
More Than Friends- *SPECIAL* Alternate Ending PART 1

Jun 29th, 2012
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  3. Part 1
  5. [Continuing from [] at line 450]
  6. >”So, what will you do now, Anonymous?”
  7. >You gaze out to the gardens, and to the mountains.
  8. “I honestly have no idea.”
  9. >You lean onto a tree, smiling sadly.
  10. “Maybe it’s time for the dead to stay dead.”
  11. >Celestia returns the smile, as you stand to leave.
  12. >”Anonymous, wait.”
  13. >You stop, waiting for the princess to speak.
  14. >”What if you don’t have to go?”
  15. >You raise a brow, interested.
  16. “And what would that be?”
  17. >Celestia lets out a playful smile, the genuinely cheery one today.
  18. >You don’t like the sound of this.
  20. >The school bell rings, and every fillies and colts go wild.
  21. >You sigh.
  22. >They just remind you of yourself too much.
  23. >You tap one of your hooves tiredly, trying to distract yourself from the class.
  24. >Of course, there is that one filly who always stays back.
  25. >”Uhm, mister Shines?”
  26. >You sigh.
  27. >You look down to the lavender filly, who looks to you in anticipation.
  28. >”Yes, Twilight?”
  30. >You put on your saddlebags, and head out.
  31. >Canterlot School closed soon after, leaving you in the dark.
  32. >You breathe in the cool autumn air.
  33. >It was always better up here.
  34. >Canterlot, for one, had great location, you’ll give it that.
  35. >You whistle as you make your way to the castle.
  36. >Celestia was kind enough to set you up with a room in the castle.
  37. >Sure, you were getting used to the new life as a pony, but it’s better than being dead.
  38. >You hum random songs in your head, as you near your room.
  39. >Right over at the left wing, as far as possible from-
  40. >You crash into another pony.
  41. >”Ow!” She exclaims, as she is thrown back.
  42. >You know that silvery voice from anywhere.
  43. “I’m so sorry, princess Cadenza!” You shout, as you help her to her feet.
  44. >She smiles sheepishly, as she gets her bearings right.
  45. >”Thank you- Shines, was it?”
  46. >You smile back.
  47. “That would be me.”
  48. >”You’re familiar for some reason, Shines.”
  49. >She studies you.
  50. >You wave it off.
  51. “Eh, I get that a lot.”
  52. >”Well, I need to go find Shining Armor; I’ll see you later, Shines.”
  53. “Will do, princess.”
  54. >You pass her, humming that familiar tune.
  56. >Cadance stopped again, listening to the soft tune of the stallion.
  57. >She turned to see Shines, as everyone called him, obliviously enter his chambers.
  58. >She paused, trying to figure out where the familiarity was.
  59. >She eventually gave up, moving to her evening rendezvous with Shining Armor.
  61. >You kick the door close, and throw your bags over the table.
  62. >Holy shit, you ran into her.
  63. >No Anon, you let go, remember?
  64. >Fuck you, I’m a pony.
  65. >Personal conflicts aside; you hop to your bed, and go under your covers.
  66. >You still had troubles getting used to the four legs thing, but hey, you were content.
  67. >You give your forelegs a swing or two, just for kicks.
  68. >Heh.
  69. >You rouse yourself to sleep, but the thought still bothered you.
  71. >You wake to the sound of the soft rain on the rocks.
  72. >You can only gasp at the crushing sensation still on your chest.
  73. >You know it is slowly coming down on you, your ribs slowly giving out.
  74. >And you know too well how this will end up.
  75. >Splat.
  76. >The universe wasn’t even kind enough to finish you off.
  77. >You were pretty sure half of your face was beaten; you can feel your own blood everywhere.
  78. >Maybe if you’re lucky, you’ll bleed out and die a peaceful death.
  79. >You try to move your legs, but they are stuck.
  80. >You can’t even feel one of them.
  81. >Boy, would they leave a mark.
  82. >Cadance will kill you if she saw you like this.
  83. >You don’t even have the energy to mutter her name as you died.
  84. >Maybe then you could be some sort of a legend of a crushed human, calling for a lover.
  85. >Maybe not.
  86. >You cough once, and close your eyes.
  87. >The warm rain is- soothing, at a word.
  88. >Either that, or it was your blood.
  89. >Whatever.
  90. >It is relaxing to the point that you don’t feel anything.
  91. >You open your eyes, just to make sure the rock is still there.
  92. >Yep, still there.
  93. >Then, it twitched.
  94. >Your eyes go wide, as the bolder is slowly lifted.
  95. >You then spot the heavily muscular legs, with the cracked hoof.
  96. >Minotaurs.
  97. >The hulking giant looks to you and nods.
  98. >You nod back.
  99. >He smiles, and turns around to call his comrades.
  100. >And at that moment, the boulder slips.
  101. >It slowly tumbles to your face and-
  103. >You scream, and you sit up.
  104. >You turn to the side of the bed, and rub your temples.
  105. >You’re sweating hard.
  106. >Your hooves shake, and you can’t stop shivering.
  107. >You shake your head, and go over to your bag, and take out a small locket.
  108. >You placed it around your neck, feeling the cold sensation on your coat.
  109. >You needed a walk.
  111. >You always liked having the cool breeze on your face.
  112. >Snout, whatever.
  113. >You often found yourself walking through the same path, always stopping by the pond.
  114. >You play around for a while, before turning to the view below.
  115. >Sunrise was due any moment now.
  116. >The sky slowly becomes a muddled black, as it slowly transcends into the clear cobalt.
  117. >Looks like we’re going to have a clear day today.
  118. >You lean onto the railings, looking down to the valleys below.
  119. >This was a really good location.
  120. >You turn around, looking up to the balconies above.
  121. >You can see Celestia outside of her chambers, busily raising the sun.
  122. >You wave at her, but you find it unlikely she’ll spot you.
  123. >Your eyes go over the other royal rooms; boy did they have large windows or what.
  124. >Then you spot a pink head.
  125. >You can also see her mane blowing in the wind.
  126. >And at that moment, the two of you make eye contact.
  127. >You immediately scan over, and start walking away.
  128. >Haha, NOPE.
  130. >”Hey, wait!”
  131. >That voice again.
  132. >You freeze, as the pony behind you landed.
  133. >You slowly turn your head, to meet Cadance again.
  134. >She hesitates, before she examines you harder.
  135. >”Shines?”
  136. “Morning, miss.”
  137. >”Sorry, I thought you were somepony else.”
  138. >You smile warmly at her.
  139. “No worries, princess.”
  140. >”May I ask what are you doing out in the gardens?”
  141. “Just taking a walk, I have- an attachment to the place.”
  142. >”Really? And that might be? If you don’t mind at all.”
  143. “Forgive me, but I do mind, princess.” You speak, before making a hasty escape.
  145. >Cadance could have sworn she saw Shining at the gardens.
  146. >She immediately flared out her wings and glided out, nearing the pony in question.
  147. >He just looked so familiar…
  148. >Turns out it was you, whom everyone called Shines.
  149. >Even your name was similar to her special somepony.
  150. >But you had your own coat, colored like your skin, with your old eye color and mane in pretty much the same way you had it since ever.
  151. >Celestia did a real good job turning you into a pony.
  152. >Of course, Cadance wasn’t aware.
  153. >As she neared you, she could not help but to feel the overwhelming familiarity.
  154. >And you booked it.
  156. >You quicken your pace, as your heart races with you.
  157. >Goddammit.
  158. >You thought you were over this.
  159. >You start running, as the school bell goes off in the distance.
  161. “Good morning class.” You say, throwing the bag at your chair.
  162. >You trot up to the chalkboard, and start writing down basic formulae, slowly filling the board.
  163. >Most rich fillies just ‘take pictures’ with their devices, getting quick notes.
  164. >You’re barely thirty and the world is already confusing you.
  165. >And there, of course, is Little Twilight Sparkle.
  166. >She’s always ahead of her class, taking down notes on her notebook.
  167. >As much as you would like to play airplane with her again, it is probably best if you stayed out of her life.
  168. >Almost by cue, the lavender filly raises her hoof.
  169. >”Mister Shines, can you explain the workings of the fifth theory under the second?”
  170. >You smile.
  171. >And here we have Celestia’s personal protégé.
  172. >Every moment she was in your class, she always done you proud.
  173. >And you’ll make sure she will always do the same.
  175. >The bell rings once more, grabbing your attention, as well as waking several colts.
  176. >You sigh, and wave them off.
  177. >In a blitz, the class pours into the hallways.
  178. >Well, at least they got punctuality and spirit.
  179. >Twilight, like always, remains behind for some extra notes.
  180. >You’re happy enough to lend her a hand- a hoof.
  181. >”Twilight? Are you here?”
  182. >That voice again.
  183. >The princess enters the classroom, looking about.
  184. >Both Twilight and you stare at her, surprised by the sudden entry.
  185. >”What?” Cadance takes a step back.
  186. >You almost brought out the duck face.
  187. >”Cadance!” Twilight shouts, before going in for a pony-hug.
  188. >You don’t even know how that works.
  189. >Cadance returns it, and Twilight scrambles back to her desk.
  190. “I didn’t know my star pupil knew the princess.” You smile.
  191. >Twilight grins widely, before burying her head back in her studies.
  192. >You can help to smile again, as you help Twilight with her notes.
  194. >”So, when did you come to Canterlot?”
  195. “About few weeks ago, I needed a job, so here I am.”
  196. >”And how did you get a room in the castle?”
  197. “Celestia sympathized, she is very kind.”
  198. >”That she is, Shines.”
  199. “Do you mix with the common rabble often?”
  200. >Cadance chuckles lightly over your joke.
  201. >”For your information, I do.”
  202. >She leans closer.
  203. >”I even date one of the common rabble.” She whispers.
  204. “Come on, I bet the captain of the guards isn’t ‘common’ anymore.”
  205. >She smiles.
  206. >”I suppose he isn’t.”
  207. >You duck and avoid an incoming ball.
  208. “Woah, watch the throw, Speed Racer!” You shout, as you pass the ball to the colt.
  209. >You then hoof-bump the colt, as he runs off playing.
  210. >”You seem to be good with colts, Shines.”
  211. “I suppose I’m a colt-at-heart, then.”
  212. >”Is that so?”
  213. >She gives you a playful smirk, as her horn glows.
  214. >You know that face anywhere.
  215. >And then, your face greets a small punch of mud.
  216. >Not this shit again.
  217. >You shake it off, and keep a straight face.
  218. “No princess, I refuse to-“
  219. >Another blast of mud.
  220. >She giggles, lifting another pinch.
  221. >Some things never change.
  222. >You smirk, as you lift some of the mud with your own magic.
  224. >Cadance giggled some more.
  225. >She never had this kind of fun back in the palace!
  226. >Then she saw Shines respond.
  227. >That look on his face…
  228. >Why was it so familiar?
  229. >Before she could even respond, she received a face-full of dirt.
  230. >Mud.
  231. >She heard his throaty chuckle, as he tried to help getting the mud off her face.
  232. >Instead of using his magic, however, he decided to get it off with his hoof.
  234. “Forgive me princess, but you look absolutely dashing.”
  235. >You laugh, as the love princess isn’t feeling the love anymore.
  236. >She throws a low ball at you, which you easily swing around and throw back.
  237. >Come on, you don’t get to be an ex-captain without learning a few tricks.
  238. >She takes it to her face, almost with no retaliation.
  239. >Cadance then falls over to the pile, mud getting everywhere.
  240. >She looks around, examining the damage.
  241. >You are laughing your ass off.
  242. >She angrily shakes her legs about, and then goes silent.
  243. >Then, you hear a sniffle.
  244. >Oh boy.
  245. >You immediately jump into the puddle, and help the princess up.
  246. >Well, there goes your head.
  247. “Princess, are you alright?” You ask, clearing her face with your hoof.
  248. >You uncover a mischievous smirk.
  249. >Newbie mistake, Anon!
  250. >She tackles you to the pile, getting your coat all messy.
  251. >She also drops a few metric tons of mud on you.
  252. >But no, you’re not going down alone.
  253. >You pull her with you, as the hill forms.
  255. >This was a very strange day for the fillies.
  257. >The two of you dig out of the pile laughing to each other.
  258. >You fall out backwards, as Cadance falls on top of you.
  259. >She immediately realizes the position, and scrambles out.
  260. >You can only lay there and blush.
  262. >”Well, it was an interesting day, Shines.”
  263. >Cadance pulls out more grime from her mane.
  264. >”I never had this much fun!”
  265. >You just smile back.
  266. “Glad you had fun with the dirt, princess.”
  267. >She smiles at you.
  268. >”Shall we go?”
  269. “Let’s.”
  270. >The two of you walk side by side; destination: the castle.
  271. “I’m surprised you get bored, princess.” You start the conversation.
  272. >”Well… Life of luxury and riches do get boring after a while.”
  273. “Can we have a trade for a day? I bet I’ll do wonders as a love princess.”
  274. >She giggles at this.
  275. >”I bet you’ll make a lovely love princess, Shines.”
  276. >She then looks to you seriously.
  277. >”Where will you start?”
  278. >You pause for a while, thinking.
  279. “I think I’ll start with the lost lovers.”
  280. >She smiles sadly.
  281. >”Then I might need your help.”
  282. >Aw shit, real smooth, Anon.
  283. “Princess, I’m sorry I-“
  284. >”It’s quite alright; it is just that- Shining is wrapped up in his training and all…”
  285. >Well, lookie here, history is repeating itself.
  286. “I sincerely hope the two of you happiness.”
  287. >She turns to you, smiling.
  288. >She then goes back into her cheery mood, giving you a punch on the leg.
  289. >”Hey, that could be your tagline!”
  290. >The two of you then talk and joke, as you made your way to the castle.
  292. >You dread over yourself in the shower.
  293. >Anon, you got over this, Cadance moved on.
  294. >You can’t have her forever.
  295. >But… this isn’t you, now is it?
  296. >You’re Mr. Shines, a teacher in advanced magic.
  297. >You are no human.
  298. >He died in an accident long time ago.
  299. >But she’s with your brother.
  300. >Shining.
  301. >Would you just steal her away from him?
  302. >You sigh, and bask in the warm waters.
  303. >You hated mud in your ears.
  305. >You take another walk through the gardens, trying to forget what just happened.
  306. >You want to go to your spot again.
  307. >You wanted to forget.
  308. >Tonight, it looks like there are other ponies here in the gardens.
  309. >And- is that Cadance?
  310. >…With Shining Armor.
  311. >He kneels in front of her, and Cadance just squeaks in excitement.
  312. >You know what is going on.
  313. >You turn around, and head back up.
  314. >Yeah, you didn’t want any of that shit.
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