

Apr 21st, 2014
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  1. <Observer> If Ignis spends a year profiteering, won't he grow to the size of a killer whale?
  2. <Ignis> Hmm, you see...I was never quite the one much for handling relationships during the course, exactly due to being locked up from the other slaves during my stay.
  3. <Ignis> That's an issue.
  4. <~Coral_Spire> What do you have in mind?
  5. <Ignis> Still, I do have some interest in mods and upgrades.
  6. <Ignis> I am not sure how to proceed on such, but I would have some interest in spearheading some missions
  7. <Ignis> mostly if they involve butchering raiders
  8. <~Coral_Spire> There is a bit of that to do, along with Tamara and her crew
  9. <Ignis> I don't think you're getting the idea here...
  10. <Ignis> I mean really routing out the raiders, entering their dens and leaving no one there, shelling any and all hostiles, raider and mutant, across the compund's perimeter.
  11. <Ignis> There must be more than just a bit, I presume.
  12. <Ignis> what with them flocking in like hungry locusts at the news that the compound's iron hoof fell to slaves;
  13. <Royal_Lace> Lace has long term thoughts on raiders
  14. <Royal_Lace> but she is staying quiet about it for now
  15. <~Coral_Spire> That is true. What I mean is that getting rid of them might take more than a sidemission. But clearing out the perimeter is on the plans. Tamaraa could use your help
  16. <Royal_Lace> may be up to her old tricks and such again
  17. <Royal_Lace> Tamarah needs YOU!
  18. <Royal_Lace> I think Lace could help with parimiter stuff, as far as cordinating things with the sprite bots
  19. <Ignis> I'll be glad to help once I resort the character stuff
  20. <Royal_Lace> perfect little spies she can use from the safty of the compound without puting the foal in danger
  21. <Sotho> night all
  22. <Swiss_Provolone> cya
  23. <Ignis> night
  24. <Royal_Lace> later
  25. <~Coral_Spire> Night
  26. Quit: Sotho [Connection closed]
  27. <Ignis> by the way, is there a limit to that re-sorting? If I recall, you didn't mentioned any
  28. <~Coral_Spire> Equipment?
  29. <Ignis> besides gear
  30. <~Coral_Spire> Just ask me if something rare or faction specific, not all is available. I can let you rearrange your skillpoints but not tags or perks since they didnt change
  31. <~Coral_Spire> Also, Observer
  32. <Ignis> Man...I'd like to shift tags and a few perks... >.>
  33. <~Coral_Spire> Well...
  34. <~Coral_Spire> What do you have in mind?
  35. <~Coral_Spire> Observer. You could do some missions as well, as if you were back in Equestria, for mods and other useful things. Same for Swiss_Provolone
  36. <Swiss_Provolone> i like useful things
  37. <Observer> Ah, alright then
  38. <~Coral_Spire> Not better guns and armor, I mean more like meds, chems and special ammo, as well as mods and maybe some tools
  39. <~Coral_Spire> So, Ignis
  40. <~Coral_Spire> What do you have in mind?
  41. <Observer> What kind of missions would you recommend?
  42. <Ignis> Exp/FA and...
  43. <Ignis> I guess I woudl stick with science, but...I still haven't seen any terminals
  44. <Ignis> It wasn't so useful insofar, but...figures that maybe it would.
  45. <Ignis> And as to shifting more than three.
  46. <Ignis> yeah, just a couple that I imagine are a bit offset
  47. <Observer> Usually my character and his allies would be treating people in random settlements throughout the wasteland, are there any missions like that?
  48. <~Coral_Spire> was very useful. Ask Royal_Lace
  49. <~Coral_Spire> Yup, Negotiate
  50. <Ignis> it was for her that slinked in.
  51. <~Coral_Spire> Did you remember that chip you found inside the robot back at the forest a long time ago?
  52. <Ignis> as for me, it wasn't so much in that way, unfortunately. might have a bit more use if I would to rerout the points a bit more to it.
  53. <Ignis> yea, waht about it?
  54. <~Coral_Spire> It could be used to interfere with or even control those robots through radio even before you invaded. There were uses for Science, you just did not pursue them
  55. <Ignis> I wasn't aware, nor did I had the hardware for that.
  56. <Observer> Would you mind linking the house rules again? I'm on my phone.
  57. <~Coral_Spire> It was a chip attached to a radio broadcaster, you had another radio broadcaster with you
  58. <Ignis> would still involve getting in range
  59. <Swiss_Provolone>
  60. <~Coral_Spire> I'd have to ask-
  61. <~Coral_Spire> Well, thanks
  62. <Ignis> maybe I'll get the hang of it this time.
  63. <Ignis> As long as you lay off the spirits a bit and patch in more machinas, it should be prospective enough.
  64. <~Coral_Spire> There might be, though...
  65. <Ignis> though what?
  66. <~Coral_Spire> I have to say your other plans of reviving a forgotten culture might need be a bit harder if you avoid that side
  67. <Ignis> I do not meant avoiding it altogether, just laying it back in some degree...I get it that its a new mechanic you enjoy fiddling with, but...spirits should be distinguished enough to appear during special circumstances, not...under every day and then.
  68. <~Coral_Spire> It depends
  69. <Ignis> perhaps.
  70. <Ignis> In any case, I'll see to adapting the sheet and we'll discuss missions and whatnot some other day.
  71. <~Coral_Spire> Alright
  72. <Ignis> Thanks.
  73. <Ignis> I still don't feel particularly connected to any spirit, though...that might be my bias.
  74. <Royal_Lace> blorp
  75. <Royal_Lace> Lace is happy one way or another
  76. <Observer> It seems my party is best suited to tech and sabotage missions, mind if I have them do that for a year?
  77. <Observer> Perhaps recovery as well
  78. <~Coral_Spire> Recovery is either aid missions to locations or just prevent yourself for failing at something else. Tech is R&D and building stuff. Sabotage is destroying enemies facilities and equipment. What would be the purpose of what they do?
  79. <~Coral_Spire> Which would they be doing and why?
  80. <Observer> I suppose recovery is most like him, lending aid to villages attacked by Brimstone or whoever is stomping about the place.
  81. <Ignis> I do need my rest, don't feel so well...see you guys over the week
  82. <Observer> Okey dokey
  83. Quit: Ignis [Quit: Page closed]
  84. <~Coral_Spire> Alright
  85. <~Coral_Spire> What is your Group Recovery rank (biggest, +1 per pony)
  86. <Swiss_Provolone> would there be any solo missions for SP?
  87. <Observer> Give me a moment
  88. <~Coral_Spire> Solo missions is regular RP. Any ideas, I could do something along this week
  89. <Observer> Well, my main character has 105 medicine, and an ally has 2 stars in mechanics, how does that add up?
  90. <Swiss_Provolone> hum, well he is a guard, so I guess just caravan stuff or protection
  91. <~Coral_Spire> 4 stars +1 because Medicine, then 1more for ally with skill
  92. <~Coral_Spire> 6
  93. <~Coral_Spire> Alright
  94. <Observer> Not byd
  95. <Royal_Lace> not bad at all
  96. <~Coral_Spire> During your travels you find quite a few villages that had been having trouble, including one that barely survived being razed. (Recovery Challenge 9)
  97. <~Coral_Spire> Do you take your time to try and get them back to shape or do you just help them to the nearest settlement that is still alive
  98. <~Coral_Spire> (Exploration Challenge 4)
  99. <Observer> I'll check my exploration rank
  100. <Observer> Okay, my main has 92 unarmed, one ally has a star in unarmed, and another has 2,in mechanics. What's that worth, 5?
  101. <~Coral_Spire> 5 would be right
  102. <Observer> How badly could things get if I failed the Recovery roll?
  103. <Observer> *bad*
  104. <Swiss_Provolone> every dies, Project Horizons goes off, Enclave win
  105. <Observer> Huh, that sucks
  106. <Royal_Lace> XD
  107. <Swiss_Provolone> and you also get a rash
  108. <Observer> :/
  109. <~Coral_Spire> XD
  110. <~Coral_Spire> Its just a Recovery mission so it means you waste time and caps and the place you are trying to help stays the same or gets worse
  111. <~Coral_Spire> It might diminish your starting caps
  112. <~Coral_Spire> But wouldnt it be impressive if you succeeded?
  113. <Observer> Eh, what are the odds, 3 in 10?
  114. <~Coral_Spire> Yesh
  115. * You are now known as LuckyLeaf
  116. <Observer> Yeah, I think I'd better just go with exploration
  117. <~LuckyLeaf> Alright
  118. <~LuckyLeaf> After a long travel you take them to the next settlement. Most of them make it, it's the best you could hope for, without the proper resources to assist them on the spot. Still, they are grateful. Their local relatives leave you a gift, your pick of 100 caps worth of either Cloaks or things from the Misc tab on Mad Modds list
  119. <~LuckyLeaf> This should be the 1st month
  120. Join: Full_Physical []
  121. <Observer> Alright, cool, I'll check the list
  122. <Full_Physical> guess i could get the reinforcement kit, but then i'd have to send an ally on a quest to get it done
  123. <~LuckyLeaf> This could take place on the same month, how much Tech do you have?
  124. <Full_Physical> just the ally with 2 stars
  125. <~LuckyLeaf> It would take more time, then
  126. <Full_Physical> i suppose it can wait than
  127. <~LuckyLeaf> Alright, after the second month you have the reinforced armor.
  128. <Full_Physical> *yay*
  129. <~LuckyLeaf> Hm, I think I should end it here for tonight
  130. <~LuckyLeaf> A bit late
  131. <Full_Physical> fair enough, should we continue this before next weeks session?
  132. <~LuckyLeaf> Yup. PM me if you have any ideas
  133. <Full_Physical> okay, good night
  134. <~LuckyLeaf> Same for Swiss_Provolone and Royal_Lace who is seeing my screen
  135. <~LuckyLeaf> Good night
  136. <Swiss_Provolone> alright, cya
  137. <Swiss_Provolone> i should probably head off too. Cya next Saturday
  138. Part: Swiss_Provolone []
  139. Quit: Full_Physical [Quit: Nettalk6 -]
  140. Quit: Royal_Lace [Quit: Page closed]
  143. **** Logging started Mon Apr 14 2014 18:34:45 ****
  145. * Starting conversation with ObserverStatus
  146. <ObserverStatus> do you feel like discussing Month 3?
  147. <ObserverStatus> ah well, just ping me when you're back LuckyLeaf
  148. <LuckyLeaf> I am here
  149. <ObserverStatus> Yay! So I was thinking that for month 3 I'd try another recovery mission
  150. <LuckyLeaf> Alright
  151. <ObserverStatus> the party rank for recovery is still 6
  152. <LuckyLeaf> Following the path of devastation of the local gang, you find the survivors of a ransacked caravan. Some of them are badly wounded.
  153. <LuckyLeaf> This is, however, a multi phase-mission with some options for you
  154. <ObserverStatus> I'm sorry, what did you mean when you said "OOC OOC"
  155. <LuckyLeaf> Just being a roleplaying caveman :P
  156. <LuckyLeaf> Ooc! Me have shiny dices
  157. <ObserverStatus> ah, nvm, I thought you wanted to discuss this in the OOC channel when you said that, nvm, so what are my options?
  158. <LuckyLeaf> You can escort them back to the last settlement. Exploration 2.
  159. <ObserverStatus> doesn't sound too hard, what other options are there?
  160. <LuckyLeaf> You can try to intercept the gang before it reaches the next settlement it was headed to. Combat ?. You know they have been causing some damage, but you dont know exactly how many they are or how well they are armed.
  161. <ObserverStatus> anything i can do to determine the combat difficulty without engaging them?
  162. <LuckyLeaf> You can do an Exploration 5 to scout their camps
  163. <ObserverStatus> I can manage exploration 5. are there any other option you had in mind?
  164. <LuckyLeaf> You can instead do an Exploration 4 to follow a shortcut one of the caravan ponies pointed you to get to the settlement first and prepare
  165. <LuckyLeaf> You cant do both unless you split your group
  166. <ObserverStatus> I'll go with the last option, take the shortcut and prepare.
  167. <ObserverStatus> my exploration skill is 5
  168. <SpiritOfFate> You get to the settlement. The sheriff already suspected something was up lately when they lost contact to the last settlement that was destroyed
  169. <SpiritOfFate> How much Negotiation do you get?
  170. <ObserverStatus> 3
  171. <SpiritOfFate> You get +3 to Combat. Remember that you also get a +1 for each pony with a different +1 skill in it
  172. <ObserverStatus> that makes 11
  173. <SpiritOfFate> The enemies approach, they are a small army of bandits, marching into town
  174. <SpiritOfFate> Combat, Rating 12
  175. <ObserverStatus> oh dear
  176. <ObserverStatus> exactly how would we go about rolling such a thing on a d10?
  177. <SpiritOfFate> That is the problem
  178. <SpiritOfFate> As it is, you succeed no matter what, even with a lower value. Idea:
  179. <SpiritOfFate> Behind barricades you and the townsponies fight a long fight against the terrible raider gang. By the nightfall the last gunshot is fired. You survived and won the battle. The settlement saw some damage, but it still stands
  180. <ObserverStatus> not bad at all, I thought this was going to end with my party dragging a member away on a stretcher
  181. <ObserverStatus> do I win a prize?
  182. <SpiritOfFate> Yup!
  183. <SpiritOfFate> The sheriff thanks you, asking how this town can repay for your help
  184. <ObserverStatus> does the town have any disposable income?
  185. <ObserverStatus> hm, that's right, no one to collect taxes, I guess discretionary income would be the term
  186. <SpiritOfFate> They would have some caps
  187. <ObserverStatus> alright, I guess the party would just ask them to pay what they can comfortably afford if they care to.
  188. <SpiritOfFate> How many ponies are in your group?
  189. <ObserverStatus> 2 ponies, 1 sand dog
  190. <SpiritOfFate> Including you?
  191. <ObserverStatus> yes
  192. <SpiritOfFate> You get 250 caps
  193. <ObserverStatus> not too bad. let me know if the party encounters any potential mechanics missions in their travels, they probably won't actively seek them out, but if they run into one they might try
  194. <ObserverStatus> 250 should be enough funding to keep the party happy for now, so I'll continue with the recovery missions
  195. <SpiritOfFate> Alright
  196. <SpiritOfFate> It takes some time until you can leave
  197. <SpiritOfFate> The wounded ponies from that settlement need care and the buildings needed fixing after the fight. It takes another month and you are ready to leave
  198. <ObserverStatus> okay, we at month 5 now?
  199. <SpiritOfFate> Yup
  200. <ObserverStatus> have time for another recovery mission, or are you just going to get FreakSheet caught up?
  201. <SpiritOfFate> I should focus on that. I cant stay for too long
  202. <ObserverStatus> fair enough
  203. Disconnected: Read error: ssl=0x5b2dbad8: I/O error during system call, Connection timed out
  205. **** Logging started Mon Apr 14 2014 22:15:45 ****
  207. Disconnected: Host is unresolved:
  209. **** Logging started Mon Apr 14 2014 22:15:55 ****
  211. Disconnected: Host is unresolved:
  213. **** Logging started Mon Apr 14 2014 22:15:57 ****
  215. Stopped Reconnecting
  217. **** Logging started Wed Apr 16 2014 18:03:35 ****
  219. * Starting conversation with ObserverStatus
  220. <ObserverStatus> do you feel like discussing month 5?
  221. <ObserverStatus> *pokes LuckyLeaf*
  222. <LuckyLeaf> Kinda busy. Arrived to my city today but not home yet
  223. <ObserverStatus> mkai
  224. Disconnected: Read error: ssl=0x5818c968: I/O error during system call, Connection timed out
  226. **** Logging started Wed Apr 16 2014 18:16:54 ****
  228. Disconnected: Host is unresolved:
  230. **** Logging started Wed Apr 16 2014 18:17:04 ****
  232. Disconnected: Host is unresolved:
  234. **** Logging started Wed Apr 16 2014 18:17:20 ****
  236. Disconnected: Host is unresolved:
  238. **** REGISTO INICIADO EM Fri Apr 18 17:20:20 2014
  240. [17:20]<ObserverStatus> I'd like to start another recovery mission with 3 party members with a recovery rank of 6
  241. [17:20]<LuckyItt> Alright, give me a moment
  242. [17:41]<ObserverStatus> I can't help thinking that whatever I roll on the 12th month's mission, something is going to go terribly terribly wrong.
  243. [17:42]<LuckyItt> It doesnt have to be the 12th XD
  244. [17:42]<ObserverStatus> hm, oh dear.
  245. [17:42]<LuckyItt> Alright
  246. [17:43]<LuckyItt> The path of destruction that raider army had was stopped, but there are still settlements left that needed help
  247. [17:44]<ObserverStatus> what kind of relief do they need?
  248. [17:46]<LuckyItt> After a long travel you reach one of them, barely hanging on. The local medic couldn't care properly for the ones who were left without help and supplies, many of them had growing infections and the water tower was damaged. The town was ticking to their doom
  249. [17:47]<ObserverStatus> what's the challenge on this one?
  250. [17:49]<LuckyItt> 10
  251. [17:49]<ObserverStatus> alright, I'll give it a try
  252. [17:58]<ObserverStatus> mkay, i think it worked
  253. [18:00]<LuckyItt> Splitting up, you and your friends manage to treat the survivors and fix the water tower. The town is livable again. Still, they need some help to set up their trading with other towns again. You can take another month to do a mission, Exploration 2/Negotiation 4, aditional successes will be helpful so roll whether or not you need to
  254. [18:02]<LuckyItt> You may choose to just leave though
  255. [18:02]<ObserverStatus> just a moment, i'm adding up my exploration skill
  256. [18:03]<ObserverStatus> 5
  257. [18:04]<ObserverStatus> was i supposed to roll both?
  258. [18:05]<LuckyItt> Yes
  259. [18:05]<ObserverStatus> alright my negotiation skill is 3
  260. [18:07]<ObserverStatus> hm, too bad
  261. [18:07]<LuckyItt> Huh?
  262. [18:08]<LuckyItt> I see
  263. [18:08]<ObserverStatus> 10+3-4=9, wasn't i aiming for that?
  264. [18:08]<LuckyItt> Yes
  265. [18:10]<ObserverStatus> actually, wait 6 is *less* than 9, nevermind. sorry, half my brain still seems to be asleep
  266. [18:11]<LuckyItt> You don't get the special extra for that part, thats all
  267. [18:21]<LuckyItt> Along the way you manage to clear out some beast nests, making the way safer and getting some pelts and meat to sell, (50 caps worth or 75 in meat and hide). You manage to convince some caravans to add the settlement to their route, at least as a place to get some food and water. It should help them to restore their former shape in time
  268. [18:23]<ObserverStatus> Hurray, Arbu is saved!
  269. [18:23]<LuckyItt> XD
  270. [18:24]<LuckyItt> Hey, its a delicacy in griffon lands :P
  271. [18:24]<LuckyItt> Month 7 now.
  272. [18:24]<ObserverStatus> It is? Nice, maybe they'll come in and spend some caps.
  273. [18:26]<ObserverStatus> 75 caps over 2 months isn't exactly a lot of money, so at this point I suppose the party would look for mercenary or guard work, so Lucent Dinger will get paid enough to stick around.
  274. [18:27]<ObserverStatus> btw, how do I raise my NPC followers' skills?
  275. [18:28]<LuckyItt> Doing missions but not yet
  276. [18:28]<LuckyItt> When the game starts
  277. [18:29]<LuckyItt> By the way, I'm just counting what will stay with you after these months
  278. [18:29]<LuckyItt> You get some caps to get by
  279. [18:29]<ObserverStatus> the party has a combat rank of 11, what combat missions are available?
  280. [18:33]<LuckyItt> There is guard work for 8 and clearing out a small raider band for 10, caps are 50 and 100
  281. [18:33]<LuckyItt> (By the way, from the changes, the last big raider challenge would have been 17)
  282. [18:35]<ObserverStatus> in that case I'll go for the raiders
  283. [18:37]<ObserverStatus> oh wait, that's right, I didn't have to roll >_<
  284. [18:40]<LuckyItt> You have an easy time shooting one of them down, then they surrender. They don't look bloody and crazy like like the usual kind of raider.
  285. [18:40]<ObserverStatus> Arbu is saved again?
  286. [18:41]* Notify: Wirepony is offline (Canternet).
  287. [18:42]<LuckyItt> XD
  288. [18:43]<LuckyItt> What do you do with them, get them back as a bounty, talk to them, or just kill them?
  289. [18:43]<ObserverStatus> talk to them
  290. [18:43]* Notify: Wirepony is online (Canternet).
  291. [18:45]<LuckyItt> Their leader tells you they are not bandits, they are getting back at the caravan boss who never paid them for their work.
  292. [18:46]<ObserverStatus> and what have they done to get back at their boss?
  293. [18:58]<ObserverStatus> What have they actually done?
  294. [18:59]<LuckyItt> ...banditry. They attacked the caravans from his company, but they never actually killed anyone.
  295. [19:01]<ObserverStatus> In that case I'm turning them in, I can't imagine that their boss is the only one their banditry is hurting.
  296. [19:02]<LuckyItt> Alright. You turn them in back at the city and get your reward of 100. You overhear they are to be executed tomorrow.
  297. [19:04]<ObserverStatus> huh, this city is mean
  298. [19:05]<LuckyItt> Less mean than Tenpony. They did steal and wreck some caravans. The town also doesn't have a proper jail. What do you do?
  299. [19:08]<ObserverStatus> I guess they just stay long enough to make sure they aren't being killed because they've been falsely accused of killing people, but if this actually is the town's penalty for raiding caravans, they'll just warn the "bandits" replacements and leave
  300. [19:17]<LuckyItt> Warning the rest of the caravan workers but leaving the proper ones to their fate?
  301. [19:17]<ObserverStatus> yes
  302. [19:17]<LuckyItt> Alright
  303. [19:17]<LuckyItt> Month 8th
  304. [19:18]<ObserverStatus> I'll try another recovery mission
  305. [19:19]<LuckyItt> First, do an Exploration 8
  306. [19:22]<LuckyItt> You see a scrawny madpony following you.
  307. [19:23]<ObserverStatus> um... uhoh
  308. [19:28]<LuckyItt> What do?
  309. [19:29]<ObserverStatus> ask him what he wants
  310. [19:32]<LuckyItt> He doesn't seem to want to collaborate. Special Challenge, Speech+1/Barter+1/Firearms/Melee 7
  311. [19:32]<LuckyItt> It counts as a Group one, Greater + 1 for each ally with a usable skill
  312. [19:33]<ObserverStatus> alright, I'll do some math
  313. [19:34]<ObserverStatus> I have 3 negotiation, so I'll try that.
  314. [19:36]<LuckyItt> Fail?
  315. [19:36]<ObserverStatus> what was the challenge?
  316. [19:37]<LuckyItt> 10+Rank-7
  317. [19:37]<ObserverStatus> yep, that's a fail
  318. [19:40]<LuckyItt> He wont say a thing. Except "BurnburnburnburnBurn! Close eyes and they's not there!"
  319. [19:41]<ObserverStatus> this is messed up :/
  320. [19:42]<LuckyItt> This is something you can discern rather easily
  321. [19:44]<ObserverStatus> seems, i misread the special challenge, read the parts I was supposed to add up as options, mind if I try whatever that check does?
  322. [19:46]<LuckyItt> You need to check individually, its his own category, reduces the usual Negotiation side options but you can also use Firearms and Melee
  323. [19:48]<ObserverStatus> nvm, I only have 4 skill in his special category, that's still a fail. Any chance I can give him some drugs, make him take a nap, and leave him with some food or something?
  324. [19:48]* Notify: Viewing_Glass is offline (Canternet).
  325. [19:49]<LuckyItt> Pay enough for a drug and you get +1
  326. [19:49]<ObserverStatus> what do I pay for them?
  327. [19:50]<LuckyItt> 20 caps for some Dash or Med-X
  328. [19:51]<ObserverStatus> is that enough Med-X to send him to dreamland?
  329. [19:52]<LuckyItt> No, he wont sleep, but he might relax. Either way, keeps him happy
  330. [19:52]* Notify: NitoKa is offline (Canternet).
  331. [19:52]<ObserverStatus> would that buy me a reroll?
  332. [19:53]<LuckyItt> Yup
  333. [19:54]<ObserverStatus> all right, may as well give it a try
  334. [19:54]<ObserverStatus> i miss the last doctor I played as, he knew how to make sleeping powder
  335. [19:54]<ObserverStatus> wah wah waaaaaah
  336. [19:56]<LuckyItt> Nope. still rambling mad. Also seemingly trying to chew his own leg now
  337. [19:56]<ObserverStatus> huh, not bad for a crit fail
  338. [19:58]<ObserverStatus> any other options?
  339. [19:58]<LuckyItt> You can take them along or leave them behind while you go to your next destination
  340. [20:02]<ObserverStatus> I suppose they should make their excuses and go.
  341. [20:02]<LuckyItt> You go. He scurries away.
  342. [20:04]<ObserverStatus> mkay. I hope it doesn't turn out he was critical to the recovery of the town we're visiting.
  343. [20:14]<ObserverStatus> your bot ditched us
  344. [20:49]<ObserverStatus> you still around LuckyItt ?
  345. [20:49]<LuckyItt> I am
  346. [20:49]<ObserverStatus> do you want to keep going?
  347. [20:51]<LuckyItt> Sure
  348. [20:51]<LuckyItt> I was a bit distracted
  349. [20:52]<ObserverStatus> I know the feeling. all right, what are the options in the town?
  350. [20:52]<LuckyItt> So, the next settlement almost recovered by itself its a Recovery mission of 2 to give them some help. They are paying.
  351. [20:53]<ObserverStatus> all right, i have enough recovery skill that I don't need to roll
  352. [20:54]<LuckyItt> You help their clinic, as time passes you realize lots of cases of addiction have been around. More than you expected
  353. [20:55]* Notify: ThePrettiestFilly is offline (Canternet).
  354. [20:56]<ObserverStatus> I see, what's this town's deal?
  355. [20:58]* Notify: NitoKa is offline (Canternet).
  356. [20:59]<LuckyItt> They have a science lab in a bunker. The people who work there seem to have a lot of caps
  357. [21:02]<ObserverStatus> Huh, that bunker could be useful if they ever got hit by raiders.
  358. [21:02]<LuckyItt> Its one of the reasons why they recovered fast
  359. [21:03]<ObserverStatus> So how much did I get paid to help out at the clinic?
  360. [21:03]<LuckyItt> 50 caps
  361. [21:04]<ObserverStatus> I see. Is there anything else?
  362. [21:04]<LuckyItt> I wonder. What do you think?
  363. [21:05]<ObserverStatus> Well, how large is this settlement?
  364. [21:08]<LuckyItt> It's around 8 blocks of buildings
  365. [21:11]<ObserverStatus> Hm, well then. I think this town probably doesn't have enough people making money by providing food shelter and protection to support all those drug cooks on their own they'll probably have to distribute their product to many other towns to support their operation. Maybe I'll find more ponies addicted to their product in the next town.
  366. [21:13]<ObserverStatus> anyway, if there's nothing else, i should move on.
  367. [21:13]<LuckyItt> Alright
  368. [21:15]<LuckyItt> Exploration 10
  369. [21:15]<ObserverStatus> you'll need to summon your dice bot
  370. [21:20]<ObserverStatus> guess we get lost
  371. [21:22]<LuckyItt> Not quite
  372. [21:24]<LuckyItt> You get ambushed by a group of raiders that look somewhat familiar, their outfits just like the ones from the huge battle. Their leader wears metal armor a welding mask and wields an incinerator
  373. [21:25]<ObserverStatus> O_o
  374. [21:26]<LuckyItt> Combat Mission 15, you get a -2 from being caught by surprise
  375. [21:27]<ObserverStatus> that sucks, can we run away?
  376. [21:28]<LuckyItt> No because you only noticed the ambush too late
  377. [21:29]<ObserverStatus> mkay, guess i'll roll the bones
  378. [21:29]<LuckyItt> What is your target again?
  379. [21:29]<ObserverStatus> getting to the next town?
  380. [21:30]<LuckyItt> No, I mean, what is your combat, so I can get the target number?
  381. [21:30]<LuckyItt> 10+Rank-12
  382. [21:30]<ObserverStatus> oh, right. 11
  383. [21:31]<LuckyItt> -15 I mean
  384. [21:31]<ObserverStatus> i thought it was 17 because of the penalty?
  385. [21:32]<ObserverStatus> 2 degrees of fail
  386. [21:32]<LuckyItt> Yes, you get a -2. Result is the same, target is 4
  387. [21:33]<ObserverStatus> and I rolled a 6, so like i said, 2 degrees of fail
  388. [21:33]<LuckyItt> One of your recovery ponies can take care of that, then they dont add up to your total in a reroll
  389. [21:34]<LuckyItt> Who is on healing duty and what is your combat without them?
  390. [21:34]<ObserverStatus> Full Physical is on healing duty, and I'll check the combat
  391. [21:35]<ObserverStatus> 7
  392. [21:35]<LuckyItt> 10+7-17
  393. [21:35]<LuckyItt> Oh well
  394. [21:36]<ObserverStatus> uh oh
  395. [21:36]<ObserverStatus> do I roll recovery too?
  396. [21:36]<LuckyItt> No need. The recovery comes from your ranks, you can recover one degree of failure per rank
  397. [21:37]<LuckyItt> I'll let you roll, only succeding in a crit 1
  398. [21:37]<ObserverStatus> ...
  399. [21:37]<LuckyItt> XD
  400. [21:38]<LuckyItt> You fight valiantly. Full Physical tries to aid his hurt comrades only to have a fireball hit him and fall on a rock, being knocked unconscious
  401. [21:39]<ObserverStatus> A fireball? Who are these people?
  402. [21:39]<LuckyItt> Incinerator shoots fireballs. Like Fallout 3/NV
  403. [21:39]<ObserverStatus> oh, right.
  404. [21:40]<ObserverStatus> Full Physical hits the quick load key.
  405. [21:41]<LuckyItt> You are back to that settlement, everypony cheers at your victory
  406. [21:42]<LuckyItt> Then you are woken up with a hoofslap to the face
  407. [21:42]<ObserverStatus> D:
  408. [21:44]<ObserverStatus> Where am I?
  409. [21:47]<LuckyItt> You are chained inside a caravan cart and you can feel the jagged metal and weight of a bomb collar on your neck. A large scarred stallion with a welding mask on the top of his head grins. "Finally awake, aren't you princess? You and your fuckers gave me way too much trouble. Just killing you isn't enough."
  410. [21:48]<ObserverStatus> "What? What trouble have I caused? I'm just a travelling doctor."
  411. [21:52]<LuckyItt> "I seen you. My raiders seen you. Did you really think it was over? There is nothing more fucking irritating that somepony undoing what you do." He grins. "But now I can go back and wreck them again for good."
  412. [21:53]<ObserverStatus> "Nah, that wasn't me."
  413. [21:58]<LuckyItt> He whacks the side of your head. "Think I'm stupid! Tell you what, I don't even care, because this is the last you see of this place. Been meaning to have you watch as I take over and raze, but I'm not gonna have you be a slippery smartass again. So, I'm selling you and your friends. Enjoy a life of slavery, will ya?"
  414. [22:00]<ObserverStatus> "Wait, before you go, can you explain why you want to raze these towns? If you raze them all, there will be no one left for you to steal from and you might have to get a *real* job. If anything we did you a favor."
  415. [22:01]<LuckyItt> "I don't give a fuck, I just keep moving. There's always more to take over." He turns away and steps out of the tent.
  416. [22:03]<ObserverStatus> "Fine! Don't learn how to raid sustainably!" Fully Physical shouts defiantly
  417. [22:03]<LuckyItt> (XD)
  418. [22:04]<ObserverStatus> (This was probably the last chance he'd get to mouth off in a long time, had to make it count.)
  419. [22:06]<ObserverStatus> so is that all we needs to be said before we start the game?
  420. [22:07]<LuckyItt> Yup, you are made a slave and after some indeterminate time of heavy labor under uncaring owners, you and your friends are squeezed into a ship among a crowd of other slaves and have to endure a long trip to an unknown land.
  421. [22:08]<ObserverStatus> in that case I should probably make dinner, thanks for your time
  422. [22:08]<LuckyItt> Okay, it was fun
  423. [22:09]<ObserverStatus> see ya
  424. [22:13]? ObserverStatus has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  425. [22:19]* Notify: Heartshine is online (Canternet).
  426. [22:25]* Notify: Heartshine is offline (Canternet).
  427. [22:25]* Notify: Heartshine is online (Canternet).
  428. [22:49]Tcl interface unloaded
  429. [22:49]Python interface unloaded
  430. **** REGISTO TERMINADO EM Fri Apr 18 22:49:44 2014
  432. **** REGISTO INICIADO EM Mon Apr 21 16:53:55 2014
  434. [16:53]<ObserverStatus> do you have the logs?
  435. [17:11]<LuckyLeaf> Oh, give me a moment
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