
Felix is sorry

Feb 28th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Zack had pulled his rental car into the driveway of Steph's house after their little dinner date, killing the engine and climbing out of the car to walk around and open her door for her. Lending her a hand to help her out, he proceeded to walk her up to the front door. "I'm really glad I had this opportunity to take you out tonight. I really enjoyed spending the evening with you without all of the usual craziness going on." // Steph put her hand in his hand climbed out of the car, awkwardly adjusting her dress as she walked up the driveway toward her front door, stopping on the front porch because she wanted to end their conversation there, not having any intentions of inviting him inside. "Yeah, it was nice. I guess it's hard to have normal conversation when you have someone like Jack jumping around and yelling all the time." She paused, glancing down at her feet. "I have class tomorrow... so I should probably get inside and get myself set..."-
  2. Covet: Felix had more or less been following Zack and Steph on their date tonight. Keeping plenty of distance between them, while he made sure to enjoy some nuggets from mc'Donalds in his vehicle. He pulled into the drive a few minutes after them and he parked in a place where Zack could still get out. He saw the two of them walking up towards the door and just kind of stared out his window, trying to wait patiently, but that definitely wasn't his strong suit. The toothpick he had in his mouth was basically chewed to the point of fraying, a good indicator of how his night went.
  3. Alexithymiaa: (Where is he parked? Like... can they see him? Or is he out of view?)
  4. Covet: Oh they can totally see him .
  5. Covet: *[]
  6. Alexithymiaa: (Bahahahahahaha)
  7. Covet: [He was hiding all night, but now he's not being inconspicuous]
  8. Alexithymiaa: -Zack smiled and nodded to Steph. "Of course. I know you get up early so I wouldn't want to keep you up any later than I already have. You've been such nice company." He smiled again and took a step closer to her, his head coming down as he leaned in to kiss her. // As Zack closed in, she quickly leaned back away from him, her hand coming out to push gently on his chest to nudge him away. The flash of Felix's headlights coming into the driveway had her turning her head to stare at the incoming car, pursing her lips and immediately pulling her arms over her chest because she was still at the very least annoyed with him.-
  9. Covet: All Felix had seen when he pulled in was Steph with her hand on Zack's chest and her leaning back from him. The sight kind of made his blood boil. Instead of getting out and causing a scene, like he REALLY REALLY wanted to do, he tossed the toothpick into the trash bag in the back seat, and reached into the glove box to pull out the package of gum grabbing a piece to chew on. He really hoped that his presence here would deter Zack staying.
  10. Alexithymiaa: -Zack looked up to look at the car, not altogether recognitizing it as Felix's until he'd stopped and he could see into the driver's seat. Letting out a sigh, he looked back down at Steph. "Have a good night, okay? Call me tomorrow after you hear from the label about your media prep." He gave Steph a little pat on the shoulder before making his way over to his car, giving Felix a fucking death glare as he walked. // Steph nodded her head, her eyes instantly dropping back down to her feet with her arms set across her chest, not wanting to look up at Felix since she felt just a little guilty in the moment despite the fact that she hadnt done anything wrong.-
  11. Covet: Seeing the death glare from Zack, Felix smirked waiting for him to drive off before he got out of his vehivle and walked up to the step where Steph was at. He cleared his throat and tucked his hands into his pockets, leaning against the railing in the alcove. " How was the date? He was respectful right?"
  12. Alexithymiaa: -She inhaled deeply and chewed on the inside of her cheek, slowly lifting her eyes to look at Felix's face. "it was fine, yes." She spoke shortly, shifting uncomfortably in her shoes. "I didnt think you'd remember that was tonight."-
  13. Covet: "It involved Zack of course I remembered." Felix said furrowing his brow, then gave a bit of a chill, "Maybe we could go inside. I mean, if you expect my balls in a vice, we shouldnt stand out here freezing them off before hand." He suggested trying to lighten the mood, with his own sardonic sense of humor.
  14. Alexithymiaa: "You make it seem like I want to be mad at you..." She said in a small voice, turning and walking to the door to push it open. She quickly leaned down to block Penny from running outside, pushing the happy dog further into the house so Felix could come in without being bombarded.-
  15. Covet: "No quite like that. I guess I'm just... accepting my fate is all." Felix said softly, walking in then leaned down to give Penny some pets. "That's part of why I'm here though, I want to talk,... apologize." He said with a sigh.
  16. Alexithymiaa: "Okay..." She said as she walked over to the kitchen counter, pulling herself up onto a stool to sit so she could lean over and pull her heels off her aching feet. Once the shoes had fallen to the floor underneath her, she lifted her gaze to fall on him. "I'm listening."-
  17. Covet: Felix looked at her and chewed his gum vigorously for a long moment before he spoke up, " I shouldn't have lied to you. I didn't realize how big of a deal it was for you. We said that Honesty was important, and I took advantage of that. I don't expect you to forgive me or trust me... any time soon. But I haven't had a cigarette since Thursday before our fight."
  18. Alexithymiaa: -She watched him as he spoke, letting the silence fall over her after he said he hadnt had a cigarette. "How am I supposed to believe that to be truth at this point? You could easily tell me whatever you wanted and obviously I wouldnt know one way or another if you were lying. So what makes now, these words, any different from all the others?"-
  19. Covet: "You're absolutely right. I could, and I did. Which is why I'm not now." He told her then lifted up his shirt to show off the patch that was on his side, " I spent the weekend camping. Out in the balls middle of nowhere in the mountains. It was cold.. and I didn't take any cigarettes with me, I was miserable. But After the second day it got easier, and when I got back into town the first place I stopped was the drug store to pick up the patches. The nicotine gum is aweful. But the patches are helping."
  20. Alexithymiaa: -Her eyes trailed to the patch that was stuck to his side, her hands twisting together in her lap. "You could have died camping in the mountains in the middle of February." She spoke sternly because if she'd known that, she'd have been worried as fuck. "Do you understand why I'm so upset that you lied?"-
  21. Covet: "I had a fire and a heater, I was fine." Felix said dropping his shirt, "I know how to keep myself alive out there." He shrugged then nodded, "It's not what the lie was about, it's the fact that I lied at all. Yes, I get it. I'm sorry for lying, but I have to be honest and say that I'm not entirely sorry for my reasonings for doing it. At least not all of them. "
  22. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes because he wasn't helping his case right now. "I know. And I've come to terms with the fact that however misguided, your heart was in the right place. I just want you to be honest with me moving forward, regardless of how you think it's going to effect me. The truth is you really hurt me by lying which only made the entire reason why you lied in the first place, more difficult for me. But you know what? I still did it. I did exactly what I needed to do for myself regardless of how I felt. I dont want to be shielded from the truth because you're trying to protect me or any lame shit like that. Now... do you want to make this right?"-
  23. Covet: "Got it, no lame shit." Felix said holding his hands up, "And you've got my word. Honest from here on out." He took a deep breath and looked down, "Of course I want to make it right.. I would have done some.. bigger gesture as an apology, but I'm a little tapped out after Valentines and your birthday."
  24. Alexithymiaa: "Spending money on ridiculous gestures is not how you make things right. Give me your phone." She spoke evenly, keeping her eyes locked on his face as she held her hand out to him.-
  25. Covet: "I know that, but it definitely doesn't hurt." Felix mumbled then took out his phone, handing it over to her. "What do you need it for?" He was confused as to what his phone had to do with him lying. Bro is so clueless.
  26. Alexithymiaa: -She said absolutely nothing to him, just took the phone and scrolled through his contacts until she found his mother. Hitting the call button, she crossed one leg over the other and put the phone to her ear, listening to it ring and waiting for Rochelle to answer.--
  27. Covet: Felix kept his eyebrows furrowed as she went to call someone then it clicked and he shook his head and flailed his arms, "No no no... Not... I'll do it l-" It was at that moment that Rochelle picked up and he could hear her say Hello. // "You do realize you're an hour a head of me right, You're lucky I'm binging last season's The voice, so I could catch up for the new season, other wise I'd have been in bed already, Son of mine." Rochelle said.
  28. Alexithymiaa: -Steph smiled when she heard Rochelle's voice because the woman just made her happy. "Hi Rochelle, it's Steph. I'm sorry to bother you in the middle of your marathon, but it was important." She paused, her eyes settling on Felix's face. "Your son has something he needs to apologize to you for." She pulled the phone away from her ear, holding it out to Felix to take from her and confess to his mother. DUN DUN DUN.-
  29. Covet: *an hour behind. My bad... ]
  30. Covet: Felix frowned as he took the phone looking like a beat puppy at Steph while signing that she was mean. "Hi mom... How's your night going?" He asked her. // Rochelle responded, "Good, What's this important apology about?" She asked not wanting to bush beat like Felix was doing. // Groaning he mumbled into the phone, "You know how you were all proud of me because I said I was working on the whole quitting thing? Well.. I lied... I didn't quit. I lied to Steph about it too. I'm sorry for getting your hopes up and making you feel proud, when I hadn't earned the praise you had given me."
  31. Alexithymiaa: -She gave him a little shrug when he signed to he rbecause she didnt care if he thought she was mean right now. He deserved it and she wasnt budgeting from that. Listening to his apology, she sent him a small nod, trying to help him out with what else he was supposed to say. "And don't forget how sorry you are for wasting her money on a kit you pretended to use and you're never going to lie to her again." She said firmly.-
  32. Alexithymiaa: (budging*)
  33. Covet: "I can't say that." Felix said to Steph with a glare, then heard his mom, "No not you..." He said into his phone. "I'm sorry about wasting your money for the kit I didn't use either. But if it makes you feel better, the nicotine gum is terrible and makes me regret all the decisions I've made in regards to smoking." He said embelishing . // Rochelle was quiet then sighed. " I'm disappointed that you thought lieing was a good idea to begin with. I raised you better than that. You better be working your ass off to quit now. Before it was a suggestion, now it's an expectation. Especially if you're planning on coming home on your next holiday. You can send Steph and stay home if you don't quit." // Felix dropped his mouth open, "Wow... harsh much?"
  34. Alexithymiaa: "Liars get no sympathy." She spoke as she eased off the stool since she only heard his half of the conversation. She leaned down to pick up her shoes, walking them off into her bedroom to stow with the other hundred pairs. Picking up her necklace off the dresser, she walked back out into the living room with it so she could listen to the conversation some more as she fastened it around her neck.-
  35. Covet: "Yes it is harsh, but those are my rules. My house my rules. If you didn't want harsh, you wouldn't have lied." Rochelle told him. // "Okay... okay, I get it. I'm getting burned at both ends of my rope here, can you two save me a little bit to hold on to?" He said watching Steph put her necklace back on. "I hear your terms and conditions, and am already working on it, so don't start redecorating my room or anything. I'm five days cigarette free. Legit. Okay? I'm going to let you get back to your reality TV. Goodnight.. I love yo- Yeah Steph loves you too. Goodnight." Felix told her then hung up. "There.. I did it.. is it better now?"
  36. Alexithymiaa: -She waited for him to be done with his phone call, giving him a little smirk. "Better. Not altogether good, but better. You still have a lot of ground to make up because this doesnt just go away overnight, but it's a very good start. Maybe I'll forcibly subject you to a conditioning session I have for the girls before Nationals. You'd definitely never lie ever again at the prospect of having to go through that..."-
  37. Covet: "Conditioning? Oh god.. can we think of a different way to cover that ground...Practice nearly had me coughing up a lung yesterday." Felix said with a whine.
  38. Alexithymiaa: "Practice? As in a couple laps around the gym and then literally just playing your sport?" She asked for clarification before starting to laugh. "You wouldn't survive my conditioning. But I guess I could go easy on you compared to their normal conditioning..." She trailed off, half stuck on the idea of torturing him.-
  39. Covet: "It's more than a couple of laps!" Felix protested. "I'm already telling you I wouldn't survive... I'd die ten minutes in. Is that what you need from me... to exercise myself to death? I thought the death do us part came after the ball and chain."
  40. Alexithymiaa: "First of all, call marriage a ball and chain isnt doing you any favors right now, and second, since when have I ever done anything in the order or manner I was supposed to?" She asked him as she turned to walk into the bedroom, twisting her arm behind her back so she could tug down the zipper of her dress. "What's your fastest mile?"-
  41. Covet: "Sorry..." Felix mumbled then nodded his head, "Good point." He followed behind her and stood in the doorway watching her, "Between Six thirty and Six I think. I haven't checked in a while."
  42. Covet: *six fifty
  43. Alexithymiaa: "Not bad. I'm sure once your lungs readjust, you'll be able to keep it at a consistent six. But just as a frame of reference? All of my girls are running five minute miles. No exceptions." She stepped out of her dress and went to hang it up so it stayed nice, reaching into the drawer to pull out a t-shirt she could pull on over her head. "So essentially you couldn't even keep up with my thirteen year olds." She took a seat down on the bed, pulling the pins out of her hair to shake her locks loose. "Kinda sad."-
  44. Covet: "Well it seems part for the course for me these days." He said crossing his arms, "Does that mean I have to get up when you do? Or am I supposed to go back to the OCH tonight?"
  45. Alexithymiaa: "You don't have to get up when I do. Tomorrow isn't a conditioning day anyway, it's a routine day. Conditioning days are before the weekend so they have two days of rest before getting back to work. Gives time to rebuild and repair muscle." Setting the pins down on her vanity, she turned to face him, chewing on her lower lip. "I've really hated sleeping alone the last few nights..."-
  46. Covet: "Good, that gives me time to mentally prepare to have my ass handed to me by thirteen year olds." Felix said then nodded his head, "I really don't feel like going back out in the cold, just to drive back there. You can hate sleep a little less tonight." He said looking at her as he stripped down to his boxers, and leaned over to press a kiss to her forehead, before he went to walk around the bed to climb in.
  47. Alexithymiaa: "Thirteen year old girls." She corrected him because that was somehow important to her. She closed her eyes when he kissed her forehead, exhaling deeply and turning around to walk to her side of the bed. Slipping under the blankets, she laid back, getting comfy for the sleeps.-
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