
The Fight.

Mar 18th, 2017
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  1. Having all that he needed, he moves. Springing forth- a poison laced kunai in one hand, while his other is bare. Grasping out with that one, his vision trailing over to Kichigai.
  3. Reaching out for her, the man's intent is to take hold of her, and very literally- attempt a crushing girp to cement her position where she stands!
  5. (Na'me)
  6. Male covered in burns would've easily deflect the shuriken sent his way with a swipe of his katana. He would stand there in a ready position still, some what irritated that the male insulted him with such a puny attack.
  8. "I can't belie--" Sujo held his words, wiating for what Kichigai was goin to say next... This waiting is killin' him inside.
  9. A bothered brunette would be grabbed onto without reacting.
  10. Momochi picks up Windmill.
  11. Ryuho kept the scythe on his shoulder, tilting his neck side to side with teo loud snaps. The long-haired Priest would begin to close the distance, not even bothering to rush or run, merely walking towards the Kaguya who took hold of the apparent leader.
  13. " I going to be able to kill them all or...." He stopped, directly infront of the green-eyed male doing nothing less than staring them down.
  14. A bothered brunette says: Please don't kill them.
  15. Na'me says: The leader was my target. That's all.
  16. Green-eyed male didn't realise someone was RPing at him!
  18. Oh boy, it was his time to shine. Too bad the man was too fast for him to even keep up.
  20. "Wha'?" He questioned, eyes motioning from the man's feet and upwards.
  22. When did he get there?
  23. Na'me pressuring the grip in now, he aims to stabilize it. Noting how there had been no reaction- that didn't matter. This, was a matter of principle. They were strong, and so he sought them.
  25. "For anything else, ask Momochi." He says, speaking to the Immortal.
  26. Serah continued onward while in mid-flight.
  28. She zones in on the ground and spots a position to land, doing so while her clones appeared to land beside her as well. The wings on her back disperse after a moment.
  29. The girl intended to observe again, for now.
  30. A bothered brunette 's lips rolled inward. She remained still throughout all of this.
  32. ". . . As I said, don't hurt them."
  33. Na'me says: I am here to fight you. Not them.
  34. Enryu is headed in from the middle of the village. He can see the commotion from one of the nearby buildings.
  36. Le 5 turns begin.
  37. A bothered brunette says: . . . Mm. I can't fight. For certain reasons. Please tell them to leave them be.
  38. Ryuho stared at the green-eyed male for a short period of time. With nothing less than a flick of the wrist, the priest would reveal a wakizashi, aiming to stab it directly into the green-eyed male's cheek! It wouldn't be fatal, but the cut would be deep and painful if they couldn't react in time!
  40. "Eh? What was that? You telling me what to do?"
  41. A bothered brunette says: Tell me what I can do to keep them from being involved.
  42. He wanted a fight. Frowning from underneath his mask, there's a sudden tug- the man yanking Kichigai towards the remnants of the wall.
  44. Everyone else seemingly busy as their leader is actually just held there by the enemy, this conversation unfolding as battles commence elsewhere! She wanted to know what could be done that would have these people spared- that power lying solely with Momochi as he was of a one-track mind for the time being.
  46. "You will fight me. That is what concerns me now. Your servants are not my issue- it's you that I am here for." Any parley with him was impossible as it was. Seeking to press her against the wall, that kunai at his side dripping it's venomous bile; raised up now menacingly for a moment- his intent clear.
  47. (Na'me)
  48. Green-eyed male already had a hand in his back pocket but the man's experience overwhelmed his own. Which was none.
  50. Fwop! The Wakizashi stabs through his cheek and possibly out the other? Anywho, his body ragdolls along with the weapon.
  52. His skin and bones were made of paper mache and so he wasn't exactly that durable. Depending on how much strength this man had he was most likely to be near death, probably... or not.
  53. Ryuho thinks: .....
  54. Majime thinks: ......
  55. Majime thinks: Lovely.
  56. Green-eyed male thinks: Fuck.
  57. Green-eyed male thinks: Can't shout out in pain with this in my mouth so...
  59. Momochi flipped through some handseals. He quickly looked at the people in the area. Deciding to aim for the person in the center... He adjusted his body to attack on an angle and quickly spat out a sharp needle. The needle would shoot from his lips and start to shoot directly at the Uncombed white haired male.
  60. A bothered brunette shut both eyes, no intentions to fight back. Who knew why she didn't act. Possibly some invisible force preventing the young woman from doing so.
  61. Umai just keeps on watching from afar.
  62. You grab A bothered brunette.
  63. You release them.
  65. It comes down. The kunai- in a wide arc, from above, range near her cheek -- a paralytic poison is attached to that already lethal portion of steel. Making it that much worse.
  67. It was frustrating. When finding those who were strong that did not fight. His release of emotions conveyed through the exchange of blows between them. It wans't allowed here, and that was upsetting.
  69. And so he aims to instigate; a strike that from their cheek, down to their right side of chest. An angled slash stopping just around the middle of their rib cage, or so.
  70. (Na'me)
  71. Ryuho blinked a few times. The long-haired Priest would easily draw blood and then some, having the weapon enter through the male's face and out the other. Pulling it form his victim, they'd probably note that if they moved around too much, they'd end up bleeding out.
  73. "Annoyi---" The male's body would bulk up as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. There it was, the blessing of power and speed from drawing into flesh. He would turn towards the blue-haired boy at point-blank range moving forward while bouncing out of the way of the needles with vigor.
  75. "You want to die too?" With that, the same dagger would im to thrust itself into the torso of the blue-haired boy It wouldn't be fatal,'d probably be enough to put them down for a while.
  76. Uncombed white-haired male picks up Explosive Tag.
  77. Uncombed white-haired male picks up Explosive Tag.
  78. Enryu was two turns away from reaching the fight. He could begin to make out figures. (Basing off long-haired priest. Rped thrice since I RPed coming in.)
  79. A fair-haired adept whispers faintly.
  80. A bothered brunette found a swooping slash directed for both face and body. Clothing ripped with associated sounds as crimson marred pallid skin. For one reason or another, the insects residing in her body didn't urge away paralytic poisons, though that was part of the mystery.
  83. A follow up. The frustration does not end, the kunai twirled with in fingers for a moment. Readjusting it's position, he holds her steady- the pointed in now aimed directly at her.
  85. It's with a shift of his hand at the last moment that he grabs for her hair, or anything along her head, or it's general area that allows him to tilt it. Her neck poised for entry -- he descends. With this crude weapon, an animosity that could not be quelled despite how reserved he seemed to be.
  87. His body composed, his breathing controlled, and maintain. This was a death blow intent. Meant to sever the bonds of life from Kichigai in an instantenous manner. Plunging it as deep as would go if something was not done to to thwart him.
  88. (Na'me)
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