
Jaxy Playa - T2

Sep 18th, 2018
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  1. [13/09/2018 07:48:53] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Chirs; You can google all kind of color ids, > SAMP Color Ids
  2. [13/09/2018 08:32:19] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Khalid; Yes, but its not a server related Q/A, keep /newb(ie) for only server related Q/As.
  3. [13/09/2018 12:48:14] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Abu; They might be busy, its an IC reason.
  4. [13/09/2018 12:50:12] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Abu; Yes they can if they got police permission ic'ly.
  5. [13/09/2018 12:51:14] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Abu; No you can't.
  6. [13/09/2018 12:55:43] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Bodda; /stats to check crimes commited, or you can get a officer to get you your MDC record.
  7. [14/09/2018 04:57:51] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Abu; Yes, you can get custom skins by donating at
  8. [14/09/2018 13:04:40] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Abu; No, you can donate and you can sell that donation to anyone else and get cash for it.
  9. [15/09/2018 12:01:29] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Winston; They respond to the IC backups and bank robberies.
  10. [15/09/2018 12:02:14] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Aaron; You have to be in the family to create M4, because its a family restricted weapon.
  11. [15/09/2018 12:02:19] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Aaron; You have to be in the family to create M4, because its a family restricted weapon.
  12. [15/09/2018 12:11:20] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Aaron; /calc to use the calculator.
  13. [15/09/2018 12:28:12] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Dimitri; You can buy a boombox at pink milshake icon on your mini-map known as 24/7
  14. [15/09/2018 12:40:06] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Leroy; Its not for /newbie, check it on /id
  15. [15/09/2018 12:44:24] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Leroy; Its not about server related Q/A, keep /newbie for server related Q/As only.
  16. [15/09/2018 12:46:39] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Leroy; Nope.
  17. [15/09/2018 12:49:44] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @George; You can't know like that, you can be a lawyer and then see /wanted to see.
  18. [15/09/2018 13:11:05] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Ximena; No, fmd are only to revive cops.
  19. [15/09/2018 13:13:22] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Kelly; Its not for /newbie chat, keep newbie for server related Q/A only, stop trolling here.
  20. [15/09/2018 13:15:33] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Franklin; Its upto admins either they start the double XP event or not but it should be there on weekends.
  21. [15/09/2018 13:15:38] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Franklin; Its upto admins either they start the double XP event.
  22. [15/09/2018 13:44:43] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Ben; Press F12 to press it OFF/ON
  23. [15/09/2018 13:46:29] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Winston; No as it gives you an advantage of wall hacks.
  24. [15/09/2018 13:47:53] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Achillies; Its nothing to make fun here, keep /newbie for Q/A only. @Winston; No.
  25. [15/09/2018 13:51:40] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Winston; You may know that there is not advantage to the contracted by doing /contract.
  26. [15/09/2018 13:55:05] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Finkul; About 1,000,000 is the cheapest price of the house nowadays.
  27. [15/09/2018 13:55:58] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Ivan; Its upto the sellers either they sell or not, its usually a IC matter tho. You can post /ad for buying house.
  28. [15/09/2018 13:56:03] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Ivan; Its upto the sellers either they sell or not, its usually a IC matter. You can post /ad for buying house.
  29. [15/09/2018 13:56:09] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Ivan; Its upto the sellers either they sell or not, its a IC matter. You can post /ad for buying house.
  30. [15/09/2018 13:56:16] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Ivan; Its upto the sellers either they sell or not, its is IC matter.. You can post /ad for buying house.
  31. [15/09/2018 13:56:23] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Ivan; Its upto the sellers, its is IC matter. You can post /ad for buying house.
  32. [15/09/2018 15:30:06] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Luke; /tognames to tog the nametags.
  33. [15/09/2018 15:36:56] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Kelly; Force CK isn't allowed here anymore.
  34. [15/09/2018 15:43:11] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Melvin; GFX reward is dependent on the request done by the GFX designers.
  35. [15/09/2018 15:44:30] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Melvin; You can get the reward once you met the requirement and join the GFX team.
  36. [15/09/2018 15:46:41] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Vin; /skills and do the required /sellgun to level up.
  37. [15/09/2018 15:55:11] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Faud; W.salam but its not for newbie chat, keep newb for Q/A only.
  38. [16/09/2018 04:01:35] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Lucy; use /mytickets to view your tickets.
  39. [16/09/2018 12:37:23] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Franklin; Its an IC street price, you can check out dealership price at or check Grotti DS.
  40. [16/09/2018 12:37:27] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Franklin; Its an IC street price, you can check out dealership price at
  41. [16/09/2018 12:40:52] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Achillies; Groups are classified, you can't check groups name.
  42. [16/09/2018 12:44:34] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Achillies; Yes, if the crimes are more old than a week and you have a proper explanation.
  43. [16/09/2018 12:45:36] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Achillies; 20,000 is the robbing limit.
  44. [16/09/2018 12:47:16] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Achillies; Yes, bank is the safezone.
  45. [16/09/2018 12:49:02] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Leroy; /changepass to change your gamepassword, make sure you type the correct pass.
  46. [16/09/2018 12:49:31] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Leroy; /v cars to check your vehicles under you.
  47. [16/09/2018 12:49:37] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Leroy; /v cars to check your vehicles under your ownership.
  48. [16/09/2018 12:49:50] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Leroy; /v cars to check your vehicles under your ownership.
  49. [16/09/2018 12:49:52] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Leroy; /v cars to check your vehicles under your ownership.
  50. [16/09/2018 12:50:40] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Vladimir; Check out to check SAPD recruiting or not, level 5 is requirement.
  51. [16/09/2018 12:50:42] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Vladimir; Check out to check SAPD recruiting or not, level 5 is requirement.
  52. [16/09/2018 12:51:35] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Leroy; Its an IC issue about the prices, but NRG is a donated vehicle.
  53. [16/09/2018 12:54:08] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Josh; Its a family chat, use /f(amily) to speak up in the family chat.
  54. [16/09/2018 12:54:46] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Leroy; /v cars to check your vehicles.
  55. [16/09/2018 12:54:48] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Leroy; /v cars to check your vehicles.
  56. [16/09/2018 12:54:52] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Leroy; /v cars to check your vehicles.
  57. [16/09/2018 12:55:00] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Leroy; /v cars to check your vehicles.
  58. [16/09/2018 13:00:25] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Anders; I didn't understand your question, please re-phrase it.
  59. [16/09/2018 13:10:56] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Achillies; No, you can re-rp if you were bugged if you got evidence.
  60. [16/09/2018 13:14:48] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Leroy; Yes, there are new skins. You can also donate a custom skin for yourself at
  61. [16/09/2018 15:40:23] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Edward; No, he was a temp banned I think. Check out ban appeals for more.
  62. [17/09/2018 14:13:22] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @James; SARP has several updates, you can check them at @Ronnie; /report if you're bugged.
  63. [17/09/2018 14:13:25] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @James; SARP has several updates, you can check them at @Ronnie; /report
  64. [17/09/2018 14:14:01] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Khalid; Get mechanic job and /neon while you have the mechanic job.
  65. [17/09/2018 14:14:12] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Khalid; Get mechanic job and /neon while you have the mechanic job. /jobhelp for more information.
  66. [17/09/2018 14:14:13] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Khalid; Get mechanic job and /neon while you have the mechanic job. /jobhelp for more information.
  67. [17/09/2018 14:14:15] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Khalid; Get mechanic job and /neon while you have the mechanic job. /jobhelp for more information.
  68. [17/09/2018 14:15:10] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Ronnie; Maybe you were in jail while you were falling so admin re-prisoned you, /report for more.
  69. [17/09/2018 14:17:43] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Ronnie; Whenever 7+ PD are online you can rob bank while heading there and drill the valut
  70. [17/09/2018 14:31:41] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Sam; Yes they can but they need a IC reason too.
  71. [17/09/2018 14:32:21] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Sam; Yes, it is called.
  72. [17/09/2018 14:32:28] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Sam; Yes, it is called because this all will be IC issues.
  73. [17/09/2018 14:32:30] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Sam; Yes, it is called because this all will be IC issues.
  74. [17/09/2018 14:32:31] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Sam; Yes, it is called because this all will be IC issues.
  75. [17/09/2018 14:34:24] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Sam; They are enabled, maybe you're bugged.
  76. [18/09/2018 12:31:40] [cmd] [Jaxy_Playa] /newb @Andrew; Maybe it was a M/C or you just intersect in someones roleplay, /report for more
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