
[F4M] I'll Always Be There For You [reassuring] [comfort]

Aug 9th, 2019
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  1. [F4M] [Script Offer] I'll Always Be There For You [Friends] [Grateful] [Reciprocation] [Reassuring] [Comfort] [Complimentary] [Giggles] [Pizza Based Playfulness]
  3. After sensing that her friend is feeling low, she stops by for a chat. After giving her so much in their friendship, she tells him that she wants to reciprocate.
  5. General mood and expression can be found in [these], with notes included in (these). Words in *these* should be emphasised. These are only suggestions, if any artists wish to change anything (intonation, pacing etc), feel free. Comments or suggestions are always welcome, and of course the script is open to all who may want to fill.
  8. Script:
  10. (Note: She arrives at her friend's place, concerned that he is low after noticing his recent withdrawn and flat appearance.)
  12. [optional door knocking and opening] Hey, you…[playful]…I brought pizza! [giggle] Aw, come on, I know you love pizza…pepperoni, cheese, what's not to love, right? [pause] Ah, you ate already…Oh, Okay, well…we can just leave this in the fridge and save it for later. [pause] Hey, it's fine…warmed up pizza's still good, you know? Yeah, it's cool…I can eat later. I just wanted to see you, and thought I'd bring us some cheesy goodness too…[laugh]…Yeah, cheesy goodness, that's a thing! Well…it should be a thing, it can be our thing…you just call, and I'll be here with cheesy goodness before you know it! [laugh]
  14. [playful] There…there's that smile! I knew you still had it in there somewhere. [pause] Huh? [pause] Oh…Oh, well…I just…I mean, I like your smile, you know…all full of cheesy goo…[sudden, surprised]…Aw, hey…what's wrong? Hey…hey…aw, hey come here…[comforting hug]…Hey…I'm here…it's all good, just…just hold me…there, that's it…just hold me…yeah, just let it all out…shhh, shhh…you can cry…it's a strong thing to do…just hold me…there…there…you okay?…yeah?…Okay, just come and sit down with me…there, that's it…so, what is it?…hmmm?…what's got you all upset like this?…[pause]
  16. (Note: He starts to tell her what's troubling him. Soft 'hmmm', 'uh, huh', and other reassuring sounds should be used around the following passage)
  18. It's okay, you can tell me…I'm your best friend, you know?…Yeah…Yeah, of course you are…It's cool, just take your time…And tell me everything…Yeah?…Oh, Okay…Yeah, I know…Yeah, well you have seemed a little down…That's okay…It's okay to feel a bit low, you know?…Sure it is…It's just natural…Yeah, we can't always be on top of the world, right?…Oh, I know…I know it's hard…Hmmm?…You don't like being…Alone?…You're not alone…You're never alone…You have me, right?…You'll always have me…Oh, come here, just stop for a minute, okay?…There. [sigh]
  20. (Note: From here, she takes a more normal, but still reassuring tone)
  22. Look, I've noticed that you've been a little quiet lately, and I know how things have been…you know, since *she* left. But that was a year ago now, and…well, you need to start picking yourself up again, okay? [pause] Hey, hey…I know. I know how hard it can seem, but you're fucking amazing, you know? [pause] [giggle] Oh, you heard me…you're amazing! Yeah, you! Look, you're smart, you're funny, you…you like pizza [laugh]…I'm kidding, I'm kidding! [slightly mocking] You're fucking sensitive, man! [laugh] But I love that too! [pause]
  24. [sigh] Listen, you're my best friend, okay. You're always there for me, and I'm always going to be there for you, right? [pause] Of course I will, that's what best friends do. They're always there. In the good times and the bad. They're just there. Always. And that's what we are. The best. You're the best. [giggle] Yeah…you! You're the best! [giggle] There! There it is…that smile I know and love! [giggling] You know I love that smile, it makes me all warm and fuzzy…Hey, don't roll your eyes! [Playful] Well, you know I'm full of cheesy goodness too, right? [laugh]
  26. [slightly triumphant] Yay, you're laughing now too! [contented giggle] [comforting exhale] I know it's hard, but that's just the way it is sometimes, okay? Life's just hard sometimes, crazy fucking hard, you know? But you never have to go through it alone, okay? I'm here. I'll always be here. Like you are for me. Always. [pause] Yeah? [jokingly mocking] You get it now, huh? [giggle]
  28. Okay, cool. Now, you want some of that pizza? Yeah? [pause] Oh, man this is going to be good pizza! [giggle] Okay, I'll fix the food, you get us a beer…you wanna watch a movie? [pause] Oh, fuck yeah…I love movie night! [pause] Oh, don't worry…you get to choose…as long as it's not too downbeat, okay? [pause] Okay, cool. Let's go! I bet i can beat you to the kitchen…[giggles as she starts to run to the kitchen]
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