
Text Adventure Chapter 75 Log

Aug 23rd, 2014
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  1. >Shit, you’re losing it.
  2. >Think, this bull’s an animal, right?
  3. >What would Fluttershy do?
  4. >...She’d probably just ask it nicely.
  5. >Another lurch that throws your feet up into the air tells you you don’t have much time yet.
  6. >Well, you can say you tried.
  7. “Umm… Mr. Bull, could you please calm down and be more gentle? I would really appreciate it-”
  8. >The bull suddenly bucks in an odd angle, and it sends your face right into the saddle.
  9. >The thud echoes throughout the tavern, and AJ and Spike cringe at the sight.
  10. >Even the seller looks worried.
  11. >”Now that looks like it smarts! How much longer can he last, everypony?! Start bettin’ now!”
  12. >Fucking ponies and their piece of shi-
  13. >The bull sways its back to the side, nearly throwing you off.
  14. >You’re holding on by the seat now, but you quickly swing back on and work with the cuffs’ strength to put a vice grip on the saddle.
  15. >You taste metal and salt all of a sudden.
  16. >That can’t be good.
  17. >You’re losing your grip very quickly.
  18. >You attempt to hike up your robe in hopes of gaining more friction from your legs, but it’s too suicidal because of your grip.
  19. >Not to mention the cuffs make it nearly impossible to do anything else.
  20. >You’re beginning to fall off.
  21. >It’s barely been thirty seconds.
  22. >What else should you do to hold on?
  26. >Status
  27. [HP: 40/125][MP: Manasealed (AC)][Stats: 10 PD, 165 MD / +15 MA base, +150 MA wep / +75 PA ranged]
  29. >Redoing your grip on the seat, you finally manage to get a second to think.
  30. >What did the bull-riders on TV used to do?
  31. >Whenever they’d be holding on, their chest stayed in the same place, letting the sockets of their hips take all of the force.
  32. >You straighten your back and start rolling your hips in sync with the bull’s aggressive gyrations.
  33. >You can’t counter the upward force, but you’re definitely doing much better with the lurches that catch you off guard.
  34. >You’re actually sitting on the saddle now, holding on for dear life.
  35. >You manage to buy yourself a solid 20 seconds doing this, but the bull suddenly stops its normal routine, and starts to roll its spine front to back while jumping in a circular pattern, throwing you in multiple directions at once.
  36. >You can’t keep your head straight, and one lurch in particular snaps your head back.
  37. >Something dark suddenly blinds your eyes, and the shock of losing your vision is all the bull needs to throw you right off him, one final buck throwing you clear over his head.
  38. >You soar down to the dirt ground, landing with a powerful thud right on your coccyx.
  39. >It’s horrible, horrible agony.
  40. >”And he’s doown! Wow, somepony get him a tissue!”
  41. >You wipe the substance out of your stinging eyes, and through the tears you spot blood.
  42. >And now that your body isn’t being thrown around, you’re beginning to register a terrible pain in your sinuses.
  43. >It feels really stuffy like you have the flu, and you realize your nose is broken.
  44. >Fucking hell.
  45. >”Anon, you okay? That bash to yer face didn’t look good. Here.”
  46. >AJ hands you a tablecloth, that you take and start cleaning yourself with.
  47. “Thanks.”
  48. >”Oh, an’ I got it all on yer little phone. Pretty funny stuff, haha!”
  49. [AJ gives you your iPhone.]
  50. >You feel a set of claws start to push you up, realizing it’s Spike.
  51. >You slowly get up with his aid and you step over the fence, keeping your nose straight up as you lightly clench it with the cloth.
  52. >”I thought you did pretty good, especially with the wanged nose. Still not as good as AJ though.”
  53. “I noticed.”
  54. >The seller finds her way to you and hands you a small sack.
  55. [RECEIVED 25 BITS]
  56. >”There ya go, doc. Told ya you shouldn’ta went in, but hey, you made 15 bits and a story, right?”
  57. “Yeah, I guess.”
  58. >She returns to her post as AJ and Spike stay with you for support.
  59. >You feel like shit right now, with the injures from the bar brawl and the bull beginning to accumulate.
  60. >But, at least you’re here with friends, and they got a good laugh.
  61. >It’s about 8:00 P.M.
  62. >What would you like to do?
  66. >Used Medkit on self
  67. [-1 Medkit]
  68. >25% (+75% skill) = 100%
  69. >+125 HP<
  70. Anon: [HP: 125/125][MP: Manasealed (AC)]
  72. >You try to be very careful when you bandage your nose, making sure that it’s set so it doesn’t heal improperly.
  73. >”So, were ya fixin’ ta go back to the Palace, get that thing on some ice?”
  74. >You shake your head.
  75. “No, I’m fine, really. This is our one day off, and I’m not about to miss it because of some bad luck. Either of you want to play some pool?”
  76. >Spike jumps on the opportunity.
  77. >”Now that’s a good idea. Watching a bull is alright, but showing off my skills on the green?”
  78. >Applejack gives him a playful nudge as the three of you start walking towards the tables.
  79. >”’Green’s for golf, Spike. Nice try, though, tryin’ ta look pro. Have you even played before?”
  80. >”Well, no, but I’ve seen it millions of times, I know what to do!”
  81. “Alright, here’s a bit, AJ. Go set up a table and I’ll be there in a second.
  82. [You give 1 bit to Applejack.]
  83. >”Oh, where ya goin’?”
  84. “Just checking on Red.”
  85. >She nods in understanding, taking Spike to the pool table to show him the ropes.
  86. >You cross the tavern and pass the wall dividing the bull-ring from the tables, spotting Redheart on the other end.
  87. >She’s resigned to staying near the counter and drinking her third fuzzy naval while Berry is nowhere to be found.
  88. >”Hey- oh, what happened to you?”
  89. “Hey babe, guess we can cross 'bull-rider' off my list of dream jobs now. Does my nose look straight? I don't want it to set all crooked…”
  90. >”Ohhh… C’mere.”
  91. >Redheart beckons you down, and you kneel in front of her, coming eye-level to her.
  92. >”There’s already bruising… Why were you riding the bull, babe?”
  93. “...AJ said I couldn’t do it.”
  94. >Redheart scoffs as she starts adjusting your bandages.
  95. >”I’ve noticed you have a problem with that. It’s really easy to provoke you, good and bad… ...There.”
  96. >Redheart retightens your bandage, and gives you a little pat on the cheek for good measure.
  97. >”Just don’t move it, mmkay?”
  98. “Thanks, Red.”
  99. >She gives you a kiss on the cheek before you stand up.
  100. “Hey, refill here please!”
  101. >You set a few more bits down for Red as her drink is refilled by the bartender.
  102. [-12 bits]
  103. >”Why thank you. Celestia knows I need it...”
  104. “Everything alright?”
  105. >Redheart sighs, taking a small sip from her straw.
  106. >”I can’t find Berry anywhere. I turned to pick up a drink she spilled, and all of a sudden she’s gone. At least Pinkie’s getting better, she’s over there with the boys now.”
  107. >You look over and indeed spot Pinkie trying to push Gable’s arm down to the table with all of her might, but she slips and falls in her dizzy state, giggling as Iron makes sure she stays in her seat.
  108. >So Berry’s gone, huh?
  109. >You wonder where she went.
  110. >Should you go look for her, or join AJ and Spike in the pool game?
  114. “Alright. Let me see if I can’t find Berry. You know her, she’s around here somewhere. Actually, AJ and Spike are setting up a pool game at the other end of the bar, why don’t you go join them in the mean time?”
  115. >Red swirls her drink, considering it.
  116. >”I’m not much of a pool player, so you better get back quick so I don’t get my flank kicked, okay?”
  117. “Gotcha.”
  118. >She gives you a little smile before hopping off her seat.
  119. >”Thanks, Anon.”
  120. >She heads off for the tables, while you think about where the drunk mare could’ve gone.
  121. >Before you go searching where you think she is, you tap the shoulder of one of the stallions that was howling at her before.
  122. “Hey, have you seen the purple mare that was dancing here earlier?”
  123. >He turns around with a big quart-sized mug on his hoof, and he takes a hearty swig before gasping for air and speaking.
  124. >”Yeah, sh-”
  125. >A belch interrupts his speech.
  126. >”She went with Thorn Vine like… what, ten minutes ago?”
  127. >A few of his buddies nod and murmer in agreement.
  128. >”They went out back.”
  129. >...Out back with a stallion?
  130. >You pick up the pace and you start walking to the back of the bar, passing through the hallway and seeing the rear exit.
  131. >You push out of it back into the cool night, your surroundings lit by only a small magical buglight.
  132. >You don’t hear or see anything in particular here, so you scan the area for something.
  133. >There’s a few bushes and a dumpster.
  134. >You get ready to start searching the latter, but the search comes to you.
  135. >Berry stumbles out of the left side of the dumpster with a half-asleep and relaxed face, shaking her legs of something.
  136. >A brown stallion with thorns for a cutie mark exits from the right, listlessly walking home in a tipsy fashion.
  137. >Your friend hasn’t noticed you yet.
  138. >What would you like to do?
  142. >You might’ve tried to have your cake and eat it too before, but this was doing it without even telling your other.
  143. >Then again, is she even lucid enough to care?
  144. >You stay near the door as she slowly saunters back to the bar, awaiting until she sees you.
  145. >She’s nearly five feet in front of you before she even recognizes that you’re standing there.
  146. >”Oh, Heeey Anon…”
  147. “Hi yourself. You okay?”
  148. >She nods with an exaggerated motion, and then she pushes the door open with her face.
  149. >You follow her back inside, getting her attention again.
  150. “Hey Berry? If you’re gonna go wander off to have some fun, mind telling someone next time? You had me and Redheart worried sick.”
  151. >She looks back at you for a moment, still obviously not in her right mind, but awake enough to understand what you’re saying.
  152. >”Oh, well, sorry. Didn’t know mom and dad was here, hehe… Hey, have you seen a… a brown guy, with thorns?”
  153. “...Yes, he left.”
  154. >”Oh… nevermind. Wait, when did we get back here?”
  155. >You and Berry just walked into the main tavern.
  156. “You’ve been here for a while. Say, you wanna join us in a game of pool? AJ, Spike and Red are setting up a table now.”
  157. >Berry takes a powerful drink from her flask a little bit, sways, and waves it at you.
  158. >”..Sure, let’sh do it.”
  159. >You lead her to the tables, going slowly so she can keep up.
  160. >The walk might take a minute or two, so you decide to just face the elephant in the room.
  161. “Can I ask you a question?”
  162. >She belches in response, looking at you expectantly.
  163. “What were you doing with that stallion?”
  164. >”Fuckin’.”
  165. >Holy shit.
  166. >She’s been forward before, but damn.
  167. “...So… How’s Iron been doing?”
  168. >”Uuh… good? He’s a cute lil’... horny guy.”
  169. >You’re not sure what to think at this point.
  170. “Are you… at all concerned? Maybe guilty?”
  171. >”Wha…. Why would I be?”
  172. >Is there anything else you’d like to say to her before you join the others?
  176. “Well, aren’t you two going out, y’know, have some sort of thing going on? Won’t he get jealous, or is this some sort of open relationship?”
  177. >Berry rolls her eyes and finally puts her flask back in her pocket, her eyes becoming slightly more focused.
  178. >It looks like she has so much experience being drunk she’s able to keep herself from zoning.
  179. >”Man, we were just havin’ a little fun. It’s not like… we’re super serious or anything. Relax, Anon… He’ll be fine with it, …”
  180. “Even without telling him?”
  181. >She looks like she’s about to say something else, but another voice stops you both.
  182. >”Whoa, so you can shout like a dragon with that thing?”
  183. >”Yep. Found it out when ah accidentally maybe sorta sent Anon flyin’ across the room. This lil’ thang can even change my voice!”
  184. >You look back at the scene and see they’ve already started a game, more stripes sinked than solids.
  185. >Spike seems to be more interested in AJ’s legendary mask now, however.
  186. >”That is totally wicked. What kind of voices?”
  187. >”Well, ah haven’t really tried it much, but I don’t see why no voice would be undoable. Check it out.”
  188. >AJ’s eyes focus, and the mask electrifies with an unknown magic.
  189. >”Let’s have a paaaarty!”
  190. >Wow, she sounds exactly like Pinkie Pie.
  191. >Spike looks on in total amazement, and even Redheart looks impressed.
  192. >”Where’s my super duper wuper… Aw heck, ah can’t talk as fast as she can, though.”
  193. >Your perceptions of voice are shattered once again hearing Pinkie’s voice in a southern accent.
  194. >AJ’s mask crackles again, and it’s back to normal.
  195. >”When we go outside to go back to the palace, ah’ll show you the shout ah learned.”
  196. >Spike nods with enthusiasm, and he turns to take a shot, but spots you instead.
  197. >”Oh, hi Anon! Hey Berry!”
  198. >”Nmhm, who’s shot?”
  199. >He holds the pool cue up.
  200. >”Mine. Wanna shoot for me? I’m not doing really good right now.”
  201. >Berry strolls up to him and takes it between her teeth, looks at the table for a few seconds, and strikes the fourth solid without so much as aiming.
  202. >It sinks right into the topright corner pocket.
  203. >AJ’s face falls.
  204. >Berry looks back at the smiling dragon.
  205. >”C’n uh kpph gnh?”
  206. .”Y-yeah! Go for it!”
  207. >Berry takes another shot, sinking the seventh solid with a bank shot to the bottom center.
  208. >AJ straight up takes off her hat and throws it on the table.
  209. >”Confound it..”
  210. >Berry begins to shred the table, and you sit next to Redheart while she awaits her turn.
  211. >You see that Gable, Iron Will and Pinkie are still over at a far table, now talking normally.
  212. >Pinkie’s got coffee.
  213. >Is there anything you’d like to do while Berry’s playing?
  217. >It’s eating at you.
  218. >You can’t just let this stew on your mind.
  219. >You lean over to Redheart.
  220. “Hey, can we go talk in private really quick?”
  221. >Red looks at you with concern, getting off her seat.
  222. >”Sure, over here.”
  223. >A quick glance at the table shows that the other three are pre-occupied with Berry’s massively talented barskills.
  224. >You get up and follow her to one of the tables, and you both sit down.
  225. >”What’s the matter, babe?”
  226. “Well, I found Berry. She was outside with one of those stallions from earlier doing... um... Well, you remember that... incident with Pinkie, yes?”
  227. >Redheart’s eyes widen.
  228. >”...No, no! She wouldn’t!”
  229. >You say nothing, letting the silence speak for itself.
  230. >”...I can’t believe it. She’s a bit… loose, maybe, but I didn’t know that much! It was probably the drinks, please tell me it was the drinking!”
  231. “I don’t… think so. The thing is… her attitude's surprisingly cavalier about the whole thing. I'm probably the last person who ought to be taking this matter into their own hands, but... well, going by that same train of thought, I figured you'd be the best one to come to for advice. Any thoughts on the situation?”
  232. >Redheart sits back in her chair, still in disbelief.
  233. >”She just… doesn’t care, at all?”
  234. >You shake your head.
  235. >”Does Iron know?”
  236. “No.”
  237. >”Well…”
  238. >She thinks very hard for a very long time, but her will to find a solution falters.
  239. >”...I guess we should tell Berry to tell him, and just… let it happen. There’s nothing more we can do.”
  240. “So, we don’t tell him?”
  241. >”Not unless Berry wants us to. Maybe… She thinks he’d be alright with it?”
  242. >That’s a bit unlikely.
  243. >From what you’ve seen of the guy in private, he’s not as weird as you might think.
  244. >You look back at the two groups, innocently chatting and playing.
  245. >What would you like to do?
  249. “So… Should we tell her together? Or should I keep my distance from this one, since she’d probably take it more seriously coming from you?”
  250. >Redheart scratches her head, then clears her throat.
  251. >Then she shifts in her seat, looking around.
  252. >She takes another drink of her fuzzy naval, and shifts again.
  253. >Finally, she spots you staring at her, and she sighs, slumping her withers in defeat.
  254. >”Fine, we’ll go. I’ll do the talking.”
  255. >She stands back up and you follow her as the two of you make your way back to the pool table.
  256. >”I’ll tell you one thing, this isn’t my idea of a day off.”
  257. “Well, who knows? Maybe it’ll just blow over and the rest of the night is for fun.”
  258. >She doesn’t say anything to this quip.
  259. >Redheart holds a hoof out to you, and you stop to obey.
  260. >She walks up to Berry right as she sinks the two and four solid at the same time, and you see a bit of conversing before Berry hands the cue back to a saddened Spike, and coming back with her to you.
  261. >Redheart turns around as she reaches her side, and Berry stands in front of you, yawning.
  262. >”So, what’re we talking about…?”
  263. >You and Redheart look at each other for a moment before she begins.
  264. >”Anon told me what he saw out there-”
  265. >”Uuugh..-”
  266. >”Listen, Berry. You need to tell him what you did.”
  267. >Berry leers at her.
  268. >”Right now..?”
  269. >”Well… soon. Berry, you did just cheat on him, don’t you think that’s a big deal?”
  270. >Berry loses her buzz completely, talking normally.
  271. >”We’re not even serious, it’s just a little thing we were doing!”
  272. >”Who does that?”
  273. >”Anon, for one, he tried to do it with you and Pinkie!”
  274. >Redheart stares at her intensely.
  275. >”He tried to make everypony happy, and he’s been set straight. You’re just doing it for… for…”
  276. >”Sex? Yeah, newsflash, it feels good. I’m sorry if I’m not the singular, morally-upstanding kind of mare like you are, Red, but this is just the way I am!”
  277. >Redheart mutters under her breath, rubbing her eyes in frustration.
  278. >”Okay, I know… It’s just… we don’t want to see Iron getting hurt.”
  279. >Berry looks away for a moment, her eyes moving to the ground, then to Iron at the other end of the bar, oblivious to the conversation.
  280. >Is there anything you’d like to say to her before she makes her decision?
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