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- 0 — 2022-11-18 21:30
- it's a chinese looking thingie with a ball on the end
- used to "find the end of persistent energy"
- as I said, very special purpose but they understood what I asked for
- I'm a little bit distracted because I was reading on /x/ and there's this thread about some tiktok vampire
- but it seems like a real vampire
- I checked and she does telepathy
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 21:32
- :PlsRember~1:
- 0 — 2022-11-18 21:32
- come to the temple right now
- I dragged her in here
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 21:32
- here
- 0 — 2022-11-18 21:32
- the whole thing is too weird to be real
- but still seems real
- look around
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 21:33
- yeah
- looks like a gothic girl
- 0 — 2022-11-18 21:33
- yeah
- talk to her
- she claims to be 82, but vampires of the regular kind don't do telepathy at that age,
- so I think she's way older
- but there's no reason to pressure her about it
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 21:35
- okay
- 0 — 2022-11-18 21:35
- got any contact?
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 21:35
- I got a snark response
- after I asked how she's doing
- 0 — 2022-11-18 21:37
- maybe it's time to talk about the beast police
- one of them came in
- we can just do some channelling here with no aim
- and see what happens
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 21:37
- okay
- 0 — 2022-11-18 21:38
- I see Santa Muerte came here too
- do you want to channel the queen?
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 21:39
- sure
- "hi"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 21:40
- hi
- it looks like we'll have a spontaneous gathering here
- do you know who this mysterious vampire is?
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 21:42
- "la famida"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 21:42
- is that a personal name?
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 21:42
- "title"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 21:42
- meaning?
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 21:43
- "the famine"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 21:43
- funny name
- she claims to be 82 and is posting on tiktok
- how old is she really
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 21:44
- "1362"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 21:44
- so she is known in vampire circles
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 21:44
- "yes, hence the title"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 21:44
- well she does telepathy and regular vamps need to be 500 to do that
- unless they're psychics I guess
- she says she was cast out from her community
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 21:47
- "yes, she is exposing herself in retaliation"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 21:47
- so someone of that age can be cast out
- at 1000+ she should be immortal for real
- Queen have you introduced yourself to her?
- I'm showing her the temple so she can come here
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 21:48
- "already done so"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 21:48
- great
- her telepathy is clearer than most actually
- what else is this about, this means there are still vampires who remain with Gensokyo's support?
- enough to be a group
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 21:49
- "yes"
- "splintered however"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 21:50
- I thought all the elders had left for the astral
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 21:50
- "close"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 21:51
- but then a mere 1362 doesn't make her an elder
- :jackpeeksmile:
- why is she called the famine?
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 21:52
- "starves humans for fun"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 21:52
- this is so "vampire lore-ish" it's like a joke
- like Spike in Buffy the vampire slayer
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 21:52
- lol
- 0 — 2022-11-18 21:52
- Spike the bloody poet
- bloody poet because that's what people called him
- here comes that bloody poet
- it's a bit weird interacting with someone who's still in the physical when you have no real common ground, so I don't know what to talk to her about
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 21:54
- why did you have to replace moongiggle with :jackknife:
- lol
- 0 — 2022-11-18 21:54
- moongiggle was too moderate of an expression
- :ayayacoco:
- we have this
- I don't want too many giggles in this server, it's making us less savage
- it's ok in the Collective but not here
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 21:55
- okay
- 0 — 2022-11-18 21:56
- Queen, is there something else we should know about La Famida
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 21:57
- "she murders children for fun"
- "she is quite savage"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 21:57
- that sounds particularly nasty
- she's not hostile to me
- but I don't have problems with vampires normally
- was she in any known events historically
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 21:58
- "french revolution"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 21:59
- what did she do
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 21:59
- "falsely accused and escaped"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 21:59
- but you already know the X-slasher was there, that is, me
- can we nail this down then, since she may have been accused of the things I did
- how many people were killed by the X-lady?
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 22:00
- "26"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 22:00
- wew, I thought it was much more
- how did I get it so wrong, or were the others not people?
- or is this a numerical mistake again
- 2600 would sound more like it
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 22:02
- "yes"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 22:02
- is that correct, and T just didn't want to hear it?
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 22:03
- "t's limited expectations of serial killers"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 22:04
- I made calculations, 3 weekly for 25 years or something like that
- reaching 1800 at least
- just to clarify, this was during the revolution
- people died all the time
- and it was when I became the triton-like
- almost completely non human
- wait, you weren't here for that
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 22:06
- yes this is new to me
- 0 — 2022-11-18 22:07
- one sec
- is there a way to seach images in the server
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 22:08
- yes
- 0 — 2022-11-18 22:08
- how
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 22:08
- has: image
- 0 — 2022-11-18 22:09
- only 5 hits
- pfff
- how muslim women dress and behave when I see them at the bus stop
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 22:11
- lol
- 0 — 2022-11-18 22:11
- ok nevermind
- this was the lifetime I had a hardest time seeing
- because the me from then became a literal shadow in the form of a lady with a long dress and an umbrella
- very hard to grasp
- Queen, correct my story if it's wrong
- grew up in some moderately poor part of Paris in 1760s
- started whoring under the pretence of selling flowers and was generally know as the flower seller
- had an apartment
- killed someone already at age 7, then got used to murder clients if they looked too nasty
- then took a habit of walking in the park at night and just killing people who approached her
- used a trademark method of cutting an X over the throat, which lead to the meme of "the x-cut killer of [insert name] street"
- and this later was recorded as a penny lane type story and turned into a theatre play in the 1800s
- today made into a movie about Sweeney Todd, the bloodthirsty barber
- Is this about right?
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 22:17
- "generally so"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 22:17
- what can you correct?
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 22:17
- "late 1950s"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 22:17
- what
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 22:17
- wait
- "late 1750s"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 22:17
- it was revolutionary Paris
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 22:17
- my bad
- 0 — 2022-11-18 22:17
- yes
- anything else?
- did I get the Sweeney Todd reference right
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 22:19
- "no"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 22:19
- ok thanks
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 22:19
- "yes"
- "yw"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 22:20
- T, reactions?
- I guess there would be
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 22:20
- no, I'm just sleepy
- 0 — 2022-11-18 22:21
- ok then
- I just didn't know how you would take this
- so anything else we should know about La Famida?
- aside from her getting blamed for being the X-cutter
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 22:22
- "no"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 22:22
- :jackpeeksmile:
- I think this is really funny actually
- ok, is there something else we should talk about?
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 22:25
- "that is all"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 22:25
- one question I guess
- how deep in the illuminati system is la famida
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 22:26
- "level 7"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 22:26
- meaning
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 22:26
- "initiate 7° freemasonry"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 22:27
- so not high at all for her age
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 22:27
- "yes"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 22:27
- why tho
- she just doesn't care?
- Deleted User — 2022-11-18 22:27
- "yes"
- 0 — 2022-11-18 22:27
- ok then
- hmm
- her energy still isn't disgusting, so the people she killed must have been pretty nasty
- or she would have had worse karma
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