitlalli had sucked the oxygen out of her lungs. The woman stood there, staring at Xitlalli in surprise. She should have been outraged. Instead, she stood there wide-eyed, watching her friend approach her. She didn't flinch away as Xitlalli touched her. Though, delayed as it was, the Nagual's face did twist up with displeasure.
  677. The contact wasn't welcome.
  679. Or was it?
  681. Lotlhuitl's heart was hammering in her chest. Her chin held high. She was trembling, despite her best efforts. Her thoughts in disarray, emotions in flux. Pathetic? Xoconan, dull? Anger flared within the Nagual. Anger, tempered by.. strange feelings. Desire. Yearning. She wanted Xitlalli to like her. To teach her.
  683. This was surely some sort of test. Some sort of strange test which she didn't quite understand. Couldn't understand.
  685. Lotlhuitl swallowed. Conflicted. She was not afraid of anything. And she was definitely not ashamed of her body. The woman turned from her friend, hair tumbling over her shoulders as she slipped out of her colourful breaches. Panties too, swiftly joined them in being slung over a chair. The simple shirt (never intended to be seen) was pulled over her head, also casually discarded. And then the woman removed the final item of clothing on her body - the one concealing the swell of her breasts from view.
  687. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so they say. Lotlhuitl was a tall woman (roughly 6 feet in height), with willowy limbs and delicate features. Some might have found her body appealing, luscious, even. But hey, some may not have been into tsundere Nagual women.
  689. The jewellery (and Lotlhuitl wore a lot) had more or less stayed put this entire time. But she, with a shrug, removed all of it. Necklaces and rings. Gold chains clasped around her lovely hips. She removed the circlet she wore. She removed everything, hesitating only with one item. The amulet Xoconan had given her, which glowed with the warmth of the sun.
  691. Her fingers curled around it. Felt the familiar energy. The warmth.
  693. "I feel strange, Xitlalli." The Nagual breathed, still not facing her dancer friend as she steadied herself with one arm. She leant against the wall.
  694. (Lotlhuitl)
  695. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  697. [09:23:24] Xitlalli could see it all now, she could see the entire form of Lotlhuitl before her very eyes and to her surprise she and now bent and twisted them around her finger, or so she believed.
  699. To that end, Xitlalli breathed out once more, her breath coalescing into a green misty cloud before dissipating; a struggle to conceal her issue, of her sin, after all she was not wholly aware of it and yet she continued to press onwards.
  701. Why should she be afraid of what she was doing? This was entirely right, entirely justified.
  703. Or so her mind kept telling her as she turned around to face Lothuitl leaning against the wall, bracing herself with one arm, all exposed.
  705. "I think...", she says, voice taking on a sultry tone as she approached Lothuitl! Head leant forth as her eyes flicked up and down, "You aren't good enough, dear friend.", only to allow her mouth to close in on the gap between itself and the woman's ear.
  707. "Too thin, too meek looking, not enough..."
  709. Yet as her words came out in hushed, barely restrained whispers, it'd be her right hand which demonstrated or rather reinforced what was said. A grasp to the Nagual's right thigh, then right rear cheek was performed, digits sinking in slightly, but not enough to Xitlalli's liking.
  711. "How can Xoconan ever be satisfied with someone like you?", fortunately for Lothuitl, Xitlalli's desires hardly found themselves sighted upon women yet even then should the urge take her, such the impulse overcome her as often as it usually did around Oyaotl.
  713. Then of course that'd be another story. The tale right now however was anything BUT that, no, what Xitlalli aimed to do here was to incite change into her friend.
  715. To bend and manipulate them to HER wants, to what SHE desperately 'needed' to see.
  717. "I can teach you, but you must say yes, you must want this Lothuitl, you need to just give up, give in."
  719. It didn't matter what qualities Lotlhuitl had to grant her strength in this instance; if she was allowing this, if she was giving in and granting permission to Xitlalli, a dancing runescribe which was acting questionable within this scene.
  721. Then Xitlalli for all intents and purposes was about to have a field day. The smirk of those pouty, plump lips and the hungering gaze she had in her sea blue stormy eyes suggested as much.
  723. "So repeat after me. I, Lotlhuitl. Am lost, I need a guiding hand."
  725. ...But just what was that sickly green hue beginning to glare out from behind Lotlhuitl?
  726. (Xitlalli)
  727. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  729. [09:24:16] LOOC - Xitlalli: (Or rather, beginning to shine out, coming from behind Lotlhuitl* I meant)
  730. [10:01:48] Something within Lotlhuitl was stirring. Her soul, corrupted and rotting from the curse placed upon her -- upon all who had been at Cruxati that day -- sung out as Xitlalli approached her. Not unlike how it sung for Dmex, but not the same.
  732. This wasn't right.
  734. Lotlhuitl was dimly aware of this as Xitlalli spoke. Repeated the fears that she had within herself. Told her that she wasn't good enough.
  736. The Nagual's ear had twitched as Xitlalli spoke to her. She shivered. Visibly. All the way up her spine, that shiver went. At Xitlalli's presence. Her breath dancing across her sensitive fluffy ear. The words themselves.
  738. "No, no, no.." Lotlhuitl had protested, shaking her head. This was all wrong. She was strong. She was fierce. That was why Xoconan loved her. She was not meek. She was not too thin.
  740. Lotlhuitl's entire body had stiffened, the Nagual physically TREMBLING not with fear, but with ANGER as Xitlalli's hand first squeezed her thigh, her bottom. Xitlalli likely wouldn't have been able to tell the difference.
  742. Her tail bristled, ears pinned back. Her skin was covered in goosebumps, and suddenly felt hot to the touch. The Nagual for a second almost leant in against Xitlalli as the woman spoke. Told her to repeat after her. As the green whisps formed into a green, hard light from behind her. She was shaking. Physically shaking.
  744. "I, Lotlhuitl. Am.." Hesitation.
  746. She didn't give up. Give in. She couldn't. The power within Lotlhuitl spiked. She felt her anger. Anger, at so many things. So much more than just Xitlalli. It was somehow so difficult to be mad at the dancer! But she had so many more things to be angry about.
  748. She couldn't give in. Couldn't give up. She couldn't allow someone else to control her. She was no slave.
  750. Lotlhuitl snarled, finally turning to face her friend. Her hands tightly balled into fists. The wall of her bedroom against her back.
  752. And for a millisecond, she froze. Entranced by what she saw. It would have been obvious that, surprised as she was that she had almost just fallen to her knees then and there. Rolled over and given in to Xitlalli, her friend.
  754. No, not friend. This wasn't Xitlalli, not like she had first met her.
  756. There was something about her dancer that just pushed all her buttons all at once. Made her want to just... let go.
  758. And indeed, Lotlhuitl found herself letting go.
  760. Letting go of the control she had been so desperately trying to cling to. And... something else, took over.
  762. Lotlhuitl let out an animalistic scream, all but foaming at the mouth.
  764. She unleashed all her anger, all her rage at Xitlalli. Blood spilt from her pores, oozing from her body, her skin splitting as she lashed out... in the tiny enclosed space of her bedroom.
  766. (Lotlhuitl)
  767. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  769. [10:11:12] Spirit Rot affected them all and for Xitlalli it was more of a blessing than a curse; the memories she suffered from granted her the most unusual bout of clarity and at the same time, granted her something special in a way. It gave her methods and the dissociation required to explore said methods more vigorously.
  771. But of course, resistance was to be expected; Xitlalli was not yet aware of her 'talent', of her ability to make others commit to wanting and longing --to make them bend to her whims as a result. It was not yet trained and mastered; she was no Oyaotl, not yet.
  773. Xitlalli was not even close to that point; yet she'd desire it and reach it in due time.
  775. Her persuasive hand found itself removed from Lotlhuitl's form as they eventually turned around to face what could simply be summed up as a far too perfect appearing Xitlalli; skin seemingly flawless, teeth immaculate and white granting a 'perfect' andcoyish smile and a figure which was for some if they were weaker willed --to die for.
  777. Xitlalli embodied something, as to what it was she could not tell one, but she could act upon it.
  779. "That's it. Let it all out. Lotlhuitl. Tire yourself out."
  781. Despite her first attempt not paying off, Xitlalli refused to give up; there was something she wanted from this and she was going to get it. In order to perform this however, she needed to press... Pressure... Keep on pushing until Lotlhuitl gave up, caved in from the burden of desire!
  783. So with a flare of her aura once more, that sickly yet sweet misty forest green hue bursting out from her body, Xitlalli spread out her arms ready to embrace Lotlhuitl, ready to receive them. There was no outwardly hostile intent present in Xitlalli's posture, only a soft yet compelling charm to urge on-lookers otherwise.
  785. "Like an animal in heat, give in, don't deny your baser impulses Lotlhuitl. Hurt me, your friend if you must, but if you do, you're simply giving me more control."
  787. In the dancer's mind, this was a win-win situation for her. The only winning move for the Nagual was to simply not play along, to not be puppeted oh-so-easily.
  788. (Xitlalli)
  789. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  791. [10:30:49] Lotlhuitl was out of control.
  793. The woman, naked and bleeding, had shrieked as Xitlalli bore down on her with her aura. Lashed out at her friend with lightning and with her own blood.
  795. Some of her attacks very well may have landed, but many of them would miss. Her desk was overturned, wardrobe knocked over and thrown towards Xitlalli. THAT missed.
  797. Gone was the presence of mind to turn and run.
  799. Gone was the ability to negotiate. To beg.
  801. No. Lotlhuitl's more rational, sane responses were taking a backseat to what was truly a moment of pure, white-hot rage.
  803. The Magi's hair was dishevelled, her long, blue-black tail flicking backwards and forwards like a whip. Her staff. Xitlalli's runes upon it were glowing bright green, perhaps in reaction to the presence of so much of their creator's mana drifting free in the room.
  805. Lotlhuitl pointed it at her friend letting out anotherSCREAM of rage as she blasted Xitlalli point blank with a mighty beam of water.
  807. "Hahh... hahhh... hahhh.."
  809. Water dripped from every surface within the room.
  811. Heck, even her own hair was now wet. There had been.. quite a bit of splash back. Well, at least it had cleaned all the blood up.
  813. Speaking of, Lotl had lost a lot of it. Normally, she would've been able to draw it all back into her body. Normally, she would have been able to heal herself.
  815. But Lotlhuitl was teetering on the brink of madness. She lacked the composure to do so. Not only that, but her own mana was all but completely spent.
  817. Her grasp on her staff failed. It fell to the floor with a clatter, traces of green showing at Lotlhuitl's hands..
  819. She was barely standing.
  821. "Xitlalli.."
  822. (Lotlhuitl)
  823. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  825. [10:41:55] The reaction given wasn't one of abstaining but one of pure unadulterated rage. Cultivated by Xitlalli's mere words and actions infact. To that end a bit of pain was dished out, the spirit dancer harmed by the Nagual; small cuts marred her otherwise perfect visage and her attire was dripping wet and now clinging to her toned form.
  827. "Tch, tch, tch, bad girl."
  829. A mocking chime of her silky sweet voice erupted out once more, after Lotlhuitl's little tantrum, the dancer peeling herself off from the opposite wall over to make her way back over to the fallen Nagual; how close they were, teetering on the brink, how vulnerable!
  831. It was exactly how Xitlalli wanted them; this way her suggestions couldn't be ignored, this way Lotlhuitl would have to listen and want to perform as Xitlalli desired.
  833. "So violent. And you've gone and exhausted yourself too."
  835. A sneer worked it's way onto Xitlalli's face, her aura suddenly receding as she leaned forward with a lunge, hands PUSHING into Lotlhuitl as to force them to collapse onto the ground; upon skin contact, once more would wispy arcs of green electricity jump from Xitlalli to Lotlhuitl --from her palms to the Nagual's dark skinned flesh.
  837. "Kneel and listen well. I will help you. I will instruct you. It's clear you want this, so as I said before..."
  839. Xitlalli felt as if she was in control, Xitlalli wanted to be in control, she so desperately wanted to twist Lotlhuitl into what SHE wanted and what she wanted was perhaps what many people desired to see; something much more luscious to look at, someone that behaved so much more enticingly, someone that could be desired by not just one but many.
  841. "I, Lotlhuitl."
  843. Once more did she attempt to dominate the Nagual's mind, a clash of willpowers as it were as her hand reached down to cup the woman's chin and bring it upwards, so eye contact might be made; so distractions were barred entirely.
  844. (Xitlalli)
  845. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  847. [10:56:25] Bad girl? Lotlhuitl took a sharp intake of breath at this. A snarl followed. The Nagual would have launched herself at Xitlalli again, but.. by the way her knees were shaking, it was clear that even standing was an effort.
  849. Oh, Xitlalli was so beautiful.
  851. Lotlhuitl's green eyes were wide, staring, watching her friend. Lotlhuitl had never been the best at concealing her thoughts, feelings. And this was definitely no exception. There was a growing amount of guilt, as her gaze visibly tracked over the cuts she had dealt Xitlalli. Oh, and the nature of the clothing hanging from the spirit dancer.
  853. The Nagual's hair was tangled, wet. Little tracks of water dribbling over her lovely, taut, naked frame. She was shaking. Weak. Exhausted. Her tail hanging between her legs. Arms fallen to her sides. They trembled. She wanted to raise them up. To attack Xitlalli. No, to defend herself. To attack.
  855. And then she was on the ground. The corrupted spirit dancer easily knocked her off her feet. Pushed her to her knees. Lotl shrieked, a series of shrill "ah"s as she felt the green lightning strike her.
  857. She was helpless. Again.
  859. A whimper, this time of pain and fear and confusion rolled from Lotlhuitl's trembling lips. It was followed by a sob. A sob! She was sobbing. Uncontrollably.
  861. Kneeling. Listening.
  863. She wanted this.
  865. She'd asked Xitlalli to help her. To teach her. She'd even promised her that she would pay her. This.. had this always been what she had intended?
  867. It was. She wanted this. Had always wanted this. A foreign thought, but one she couldn't deny. One she couldn't get out of her mind. She wanted this.
  869. The Nagual opened her mouth, still on her knees.. collapsed. Her gaze had been firmly at Xitlalli's feet, until the woman gently cupped her chin.
  871. Lotlhuitl let out a shaky "Oh," her eyes fluttering open as she stared up at her teacher.
  873. "I, Lotlhuitl."
  874. (Lotlhuitl)
  875. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  877. [11:10:56] "Am lost. I need a guiding hand."
  879. As Xitlalli continued, her right hand began to glow a bright sickening green as a pleasant sensation washed over the Nagual; they'd feel at ease, relaxed... Tired yet warm and most importantly docile. Their desires slowly flaring upwards, their wants bent to Xitlalli's own.
  881. "I'm pathetic. I need someone strong to lean on, but I don't deserve him."
  883. The more she spoke, the more her voice seemed to reverb and echo; almost as if the words that Xitlalli spoke, were coming from within Lotlhuitl's head --surely a trick of the mind, the imagination being overactive.
  885. Infact, what was that odd scratching sensation around the base of her neck, upon her back --why did it hurt and yet at the same time feel just right?
  887. "I'm a wretched being that's lucky to be saved by those who love me. That surround me, it's why I should repay them."
  889. Foreign thoughts flooded Lotlhuitl en mass; the desire for Xoconan suddenly and surprisingly being the only thing which Lotlhuitl could focus on. After all, Xitlalli couldn't exactly take away what the mind or heart longed for, though she could empower it, embolden it with a heavier burden and attach strings and hooks to that particular want.
  891. But it wasn't just Xoconan in her mind, it was also her! Lotlhuitl presented within those images which consisted of... Well... It was jarring; they didn't appear thin and they appeared crudely dressed too, though still carrying the same amount of jewellery --basically, their form adjusted to be gazed upon, a form to invoke the wanton desire within the hearts of men.
  893. "Starting tomorrow, I'm going to give in truly. I'm going to change. I don't want to be Lotlhuitl, I want to be better. I'm not enough, please help me. I need to be more."
  895. It'd feel like a spike was being forced through her entire being, starting from the head down to her core; it didn't hurt but it felt immensely wrong yet pleasurable at the same time. And with the last line of speech coming out from Xitlalli's mouth, her voice seemed to just drown everything and much more out, so much so that a sense of vertigo hit Lotlhuitl once more, the world spinning and spinning!
  897. How long had she been listening? Was she even awake? Was this a dream... Why was she standing... Was everything becoming a blur?! And then.
  899. The scratching sensation abruptly stopped, Xitlalli having removed her hand... Moments before her last chunk of speech, her lips agape, pursed in a seductive manner as a sadistic gaze lingered upon the Nagual. It had been done, what Xitlalli had desired.
  901. Upon the base of Lotlhuitl's neck, on her back, rested a small mark of a sun with a kris-like jagged trail shooting out from it. Within the sun was a spiral turned inwards. It didn't glower, it didn't have much to it, it was simply and purely a mark; Xitlalli's mark.
  903. It shimmered a bright green for a moment, only to dim to a darker ink-like shade of black.
  905. "So. What have we learned, Lotlhuitl?"
  907. "What are you going to do, to make it right?"
  908. (Xitlalli)
  909. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  911. [11:14:20] Lotlhuitl repeated after Xitlalli, exactly as the spirit dancer desired. Blinking, only hesitating once she had retracted her hand from the back of Lotlhuitl's neck. And... posed a question. Or two.
  912. (Lotlhuitl)
  913. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  915. [11:15:12] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm.. I need to change, Xitlalli."
  916. [11:15:12] Xitlalli says, "Correct."
  917. [11:15:12] Xitlalli says, "You need to eat more."
  918. [11:15:12] Xitlalli says, "Fatten up."
  919. [11:15:12] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm going to. I.. oh."
  920. [11:15:12] Lotlhuitl says, "I will."
  921. [11:15:12] Xitlalli says, "Good."
  922. [11:15:12] Xitlalli asks, "What else are you going to do for me?"
  923. [11:16:03] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. I'll make myself into something worth your gaze, Xitlalli."
  924. [11:16:03] Xitlalli says, "Good."
  925. [11:16:03] Xitlalli says, "Less clothes."
  926. [11:16:54] Xitlalli says, "Maybe sway your hips some more."
  927. [11:16:54] Xitlalli says, "Mrh."
  928. [11:16:54] Lotlhuitl nodded, eyes wide.
  929. (Lotlhuitl)
  930. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  932. [11:16:54] Xitlalli says, "I'd say you can perform all this by the end of the year."
  933. [11:16:54] Lotlhuitl says, "Thank you, Xitlalli."
  934. [11:16:54] Xitlalli says, "Just desire it so, you'll change."
  935. [11:17:45] Xitlalli says, "Do not tell Xoconan."
  936. [11:17:45] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. very well. "
  937. [11:17:45] Xitlalli asks, "He's not to be trusted, remember?"
  938. [11:17:45] Lotlhuitl says, "But.. but I love him."
  939. [11:18:36] Xitlalli asks, "Do you?"
  940. [11:18:36] Xitlalli says, "Maybe if you..."
  941. [11:18:36] Xitlalli says, "Actually did something to prove that."
  942. [11:18:36] Xitlalli says, "If you actually change and claim him properly."
  943. [11:18:36] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh..."
  944. [11:18:36] Xitlalli says, "He might love you back but."
  945. [11:19:28] Xitlalli says, "I'm not entirely sure about that, Lotlhuitl."
  946. [11:19:28] Xitlalli says, "Your best bet is to do as I said."
  947. [11:19:28] Xitlalli says, "Change."
  948. [11:19:28] Lotlhuitl says, "Please help me, Xitlalli."
  949. [11:19:28] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. I.. I can't lose him."
  950. [11:19:28] Xitlalli says, "Fatten up. Dress more provocatively."
  951. [11:19:28] Xitlalli says, "You're as thin as a twig it's..."
  952. [11:19:28] Xitlalli says, "Embarrassing."
  953. [11:20:19] Lotlhuitl shuddered, defeated. Shamed.
  954. (Lotlhuitl)
  955. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  957. [11:20:19] Xitlalli places a hand upon Lotlhuitl's hip.
  958. (Xitlalli)
  959. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  961. [11:20:19] Xitlalli says, "But you can change."
  962. [11:20:19] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. I will, Xitlalli."
  963. [11:20:19] Lotlhuitl says, "I won't let you down."
  964. [11:21:10] Xitlalli says, "Good."
  965. [11:21:10] Xitlalli claps her hands together, smiling brightly!
  966. (Xitlalli)
  967. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  969. [11:21:10] Xitlalli exclaims, "Well best start now!"
  970. [11:21:10] Xitlalli says, "Fill that belly up, allow your waist to widen."
  971. [11:21:10] Xitlalli says, "Your breasts to plump up. Your arse to fatten."
  972. [11:22:01] Xitlalli says, "And... Well, your hips might also widen. Trust me."
  973. [11:22:01] Xitlalli says, "Xoconan will not be able to leave you, if you just give in."
  974. [11:22:01] Xitlalli says, "And change."
  975. [11:22:01] Lotlhuitl nodded, visibly overwhelmed.
  976. (Lotlhuitl)
  977. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  979. [11:22:01] Xitlalli says, "Good! I'll give you another lesson... Soon."
  980. [11:22:01] Xitlalli says, "I hope to see your image improved by then."
  981. [11:22:01] Lotlhuitl says, "Thank you, Xitlalli."
  982. [11:22:52] Xitlalli says, "Now put your clothes back on."
  983. [11:22:52] Xitlalli asks, "And forget that it was me teaching you. You've wanted this all along, right?"
  984. [11:22:52] Lotlhuitl nodded.
  985. (Lotlhuitl)
  986. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  988. [11:23:44] Lotlhuitl says, "I've always wanted this."
  989. [11:23:44] Xitlalli simply sneaks away, grinning to herself.
  990. (Xitlalli)
  991. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  993. [11:23:44] Xitlalli says, "I'm not here, you're just sad, pathetic and lonely."
  994. [11:23:44] Xitlalli says, "And you desperately want Xoconan to ravage you."
  995. [11:24:35] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh.."
  996. [11:24:35] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm sad, pathetic and lonely.. alone.."
  997. [11:24:35] Lotlhuitl says, "And I desperately want Xoconan to ravage me."
  998. [11:24:35] Xitlalli says, "You want to lay down on your bed, masturbating to the thought of your man taking you."
  999. [11:25:26] Xitlalli snickers, before leaving; which would probably allow Lotlhuitl to return to her senses if she wanted.
  1000. (Xitlalli)
  1001. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1003. [11:26:17] Lotlhuitl repeated after Xitlalli, a confused look at her face..
  1004. (Lotlhuitl)
  1005. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1007. [11:26:17] Xitlalli says, "Tch... Well go do it."
  1008. [11:26:17] Lotlhuitl proceeded to do so.
  1009. (Lotlhuitl)
  1010. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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