
Blair Witch- Mad Dog

Sep 16th, 2024
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  1. Martin Richardson, a farmer I had only just met this morning, was at the Brodys’ window, shaking his head.
  2. "Damn thing’s still out there. Some kinda crazy dog. Jumped up and bit Mrs. Flynn as we were walking down the street. Probably got rabies.”
  3. I walked to Richardson’s side.
  4. Rustin Parr’s dog. Ranger, was pacing back and forth in front of the house.
  5. "Where’s Michael keep his gun, Carol?” John Flynn said. "Somebody’s gonna have to go out and shoot that thing.”
  6. ...
  8. Rustin Parr was walking down the street toward the Brody house, holding a rifle at his side.
  9. I ran out onto the front porch, Richardson was a step behind.
  10. "Stay back, mister!” he yelled. "That thing’s got rabies!”
  11. "It’s his dog,” I said.
  12. Richardson shook his head. "That ain’t gonna matter a bit.”
  13. "Ranger,” Parr called out. "What’s gotten into you, boy? What’s wrong?”
  14. The dog growled at him.
  15. "It’s me. Ranger. It’s just me.” Parr approached to within ten feet of the dog. Then he lowered the rifle to his side, and held out his hand. "Come on, come see. It’s me. Ranger. Come.” He smiled. "Everything’s all right. Ranger.”
  16. The dog cocked its head then, and looked at Parr. It began whimpering.
  17. “It hurts, doesn’t it? I know, boy, I know.” Parr squatted down. “Come here.”
  18. For a second, it seemed like everything was going to be fine.
  19. I heard the creak of the Brodys’ front door opening behind me, and the sound of footsteps on the porch.
  20. Ranger snarled and leapt.
  21. Parr moved, quicker than I would have thought possible, rolling to his side. He raised the rifle and fired: Ranger fell to the ground.
  22. I was the first to reach them. Parr was kneeling next to his dog, gently smoothing the fur on his head. Ranger was lying on his
  23. side, eyes wide and unseeing, his belly exposed.
  24. There were marks of some kind burned into his stomach; they almost looked like writing.
  25. “I shouldn’t have left him alone for so long,” Rustin was saying. “It was my fault. I made a mistake. Somehow . . .” His voice trailed off and he looked at me.
  27. Blair Witch: The Secret Confessions of Rustin Parr, chapter 13
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