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Aug 17th, 2018
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  1. Log uploaded on Friday, August 17, 2018, 4:26:37 PM
  2. Loaded mods:
  3. Core: (no assemblies)
  4. JecsTools: 0Harmony(, 0JecsTools(, AbilityUser(, AbilityUserAI(, CompActivatableEffect(, CompAnimated(, CompDeflector(, CompDelayedSpawner(, CompExtraSounds(, CompInstalledPart(, CompLumbering(, CompOverlays(, CompOversizedWeapon(, CompSlotLoadable(, CompToggleDef(, CompVehicle(, PawnShields(
  5. HugsLib[4.1.1]: 0Harmony(, HugsLib(
  6. 斯坦石 personal MOD: Vanya_Test(
  7. EdB Prepare Carefully [中文版] B18: 0Harmony(, EdBPrepareCarefully(
  8. RT Power Switch: RT_PowerSwitch(
  9. PowerSwitch: PowerSwitch(
  10. Turret Collection: TurretCollection(
  11. RT Fuse: 0Harmony(, RT_Fuse(
  12. [KV] RimFridge - B18: 0Harmony(, RimFridge(, SaveStorageSettingsUtil(
  13. [KV] Show Hair With Hats or Hide All Hats - A18: 0Harmony(, ShowHair(
  14. [A18]My Cute Ear: (no assemblies)
  15. ameiro anime hairs: (no assemblies)
  16. [B18] No Boom Boom : (no assemblies)
  17. Expanded Roofing: 0Harmony(, 1SettingsHelper(, ExpandedRoofing(
  18. Tilled Soil: (no assemblies)
  19. Stack XXL[1.0.0]: $HugsLibChecker(, StackXXL(
  20. RimRoads: 0Harmony(, RimRoads(
  21. RT Solar Flare Shield: 0Harmony(, RT_SolarFlareShield(
  22. Free Input 自由输入: duduluu.FreeInput(
  23. Area Unlocker: 0Harmony(, AreaUnlocker(
  24. Blueprints: Blueprints(
  25. Architect Sense: ArchitectSense(
  26. Stuffed Floors: 0Harmony(, _harmonycheck(, StuffedFloors(
  27. Stack Merger: 0Harmony(, _harmonycheck(, StackMerger(
  28. Relations Tab: Fluffy_Relations(
  29. Colony Manager: 0Reloader(, Fluffy_ColonyManager(
  30. Work Tab: 0Harmony(, _harmonycheck(, WorkTab(
  31. Animal Tab: 0Harmony(, AnimalTab(
  32. Medical Tab: 0Harmony(, _harmonycheck(, MedicalInfo(
  33. Defensive Positions: $HugsLibChecker(, DefensivePositions(
  34. Wall Light - B18: (no assemblies)
  35. Glass+Lights: (no assemblies)
  36. [RF] Configurable Maps [b18]: 0Harmony(, Rainbeau's Configurable Maps(1.0.6595.17859)
  38. Active Harmony patches:
  39. ApparelUtility.CanWearTogether: post: JecsTools.HarmonyPatches.Post_CanWearTogether
  40. AreaManager.CanMakeNewAllowed: PRE: AreaUnlocker.AreaUnlocker.Prefix
  41. ArmorUtility.ApplyArmor: PRE: JecsTools.HarmonyPatches.ApplyProperDamage
  42. ArmorUtility.GetPostArmorDamage: post: JecsTools.HarmonyPatches.Post_GetPostArmorDamage
  43. BaseGenUtility.RandomCheapWallStuff: PRE: RFR_Code.BaseGenUtility_RandomCheapWallStuff.Prefix
  44. Caravan.AddPawn: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.AddVehiclePawnsToCaravan
  45. Caravan.GetGizmos: post: JecsTools.HarmonyCaravanPatches.GetGizmos_Jobs, RimRoads.HarmonyPatches.GetGizmos_RoadButtons
  46. Caravan.GetInspectString: post: JecsTools.HarmonyCaravanPatches.GetInspectString_Jobs, CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.GetInspectString_PostFix
  47. CaravanEnterMapUtility.Enter: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.Enter_PreFix
  48. CaravanExitMapUtility.CanExitMapAndJoinOrCreateCaravanNow: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.CanExit_PostFix
  49. CaravanExitMapUtility.ExitMapAndJoinOrCreateCaravan: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.ExitMapAndJoinOrCreateCaravan_PreFix
  50. CaravanPawnsNeedsUtility.TrySatisfyPawnNeeds: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.TrySatisfyFuelNeeds
  51. CaravanPeopleAndItemsTabUtility.DoRow: TRANS: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.DoRow_Transpiler
  52. CaravanPeopleAndItemsTabUtility.DoRows: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.DoRows_PreFix
  53. CaravanTicksPerMoveUtility.GetTicksPerMove: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.GetTicksPerMove_PostFix
  54. CaravanUIUtility.AddPawnsSections: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.AddPawnsSections_PostFix
  55. CompPowerPlantSolar.get_RoofedPowerOutputFactor: TRANS: ExpandedRoofing.HarmonyPatches.TransparentRoofOutputFactorFix
  56. CompSpawnerMechanoidsOnDamaged.<TrySpawnMechanoids>m__1: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.MechanoidsFixer
  57. CompTemperatureRuinable.DoTicks: PRE: RimFridge.Patch_CompTemperatureRuinable_DoTicks.Prefix
  58. DamageWorker_AddInjury.FinalizeAndAddInjury: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.TryInjureVehicleOccupants
  59. DebugWindowsOpener.DrawButtons: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.DebugWindowsOpener_Patch.DrawAdditionalButtons
  60. DefGenerator.GenerateImpliedDefs_PreResolve: PRE: StuffedFloors.HarmonyPatch_GenerateImpliedDefs_PreResolve.Prefix post: WorkTab.DefGenerator_GenerateImpliedDefs_PreResolve.Postfix, AnimalTab.Patch_GenerateImpliedDefs_PreResolve.Postfix, Fluffy.DefGenerator_GenerateImpliedDefs_PreResolve.Postfix
  61. Dialog_DebugActionsMenu.DoListingItems_World: post: RimRoads.HarmonyPatches.DoListingItems_World_PostFix
  62. Dialog_FormCaravan.CheckForErrors: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.CheckForErrors_PreFix
  63. Dialog_FormCaravan.DoWindowContents: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.DoWindowContents_PreFix
  64. Dialog_Options.DoWindowContents: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.Dialog_Options_Patch.ReplaceModOptionsButton
  65. Dialog_SplitCaravan.CheckForErrors: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.DontSplitCaravansWithVehicles
  66. EditWindow_Log.DoMessagesListing: PRE: HugsLib.Patches.EditWindow_Log_Patch.ExtraLogWindowButtons
  67. Faction.Notify_MemberDied: PRE: JecsTools.HarmonyPatches.Notify_MemberDied
  68. FloatMenuMakerMap.AddHumanlikeOrders: post: JecsTools._HumanlikeOrdersUtility.AddHumanlikeOrders_PostFix, CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.DontRescueVehiclesInFloatMenus
  69. FloatMenuMakerMap.AddUndraftedOrders: TRANS: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.AddUndraftedOrders_Transpiler
  70. FloatMenuUtility.GetMeleeAttackAction: TRANS: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.FightActionTranspiler
  71. FloatMenuUtility.GetRangedAttackAction: TRANS: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.FightActionTranspiler
  72. Game.DeinitAndRemoveMap: post: HugsLib.Patches.Game_DeinitAndRemoveMap_Patch.MapRemovalHook
  73. Game.FillComponents: PRE: HugsLib.Patches.Game_FillComponents_Patch.GameInitializationHook
  74. Game.FinalizeInit: post: HugsLib.Patches.Game_FinalizeInit_Patch.WorldLoadedHook, ExpandedRoofing.HarmonyPatches.GameInited
  75. Game.InitNewGame: post: ShowHair.Patch_Game_InitNewGame.Postfix
  76. GameComponentUtility.LoadedGame: post: RimFridge.Patch_GameComponentUtility_LoadedGame.Postfix
  77. GameComponentUtility.StartedNewGame: post: RimFridge.Patch_GameComponentUtility_StartedNewGame.Postfix
  78. GameEnder.IsPlayerControlledWithFreeColonist: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.CanEndGame
  79. GenConstruct.BlocksConstruction: TRANS: ExpandedRoofing.HarmonyPatches.FixClearBuildingArea
  80. GenPlantReproduction.TryFindReproductionDestination: PRE: RFR_Code.GenPlantReproduction_TryFindReproductionDestination.Prefix
  81. GenStep_ElevationFertility.Generate: PRE: RFR_Code.GenStep_ElevationFertility_Generate.Prefix
  82. GenStep_Plants.Generate: PRE: RFR_Code.GenStep_Plants_Generate.Prefix
  83. GenStep_RockChunks.GrowLowRockFormationFrom: PRE: RFR_Code.GenStep_RockChunks_GrowLowRockFormationFrom.Prefix
  84. GenStep_ScatterLumpsMineable.ScatterAt: PRE: RFR_Code.GenStep_ScatterLumpsMineable_ScatterAt.Prefix
  85. GenStep_ScatterRuinsSimple.ScatterAt: PRE: RFR_Code.GenStep_ScatterRuinsSimple_ScatterAt.Prefix
  86. GenStep_Scatterer.CountFromPer10kCells: PRE: RFR_Code.GenStep_Scatterer_CountFromPer10kCells.Prefix
  87. GlowGrid.GameGlowAt: TRANS: ExpandedRoofing.HarmonyPatches.PlantLightingFix
  88. HealthCardUtility.DrawOverviewTab: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.DisplayOperationalSystems
  89. HealthUtility.GetGeneralConditionLabel: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.ReplaceConditionLabel
  90. ITab_Pawn_Gear.DrawThingRow: post: CompSlotLoadable.HarmonyCompSlotLoadable.DrawThingRow_PostFix
  91. ITab_Pawn_Gear.InterfaceDrop: PRE: CompInstalledPart.HarmonyCompInstalledPart.InterfaceDrop_PreFix
  92. InfestationCellFinder.GetScoreAt: TRANS: ExpandedRoofing.HarmonyPatches.ThickRoofInfestationFix
  93. JobDriver_Wait.CheckForAutoAttack: TRANS: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.CheckForAutoAttackTranspiler
  94. JobGiver_Haul.TryGiveJob: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.TryGiveJob_PreFix
  95. JobGiver_Orders.TryGiveJob: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.PreventWaitAttackError
  96. JobGiver_PrepareCaravan_GatherItems.TryGiveJob: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.TryGiveItemJob_PreFix
  97. JobGiver_Work.TryIssueJobPackage: TRANS: ExpandedRoofing.FixFinishFrameBuildOrder.Transpiler
  98. LanguageDatabase.SelectLanguage: PRE: HugsLib.Patches.LanguageDatabase_Patch.ForceRestartAfterLangChange
  99. ListerBuildingsRepairable.Notify_BuildingRepaired: post: ExpandedRoofing.HarmonyPatches.BuildingRepairedPostfix
  100. ListerHaulables.Notify_DeSpawned: post: StackMerger.Notify_DeSpawned.Postfix
  101. ListerHaulables.Notify_Forbidden: post: StackMerger.Notify_Forbidden.Postfix
  102. ListerHaulables.Notify_SlotGroupChanged: post: StackMerger.Notify_SlotGroupChanged.Postfix
  103. ListerHaulables.Notify_Spawned: post: StackMerger.Notify_Spawned.Postfix
  104. ListerHaulables.Notify_Unforbidden: post: StackMerger.Notify_Unforbidden.Postfix
  105. LoadedLanguage.InjectIntoData: post: Fluffy.LoadedLanguage_InjectIntoData.Postfix
  106. LordToil_PrepareCaravan_GatherAnimals.UpdateAllDuties: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.GiveVehiclesLoadAnimalDuties
  107. LordToil_PrepareCaravan_GatherItems.LordToilTick: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.GiveVehiclesLoadItemToil
  108. LordToil_PrepareCaravan_GatherItems.UpdateAllDuties: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.GiveVehiclesLoadItemDuties
  109. LordToil_PrepareCaravan_GatherSlaves.LordToilTick: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.GiveVehiclesLoadSlaveDuties
  110. Map.ConstructComponents: post: HugsLib.Patches.Map_ConstructComponents_Patch.MapComponentsInitHook
  111. Map.FinalizeInit: post: HugsLib.Patches.Map_FinalizeInit_Patch.MapLoadedHook
  112. MapComponentUtility.MapGenerated: post: HugsLib.Patches.MapComponentUtility_MapGenerated_Patch.MapGeneratedHook
  113. MapPawns.get_FreeColonistsSpawnedCount: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.IncludeVehicleOccupantsInMapPawns
  114. MapPawns.get_FreeColonistsSpawnedOrInPlayerEjectablePodsCount: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.IncludeVehicleOccupantsInMapPawns
  115. MassUtility.Capacity: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.Capacity_PostFix
  116. ModsConfig.RestartFromChangedMods: PRE: HugsLib.Patches.ModsConfig_RestartFromChangedMods_Patch.QuickRestartInDevMode
  117. Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.DoWindowContents: post: EdB.PrepareCarefully.HarmonyPatches.DoWindowContentsPostfix
  118. Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.PreOpen: post: EdB.PrepareCarefully.HarmonyPatches.PreOpenPostfix
  119. Pawn.CurrentlyUsableForBills: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.CantUseMovingVehicles
  120. Pawn.ExitMap: PRE: CompActivatableEffect.HarmonyCompActivatableEffect.ExitMap_PreFix
  121. Pawn.GetGizmos: post: CompActivatableEffect.HarmonyCompActivatableEffect.GetGizmosPrefix, CompSlotLoadable.HarmonyCompSlotLoadable.GetGizmos_PostFix
  122. Pawn.PostApplyDamage: post: CompSlotLoadable.HarmonyCompSlotLoadable.PostApplyDamage_PostFix
  123. Pawn.Tick: post: PawnShields.HarmonyPatches.Patch_Pawn_Tick
  124. Pawn.get_IsColonistPlayerControlled: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.IncludeVehiclesInIsColonistPlayerControlled
  125. PawnApparelGenerator.GenerateStartingApparelFor: post: JecsTools.HarmonyPatches.GenerateStartingApparelFor
  126. PawnDownedWiggler.WigglerTick: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.VehicleShouldWiggle
  127. PawnGenerator.GenerateGearFor: post: PawnShields.HarmonyPatches.Patch_PawnGenerator_GenerateGearFor
  128. PawnGenerator.GeneratePawnInternal: post: JecsTools.HarmonyPatches.Post_GeneratePawnInternal
  129. PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns: post: AbilityUser.AbilityUserMod.GeneratePawns_PostFix
  130. PawnGroupMakerUtility.GeneratePawns: post: JecsTools.HarmonyPatches.GeneratePawns
  131. PawnRenderer.DrawEquipmentAiming: PRE: CompInstalledPart.HarmonyCompInstalledPart.DrawEquipmentAiming_PreFix, CompOversizedWeapon.HarmonyCompOversizedWeapon.DrawEquipmentAimingPreFix post: CompActivatableEffect.HarmonyCompActivatableEffect.DrawEquipmentAimingPostFix, CompDeflector.HarmonyCompDeflector.DrawEquipmentAimingPostFix
  132. PawnRenderer.RenderPawnAt: post: PawnShields.HarmonyPatches.Patch_PawnRenderer_RenderPawnAt
  133. PawnRenderer.RenderPawnInternal: post: ShowHair.Patch_PawnRenderer_RenderPawnInternal.Postfix TRANS: ShowHair.Patch_PawnRenderer_RenderPawnInternal.Transpiler
  134. PawnTable.PawnTableOnGUI: PRE: WorkTab.PawnTable_PawnTableOnGUI.Prefix
  135. PawnTable.RecacheIfDirty: PRE: WorkTab.PawnTable_RecacheIfDirty.Prefix post: WorkTab.PawnTable_RecacheIfDirty.Postfix
  136. PawnUtility.IsTravelingInTransportPodWorldObject: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.PreventAssigningRandomFaction
  137. Pawn_ApparelTracker.Notify_ApparelAdded: post: AbilityUser.AbilityUserMod.Notify_ApparelAdded_PostFix
  138. Pawn_ApparelTracker.Notify_ApparelRemoved: post: AbilityUser.AbilityUserMod.Notify_ApparelRemoved_PostFix
  139. Pawn_DraftController.GetGizmos: post: DefensivePositions.DraftController_GetGizmos_Patch.InsertDefensivePositionGizmo
  140. Pawn_DraftController.set_Drafted: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.DraftedVehiclesCanMove post: CompActivatableEffect.HarmonyCompActivatableEffect.set_DraftedPostFix
  141. Pawn_EquipmentTracker.MakeRoomFor: post: PawnShields.HarmonyPatches.Patch_Pawn_EquipmentTracker_MakeRoomFor
  142. Pawn_EquipmentTracker.Notify_EquipmentAdded: post: AbilityUser.AbilityUserMod.Notify_EquipmentAdded_PostFix
  143. Pawn_EquipmentTracker.Notify_EquipmentRemoved: post: AbilityUser.AbilityUserMod.Notify_EquipmentRemoved_PostFix
  144. Pawn_EquipmentTracker.TryDropEquipment: PRE: CompActivatableEffect.HarmonyCompActivatableEffect.TryDropEquipment_PreFix, CompInstalledPart.HarmonyCompInstalledPart.TryDropEquipment_PreFix
  145. Pawn_HealthTracker.PreApplyDamage: PRE: JecsTools.HarmonyPatches.PreApplyDamage_PrePatch, PawnShields.HarmonyPatches.Patch_Pawn_HealthTracker_PreApplyDamage
  146. Pawn_HealthTracker.ShouldBeDowned: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.VehicleShouldBeDowned
  147. Pawn_PathFollower.StartPath: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.CanVehicleMove
  148. Pawn_RotationTracker.RotationTrackerTick: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.VehicleRotatorTick
  149. Pawn_WorkSettings.CacheWorkGiversInOrder: PRE: WorkTab.Pawn_WorkSettings_CacheWorkGiversInOrder.Prefix
  150. Pawn_WorkSettings.GetPriority: PRE: WorkTab.Pawn_WorkSettings_GetPriority.Prefix
  151. Pawn_WorkSettings.SetPriority: PRE: WorkTab.Pawn_WorkSettings_SetPriority.Prefix
  152. PlayDataLoader.DoPlayLoad: post: HugsLib.Patches.PlayDataLoader_Patch.InitModsHook
  153. PowerNet.PowerNetTick: TRANS: RT_SolarFlareShield.Patch_PowerNetTick.Transpiler
  154. RestUtility.FindBedFor: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.DontRescueVehicles
  155. RockNoises.Init: PRE: RFR_Code.RockNoises_Init.Prefix
  156. RoofGrid.GetCellExtraColor: TRANS: ExpandedRoofing.RoofGridCellBoolGiver.RoofGridExtraColorDetour
  157. RoofGrid.SetRoof: PRE: ExpandedRoofing.HarmonyPatches.RoofLeavings TRANS: ExpandedRoofing.RoofMaintenance_Patches.SetRoofTranspiler
  158. RoofGrid.get_Color: PRE: ExpandedRoofing.RoofGridCellBoolGiver.RoofGridColorDetour
  159. Root.Update: post: HugsLib.Patches.Root_Patch.UpdateHook
  160. Root_Play.SetupForQuickTestPlay: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.RootPlay_TestPlay_Patch.InjectCustomQuickstartSettings
  161. SavedGameLoader.LoadGameFromSaveFile: post: ShowHair.Patch_SavedGameLoader_LoadGameFromSaveFile.Postfix
  162. SectionLayer_LightingOverlay.Regenerate: TRANS: ExpandedRoofing.HarmonyPatches.TransparentRoofLightingOverlayFix
  163. ShortCircuitUtility.DoShortCircuit: PRE: RT_Fuse.Patch_DoShortCircuit.Prefix
  164. ShortHashGiver.GiveShortHash: PRE: AbilityUser.AbilityUserMod.GiveShortHash_PrePatch
  165. SocialCardUtility.Recache: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.SocialTabNullHandling
  166. StatExtension.GetStatValue: post: CompSlotLoadable.HarmonyCompSlotLoadable.GetStatValue_PostFix
  167. StatWorker.GetExplanationUnfinalized: TRANS: PawnShields.HarmonyPatches.Transpiler_StatWorker_GetExplanationUnfinalized
  168. StatWorker.GetValueUnfinalized: post: PawnShields.HarmonyPatches.Patch_StatWorker_GetValueUnfinalized
  169. StatWorker.StatOffsetFromGear: post: CompSlotLoadable.HarmonyCompSlotLoadable.StatOffsetFromGear_PostFix
  170. SymbolResolver_RandomMechanoidGroup.<Resolve>m__0: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.MechanoidsFixerAncient
  171. Targeter.ConfirmStillValid: PRE: AbilityUser.AbilityUserMod.ConfirmStillValid
  172. Targeter.ProcessInputEvents: PRE: AbilityUser.AbilityUserMod.ProcessInputEvents_PreFix
  173. Targeter.TargeterUpdate: post: AbilityUser.AbilityUserMod.TargeterUpdate_PostFix
  174. TerrainThreshold.TerrainAtValue: PRE: RFR_Code.TerrainThreshold_TerrainAtValue.Prefix
  175. Thing.TakeDamage: PRE: CompDeflector.HarmonyCompDeflector.TakeDamage_PreFix
  176. Thing.get_DefaultGraphic: post: CompOversizedWeapon.HarmonyCompOversizedWeapon.get_Graphic_PostFix
  177. ThingSelectionUtility.SelectNextColonist: PRE: AnimalTab.Patch_ThingSelectionUtility+Pre_SelectNextColonist.Prefix
  178. ThingSelectionUtility.SelectPreviousColonist: PRE: AnimalTab.Patch_ThingSelectionUtility+Pre_SelectPreviousColonist.Prefix
  179. ThingWithComps.InitializeComps: post: AbilityUser.AbilityUserMod.InitializeComps_PostFix
  180. ThinkNode_ConditionalColonist.Satisfied: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.Satisfied_PostFix
  181. UIRoot.UIRootOnGUI: post: HugsLib.Patches.UIRoot_Patch.OnGUIHook
  182. Verb.TryStartCastOn: PRE: CompActivatableEffect.HarmonyCompActivatableEffect.TryStartCastOnPrefix
  183. VerbTracker.GetVerbsCommands: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.GetVerbsCommands_PreFix
  184. Verb_MeleeAttack.DamageInfosToApply: post: CompSlotLoadable.HarmonyCompSlotLoadable.DamageInfosToApply_PostFix
  185. Verb_MeleeAttackBase.SoundHitBuilding: post: CompExtraSounds.HarmonyCompExtraSounds.SoundHitBuildingPrefix
  186. Verb_MeleeAttackBase.SoundHitPawn: post: CompExtraSounds.HarmonyCompExtraSounds.SoundHitPawnPrefix
  187. Verb_MeleeAttackBase.SoundMiss: post: CompExtraSounds.HarmonyCompExtraSounds.SoundMissPrefix
  188. Verb_Shoot.TryCastShot: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.CanVehicleShoot
  189. World.NaturalRockTypesIn: PRE: [600]RFR_Code.World_NaturalRockTypesIn.Prefix
  190. WorldSelector.AutoOrderToTileNow: post: JecsTools.HarmonyCaravanPatches.AutoOrderToTileNow_Jobs
  191. WorldSelector.SelectableObjectsUnderMouse: post: JecsTools.HarmonyCaravanPatches.SelectableObjectsUnderMouse_InvisHandler
  192. Harmony versions present: rimworld.jecrell.abilityuser:, UnlimitedHugs.HugsLib:, rimworld.whyisthat.expandedroofing.main:, io.github.ratysz.madskills:, io.github.ratysz.rt_solarflareshield:, fluffy.areaunlocker:, Fluffy.StuffedFloors:, fluffy.worktab:, Fluffy.AnimalTab:, fluffy.medicaltab:, net.rainbeau.rimworld.mod.fewerruins:, rimworld.jecrell.caravanjobs:, rimworld.jecrell.comps.vehicle:, rimworld.jecrell.rimroad:, rimworld.jecrell.jecstools.main:, chjees.shields:, rimworld.jecrell.humanlikeorders:, rimworld.jecrell.comps.activator:, rimworld.jecrell.comps.slotloadable:, rimworld.jecrell.comps.installedpart:, rimworld.jecrell.comps.oversized:, rimworld.jecrell.comps.deflector:, rimworld.jecrell.comps.sounds:, EdB.PrepareCarefully:, com.rimfridge.rimworld.mod:, com.showhair.rimworld.mod:, rimworld.whyisthat.expandedroofing.fixbuildorder:, rimworld.whyisthat.expandedroofing.roofmaintenance:, rimworld.whyisthat.expandedroofing.roofgridcellboolgiver:, rimworld.fluffy.stackmerger:, HugsLib.DefensivePositions:
  194. Platform information: (hidden, hold Shift while publishing to include)
  196. Log file contents:
  197. Initialize engine version: 5.6.3p1 (9c92e827232b)
  198. GfxDevice: [Renderer information redacted]
  199. Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
  200. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll into Unity Child Domain
  201. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain
  202. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll into Unity Child Domain
  203. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll into Unity Child Domain
  204. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll into Unity Child Domain
  205. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\NAudio.dll into Unity Child Domain
  206. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\NVorbis.dll into Unity Child Domain
  207. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\TextMeshPro- into Unity Child Domain
  208. WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/VR/BlitCopyFromTexArray' - Pass '' has no vertex shader
  209. WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/VR/BlitCopyFromTexArray' - Setting to default shader.
  210. desktop: 3840x2160 60Hz; virtual: 3840x2160 at 0,0
  211. RimWorld 0.18.1722 rev1198
  213. Rebuilding mods list
  214. Adding mods from mods folder:
  215. Adding Core([Rimworld_dir]\Mods\Core)
  216. Adding mods from Steam:
  217. Adding 1194812929(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1194812929)
  218. Adding 1180721235(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1180721235)
  219. Adding 1180826364(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1180826364)
  220. Adding 1209683816(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1209683816)
  221. Adding 1207934602(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1207934602)
  222. Adding 1271582812(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1271582812)
  223. Adding 1108968677(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1108968677)
  224. Adding 725747149(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\725747149)
  225. Adding 826366050(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\826366050)
  226. Adding 1156492920(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1156492920)
  227. Adding 932008009(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\932008009)
  228. Adding 728315620(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\728315620)
  229. Adding 1205042299(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1205042299)
  230. Adding 1128356018(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1128356018)
  231. Adding 951467102(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\951467102)
  232. Adding 852998459(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\852998459)
  233. Adding 853043503(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\853043503)
  234. Adding 857164561(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\857164561)
  235. Adding 725153576(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\725153576)
  236. Adding 708455313(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\708455313)
  237. Adding 709317151(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\709317151)
  238. Adding 715565262(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\715565262)
  239. Adding 725219116(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\725219116)
  240. Adding 712141500(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\712141500)
  241. Adding 715565817(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\715565817)
  242. Adding 761219125(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\761219125)
  243. Adding 818773962(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\818773962)
  244. Adding 868519399(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\868519399)
  245. Adding 717632155(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\717632155)
  246. Adding 728314182(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\728314182)
  247. Adding 728314859(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\728314859)
  248. Adding 761421485(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\761421485)
  249. Adding 826153738(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\826153738)
  250. Adding 844988411(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\844988411)
  251. Adding 1291975094(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1291975094)
  252. Adding 1205203781(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1205203781)
  253. Deactivating not-installed mods:
  255. Rebuilding mods list
  256. Adding mods from mods folder:
  257. Adding Core([Rimworld_dir]\Mods\Core)
  258. Adding mods from Steam:
  259. Adding 1194812929(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1194812929)
  260. Adding 1180721235(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1180721235)
  261. Adding 1180826364(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1180826364)
  262. Adding 1209683816(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1209683816)
  263. Adding 1207934602(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1207934602)
  264. Adding 1271582812(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1271582812)
  265. Adding 1108968677(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1108968677)
  266. Adding 725747149(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\725747149)
  267. Adding 826366050(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\826366050)
  268. Adding 1156492920(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1156492920)
  269. Adding 932008009(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\932008009)
  270. Adding 728315620(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\728315620)
  271. Adding 1205042299(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1205042299)
  272. Adding 1128356018(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1128356018)
  273. Adding 951467102(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\951467102)
  274. Adding 852998459(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\852998459)
  275. Adding 853043503(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\853043503)
  276. Adding 857164561(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\857164561)
  277. Adding 725153576(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\725153576)
  278. Adding 708455313(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\708455313)
  279. Adding 709317151(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\709317151)
  280. Adding 715565262(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\715565262)
  281. Adding 725219116(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\725219116)
  282. Adding 712141500(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\712141500)
  283. Adding 715565817(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\715565817)
  284. Adding 761219125(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\761219125)
  285. Adding 818773962(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\818773962)
  286. Adding 868519399(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\868519399)
  287. Adding 717632155(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\717632155)
  288. Adding 728314182(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\728314182)
  289. Adding 728314859(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\728314859)
  290. Adding 761421485(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\761421485)
  291. Adding 826153738(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\826153738)
  292. Adding 844988411(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\844988411)
  293. Adding 1291975094(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1291975094)
  294. Adding 1205203781(E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1205203781)
  295. Deactivating not-installed mods:
  297. Error loading language from E:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\709317151\Languages\ChineseSimplified: dir MainTabDef doesn't correspond to any def type. Skipping...
  299. Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.SoundDef named InteractPistol found to give to Verse.ThingDef Z_TowerBase2A (using undefined sound instead)
  301. Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.SoundDef named ShotPistol found to give to Verse.VerbProperties VerbProperties(Z_电磁冲锋枪) (using undefined sound instead)
  303. Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.SoundDef named ShotPistol found to give to Verse.VerbProperties VerbProperties(Z_电荷步枪EXII) (using undefined sound instead)
  305. Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.SoundDef named InteractAutoPistol found to give to Verse.ThingDef Z_ButcherKnife (using undefined sound instead)
  307. --- Thread 2 ---
  308. 16959ms LoadAllPlayData
  309. - 11998ms Load all active mods.
  310. - - 0ms Initializing [Core|Core]
  311. - - 0ms Initializing [932008009|JecsTools]
  312. - - 0ms Initializing [818773962|HugsLib]
  313. - - 0ms Initializing [1128356018|斯坦石 personal MOD]
  314. - - 0ms Initializing [844988411|EdB Prepare Carefully [中文版] B18]
  315. - - 0ms Initializing [728314859|RT Power Switch]
  316. - - 0ms Initializing [717632155|PowerSwitch]
  317. - - 0ms Initializing [868519399|Turret Collection]
  318. - - 0ms Initializing [728314182|RT Fuse]
  319. - - 0ms Initializing [1180721235|[KV] RimFridge - B18]
  320. - - 0ms Initializing [1180826364|[KV] Show Hair With Hats or Hide All Hats - A18]
  321. - - 0ms Initializing [1209683816|[A18]My Cute Ear]
  322. - - 0ms Initializing [1207934602|ameiro anime hairs]
  323. - - 0ms Initializing [1271582812|[B18] No Boom Boom ]
  324. - - 0ms Initializing [1108968677|Expanded Roofing]
  325. - - 0ms Initializing [725747149|Tilled Soil]
  326. - - 0ms Initializing [826366050|Stack XXL]
  327. - - 0ms Initializing [1156492920|RimRoads]
  328. - - 0ms Initializing [728315620|RT Solar Flare Shield]
  329. - - 0ms Initializing [951467102|Free Input 自由输入]
  330. - - 0ms Initializing [725153576|Area Unlocker]
  331. - - 0ms Initializing [708455313|Blueprints]
  332. - - 0ms Initializing [852998459|Architect Sense]
  333. - - 0ms Initializing [853043503|Stuffed Floors]
  334. - - 0ms Initializing [857164561|Stack Merger]
  335. - - 0ms Initializing [709317151|Relations Tab]
  336. - - 0ms Initializing [715565262|Colony Manager]
  337. - - 0ms Initializing [725219116|Work Tab]
  338. - - 0ms Initializing [712141500|Animal Tab]
  339. - - 0ms Initializing [715565817|Medical Tab]
  340. - - 0ms Initializing [761219125|Defensive Positions]
  341. - - 0ms Initializing [1205203781|Wall Light - B18]
  342. - - 0ms Initializing [826153738|Glass+Lights]
  343. - - 0ms Initializing [1194812929|[RF] Configurable Maps [b18]]
  344. - - 0ms Loading Core content
  345. - - 680ms Loading 932008009 content
  346. - - 58ms Loading 818773962 content
  347. - - 23ms Loading 1128356018 content
  348. - - 42ms Loading 844988411 content
  349. - - 26ms Loading 728314859 content
  350. - - 23ms Loading 717632155 content
  351. - - 13ms Loading 868519399 content
  352. - - 37ms Loading 728314182 content
  353. - - 50ms Loading 1180721235 content
  354. - - 49ms Loading 1180826364 content
  355. - - 0ms Loading 1209683816 content
  356. - - 0ms Loading 1207934602 content
  357. - - 0ms Loading 1271582812 content
  358. - - 38ms Loading 1108968677 content
  359. - - 0ms Loading 725747149 content
  360. - - 36ms Loading 826366050 content
  361. - - 58ms Loading 1156492920 content
  362. - - 23ms Loading 728315620 content
  363. - - 11ms Loading 951467102 content
  364. - - 31ms Loading 725153576 content
  365. - - 16ms Loading 708455313 content
  366. - - 16ms Loading 852998459 content
  367. - - 52ms Loading 853043503 content
  368. - - 63ms Loading 857164561 content
  369. - - 35ms Loading 709317151 content
  370. - - 142ms Loading 715565262 content
  371. - - 48ms Loading 725219116 content
  372. - - 47ms Loading 712141500 content
  373. - - 81ms Loading 715565817 content
  374. - - 47ms Loading 761219125 content
  375. - - 0ms Loading 1205203781 content
  376. - - 0ms Loading 826153738 content
  377. - - 69ms Loading 1194812929 content
  378. - - 7734ms Loading Core
  379. - - - 7733ms Loading all defs
  380. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  381. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  382. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  383. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  384. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  385. - - - - 8ms Loading all patches
  386. - - - - 1ms Loading all patches
  387. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  388. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  389. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  390. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  391. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  392. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  393. - - - - 19ms Loading all patches
  394. - - - - 1ms Loading all patches
  395. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  396. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  397. - - - - 15ms Loading all patches
  398. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  399. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  400. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  401. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  402. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  403. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  404. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  405. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  406. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  407. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  408. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  409. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  410. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  411. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  412. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  413. - - - - 0ms Loading all patches
  414. - - 162ms Loading 932008009
  415. - - - 162ms Loading all defs
  416. - - 3ms Loading 818773962
  417. - - - 3ms Loading all defs
  418. - - 212ms Loading 1128356018
  419. - - - 212ms Loading all defs
  420. - - 23ms Loading 844988411
  421. - - - 23ms Loading all defs
  422. - - 16ms Loading 728314859
  423. - - - 16ms Loading all defs
  424. - - 39ms Loading 717632155
  425. - - - 39ms Loading all defs
  426. - - 411ms Loading 868519399
  427. - - - 411ms Loading all defs
  428. - - 44ms Loading 728314182
  429. - - - 44ms Loading all defs
  430. - - 21ms Loading 1180721235
  431. - - - 21ms Loading all defs
  432. - - 0ms Loading 1180826364
  433. - - - 0ms Loading all defs
  434. - - 12ms Loading 1209683816
  435. - - - 12ms Loading all defs
  436. - - 15ms Loading 1207934602
  437. - - - 15ms Loading all defs
  438. - - 0ms Loading 1271582812
  439. - - - 0ms Loading all defs
  440. - - 86ms Loading 1108968677
  441. - - - 86ms Loading all defs
  442. - - 16ms Loading 725747149
  443. - - - 16ms Loading all defs
  444. - - 0ms Loading 826366050
  445. - - - 0ms Loading all defs
  446. - - 51ms Loading 1156492920
  447. - - - 51ms Loading all defs
  448. - - 37ms Loading 728315620
  449. - - - 37ms Loading all defs
  450. - - 0ms Loading 951467102
  451. - - - 0ms Loading all defs
  452. - - 0ms Loading 725153576
  453. - - - 0ms Loading all defs
  454. - - 4ms Loading 708455313
  455. - - - 4ms Loading all defs
  456. - - 0ms Loading 852998459
  457. - - - 0ms Loading all defs
  458. - - 65ms Loading 853043503
  459. - - - 65ms Loading all defs
  460. - - 2ms Loading 857164561
  461. - - - 2ms Loading all defs
  462. - - 1ms Loading 709317151
  463. - - - 1ms Loading all defs
  464. - - 57ms Loading 715565262
  465. - - - 57ms Loading all defs
  466. - - 13ms Loading 725219116
  467. - - - 13ms Loading all defs
  468. - - 19ms Loading 712141500
  469. - - - 19ms Loading all defs
  470. - - 12ms Loading 715565817
  471. - - - 12ms Loading all defs
  472. - - 27ms Loading 761219125
  473. - - - 27ms Loading all defs
  474. - - 31ms Loading 1205203781
  475. - - - 31ms Loading all defs
  476. - - 180ms Loading 826153738
  477. - - - 180ms Loading all defs
  478. - - 15ms Loading 1194812929
  479. - - - 15ms Loading all defs
  480. - 337ms Load language metadata.
  481. - 3140ms Loading language data: ChineseSimplified
  482. - 99ms Copy all Defs from mods to global databases.
  483. - 59ms Resolve cross-references between non-implied Defs.
  484. - 43ms Rebind defs (early).
  485. - 31ms Generate implied Defs (pre-resolve).
  486. - 0ms Resolve cross-references between Defs made by the implied defs.
  487. - 32ms Rebind DefOfs (final).
  488. - 53ms Other def binding, resetting and global operations.
  489. - 1050ms Resolve references.
  490. - 1ms Generate implied Defs (post-resolve).
  491. - 63ms Error check all defs.
  492. - 7ms Load keyboard preferences.
  493. - 37ms Short hash giving.
  496. --- Main thread ---
  497. 23ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 932008009
  500. --- Main thread ---
  501. 11ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 818773962
  504. --- Main thread ---
  505. 771ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 1128356018
  508. --- Main thread ---
  509. 212ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 844988411
  512. --- Main thread ---
  513. 0ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 728314859
  516. --- Main thread ---
  517. 173ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 717632155
  520. --- Main thread ---
  521. 289ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.AudioClip for mod 868519399
  522. - 35ms Loading file TC/AMTurret/50Cal
  523. - 27ms Loading file TC/CannonTurret/120mm
  524. - 15ms Loading file TC/CannonTurret/155mm
  525. - 30ms Loading file TC/CannonTurret/Explosion
  526. - 22ms Loading file TC/ChainGun/35mmExplosion
  527. - 13ms Loading file TC/ChainGun/35mm_shot
  528. - 22ms Loading file TC/IncendiaryLauncher/IL
  529. - 17ms Loading file TC/MachineGunNests/M2Browning_Shot
  530. - 14ms Loading file TC/NavalGun/280mm_shot
  531. - 35ms Loading file TC/NavalGun/40mm_shot
  532. - 35ms Loading file TC/RocketLauncher/130mmRocket
  533. - 12ms Loading file TC/RocketLauncher/RL_PreImpact
  534. - 4ms Loading file TC/TeslaCoilTurret/TeslaCoil
  537. --- Main thread ---
  538. 340ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 868519399
  541. --- Main thread ---
  542. 28ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 728314182
  545. --- Main thread ---
  546. 292ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 1180721235
  549. --- Main thread ---
  550. 378ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 1209683816
  553. --- Main thread ---
  554. 517ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 1207934602
  557. --- Main thread ---
  558. 53ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 1108968677
  561. --- Main thread ---
  562. 127ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 725747149
  565. --- Main thread ---
  566. 36ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 1156492920
  569. --- Main thread ---
  570. 36ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 728315620
  573. --- Main thread ---
  574. 27ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 708455313
  577. --- Main thread ---
  578. 13ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 852998459
  581. --- Main thread ---
  582. 2043ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 853043503
  585. --- Main thread ---
  586. 134ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 709317151
  589. --- Main thread ---
  590. 286ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 715565262
  593. --- Main thread ---
  594. 499ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 725219116
  597. --- Main thread ---
  598. 110ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 712141500
  601. --- Main thread ---
  602. 31ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 715565817
  605. --- Main thread ---
  606. 100ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 761219125
  609. --- Main thread ---
  610. 140ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 1205203781
  613. --- Main thread ---
  614. 217ms Loading assets of type UnityEngine.Texture2D for mod 826153738
  617. --- Main thread ---
  618. 1348ms Load backstories.
  621. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_MeleeWeapon_TestKnife to match Make_MeleeWeapon_TestKnife.label
  623. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_MeleeWeapon_TestKnife to match Make_MeleeWeapon_TestKnife.description
  625. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_MeleeWeapon_TestKnife to match Make_MeleeWeapon_TestKnife.jobString
  627. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Z_Rifle to match Make_Z_Rifle.label
  629. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Z_Rifle to match Make_Z_Rifle.description
  631. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Z_Rifle to match Make_Z_Rifle.jobString
  633. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Z_Rifle02 to match Make_Z_Rifle02.label
  635. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Z_Rifle02 to match Make_Z_Rifle02.description
  637. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Z_Rifle02 to match Make_Z_Rifle02.jobString
  639. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Z_Rifle03 to match Make_Z_Rifle03.label
  641. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Z_Rifle03 to match Make_Z_Rifle03.description
  643. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Z_Rifle03 to match Make_Z_Rifle03.jobString
  645. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Z_Rifle04 to match Make_Z_Rifle04.label
  647. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Z_Rifle04 to match Make_Z_Rifle04.description
  649. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Z_Rifle04 to match Make_Z_Rifle04.jobString
  651. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Z_Rifle05 to match Make_Z_Rifle05.label
  653. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Z_Rifle05 to match Make_Z_Rifle05.description
  655. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Z_Rifle05 to match Make_Z_Rifle05.jobString
  657. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Z_Rifle06 to match Make_Z_Rifle06.label
  659. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Z_Rifle06 to match Make_Z_Rifle06.description
  661. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Z_Rifle06 to match Make_Z_Rifle06.jobString
  663. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_TC_Shell_IncendiaryGrenade to match Make_TC_Shell_IncendiaryGrenade.label
  665. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_TC_Shell_IncendiaryGrenade to match Make_TC_Shell_IncendiaryGrenade.description
  667. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_TC_Shell_IncendiaryGrenade to match Make_TC_Shell_IncendiaryGrenade.jobString
  669. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named MeleeWeapon_TestKnife to match MeleeWeapon_TestKnife.label
  671. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named MeleeWeapon_TestKnife to match MeleeWeapon_TestKnife.description
  673. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Z_Rifle to match Z_Rifle.label
  675. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Z_Rifle to match Z_Rifle.description
  677. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Z_Rifle02 to match Z_Rifle02.label
  679. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Z_Rifle02 to match Z_Rifle02.description
  681. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Z_Rifle03 to match Z_Rifle03.label
  683. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Z_Rifle03 to match Z_Rifle03.description
  685. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Z_Rifle04 to match Z_Rifle04.label
  687. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Z_Rifle04 to match Z_Rifle04.description
  689. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Z_Rifle05 to match Z_Rifle05.label
  691. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Z_Rifle05 to match Z_Rifle05.description
  693. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Z_Rifle06 to match Z_Rifle06.label
  695. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Z_Rifle06 to match Z_Rifle06.description
  697. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Z_TowerBase1 to match Z_TowerBase1.label
  699. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Z_TowerBase1 to match Z_TowerBase1.description
  701. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Z_TowerBase2 to match Z_TowerBase2.label
  703. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Z_TowerBase2 to match Z_TowerBase2.description
  705. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named TC_Shell_IncendiaryGrenade to match TC_Shell_IncendiaryGrenade.label
  707. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named TC_Shell_IncendiaryGrenade to match TC_Shell_IncendiaryGrenade.description
  709. Couldn't load backstory RitualChild78: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier RitualChild78
  710. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  711. Full XML text:
  713. <RitualChild78>
  714. <title>仪式儿童</title>
  715. <titleShort>祭品</titleShort>
  716. <desc>由于出生时脖子上有个特殊印记,还在襁褓中的NAME变被自己的部落当作宗教仪式上的祭品。
  719. HECAP被留在树林中作为仪式的一部分等待死亡,但被一群北极狼所收养。随着时间的推移,HE学会了使用工具来帮助自己随着狼群狩猎。</desc>
  720. </RitualChild78>
  722. Couldn't load backstory TransferStudent56: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier TransferStudent56
  723. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  724. Full XML text:
  726. <TransferStudent56>
  727. <title>转学生</title>
  728. <titleShort>学生</titleShort>
  729. <desc>NAME出生在一个中世界,HIS父母足够富有将HIM送到闪耀世界接受更好的教育。NAME是一名才华横溢的学生,在闪耀世界学习时期表现得非常优秀。然而,由于家庭的富裕,HE从未从事过体力劳动。</desc>
  730. </TransferStudent56>
  732. Couldn't load backstory Politician83: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Politician83
  733. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  734. Full XML text:
  736. <Politician83>
  737. <title>政客</title>
  738. <titleShort>政客</titleShort>
  739. <desc>成年后,NAME对政治的渴望和兴趣变得更大,HE最终成为一个庞大政治派别的积极分子。在那里,HE学会了说服和演讲的艺术。HECAP有许多政敌,因而参加了自卫课程并秘密地训练射击。</desc>
  740. </Politician83>
  742. Couldn't load backstory ApprenticeOracle14: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier ApprenticeOracle14
  743. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  744. Full XML text:
  746. <ApprenticeOracle14>
  747. <title>学徒先知</title>
  748. <titleShort>先知</titleShort>
  749. <desc>NAME出生在一颗人烟稀少的星球上,最初被选为村里的长老来维持神谕的神圣仪式。作为一个无法抑制好奇心的孩子,NAME引发过一场部落的宗教危机,那时HE不小心拨动了开关打开了神的“坟墓”——仍然沉睡着一些混乱的祖先的低温休眠舱。</desc>
  750. </ApprenticeOracle14>
  752. Couldn't load backstory CasketBuilder46: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier CasketBuilder46
  753. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  754. Full XML text:
  756. <CasketBuilder46>
  757. <title>休眠舱建造师</title>
  758. <titleShort>建造师</titleShort>
  759. <desc>NAME对低温休眠有着终生的迷恋,毕生都在学习机械与生命支持。当在一个中世界中被雇佣作为一名汇编工程师后,HE利用被丢弃的部件建造了一个实验性的原型舱。不幸的是,在中世纪的家被炸弹夷为平地之前,NAME无法获得最后一个组件来测试他的原型。</desc>
  760. </CasketBuilder46>
  762. --- Main thread ---
  763. 197ms Inject selected language data into game data.
  766. RimFridge: Adding Harmony Postfix to GameComponentUtility.StartedNewGame
  768. RimFridge: Adding Harmony Postfix to GameComponentUtility.LoadedGame
  770. RimFridge: Adding Harmony Prefix to CompTemperatureRuinable.DoTicks - Will return false if within a RimFridge
  772. ShowHair: Adding Harmony Postfix to Game.InitNewGame.
  774. ShowHair: Adding Harmony Postfix to SavedGameLoader.LoadGameFromSaveFile.
  776. ShowHair: Adding Harmony Transpiler and Postfix to PawnRenderer.RenderPawnInternal.
  778. ExpandedRoofing: generating dynamic defs
  780. --- Main thread ---
  781. 854ms Loading language data: English
  784. Reloader: analyzing Fluffy_ColonyManager, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  786. [HugsLib] v4.1.1 initialized StackXXL, DefensivePositions
  788. [StackXXL] Loaded
  790. --- Thread 5 ---
  791. 7627ms GenerateWorld
  792. - 5469ms WorldGenStep - Terrain
  793. - 85ms WorldGenStep - Components
  794. - 12ms WorldGenStep - Lakes
  795. - 352ms WorldGenStep - Rivers
  796. - 2ms WorldGenStep - AncientSites
  797. - 139ms WorldGenStep - AncientRoads
  798. - 80ms WorldGenStep - Factions
  799. - 426ms WorldGenStep - Roads
  800. - 896ms WorldGenStep - Features
  803. Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  805. Unloading 38 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 9514.
  806. Total: 51.347057 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.593635 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.800711 ms MarkObjects: 49.893829 ms DeleteObjects: 0.058311 ms)
  808. Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  810. Unloading 6 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 10577.
  811. Total: 52.234524 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.330808 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.546417 ms MarkObjects: 51.289883 ms DeleteObjects: 0.066275 ms)
  813. Initializing new game with mods Core, 932008009, 818773962, 1128356018, 844988411, 728314859, 717632155, 868519399, 728314182, 1180721235, 1180826364, 1209683816, 1207934602, 1271582812, 1108968677, 725747149, 826366050, 1156492920, 728315620, 951467102, 725153576, 708455313, 852998459, 853043503, 857164561, 709317151, 715565262, 725219116, 712141500, 715565817, 761219125, 1205203781, 826153738, 和 1194812929
  815. ExpandedRoofing: Glass+Lights configuration done.
  817. Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  819. Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 19120.
  820. Total: 130.961929 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.394062 ms CreateObjectMapping: 1.953848 ms MarkObjects: 127.584145 ms DeleteObjects: 0.029013 ms)
  822. --- Main thread ---
  823. 7468ms InitNewGeneratedMap
  824. - 16ms Set up map
  825. - 4194ms Generate contents into map
  826. - - 285ms GenStep - ElevationFertility
  827. - - 0ms GenStep - Caves
  828. - - 1433ms GenStep - ScatterDeepResourceLumps
  829. - - 194ms GenStep - RocksFromGrid
  830. - - 251ms GenStep - Terrain
  831. - - 0ms GenStep - CavesTerrain
  832. - - 0ms GenStep - Roads
  833. - - 344ms GenStep - RockChunks
  834. - - 22ms GenStep - ScatterRuinsSimple
  835. - - 47ms GenStep - ScatterShrines
  836. - - 0ms GenStep - SteamGeysers
  837. - - 120ms GenStep - FindPlayerStartSpot
  838. - - - 118ms RebuildAllRegions
  839. - - 0ms GenStep - ScenParts
  840. - - 1357ms GenStep - Plants
  841. - - 16ms GenStep - CavePlants
  842. - - 0ms GenStep - Snow
  843. - - 57ms GenStep - Animals
  844. - - 3ms GenStep - CaveHives
  845. - - 58ms GenStep - Fog
  846. - - - 58ms GenerateInitialFogGrid
  847. - - 0ms GenStep - RemovePrepareCarefullyScenParts
  848. - 3257ms Finalize map init
  849. - 0ms MapComponent.MapGenerated()
  852. --- Main thread ---
  853. 185ms InitNewGeneratedMap
  854. - 5ms Set up map
  855. - 96ms Generate contents into map
  856. - - 7ms GenStep - ElevationFertility
  857. - - 0ms GenStep - Caves
  858. - - 29ms GenStep - ScatterDeepResourceLumps
  859. - - 0ms GenStep - RocksFromGrid
  860. - - 9ms GenStep - Terrain
  861. - - 0ms GenStep - CavesTerrain
  862. - - 0ms GenStep - Roads
  863. - - 7ms GenStep - RockChunks
  864. - - 0ms GenStep - ScatterRuinsSimple
  865. - - 0ms GenStep - ScatterShrines
  866. - - 0ms GenStep - SteamGeysers
  867. - - 3ms GenStep - FindPlayerStartSpot
  868. - - - 3ms RebuildAllRegions
  869. - - 0ms GenStep - ScenParts
  870. - - 34ms GenStep - Plants
  871. - - 0ms GenStep - CavePlants
  872. - - 0ms GenStep - Snow
  873. - - 2ms GenStep - Animals
  874. - - 0ms GenStep - CaveHives
  875. - - 1ms GenStep - Fog
  876. - - - 1ms GenerateInitialFogGrid
  877. - - 0ms GenStep - RemovePrepareCarefullyScenParts
  878. - 81ms Finalize map init
  879. - 0ms MapComponent.MapGenerated()
  882. --- Main thread ---
  883. 159ms InitNewGeneratedMap
  884. - 7ms Set up map
  885. - 84ms Generate contents into map
  886. - - 9ms GenStep - ElevationFertility
  887. - - 0ms GenStep - Caves
  888. - - 23ms GenStep - ScatterDeepResourceLumps
  889. - - 1ms GenStep - RocksFromGrid
  890. - - 8ms GenStep - Terrain
  891. - - 0ms GenStep - CavesTerrain
  892. - - 0ms GenStep - Roads
  893. - - 6ms GenStep - RockChunks
  894. - - 0ms GenStep - ScatterRuinsSimple
  895. - - 0ms GenStep - ScatterShrines
  896. - - 0ms GenStep - SteamGeysers
  897. - - 2ms GenStep - FindPlayerStartSpot
  898. - - - 2ms RebuildAllRegions
  899. - - 0ms GenStep - ScenParts
  900. - - 21ms GenStep - Plants
  901. - - 0ms GenStep - CavePlants
  902. - - 5ms GenStep - Snow
  903. - - 2ms GenStep - Animals
  904. - - 0ms GenStep - CaveHives
  905. - - 1ms GenStep - Fog
  906. - - - 1ms GenerateInitialFogGrid
  907. - - 0ms GenStep - RemovePrepareCarefullyScenParts
  908. - 66ms Finalize map init
  909. - 0ms MapComponent.MapGenerated()
  912. Exception processing alert FluffyManager.Alert_NoManager: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  913. at FluffyManager.Manager.For (Verse.Map map) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  914. at FluffyManager.Alert_NoManager.GetReport () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  915. at RimWorld.Alert.get_Active () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  916. at RimWorld.AlertsReadout.AlertsReadoutUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  918. Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  920. Unloading 560 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 27485.
  921. Total: 186.133911 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.252408 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.123768 ms MarkObjects: 180.671722 ms DeleteObjects: 1.085440 ms)
  923. --- Thread 7 ---
  924. 7144ms GenerateWorld
  925. - 5463ms WorldGenStep - Terrain
  926. - 49ms WorldGenStep - Components
  927. - 14ms WorldGenStep - Lakes
  928. - 249ms WorldGenStep - Rivers
  929. - 0ms WorldGenStep - AncientSites
  930. - 47ms WorldGenStep - AncientRoads
  931. - 36ms WorldGenStep - Factions
  932. - 342ms WorldGenStep - Roads
  933. - 797ms WorldGenStep - Features
  936. Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  938. Unloading 28 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 27550.
  939. Total: 224.646255 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.180160 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.921920 ms MarkObjects: 219.372665 ms DeleteObjects: 0.170951 ms)
  941. Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  943. Unloading 3 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 27744.
  944. Total: 187.153641 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.868408 ms CreateObjectMapping: 2.228622 ms MarkObjects: 183.984634 ms DeleteObjects: 0.071395 ms)
  946. Initializing new game with mods Core, 932008009, 818773962, 1128356018, 844988411, 728314859, 717632155, 868519399, 728314182, 1180721235, 1180826364, 1209683816, 1207934602, 1271582812, 1108968677, 725747149, 826366050, 1156492920, 728315620, 951467102, 725153576, 708455313, 852998459, 853043503, 857164561, 709317151, 715565262, 725219116, 712141500, 715565817, 761219125, 1205203781, 826153738, 和 1194812929
  948. ExpandedRoofing: Glass+Lights configuration done.
  950. Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  952. Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 36155.
  953. Total: 269.158691 ms (FindLiveObjects: 2.650453 ms CreateObjectMapping: 4.879928 ms MarkObjects: 261.568573 ms DeleteObjects: 0.059164 ms)
  955. Geyser spray sustainer still playing after 1000 ticks. Force-ending.
  957. Geyser spray sustainer still playing after 1000 ticks. Force-ending.
  959. Anna started 10 jobs in 10 ticks. List: (HaulToCell (Job_123833) A=Thing_GlitterworldMedicine18020 B=(133, 0, 161)) (WaitMaintainPosture (Job_123834)) , (HaulToCell (Job_123837) A=Thing_GlitterworldMedicine18020 B=(133, 0, 161)) (WaitMaintainPosture (Job_123838)) , (HaulToCell (Job_123843) A=Thing_GlitterworldMedicine18020 B=(133, 0, 161)) (WaitMaintainPosture (Job_123844)) , (HaulToCell (Job_123847) A=Thing_GlitterworldMedicine18020 B=(133, 0, 161)) (WaitMaintainPosture (Job_123848)) , 和 (HaulToCell (Job_123850) A=Thing_GlitterworldMedicine18020 B=(133, 0, 161)) (WaitMaintainPosture (Job_123851)) lastJobGiver=null, curJob.def=WaitMaintainPosture, curDriver=Verse.AI.JobDriver_WaitMaintainPosture
  961. Strapping started 10 jobs in 10 ticks. List: (HaulToCell (Job_124642) A=Thing_GlitterworldMedicine18020 B=(133, 0, 161)) (WaitMaintainPosture (Job_124643)) , (HaulToCell (Job_124645) A=Thing_GlitterworldMedicine18020 B=(133, 0, 161)) (WaitMaintainPosture (Job_124646)) , (HaulToCell (Job_124649) A=Thing_GlitterworldMedicine18020 B=(133, 0, 161)) (WaitMaintainPosture (Job_124650)) , (HaulToCell (Job_124653) A=Thing_GlitterworldMedicine18020 B=(133, 0, 161)) (WaitMaintainPosture (Job_124654)) , 和 (HaulToCell (Job_124656) A=Thing_GlitterworldMedicine18020 B=(133, 0, 161)) (WaitMaintainPosture (Job_124657)) lastJobGiver=null, curJob.def=WaitMaintainPosture, curDriver=Verse.AI.JobDriver_WaitMaintainPosture
  963. Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  965. Unloading 8929 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 27942.
  966. Total: 228.825027 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.548800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 5.737244 ms MarkObjects: 195.483871 ms DeleteObjects: 26.054543 ms)
  968. --- Thread 9 ---
  969. 7158ms GenerateWorld
  970. - 5414ms WorldGenStep - Terrain
  971. - 47ms WorldGenStep - Components
  972. - 12ms WorldGenStep - Lakes
  973. - 261ms WorldGenStep - Rivers
  974. - 0ms WorldGenStep - AncientSites
  975. - 87ms WorldGenStep - AncientRoads
  976. - 17ms WorldGenStep - Factions
  977. - 389ms WorldGenStep - Roads
  978. - 803ms WorldGenStep - Features
  981. Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  983. Unloading 29 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 27970.
  984. Total: 245.173187 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.172195 ms CreateObjectMapping: 2.421191 ms MarkObjects: 238.574936 ms DeleteObjects: 3.004302 ms)
  986. Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  988. Unloading 3 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 28149.
  989. Total: 217.005783 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.029688 ms CreateObjectMapping: 2.383075 ms MarkObjects: 213.538422 ms DeleteObjects: 0.054044 ms)
  991. Initializing new game with mods Core, 932008009, 818773962, 1128356018, 844988411, 728314859, 717632155, 868519399, 728314182, 1180721235, 1180826364, 1209683816, 1207934602, 1271582812, 1108968677, 725747149, 826366050, 1156492920, 728315620, 951467102, 725153576, 708455313, 852998459, 853043503, 857164561, 709317151, 715565262, 725219116, 712141500, 715565817, 761219125, 1205203781, 826153738, 和 1194812929
  993. ExpandedRoofing: Glass+Lights configuration done.
  995. Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  997. Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 36633.
  998. Total: 284.042816 ms (FindLiveObjects: 2.151253 ms CreateObjectMapping: 5.136213 ms MarkObjects: 276.702179 ms DeleteObjects: 0.052906 ms)
  1000. Object with load ID Thing_Human880 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1002. Object with load ID Thing_Human884 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1004. Object with load ID Thing_Human888 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1006. Object with load ID Thing_Human892 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1008. Object with load ID Thing_Human896 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1010. Object with load ID Thing_Human900 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1012. Object with load ID Thing_Human904 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1014. Object with load ID Thing_Human908 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1016. Object with load ID Thing_Human912 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1018. Object with load ID Thing_Human916 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1020. Object with load ID Thing_Human2358 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1022. Object with load ID Thing_Human2362 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1024. Object with load ID Thing_Human2366 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1026. Object with load ID Thing_Human2370 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1028. Object with load ID Thing_Human880 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1030. Object with load ID Thing_Human884 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1032. Object with load ID Thing_Human888 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1034. Object with load ID Thing_Human892 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1036. Object with load ID Thing_Human896 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1038. Object with load ID Thing_Human900 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1040. Object with load ID Thing_Human904 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1042. Object with load ID Thing_Human908 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1044. Object with load ID Thing_Human912 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1046. Object with load ID Thing_Human916 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1048. Object with load ID Thing_Human2358 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1050. Object with load ID Thing_Human2362 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1052. Object with load ID Thing_Human2366 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1054. Object with load ID Thing_Human2370 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1056. Geyser spray sustainer still playing after 1000 ticks. Force-ending.
  1058. Geyser spray sustainer still playing after 1000 ticks. Force-ending.
  1060. Geyser spray sustainer still playing after 1000 ticks. Force-ending.
  1062. Geyser spray sustainer still playing after 1000 ticks. Force-ending.
  1064. Geyser spray sustainer still playing after 1000 ticks. Force-ending.
  1066. Object with load ID Thing_Human880 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1068. Object with load ID Thing_Human884 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1070. Object with load ID Thing_Human888 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1072. Object with load ID Thing_Human892 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1074. Object with load ID Thing_Human896 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1076. Object with load ID Thing_Human900 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1078. Object with load ID Thing_Human904 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1080. Object with load ID Thing_Human908 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1082. Object with load ID Thing_Human912 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1084. Object with load ID Thing_Human916 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1086. Object with load ID Thing_Human2358 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1088. Object with load ID Thing_Human2362 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1090. Object with load ID Thing_Human2366 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1092. Object with load ID Thing_Human2370 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1094. Object with load ID Thing_Human880 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1096. Object with load ID Thing_Human884 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1098. Object with load ID Thing_Human888 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1100. Object with load ID Thing_Human892 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1102. Object with load ID Thing_Human896 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1104. Object with load ID Thing_Human900 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1106. Object with load ID Thing_Human904 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1108. Object with load ID Thing_Human908 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1110. Object with load ID Thing_Human912 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1112. Object with load ID Thing_Human916 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1114. Object with load ID Thing_Human2358 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1116. Object with load ID Thing_Human2362 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1118. Object with load ID Thing_Human2366 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1120. Object with load ID Thing_Human2370 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1122. Object with load ID Thing_Human880 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1124. Object with load ID Thing_Human884 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1126. Object with load ID Thing_Human888 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1128. Object with load ID Thing_Human892 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1130. Object with load ID Thing_Human896 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1132. Object with load ID Thing_Human900 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1134. Object with load ID Thing_Human904 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1136. Object with load ID Thing_Human908 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1138. Object with load ID Thing_Human912 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1140. Object with load ID Thing_Human916 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1142. Object with load ID Thing_Human2358 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1144. Object with load ID Thing_Human2362 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1146. Object with load ID Thing_Human2366 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1148. Object with load ID Thing_Human2370 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1150. Object with load ID Thing_Human880 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1152. Object with load ID Thing_Human884 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1154. Object with load ID Thing_Human888 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1156. Object with load ID Thing_Human892 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1158. Object with load ID Thing_Human896 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1160. Object with load ID Thing_Human900 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1162. Object with load ID Thing_Human904 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1164. Object with load ID Thing_Human908 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1166. Object with load ID Thing_Human912 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1168. Object with load ID Thing_Human916 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1170. Object with load ID Thing_Human2358 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1172. Object with load ID Thing_Human2362 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1174. Object with load ID Thing_Human2366 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1176. Object with load ID Thing_Human2370 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1178. Could not reserve Thing_MealSurvivalPack103024/ for Anna for job Ingest (Job_713802) A=Thing_MealSurvivalPack103024 (now doing job Ingest (Job_713802) A=Thing_MealSurvivalPack103024(curToil=5)) for maxPawns 1 and stackCount -1. Existing reserver: Ophelian doing job Ingest (Job_714623) A=Thing_MealSurvivalPack103024(curToil=4)
  1180. Object with load ID Thing_Human880 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1182. Object with load ID Thing_Human884 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1184. Object with load ID Thing_Human888 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1186. Object with load ID Thing_Human892 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1188. Object with load ID Thing_Human896 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1190. Object with load ID Thing_Human900 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1192. Object with load ID Thing_Human904 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1194. Object with load ID Thing_Human908 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1196. Object with load ID Thing_Human912 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1198. Object with load ID Thing_Human916 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1200. Object with load ID Thing_Human2358 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1202. Object with load ID Thing_Human2362 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1204. Object with load ID Thing_Human2366 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1206. Object with load ID Thing_Human2370 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1208. Object with load ID Thing_Human880 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1210. Object with load ID Thing_Human884 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1212. Object with load ID Thing_Human888 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1214. Object with load ID Thing_Human892 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1216. Object with load ID Thing_Human896 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1218. Object with load ID Thing_Human900 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1220. Object with load ID Thing_Human904 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1222. Object with load ID Thing_Human908 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1224. Object with load ID Thing_Human912 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1226. Object with load ID Thing_Human916 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1228. Object with load ID Thing_Human2358 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1230. Object with load ID Thing_Human2362 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1232. Object with load ID Thing_Human2366 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1234. Object with load ID Thing_Human2370 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  1236. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇商人: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1238. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1240. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1242. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1244. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1246. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1248. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1250. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1252. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1254. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1256. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1258. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1260. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1262. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1264. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇商人: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1266. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1268. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1270. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1272. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1274. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1276. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1278. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1280. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1282. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1284. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1286. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1288. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1290. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1292. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1294. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1296. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1298. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1300. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇商人: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1302. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1304. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1306. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1308. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1310. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1312. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣掷弹兵: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1314. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1316. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1318. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1320. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1322. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1324. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1326. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1328. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1330. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1332. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1334. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1336. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣掷弹兵: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1338. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇商人: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1340. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1342. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1344. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1346. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1348. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1350. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1352. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1354. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1356. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1358. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1360. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1362. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1364. Warning during generating pawn relations for 雇佣枪手: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1366. Warning during generating pawn relations for 城镇守卫: Pawn 马 is discarded, yet he was yielded by PawnUtility. Discarding a pawn means that he is no longer managed by anything.
  1368. Sam started 10 jobs in 10 ticks. List: (HaulToCell (Job_1004950) A=Thing_MealSurvivalPack151444 B=(167, 0, 140)) (WaitMaintainPosture (Job_1004951)) , (HaulToCell (Job_1004955) A=Thing_MealSurvivalPack151444 B=(167, 0, 140)) (WaitMaintainPosture (Job_1004956)) , (HaulToCell (Job_1004958) A=Thing_MealSurvivalPack151440 B=(167, 0, 140)) (WaitMaintainPosture (Job_1004959)) , (HaulToCell (Job_1004961) A=Thing_MealSurvivalPack151440 B=(167, 0, 140)) (WaitMaintainPosture (Job_1004962)) , 和 (HaulToCell (Job_1004965) A=Thing_MealSurvivalPack151440 B=(167, 0, 140)) (WaitMaintainPosture (Job_1004966)) lastJobGiver=null, curJob.def=WaitMaintainPosture, curDriver=Verse.AI.JobDriver_WaitMaintainPosture
  1370. Sam started 10 jobs in 10 ticks. List: (WaitMaintainPosture (Job_1005151)) , (HaulToCell (Job_1005154) A=Thing_MealSurvivalPack151423 B=(167, 0, 140)) (WaitMaintainPosture (Job_1005155)) , (HaulToCell (Job_1005157) A=Thing_MealSurvivalPack151423 B=(167, 0, 140)) (WaitMaintainPosture (Job_1005158)) , (HaulToCell (Job_1005160) A=Thing_MealSurvivalPack151423 B=(167, 0, 140)) (WaitMaintainPosture (Job_1005161)) , (HaulToCell (Job_1005163) A=Thing_MealSurvivalPack151423 B=(167, 0, 140)) (WaitMaintainPosture (Job_1005164)) , 和 (WaitWander (Job_1005165)) lastJobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_WanderColony, curJob.def=WaitWander, curDriver=Verse.AI.JobDriver_Wait
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