

Dec 6th, 2019
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  1. Well since Hollywood doesn't pay me and i live in misery. Lets have fun at the expense of their commander in chief [its for what he is for], feel free to make a donation.
  3. Does people still do candles in closed rooms made of human fat? If so morgues, liposuction clinics, American smokeless crematoriums, hospitals, etc... must be making some extra bucks...
  5. With so much mind reading tech around (btw, "they" can read images that you think also, take it at face value), did Trump read the plastic surgeon, nurse, etc... that performed on he's family?
  6. ...or Chris Christie, maybe someone used some fat to make candle, lard, etc...
  7. So... who is yummier the Trump's or the Christie's? Maybe they've eated it itself like oroborus...
  9. ...................................................................................................................................................................
  11. Have read a report about the religious diversity in the US military... so many religions... that can't be right, can it be? the older (historical) reports right too?
  12. (imagining some eye contact avoidance in the US military among themselves xD )
  13. So... who have access to secrets of the military, NSA, CIA...? ....and they pass them to who?
  15. ...ain't it odd that the president elected is from a religion with only 100k followers... c'mon.
  16. ..................................................................................................................................................................
  18. It seams that market "salt" changes over time, maybe that is the reason Americans have large necks...(don´'t think they had them like 100 years ago, test it: cross the boarder with your car and bring 6 months supply) just like the "ferments" on processed products like pasta, etc... make you fat or make you slim.
  19. Honestly the French baguette reminds me of spit when i had eaten them (in France ofc, Lyon to be more precise).
  20. btw, French salt is really not white at all... wonder why...
  21. Does religion institutions have a key role on the process?
  23. ..................................................................................................................................................................
  25. Saw this....
  27. I really never venture outside of the "regular" web, but since today's world (surveillance) is military here, police there... ain't much room for old fashioned criminals i.e. they are caught in a heart beat. So... who is uploading all the nasty stuff....?
  29. ...................................................................................................................................................................
  31. Read ( somewhere that a (expensive) US air force airplane almost crashed because of one bird got suck into the engine (needed a two million dollar engine replacement). So.... bad idea to fly air force plains in bird crowded places and maybe even on flocks of tiny drones, must be stressful to take off from the landing lane (land) or aircraft carrier (sea) with all the seagulls looking for fish.
  33. Did anyone ever placed a potato on the exhaust pipes of a war tank (the big metal thingy)?... or even a drone equipped with foam spray that solidifies fast not just there but also on the venting system and periscope (viewing ) glass (air conditioning is a must). If you wanna be cheap you can try rotten eggs or the diluted contents of the last diarrhea (...or mace if you don't poop) down the air conditioning vent (tanks, jet fighters, aircraft carriers, submarines, boats, etc...). Can you imagine a swarm of tiny marine drilling drones on the hull of a aircraft carrier or a submarine?.. or carry a metal cable by the motor helices. Recently a US military boat was by Hong Kong it would be funny if some tiny thingy got attached to the hull. hehe
  35. Read somewhere that a guy took a tank home...that must have been the day of taking a tank home, when will we see the day: take a F-35 / VTOL home?^^
  37. Kind of "developed" the idea that AREA51 is about the Simmons/Simões... most likely nothing pretty happening in there...
  39. Read that NATO has several commands (north, south, east, west.... maybe...) are they all on the same page ? Info sharing, tek, strategies... must be fun... a group talking about the new gadget by the coffee machine and another group enters and everyone starts looking at the ceiling/floor.... or just put on the sunglasses.^^ ....kind of like the EU... maybe...
  40. ...nothing new... really.
  50. Was browsing "population Censos" in Portugal (by "village") and noticed a couple of drops before the "carnation revolution".
  51. Made me think: a country with small amount of military is kind of a easy target since these days 30k or 40k people can come in (by plane, car, etc...) for vacation and have other afternoon plans.
  52. ...................................................................................................................................................................
  54. On my backyard someone sprayed shit on my vegetables and at least on the tree near my bedroom window. It smelled really bad. Amazing at what lengths people go to harass innocent people that don't mind other people 'business'. Vegetables were full of fly's and no bee's anywhere around. Olive trees burned (other people private property), it is great to live in alvaiazere. It is a Roman catholic community (just like the rest of Portugal 81%, pretty sure here is closer to 100% then to 81%).
  55. Seam here people don't know how to live (they have to take the privacy of people that know to manage their own lives) sad really. Even some of the water fountains water taste like shit (literally).
  57. These days living in here seams to be hazardous on the old days the apostle Saint James the Great came to around these parts preaching and no harm happened to him, you can correct me if i am mistaken.
  58. Seams to me that people back then knew how to live and let live.
  59. ....................................................................................................................................................................
  61. Started smoking about a year ago, this is what my experience have been so far.
  63. Smoked tobacco 'phillip morris' group [smoked other brands too] that 'tasted to me' like saliva, piss, semen, shit, pesticides, vomit. not all at once. Its a box of surprises when i smoke one.
  64. I even noticed yellow spot on the paper, send a couple cigars to them and they send me a pack... guess what it had yellow spots on the paper too, i send a picture to them and they send another, guess again it had spots on paper too.
  69. Go check a tobacco packing machine on youtube.
  70. ....................................................................................................................................
  72. Saw this:
  74. Must be a very happy society. It seams it is like that on catholic influential societies, these days.
  75. Poor little French guy no women liked him, not even the family.... he has to rape to have sex.
  76. .....................................................................................................................................................................
  78. Saw this:
  80. Considering the latest (2019) California fires it seams California had a change of heart and gained a new "king". Good there is mind reading now.
  82. When will Texas be independent?
  83. .....................................................................................................................................................................
  85. Not sure but it seams this herb is being used alot, i have seen it cultivated near the place i live by the locals (a roman catholic community).
  86. Datura stramonium
  87. Don Juan, in the book "The Devil's Weed" by Carlos Castañeda (1931-1998) [9] refers in these terms to this kind of Datura:
  89. "The devil's weed has four heads; the root, the stem and the leaves, the flowers and the seeds. Each one is different, and whoever makes it his ally must learn about them in that order. The most important head The power of the devil's weed is gained through its roots. The stem and the leaves are the head that heals the diseases; used right, this head is a gift to humanity. The third head is in the flowers, and is used to drive people crazy or to make them obedient, or to kill them.The man who has the weed as an ally never absorbs the flowers, not even the stem and leaves, unless he himself is sick, but the roots and seeds are always absorbed, especially the seeds, which are the fourth head of the devil's weed and the most powerful of the four. "
  91. Can you imagine if is being used in milk or other processed food...
  92. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  94. Readed this:
  96. Pretty sure if there is a more advanced outer space alien civilization in reaching distance it wound just wipe out almost all people of the planet (only a "hand full" would be spared), when the planet reach(ed) a tipping point of technological advancement. Due to "evolutionary" choices made by the rulers... grown up stuff.
  97. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  99. Readed on newspapers that there is a "prison" on Guantanamo with all sorts of nasty stuff happening there, pretty sure journalists don't know much about geography other wise they would situated it in Portugal.
  100. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  102. Saw this:
  104. Just barely read it... but seams (to me) Nazi's were Jews too.^^
  108. "Simmons graduated its first African American student in 1914. Furthermore, Simmons was one of the few private colleges not to impose admission quotas on Jewish students for the first half of the 1900s."
  110. Seams Americans didn't liked Jews all that much at the beginning of the 20 century. Things have changed since then, now you can see Walmart supermarket and fast food joints in Israel.
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