
resav ka ar lll

Jul 11th, 2013
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  1. KalistaSPyrosAilae: Kalista laid upon the chaise in her chambers staring out of the window, while her servant girls fanned her with giant fans made out of the finest feathers to be found. It had been one of the hottest day so far in the year, and it was barely the beginning of July. “This heat is near unbareable...And I was already exhausted and dizzy before this heat.” Kalista said while she relaxed, her hand raised over her head and the other on her stomach. She breathed slowly and tried to enjoy the air coming off the fans. “Faster...” She said and the servants waved them a bit faster. Sitting up Kalista sighed and whipped her arm over her brow. “If it insists on being this hot out I might as well go and quench my thirst and hunger... Leave me, I am going to change to go hunting.” They nodded, put down the fans and walked out, following her orders and closing her chamber doors behind them. She stood up slowly and walked to her wardrobe, changing out of her gown and into something more suitable for hunting. She changed into long pants that fit tight to her body, they offered both protection from the elements and from whatever she may encounter and were easy to move in. Next she put on a black tanktop and then put on a dark green corset type item which had crazy designs upon it. She slipped on her boots, attached her mainly dragon bone blade upon her thigh and grabbed her bag. She walked over to her vanity and sat down, brushing her hair slowly and fashioning it so it all rested on one side, over one shoulder.Lastly she put on her old key looking necklace that was left to her by her mother, touching it slowly and sighing as she did. Even though she never knew her mother she missed her... And desperately wished she could meet her even though that would never be possible. Sighing she shook those thoughts out of her head and placed a green sun like designed headdress upon her forehead...That way if she happened to encounter someone her status would possibly be a bit more obvious, how she hated explaining it. Standing up she gripped her vanity as she felt a dizzy spell coming on. “I need to feed soon..It is getting worse..” She whispered to herself while she regained herself and walked towards the door, opening it slowly and walking out, down the hallway and down the stairs. She saw her head Lady’s Maid and smiled to her. “Angeline...I am going out to hunt, I am unsure when I will be back but if my children ask where I am let them know I am fine just had to go hunt...They know they can always reach me...They know how.” Angeline nodded and bowed to her, Kalista walked past her and down the main hall to the main doors. Taking a deep breath she walked to the stables and smiled as she saw her fair mare Myst waiting for her. Kalista smiled and grabbed her saddle putting it on her and mounting up. Taking up the reigns she directed Myst to begin to trot out of the stables, waiting until they were at a clear distance and taking off at a normal horse’s run. Though Myst was no normal horse, She was extrodinary and was blessed by whatever forces her father blessed her with before gifting the Mare to Kalista. As Kalista nudged her with her heel the Mare took off with super speed, traveling hundreds of miles in a short amount of time, out of Kalista’s realm to one unfamiliar to her. “Woah girl...This will do.” The mare slowed down and Kalista dismounted, leading her to water and nuzzling her giving her a treat. “Stay here...I must hunt.” The mare gave her own type of response before leaning down to the water and began to drink. Kalista chuckled and began walking keeping to the shadows, extending her energy out trying to find an energy to clasp onto and to track...eventually to be her meal ticket. She walked for about 2 hours before she felt the presence of a young maiden, no older than 15 or so traveling thorugh the outskirts of the forest. “Perfect...” Kalista hissed as she latched onto the girls energy, taking a deep breath and whispering ancient words to cast her own...well...spell on the girl to draw her farther in and closer to herself. “Who is there..” She heard the girl call out, knowing her influence was beginning to catch her. “I am not supposed to come farther into the forest but...Oh I am sure of all the berrys I will find inside!” Kalista smirked at how easy it was to draw the girl closer. She began walking towards her, remaining in the shadows and out of sight until the girl was visable to her. She took a step towards the girl and then it began to grow dark...Kalista collapsed onto the forest floor, hitting her head on a stump and small amount of blood coming from her forehead.
  3. HElderArielLerathel: Meanwhile, Ariel, was descending and ascending into the heavens. One great patch of clouds appealed to her, so she dived into it as well. A few of the other angels came to her. They were the Virtues and some other Thrones as she was. They spoke to her of weather patterns and some new material they had found and put away for humans. Ariel nodded and thought all of this was a good thing. She would stay there with them long and told them she was heading back to earth to check on things a bit. The other angels nodded and continued talking and ultimately headed upward to communicate with the higher angels as well. Ariel spread her wings and swooped down below as fast as light breaks into a new dawn. among a mountain she had set up her home were large forest. All full of assorted fruits and berries and stretched for miles and miles in all directions. Many creatures made there home in them, moreover, many people came there to hunt or gather food. Ariel lowered her wings to her back and settled her feet to the ground. She decided she would go for a walk to stretch her legs for the day. It was a lovely day and Ariel thanked the Lord for such beautiful sunshine. She said: The seeds i have planted will blossom because of your beautiful sunshine: Ariel smiled pulling her hood over her head and continued forward. She saw many faces on her journey. They were each interesting to her, each one so different. Soon Ariel came upon a women laying on the ground as if asleep. Normally she would not have disturbed someone sleep, but this women body lay rather strange to her. So, she lifted up the women and put her over her shoulder and carried her back to her home. Once inside she laid her on her own bed and tended to her wounds. For an angel,healing, was done by simply waving there hands over the body part that ailed the afflicted. Ariel did this and the wound on the womens head went away. She said to herself: In a little while you will be wide awake, so i will leave you food beside my bed: And she did. Her movements were the same for the food. She waved her hand and an assorted tray of foods and wine appeared near the bedside on the side table. Ariel thought what she had done was well enough and went into her main room and flopped into her chair. She pulled 4 large scrolls she had been working on that morning from her side table and continued to write out material needed for the lower angels.
  6. KalistaSPyrosAilae: Kalista laid unconscious in the bed for at least a couple more hours until she woke up. Looking around her she saw no the forest which was her last vision, but a beautifully decorated room as if it was part of heaven itself, or at least what she thought heaven might be decorated like. She sat up slowly and touched her hand to her head, feeling the dried up blood and feeling a bit sore. “What in the...” She whispered as she looked around her. Something felt different, like someone had used some kind of power on her. She felt around on her forhead not feeling what would have made the blood in the manner it was and she knew someone healed her. Seeing the food beside her she reached forward, moving some food to the side to see what was all there but none seemed to be what she wanted or needed...She wanted one thing and that was fresh warm blood straight from the vein. She did not know why she wanted it so much the last couple weeks...Usually she could go for months without feeding upon it unless she used large amounts of her gifts or powers. She sat up the rest of the way, moving her legs over the side of the bed, feeling still slightly dizzy and very much confused. She stood to her feet slowly, one hand gripping the bed the other gripping the table beside it for balance. Taking a deep breath she gathered herself and began to walk to the door, opening it slowly and walking outside the room and down the hallway looking around her in amazement. This place was nothing like she had seen before, but something like in a dream or something like she wished she could get her own home to look like, she walked in amazement, touching her fingers to the wall for both balance and trying to connect to any spirits that would be connected to such a place as it must be ancient. But she could not connect or sense a thing, not a single spirit or energy except one powerful and strange one coming from farther down the hall. She continued on and as she reached the main room she looked around, her mouth gaping open for a moment before she forced it closed. “Where am I..” She whispered as she walked further inside. “H..Hello?? Is anyone here?” As she asked she saw a beautiful woman sitting in a chair with scroll sin front of her, she walked cautiously towards her, unknowing of what she was about to experience or who the woman was, unsure if she was completely safe or not. “H..Hello...I...I woke up in a room down the hall..How did I get here?”
  8. HElderArielLerathel: Ariel took out a reed and began making measurements of a particular place another. Ariel was full aware of all the goings of her Citadel. As she was referred to by the lower angel *the many eyed ones* for a reason. Her eyes went all around to an fro at all times of her home and her assigned ruling area. She smiled seeing the women up and about. Ariel only watched her come up the hall and enjoy with her eyes the splendor of her home. As she entered the room she went to speak to her to say she wasnt alone, but she had already made it to her.Ariel stood letting her long gown fall to the floor.Her wings were out of sight now just her hood was still over her head and she was looking down. She answered the women saying, "Welcome Kalista to my home. My name is Ariel. You had fallen in the woods and took a hard bump to the head. I brought you here and tended to your wounds. I see you are much better and can stand on your own. Shall i escort you back to you horse in the woods? : Ariel remembered passing a horse on her way into her forest. Her long white hair shown long down hanging from the hood. Her body was arrayed with ancient markings and her whole body shown of a white light. Ariel stood still not wanting to startle the woman.
  10. KalistaSPyrosAilae: Hearing the woman call her by her name she extended her hand out as to stop her. “Wait...How do you know my name? Where am I..What do you mean fallen in the woods last thing I remember I...” She stopped right there and rubbed her temples. Things were getting worse and she knew they would continue to unless a certain event took place...An event that could not take place as there was no other for it to take place with at least not for sure at the time. She sighed and moved her fingers to pinch the bridge of her nose inbetween her eyes. “I am sorry this is all too much...I apologize for being rude...A pleasure to meet you...Ariel was it?” She asked her looking to the woman, studying for a moment what was available to her eyes. Mass confusion moving over her.
  12. HElderArielLerathel: Ariel watched the women become more and more confused. She offered to the women: "If it helps you can stay here til morning.: Ariel didnt want to upset the women further. Perhaps she should keep busy. Ariel left from the presence of the lovely women and went to her fountain she drew her a cup of water, not from this world. It cooled in the clear glass causing perspiration on the glass. Ariel brought it back to the women very quickly she was beside her giving her the water, "Please take and drink."
  14. KalistaSPyrosAilae: Kalista nodded. “That is very kind of you...It is too late for me to travel home..Well I am not even sure of what hour it is but it feels late to me.” She watched as the woman walked to the fountain and drew a glass of water. Kalista watched as the woman moved, trying to figure out who she was, what she was and why such kindness. Kalista took the glass as the woman offered it to her, sipping from it slowly. “Thank you this is...Wonderful.” And it was...It was nothing like any water she had tasted but her body craved something else. She hated feeling this way, it made her feel like she was a vampire or some sort of blood demon, preying on the weak and stealing their blood, she had drained her first mortal in centuries just a few days before and it killed her inside...What was happening to her. Just as she thought this she felt her legs grow week again and fell to her knees, feeling as if the world was spinning around her.
  16. HElderArielLerathel: Ariel felt sorryful for the women and knelt down beside her. She knew of her condition and asked her: If you allow me i would take the hungry away from you. But it is your choice Kalista.: no sooner than the words left her lips she lifted the women up being mindful of the glass and placed the women to a sofa near her own chair. She knew of Kalista well from Pharzuph dealings. Perhaps in time she to would come to know who she truely was. But for now Ariel said nothing of the sort and left it this way for the best of the womans consciousness.
  18. KalistaSPyrosAilae: Kalista swallowed hard and nodded to her. “I do not know why my hunger is so intense these last few weeks...It happened ever since...” And then she gasped. She knew why the hunger was building, and she knew there was no way to stop it without fulfilling a prophecy. She stood up slowly as Ariel lifted her, walking as she was guided and taking a seat gently. She rubbed one of her temples and took a deep breath followed by a swallow. Looking around her than back to the woman she gave a faint smile. “Its kind of you to take me out of the forest and bring me here... Though you could have easily left me there to...well whatever may have been waiting for me.”
  20. HElderArielLerathel: She smiled at the women seeing a hope renewed. She could see why Freya loved these people, more specific this one. They had know each other for quiet some time. Ariel lowered her head seeing a couch of sorts near the lovely women and thought it was this realms custom to sit near one another when speaking. So she pulled the chair near Kali and sat directly in front of her. Ariel remembered Kalista. She remembered causing Freya to meet her, Ariel thought she was very kind woman who had good in her. As much, and as best she could she tried to remember to blink her eyes and to breath. Such small things but truely Ariel had no need to do them. But seeing t would be thought of as a strange ness she forced the effort to do such things. Ariel finally spoke after hearing her sayings.: "What land do you come from Kalista?" she asked trying to make small talk with her hoping it would ease her mind.
  22. KalistaSPyrosAilae: Kalista watched the woman for a moment, studying her and becoming curious of her. She noticed little things that were different than most, and she liked that, it intrigued her. Hearing Ariel speak her question Kalista smiled as she thought form her home.”I rule over the Lands and Houses of Ailae...I also am next in line to rule The Great Empire of Kesh. But Ailae is my true home...” She smiled as she thought of her home fondly, then worries began to flood her mind of what was to come, what future was in store...What to do next. Shaking her head she moved those thoughts away from her and simply smiled to the woman.
  24. HElderArielLerathel: After hearing her Ariel becme confused a little on breathing and talking. It was as her words had filled the room and went to every corner as a thosands persons talking at once. Ariel lips moved but her words were all over the place could also be perceived as echos, : That sounds ..sounds ...sounds delightful...deee.. light...delightful....delightlful . You much show me me me... some time ...time ....time .. show me some time.....: Ariel stood to her feet quickly her eyes darting about and tried to remember what this world does to show confusion. SHe mumbled under her breath: "THis is harder than it looks.": she slowly walked away from the women and out her front door quickly she darted to the side to prevent her movements from being watched. She leaped in a single bound to the mountain top at peak 20,000 ft high from sea level. She paced there back and forth trying to make sense of these strange people lifes styles. Another Angel decended near her. He was a Principality. A lesser than she but still very strong. He placed his hand to her shoulder trying to offer comfort. For a moment the 2 stoood there chatting and after the space of an hour the other angel flew back up into the clouds and Ariel stood there trying to gather her thoughts.
  26. KalistaSPyrosAilae: Hearing the words bounce around the room and echo, Kalista looked about her confused as to why it did such, her words did not do anything of the sort. ‘What is this woman...’ Kalista thought to herself, knowing she may never know but she wanted to. She was confused about so manythings about this woman, the fact that she did not blink regularly or it looked like she was forcing the actiions of breathing, not to mention her words just filled and bounced around the room in echos. “You are welcome any time...Seeing as you saved me .” She said softly. But before she knew it the woman had walked out the doors without another word, Kalista was unsure if she had heard her. She sat there in silence for a good twenty minutes before standing to her feet, trying to gather her strength and began walking around the room, studying everything in it, touching some items trying to gather their stories but unable to strangly. “What is this place...Why can I not connect with the spirits there must be some connected to here...” Kalista said to herself. It worried her she could not connect to the spirits but then she thought , what if there were none to connect to, what if this place was that of another plane.
  29. FallenAngelAba: Years had gone by, The young son grown, His body much more leaner but slightly muscled, and his hair slightly longer. Aba became even more concern of what was happening around him. He kept asking around everyone he could find, although the Norns didn’t know anymore than since they go there. As more time went by the place was awfully dreadful and dark. The temple they were occupying was made of glass a very dark glass. In many ways it disturbed Aba, he would forget himself in this dark world of solitude and loneliness felt in his heart. In the coming days he said nothing to no one and went out on his own to find a new purpose and answers for his many questions. About 2 days in he was lost in a great black thicket as he keep going it lead him into a grim dark forest. The fog in the forest was unbearable thick and weighed in on him so greatly he was unable to breath, and the trees close together making it impossible for him to use his darkened wings to fly above them. He took out his water canister and doused a cloth in it and held it to his nose. This helped him breath easier. He continued his journey threw the great woods. Every step he takes would be towards the path he feels would be right, His leathers being cut and ripped off his body from branches, he flinches but would carry on.
  31. HElderArielLerathel: Ariel had stood outside for quiet sometime. SHe had forgotten the women in her home, : "Ohhh mee.": she said leaping with effortlessly to the roof of her citadel. she slide to the edge near the grand stone doors she threw open before exiting out . She leaped down and stood just at the door. There she remained eyeing Kalista with soft eyes. She thought she would help her on her way again saying," Madame, it must have slipped by mind though, i have duties i need attend to. Perhaps i can assist you back to your the woods before it gets to late out. I will fly...i mean i will go ahead of you and make sure you make it home safely." : Incindently she slipped on her words. Phasades are very strange to her , and she didnt know how long she would have to keep this up. Though for now the situation was much to delicate and being content with this she mumbled to herself: A little while longer: Her markings on her body glowed a huel of white. It was time for Ariel to ascend. She prayed for more time at least to see the women to her horse and then she would leave. TO her this was granted and she stood at the door awaiting Kalista.
  33. KalistaSPyrosAilae: Hearing her she walked to the door and nodded. “If you insist. I am sure I can make it him all right. I just hope Myst is still there waiting for me and had not left for home on her own.” Kalista chuckled and tucked her hair behind her ear. Hearing the woman speak of flying she gave her a sharp and confused look, wondering what she meant by it. She walked towards her and noticed markings upon her that she had not noticed before, what was this woman , Kalista asked herself as shelooked upon her. Could she be that of something Kalista had not encountered for thousands of years and just now is coming back to the world? Or could she be something that was still unknown to her even with her age. As she reached the doors she walked outside, Seeing the marvels that were around her. She gasped slightly at the site as she had not seen one before. Clearing her throat she knew she needed to head towards her horse than home. “Which way do I go? If you have business to attend to I am sure I can make it to her on my own if you point me in the right direction.”
  35. HElderArielLerathel: Ariel nodded humbled of her understanding. She turned watching her walk outside to stand along side her. " go north and stay North beyond the 20 acres of lush forest is a Dark forest that crosses over into the other realms of your world. Hear my words the forest is unbearablely thick the weight of its fog and the thickness of its trees make it a marvel to escape. Take thsi water with you and drink it just before you enter it, and you will be fine. Once on the other side of the forest you will be back in your lands due east for 20 miles." she handed her a small vial of water that shimmered with a white huel. The vial held a cross to its outside and a slinder golden heart shaped ket adorned its top. A brilliant while feather hung from the golden heart and hung the length of the vial. With time slipping by Ariel took hold of her hand and placed the vial to her palm. In that instant Ariel vanished from before Kalista and ascended to the heavens watching over her and all of them.
  37. KalistaSPyrosAilae: -She listened to her words and nodded, taking the vial into her hands she turned and began walking as directed. She headed north and continued to walk north as directed. She walked for hours until she reached the darker part of the forest, she opened the vial and drank down the water quickly. Taking a deep breath she continued on, pushing the branches and brush the best she could out of her way. She continued this way for quite some time until she finally began to see the light begint o break through the trees. She broke free and smiled , whiping her brow slowly before making her way due east. She felt the presence of her horse near her and began to walk to her. Untieing the mare she mounted and made her way back to her realm.
  39. FallenAngelAba: Aba would be continuing to make his way through the foggy, thick, pitch black, dark Thicket of trees, His flesh being torn which each step, from sharp branches for between the fog and the darkness he could not see that well. The only parts of him that would shine in the dark would be the silver buttons on his clothing, and the golden locket, shining from the moon reflecting down on them. He opens the locket, using what light he can get from his buttons glow to see the picture of his mother, Freyja, before closing it again and walking on, the lockets chain would be glowing from the moonlight as well as it would be made of gold. Walking on his feet thick black leather boots, crunching down on the thickets strong tree branches as he lets out a low growl, his wings and his arms taking a beating, blood dripping down both as he carries on, his eyes, scarlet red, and full on determination to find the answers he seeks. His chest’s garments all in tatters, the sleeves ripped off, and all but one button is now left holding together the top from in the middle as the rest sways in a gust of wind.As he continues to walk on for seemingly hours, he could not tell the time passing as everything would look the same, the same light shed from the moon to every lash his face takes from the branches, closing one eye to miss a hit from a branch he stops to take a breather, hearing the clattering of something he gets defensive, moving his hands out the nails look sharp, he keeps listening, the noise getting closer and closer, before hearing the sound of a animal going “neigh”, a horse would be passing by, he walks closer in the direction of the sound. As he closes in more the horses hooves, clattering, hitting on the ground and snapping the branches approach him, before running past him, he turns his body and head quickly to defend himself to watch it go past, glancing up quickly he catches a view of the rider, it would be a woman.Walking the direction the woman came speeding past him on the horse from, Aba marched on, determined to find more answers now than ever, he would press his hands onto the trees they would shred into him slightly, making him flinch from their sharp bark. Hitting a large branch with his foot, Aba tumbles to the floor rolling for a few feet before stopping he shakes his head quickly, looking up to what would be in the distance the look of a mountain, Aba now had something to go by to keep his direction, he walked on, using the mountain to keep him on a route. Before eventually leaving the thicket, looking on , up to the distance, stretching all the way from where he is for miles up to the mountain and up it as well, would be a garden, well taken care of, the scent of roses and other flowers filling the air. Aba looks up towards the mountain seeing a silhouette of a citadel at its peak, before not long after a almost blinding light would appear, Aba feared this light, it was new and pure. Something he has not seen before, he hissed at it, before hearing the flapping of wings, he looks up, seeing a figure of another woman flying over head, over the thicket, and beyond it.
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