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Dec 10th, 2019
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  1. The 28th Shard, "Stormnest": A Shard that originally took the form of a fantasy world focusing on the conflict between an empire of elves and the human population. However, as is sadly common in the 108 Shards, this setup was ultimately rendered meaningless when a powerful Collapse Effect was born into the Shard - the Withering Moon, a massive, glowing yellow moon that would appear in the sky at random, and whenever it did, life shriveled and died when exposed to its glow - though this was only discovered later, as the first few appearances lasted only minutes. However, as the years went on, its appearances grew more and more frequent, and and each time, they lasted longer - more like dying in the process. It soon became clear this was a Blossom type Collapse, as more and more strange attributes were discovered as an element of the Withering Moon, such as turning the rare life that didn't die in its glow into new forms, covered in silvery, metal-like armor. At first, this was only limited to plants, leading to the creation of Razorweed, a specialized plant used to make armors by the factions, but in time it began to extend to animals, changing into new and strange forms due to the exoskeletons they had developed. In time, the arrivals of the Withering Moon had become so long lasting that life across the planet began to wither and die, and only magic could be used to preserve societies - luckily, the Withering Moon had proven to be especially conducive to magic, seeming to empower it, make it stronger, whenever it was out. Within a year, all life on the surface of the planet was dead, aside from those that had been transformed by its glow, and it was clear that the age of man and elf was over, the Collapse had destroyed it. Those who defied fate fled deep into the bowels of the planet, changing over time into a new race of beings commonly dubbed Darkdwellers by the rest of the 108, while those above had started to consider the importance of legacy. They knew time would ravage their structures and undo everything they had done, and they would certainly die out one day too, and so they started a plan - they would use magic, combined with the power of the Withering Moon, to create a new race. The greatest mages of the world stood directly under the Withering Moon in all its might, and gathered their magic into an enormous storm, which grew greater and and greater in size in intensity as they put more and more of their dwindling energy into casting magic. Eventually they all died, but the Storm remained - and from the Storm a new race was born. Their bodies were made of living flesh, but were covered in metallic armor, they stood tall and lacked features such as the mouth - for they need not breathe or eat, sustaining themselves via magic, reproductive organs - for they need not breed with each other, instead being created from the Storm that now surrounded the Withering Moon, and gender or sex - for they were born from a singular yet collective force, and would never know a need to identity as anything beyond what they were. Their limbs were long and segmented several times over, and now and then they had an extra pair of arms or two, and they towered extremely tall, their mouthless, plated heads having unique, prominent horns for each single Stormborn. Their potential in Magic was truly great, and they quickly mastered its many natural forms, and were quick to learn the secrets of other worlds' magic too, and soon they had become a full culture, carving mighty fortresses and temples from stone, only competing with cross-meta threats due to the Darkdwellers' refusal to touch the surface. However, they soon became arrogant, and their leader, Nasus To Vaka, took it upon themselves to lead a massive campaign against the Tower, seeking to claim the power they held for the Stormborn. But it was meaningless, for the Tower and its Thaumaturges utterly crushed them - the inquisitors and research parties they had frequently seen in other worlds were nothing but a tip to the iceberg that was the Tower itself, and even the front line defense of the mighty structure broke their mightiest mages and warriors. Nasus knew he was defeated, and begged the Tower not only to spare his people, but to teach them the ways of magic, to which the heads of the Tower agreed, but only in return for complete servitude, which Nasus accepted. And thus, the Stormborn swore themselves to be the eternal servants of the Tower and its Thaumaturges, a role they continue with to this day - the Tower's second Client Shard.
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