
Monster 2.8

Mar 30th, 2016
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  1. It took you a while to stop hyperventilating over the implications of this villain, Coil, calling you here within your private sanctuary. The grip of a hand reaching out and circling around your throat, choking you, leaving you breathless and feeling both exposed and helpless in ways which you just hadn’t since you’d begun to let yourself just act.
  3. And even now, hours after the fact, your heart still pounded like a nightmare in your chest, leaving you wondering if your own health was failing. The signs of a panic attack closing in upon you like a steel trap.
  5. You needed to calm down.
  7. The dark green walls of your underground paradise, glowed faintly with the bio-luminescent veins which lit its ever growing spaces. All which you’d made seemed suddenly threatened, your secrets exposed, all barely even a half step away from allowing the only one who truly mattered know that all of this was as it was.
  9. You glanced over to your newest thralls, the young man whose body had been reduced to a mere caricature of masculinity. You’d made him taller, stronger, his muscles sleek and almost perfectly pitch black with an oily sheen, his face you’d taken away, leaving a featureless black surface save for the split where his mouth still was, now filled with evil looking fangs and crushing carnassials which would allow him to render down anything as he pleased. There were still eyes, but you’d moved those to other places, protected under dark organic visors which would shield them from observation or assault. You’d tinkered hard and deep with his body until you could only barely call him human any longer. And the foot and a half of solid meat between his legs coupled with a pair of tennis ball sized balls completed the look. Reduced him to something inhuman, humiliating, and yet at the same time sleek and beautiful.
  11. You’d lost yourself in over-designing this beast, unsure of what you intended beyond invoking the most nightmarish visage which you could imagine, all the while pushing his mind and body to its very limits, testing every little idea which you’d been having of late as you made him as impressive a monster as you’d ever created.
  13. You’d even taken some extra time in making him live up to every bit of the name which he’d chosen.
  15. Or at least you’d thought so, up until he contradicted you on the origin of his name. Old English? You’d always associated it with doofy old videogames from just before the world exploded into this grand game of hero and villain.
  17. You sighed once more; face burying in your hands.
  19. This whole situation was so dammed fucked, you knew, you just KNEW that the bloody screwy, asshole still asleep beneath your tree would know, would understand and could probably advise you to the situation almost perfectly. Hell you were tempted to reach for easy answers to this, to free the thorn in your side and let her speak.
  21. It was almost a surprise when two huge hands seemed almost to envelop your shoulders while something long and rubbery rested squarely against your back.
  23. Grue.
  25. Your monster stood over you, his armoured, almost lacquered and clawed hands rubbing gently across your back, careful and thoughtful in their slow comfort.
  27. “What the hell am I supposed to do?” You asked, your now loyal thrall behind you as he continued to massage the kinks out of your back, his huge hands surprisingly adept even to you the one who’d made them. You supposed that taking all of that extra time in checking their responsiveness as you’d shaped and changed them was now proving completely worth it.
  29. “Go.” You’d made his voice a deep rumbling bass, it resonated in your bones, traveling though his wonderful massaging hands. “If Coil really is the benefactor who was behind us for the last year, he’s not the sort to take no for an answer.”
  31. “I know…” you moan, almost as if the words had been a knife. You could almost feel yourself bleeding from the heart. “But Vickie…”
  33. “Your sister will keep. She’ll keep better if you go, if you figure out something to help with ending what’s going on in the city right now.” The monstrously transformed young man spoke as you nodded, the strength of his fingers making your body yield with small cries.
  35. You’d really outdone yourself in making sure that his old dexterity matched up with his new body.
  37. “Fuck… I wish I could take you with me… but you’d be too much.” You sighed, the reaction to having a ‘servant’ like your Grue here, you didn’t really want to think about it. Not if anyone could even glean an inkling of the truth, you’d made a human monstrosity last night. One which now hovered over you like a lover, like an old and trusted friend.
  39. You didn’t know if you should hate yourself of be intensely proud.
  41. “Bitch then?” He asked, the basso rumble hitting your core in ways that you could only describe as pleasant. Clearly Taylor’s performance on him last night had been a major influence to your work, watching as she worked herself over on his obsidian member, turgid to a painful extent...
  43. “Yeah, Bitch. I might make a few little upgrades and additions before I get moving. Coil’s text message says it’s the meeting places is a dive bar down at the docks.” You licked your lips, turning around so that his deft fingers could reach your front, as he made your body shiver in mingled pain and delight. “Fuck... Not even a day and you’re making me so dammed glad I caught you.”
  45. “I still hate you… somewhere in here.” He sounded reluctant as he spoke, as if it bothered him on a truly deep level. You of course knew exactly why, exactly how. You’d spent a good deal of the night on his mind even as you’d worked on his body.
  47. “I know love. It’s a feature not a flaw.” You reached up, pulling down his featureless face into a kiss right upon the forehead.
  49. Fucked up… you needed that hate you realized, you needed to know that someone was suffering, suffering for you, suffering because of you. Something. You understood quite well that if you were looking in upon yourself from the outside you would not tolerate your existence.
  51. A reminder of that felt almost like a necessity in order to function.
  53. You didn’t say anything else as he continued to work you over, teasing and tantalizing your body with his large, dangerous hands. A thrill just as much to know that he was yours utterly, as it was to know how easily he could end your life. How utterly you were putting yourself in his hands just for something this simple.
  55. Hands which not a few hours earlier would have been the end of your life.
  57. Less than twenty four hours and you already missed the mess you’d made of Tattletale completely.
  60. [-][-][-]
  63. You didn’t want to be here.
  65. That much was a given which you wouldn’t be escaping any time soon as you stepped lithely into the threshold. Your mind awhirl with doubts as you approached the dingy door. Everywhere about you was the rotten heart of the deep city, the dedication of urban decay stretched out until it’s bare bones sprouted only the most tenacious of life, there only because no one could any longer care to oust them from their grip.
  67. Gray stone rivers of urban substance stretched alongside buildings of both dingy grays and dull listless red.
  69. You remembered now how much you hated down town just for this reason. The inner city was a hellish desert interspersed with hints of bastard life. A true contrast to your own lair which had become deeply vibrant and filled with the buzz of activity, growth and change. Within it you were a goddess, every touch of your flesh you could give it command, you could direct and you could change.
  71. Here… was sterile and dim.
  73. Uncomfortable.
  75. Almost fitting for the meeting place of the scum of the city.
  77. “They’re already inside.” The whispery drone in your ear spoke. “People are settled down... and their getting antsy waiting to start. I’m already inside too.”
  79. “They buying you?” You asked, curious more so than worried.
  81. “Yeah, it seems like they are. Not really many people saw ‘Skitter’ and there’s plenty of parahumans who have similar abilities that trigger close to each other in time. I’m not unprecedented.” You nodded. In truth you better than most knew this, the way that trigger events seemed to sometimes lump together was itself in part responsible for your family. Carol and auntie Sarah being good examples of such.
  83. “Are the others in place?” Pierce and Grue, both had insisted on staying close by incase of any problems. Grue especially seemed to grow agitated at the idea of leaving you without adequate security, though his advice on how to handle the situation did at the very least seem useful. Go in, seem menacing… shut up.
  85. Beside you your Bitch growled, prompting you to reach down to your side and place a hand on her head, combing your fingers though the dense fur construct of loose nanotube armour which you’d given her. Her huge canine form was sleek and agile, specialized in every way you could push towards being a quick, high stamina powerhouse. You’d even attached two ‘limb’ nodules at the sides of her shoulders which would fill out whenever she transformed into appendages which looked almost like heads.
  87. You couldn’t help but think her beautiful in that fearsome armoured form.
  89. Your thoughts were starting to wonder, but as much as you really didn’t want to, you needed to go.
  91. You breathed out a sigh. “I guess I should join the party then.”
  93. A buzz of positive came though even as you leapt. Beside you your faithful bitch landed with perfected grace.
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