
A Boring World Ch. 4

Jan 1st, 2013
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  1. >Celestia threw you in a dungeon soon after she pulled you out of the ground
  2. >You’ve been thrown a lot today
  3. >Just one of those days
  4. >Your feet are chained to the ground, but your hands are free
  5. >After a few minutes of attempting to free your feet, you gave up and slumped on the ground
  6. >Celestia had let you bleed for a while, but it seemed she wanted you alive
  7. >She had a doctor come stitch you up as she called the rest of the Elements
  8. >Pinkie was nowhere to be seen
  9. >You weren’t sure if that made you happy or not
  10. >The only light in the room was the flickering light of a torch outside the door, shining through the steel-barred window
  11. >So apparently metal bars are pretty standard regardless of what world the prison was in
  12. >You reach up to feel your left eye
  13. >Celestia specifically told the doctor to not restore it
  14. >She wanted it blind
  15. >You’re surprised she didn’t just tear it out herself
  16. >She wasn’t just angry
  17. >She was furious
  18. >Livid
  19. >Insert synonym for angry here
  20. >You weren’t sure what she had planned for you
  21. >You can only assume it was going to be slow and end with your death
  22. >You’re not sure which you prefer: Encased in stone for all eternity, or a slow death at the hands of a magical pony god
  23. >You’re mulling this over when the door opens, filling the cell with light
  24. >”Stand up!”
  25. >You rise to your feet slowly, as ponies fill the room
  26. >It’s the Elements and Celestia
  27. >You weren’t really friends with all of them
  28. >You knew them; they had been tasked to watch over you
  29. >You had talked to the Rainbow one a couple times, but only because she wanted to brag about her newest stunt and you were nearby
  30. >Twilight you remembered a bit more
  31. >That table was really cold
  32. >At least she was somewhat gentle when she prodded you
  33. >Sort of
  34. >The other 2, the farmer and the fashion one, seemed content ignore you
  35. >Guess they thought the rest had it covered
  36. >Pinkie was looking all around the room except at you
  37. >Fluttershy was looking only at you
  38. >You weren’t sure which unnerved you more
  39. >Celestia steps forward
  40. >”So, Anon. You released Discord. Tell me what you know.”
  41. >You stare at her
  42. What do you mean?
  43. >She pushes you down onto the ground again, kneeling on all fours
  44. >”You know exactly what I mean! Where is Discord? What is he planning?!”
  45. >Her voice is quiet, but it feels like it’s all around you
  46. >Fucking Magic
  47. How would I know? He hardly told me anything!
  48. >Celestia stomps down on hand
  49. >You scream as you feel a your fingers break
  50. >”Hardly? Well then you better tell me exactly how little he told you, or we’ll continue”
  51. >This isn’t going well
  52. F-fine. If it means so much, he said that he was going to enslave Equestria, then disappeared as everything went to fuck
  53. >Twilight steps forward. “What exactly do you mean, Anon? Nothing has happened yet.”
  54. >Wait, what?
  55. But… but I saw rotting Pegasus’s, and fire falling from the sky!
  56. >The orange farmer pony leans forward now too. “I reckon we would ‘a noticed fiery rain.”
  57. So you’re saying it was all in my head?
  58. >Twilight’s eyes widen
  59. >”Of course! That’s what Discord is planning!”
  60. >You have no idea what she’s talking about
  61. >Going by the looks from the others, neither do they
  62. >Twilight clears her throat
  63. >”He showed Anon what he was planning! Discord always gives some kind of clue. It seems he made it less obvious this time, but he showed Anon his plans before going off!”
  64. >She smiles smugly as the others nod
  65. Are you serious? Why would he show you any kind of clue? If that’s what he’s planning, he isn’t playing any games!
  66. >They all pause in their chattering
  67. >Celestia stomps on your hand again
  68. FUCK
  69. >”You have no idea who we’re dealing with. If you did, you wouldn’t have done something as stupid as freeing the Spirit of Chaos!”
  70. >She breathes in deeply and turns to the Elements
  71. >”Now, let’s prepare. We’re going to have to be ready to stop him before he gets too far”
  72. >She takes her hoof off your hand, and the group files out
  73. >All but Fluttershy
  74. >Rainbow pokes her head back in, the rest behind her
  75. >”Hey Flutter, are you coming or what?”
  76. >”Oh no, I can’t leave him hurt like this!”
  77. >Did she just talk without stuttering?
  78. >”Oh Fluttershy, you’re too kind! Fine, just don’t take too long!”
  79. >The rest of the group laugh as the door closes
  80. >And now, you’re alone with Fluttershy
  81. >”So Anon” Fluttershy says, her tail swishing behind her
  82. …Yes Fluttershy?
  83. >”Is masochism your fetish?”
  84. >Your mouth falls open
  85. Fluttershy, this isn’t the damn time!
  86. >”Oh no Anon, it is definitely the time! And I didn’t hear a no…”
  87. >This whole “No stuttering Fluttershy” thing is creeping you out
  88. >And the fact that she’s unzipping your pants
  89. >That shouldn’t be happening
  90. Fluttershy, what are you doing?!
  91. >”Oh don’t worry Anon, I know exactly how to please you!”
  92. >She takes your dick in her mouth
  93. >You try your best to keep it soft
  94. >Fluttershy pulls her head off your crotch
  95. >”Oh my Anon, I guess you really do like pain!”
  96. >Fucking Penis
  97. >She takes you back inside her mouth
  98. >You try to fight it, but it’s been so long
  99. >You’re starting to get into it
  100. >And then Fluttershy stomps on your nuts
  101. >And back comes the screaming
  102. >Tears come involuntarily to your eyes
  104. >She pulls out again
  105. >”B-but I thought y-you wanted p-pain?”
  106. >And back comes the stutter
  107. Fuck no! Get off of me; I don’t want any of this!
  108. >Fluttershy’s eyes harden
  109. >”Well then mister, if you will turn down my love even now, then I guess I won’t be able to play Ms. Nice Fluttershy anymore!”
  110. >This was nice Fluttershy?
  111. >She stands up, and pushes you onto your back
  112. >She places herself over you
  113. >You can see her winking
  114. >Even worse, you can smell her
  115. >You gag, and begin coughing
  116. >Fluttershy glares
  117. >”Why don’t you love me?! Why? I’ve been nothing but friendly! Why can’t you see how much I love you?!”
  118. Fluttershy, listen…
  119. >She slaps you
  120. >”No! We’re doing this, and we’re doing it now!”
  121. >She begins to lower herself
  122. >You take a deep breath, stifling another gag
  123. >With all your strength, you push yourself and punch Fluttershy
  124. >Right in the cooch
  125. >She screams in ecstasy and falls over
  126. >Did that crazy bitch just orgasm from a punch?
  127. >You struggle forward, trying to see if she’s still ok
  128. >You needed to get her off, but you didn’t really want to hurt her
  129. >You lean over her, to see her writhing and drooling on the floor
  130. >Fucking Fluttershy
  131. >Before you can think of what to do next, the door bursts open, and Orange Farmer runs in
  132. >”Fluttershy! What did you do to her?!”
  133. >You can’t be serious
  134. She tried to rape me!
  135. >She looks at Fluttershy, and back to you
  136. >Your penis is still semi erect, and Fluttershy is still drooling in orgasmic pleasure
  137. >”You lying bastard!”
  138. >You try to explain, but she turns around and kicks you in the face
  139. >These ponies aren’t large
  140. >But a kick to the face still hurts
  141. >The last thing you see as you slip into unconsciousness is Fluttershy, smiling
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