
Skingrad notes

Sep 14th, 2015
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  1. 18:21:04] <Zini> So like
  2. [18:21:07] <Zini> Skingrad
  3. [18:21:10] <Zini> first off, its name
  4. [18:21:20] <Zini> I need to figure out a meaning for its name
  5. [18:21:33] <Zini> part of it is obvious because of known exact meaning that's reasonable for the situation
  6. [18:21:36] <Zini> and that is -grad
  7. [18:22:03] <Zini> which is part of why I like slavic elements in the colovians in some places because its a slavic term for a town or a settlement
  8. [18:22:25] <Zini> but the skin part
  9. [18:22:31] <Zini> I could go two routes with that
  10. [18:22:43] <Zini> bullshit up a meaning related to the weald
  11. [18:22:44] <Zini> or
  12. [18:23:37] <Zini> go with it being a reference to the leatherwork that the town did in its first years of being one of the numerous lumber villages before it became powerful
  13. [18:24:00] <Zini> since skinn was old english and stuff for leather
  14. [18:24:45] <Zini> what do you think
  15. [18:29:36] <Zini> Also I should have said it before but chorrol's name is a dialectal variation of a nordic word meaning to gather in one place
  16. [18:30:00] <Zini> since it was where several nomad tribes decided to reside in one place
  17. [18:30:09] <Zini> obviously from the real life word corral
  18. [18:38:36] <Zini> Sefiriot, you still there?
  19. [18:39:09] <Sefiriot> Was in the shower, Zini
  20. [18:39:19] <Zini> Oh
  21. [18:39:20] <Zini> er
  22. [18:39:21] <Zini> sorry
  23. [18:39:59] <Sefiriot> Like the etymologies proposed
  24. [18:40:35] <Zini> Do you think I should go with the leather related origin for Skingrad's name?
  25. [18:40:42] <Sefiriot> Though... When did wine and cheese making take off in Skingrad?
  26. [18:41:26] <Zini> The wine making was always present due to the prevalence of grapes in the region
  27. [18:41:31] <Zini> cheese was initially subsistence
  28. [18:41:41] <Sefiriot> Mhm
  29. [18:42:01] <Zini> after the Bretons became independent of the Direnni and some of them moved into Colovia, many of them settled into the Weald area
  30. [18:42:10] <Sefiriot> I'd like to invite you to consider what Cyrodiilic, ancient and present might be like
  31. [18:42:16] <Zini> where they brought with them certain expertise
  32. [18:43:03] <Zini> I have no clue what the differences between the two languages would be
  33. [18:43:28] <Zini> I imagine ancient colovi as being almost entirely a mash-up of horribly pronounced ayleid and nordic
  34. [18:44:24] <Zini> well, same with the nibenay, but in different ways
  35. [18:44:36] <Zini> with colovi being more guttaral/harsh
  36. [18:44:51] <Zini> and the many nibenese languages being smoother and more melodic
  37. [18:45:02] <Zini> more vowel endings rather than harsh consonants
  38. [19:03:31] Acer [~Acer@1a9e3c85.53886e8.1df4f87e.d14813fX] has joined #memospore2
  39. [19:03:47] <Zini> So, back to Skingrad
  40. [19:05:50] <Zini> Skingrad started out as one of the many lumber villages at the beginning of the weald on the edge of the southern highlands. The majority of them, like skingrad, were hill-towns, with either a central keep or the whole village on a large hill or elevated plateau.
  41. [19:05:54] <Sefiriot> Mhm
  42. [19:08:08] <Zini> These villages provided lumber from the ancient southern reaches of the great forest, or as it was known to the colovi, the region known as 'Wald', from a nordic word that is the same root as the bretonic 'wood'.
  43. [19:10:12] <Zini> Skingrad managed to achieve prominence due to its efforts to establish trade with the heartland and the niben valley alongside its forestry, and quickly grew to be the dominant kingdom of the region.
  44. [19:14:15] <Zini> By Rislav's time it was one of the stronger western kingdoms, and it did not yet sprawl across the gold road.
  45. [19:15:55] <Zini> Despite proximity to the Alessian's empire, Skingrad was one of the most resistant kingdom to their philosophies, partially due to the legacy of King Rislav.
  46. [19:20:15] <Zini> Following the decline of the Direnni in High Rock, many of the newly independent bretons left their homeland either as traders or as raiders, and in the process many of them came to reside in western Cyrodiil. Skingrad became one of the primary places they settled, feeling at home in the city's love of culinary arts.
  47. [19:23:55] <Zini> following the war of the righteousness, Skingrad began to rise significantly in wealth. With the Alessians fractured, trade between the heartlands and the niben valley became open to colovia again, which they hadn't been for nearly 1500 years.
  48. [19:25:29] <Zini> Due to proximity Skingrad was the primary gateway for the nibenese to trading with the kingdoms of the southern highlands, and the majority of silk worn by colovians came into their hands from Skingrad trading companies.
  49. [19:29:18] <Sefiriot> Wait. Why wouldn't the trade routes between the valley and heartlands not be open to Colovia?
  50. [19:29:57] <Zini> because for the most part for a long while the alessians had kind of been feuding with Colovia
  51. [19:30:01] <Zini> I didn't put that well
  52. [19:30:06] <Zini> less they weren't open
  53. [19:30:12] <Zini> more they were more open
  54. [19:31:41] <Zini> less tarrifs and taxes on colovian goods in alessian markets, less chance of your caravan being confiscated on grounds of containing heretical goods by nibenese customs officials
  55. [19:31:52] <Zini> that kind of thing
  56. [19:35:35] <Zini> Skingrad for the most part rode out the Reman era and the and the rule of the potentates peacefully, though once the interregnum arrived it fell into the brutal warfare that swept across Tamriel. It was frequently assaulted by warlords both colovian and nibenese. It was during the interregnum that the current castle was constructed, commissioned on a hill just outside the city walls by the
  57. [19:37:23] <Sefiriot> By the?
  58. [19:37:33] <Acer> the?
  59. [19:37:45] <Acer> the who?
  60. [19:38:16] <Sefiriot> Lol. Hullo Acer
  61. [19:38:31] <Acer> heya
  62. [19:38:54] <Acer> Just watchin'
  63. [19:39:05] <Zini> bretonic colovi warlord Gepage Surginett, whose family coat of arms featured the double moons sigil now utilized fully by the city.
  64. [19:39:46] <Zini> (or maybe not on that last part. I've yet to decide. )
  65. [19:40:33] <Acer> I wanted to ask you about some colovian stuff, Zini
  66. [19:42:51] <Zini> The Surginett's held the city for several decades, before they were replaced by the Soloder family and the Soloder family by the Otteben family and the Otteben family by the Jolestri family and so on and so forth.
  67. [19:44:17] <Zini> *pausing for Acer*
  68. [19:44:21] <Zini> sure, what's up?
  69. [19:44:38] <Zini> (also I don't know if you can tell but I don't have much in the way of history for Skingrad )
  70. [19:44:48] <Acer> Do you have anything written down about Delodiil?
  71. [19:45:42] <Zini> Nope
  72. [19:46:12] <Acer> I'm trying to figure out the timeline for the Hollow City and I think it might be the ayleid-turned-colovian city of Delodiil
  73. [19:46:28] <Zini> probably was
  74. [19:46:45] <Zini> and its stated to have been heartland, so it probably was in or near the great forest
  75. [19:46:59] <Acer> Hmm
  76. [19:47:20] <Acer> Do we have a translation for diil?
  77. [19:47:35] <Zini> and dissapeared ancient enough that it doesn't really appear in records
  78. [19:47:45] <Zini> no, and its likely more -odiil is the thing
  79. [19:48:06] <Acer> It's mentioned in Remanada
  80. [19:48:12] <Zini> odiil appears in the city name Delodiil, the province name Cyrodiil, in a few colovian names, and in a rare few altmer names
  81. [19:48:16] <Zini> yeah, the Odiil family
  82. [19:48:28] <Zini> a colovian family
  83. [19:48:29] <Acer> The only thing throwing me off is that it's supposed to be a city of Meridia worshippers
  84. [19:48:48] <Acer> A colovian city of Meridia worshippers?
  85. [19:48:49] <Acer> lol
  86. [19:49:22] <Zini> It may have been an ayleid city tolerated by Colovians with a post slave population
  87. [19:49:23] <Acer> But if it's more to the heartlands it might make more sense
  88. [19:49:36] <Zini> Alessia did let numerous ayleid cities survive
  89. [19:50:03] <Zini> as vassals/protectorates
  90. [19:50:07] <Acer> Hmm
  91. [19:50:30] <Zini> honestly it could have very well been on the nibenese side of the heartlands
  92. [19:50:44] <Zini> and its dissapearance could have been very early in Cyrod's life
  93. [19:51:04] <Acer> It's mentioned being in the west in Remanada
  94. [19:51:08] <Zini> Cyrod didn't fall under the control of the elf-genocidal Alessians until after Amiel's reign
  95. [19:51:31] <Acer> They could've retconed that, but the book appears without changes in ESO so I think it's purposeful
  96. [19:51:41] <Zini> Ah, yeah, you're right
  97. [19:51:50] <Zini> yeah it was probably on the great forest area
  98. [19:51:58] <Acer> Yeeah, probably
  99. [19:53:10] <Zini> Anyways, back to Skingrad
  100. [19:53:39] <Zini> so
  101. [19:53:46] <Zini> this is where I come to you for advice
  102. [19:54:00] <Zini> what is the status of Hassildor in the modern time
  103. [19:54:37] <Sefiriot> Acer: my question to you on Delodiil then would be "west of where?"
  104. [19:55:09] <Acer> Western Cyrodiil
  105. [19:55:24] <Acer> "Once-worthy western kings, of Anvil and Sarchal, of Falkreath and Delodiil,"
  106. [19:55:42] <Sefiriot> Again, west of which point?
  107. [19:55:52] <Sefiriot> Direction and distances are relative
  108. [19:56:10] <Zini> because remanada refers to western cyrod I imagine that's what it means
  109. [19:56:15] <Zini> since Colovia is the west
  110. [19:56:42] <Zini> seriously guys what should the status of the Hassildors be
  111. [19:57:02] <Zini> and should the Hassildors be a family that has controlled Skingrad since Tiber's time
  112. [19:57:51] <Acer> Hmm, are there mentions of the others Hassildors that came before Janus?
  113. [19:57:56] <Zini> no
  114. [19:58:22] <Zini> and Janus had been a vampire for 50 years when we meet him in Oblivion
  115. [19:59:14] <Acer> And for their current status, I'm not really sure. I don't think Janus would have an offspring after his wife died. But he also could still be alive because of his vampirism.
  116. [20:01:15] <@Mojo> Zini, I think you pinged me a couple times. I've had bronchitis the past couple days and have been hibernating for the most part.
  117. [20:03:04] <Zini> I'm thinking something like
  118. [20:03:37] <Zini> modern skingrad's count is the reclusive Count Sebastus Hassildor
  119. [20:03:50] <Zini> (but its actuall Janus using a different name)
  120. [20:04:20] <Zini> (with Janus faking his death and giving himself a new name every 6 or 7 decades)
  121. [20:05:43] <Zini> anyways
  122. [20:05:53] <Zini> the region and the county
  123. [20:07:48] <Zini> Skingrad is located in the forested region of Colovia called the Weald. In ancient times it was as thickly forested the whole way through as the great forest, but the western side of the weald was at one point nearly barren from its use as lumber. The Weald as a region actually sprawls from the edge of the niben valley to Skingrad's location, and it is often divided into a western and eastern
  124. [20:08:00] <Zini> weald.
  125. [20:10:18] <Zini> The eastern weald is ranier and more humid, and in its northern portions blends with the mangrove swamps of the southern most heartlands. The western weald, on the other hand, is somewhat dryer though still wet relative to other colovian kingdoms. While not the crags of the northern highlands or the rockfilled expanse of the southern ones, it is scattered with ravines, canyons, and outcroppings.
  126. [20:12:25] <Zini> The western weald is pocked with dozens of vineyards where fine colovian wines have been made for hundreds of years. Skingrad is famous for its vintages, and the county exports spirits across Tamriel, even in some cases to the dominion.
  127. [20:14:49] <Zini> The county itself occupies the western side of the weald and the eastern half of the southern highlands, another three quarters of which was once part of the old county Kvatch.
  128. [20:17:42] <Zini> The peoples of the weald are diverse like the rest of western Cyrodiil, with some exceptions. Unlike the other two southern colovian cities, it does not have a very high elven population, or a very high population of Redguards.
  129. [20:18:34] <Zini> Its inhabitants are mostly of imperial, nordic, and bretonic descent, and features a relatively large proportion of nibenese descended individuals compared to other colovian cities.
  130. [20:22:09] <Sefiriot> Sounds good
  131. [20:22:41] <Zini> Skingrad has always been the culinary capital of the colovian west, likely due to the mixing of colov, nibenese, and bretonic dishes. Most prominent is their adaptations of nibenese noodles, replicating nibenese rice noodles using wheat for a variety of dishes.
  132. [20:22:56] <Sefiriot> Sounds even better
  133. [20:23:00] <Zini> Also, I'm probably not going to say it in the thing, but pizza
  134. [20:23:08] <Zini> Wald colovi have pizza
  135. [20:23:12] <Sefiriot> Sure
  136. [20:23:40] <Sefiriot> Flatbread with toppings is a commonality in most cultures
  137. [20:23:45] <Zini> yes
  138. [20:23:52] <Zini> and since they have tomatoes
  139. [20:24:03] <Zini> they can make pizza as we think of it
  140. [20:24:12] <Zini> well not quite like dominoes pizza or anything like that but still
  141. [20:24:35] <Acer> Lol, colovian pizza
  142. [20:29:20] <Zini> the majority of skingrad's people live in tightly packed stone (usually) 2-story buildings, similarly to Kvatch and prior to its burning, Anvil. The streets of the city are narrow, and many of them are not wide enough for a carriage to pass through.
  143. [20:32:31] <Zini> It is in Skingrad that the Duke of Colovia resides, in the ancient colovian fortress that Rislav and his kin once resided in on the northern side of the city. From there he works to keep the three colovian counties at peace with each other, and represents western Cyrod to the elder council.
  144. [20:35:40] <Sefiriot> Sounds good
  145. [20:35:41] WHO entry for Acer [~Acer@1a9e3c85.53886e8.1df4f87e.d14813fX]: Channel: #memospore2, Server:, Hops: 1, Flags: H, Away: No, Real name: realname
  146. [20:35:41] WHO entry for ez0lv []: Channel: #memospore2, Server:, Hops: 1, Flags: HS, Away: No, Real name: ez0 lv
  147. [20:35:41] WHO entry for Zini [~kvirc@33fe9952.2486bca.3fd056b1.252137eX]: Channel: #memospore2, Server:, Hops: 1, Flags: H, Away: No, Real name: uggascrugga
  148. [20:35:41] WHO entry for coldacid [~chris@lich.shoujo.tragical.faustus]: Channel: #memospore2, Server:, Hops: 1, Flags: HS+, Away: No, Real name: Chris Charabaruk
  149. [20:35:41] WHO entry for Magnus___ []: Channel: #memospore2, Server:, Hops: 1, Flags: H, Away: No, Real name: Architect
  150. [20:35:41] WHO entry for Sefiriot [~Ari@211e61ee.31a16b5d.342981b0.20db5883X]: Channel: #memospore2, Server:, Hops: 1, Flags: HS, Away: No, Real name: Arianne@server
  151. [20:35:41] WHO entry for Mojo [sid84759@mythic.dawn]: Channel: #memospore2, Server:, Hops: 1, Flags: H@, Away: No, Real name: Mojo
  152. [20:35:41] WHO entry for Arena []: Channel: #memospore2, Server:, Hops: 1, Flags: H@, Away: No, Real name: Blood in the Amphitheatrum Flavium!
  153. [20:35:41] WHO entry for Dovahkiin [~Talos@N39.W104]: Channel: #memospore2, Server:, Hops: 1, Flags: HS!, Away: No, Real name: Talos
  154. [20:35:41] End of WHO list for #memospore2
  155. [20:36:35] <Zini> The people of skingrad are in many ways a hybridization of the colovians and the nibenese due to cultural intermingling. While dominantly following the same branch of the eight divines the rest of colovia, they are more tolerant of cult behaviors.
  156. [20:39:06] <Zini> And that's all I got for Skingrad
  157. [20:39:13] <Zini> what do you guys think about it all
  158. [20:39:16] <Zini> any suggestions?
  159. [20:39:18] <Zini> any questions?
  160. [20:54:49] <Sefiriot> Gotta digest a bit
  161. [20:54:49] <Sefiriot> But overall sounds reasonable
  162. [20:54:49] <Sefiriot> Is the title of "Duke of Colovia" a new creation of the Medes, or a revived one?
  163. [20:54:49] <Sefiriot> And is it hereditary, or purely by appointment, or semi-hereditary? What's the law of succession under the Medes, and how does it differ if at all from the Septims?
  164. [20:55:13] <Zini> I-I dunno
  165. [20:55:34] <Zini> and I imagined its been in place since the septim dynasty, possibly reinstituted after the brief interregnum by Mede
  166. [20:56:07] <Zini> I'd imagine semi-hereditary? Like, its appointed, and it can be passed on by bloodline, but the emperor can easily appoint a new one
  167. [20:56:26] <Zini> well, not easily
  168. [20:56:53] <Zini> but if the emperor feels they are not adequately managing colovia under him, he can move to replace them
  169. [20:59:05] <Zini> how were the names Surginett and Sebastus
  170. [20:59:08] <Zini> did they sound good
  171. [21:04:05] <Sefiriot> Yeah
  172. [21:05:08] <Zini> speaking of names, here's the most recent copy of the Breton ones
  173. [21:05:13] <Zini> updated it again today
  174. [21:05:20] <Zini>
  175. [21:37:18] <Sefiriot> Thanks Zini
  176. [21:49:01] <Sefiriot> Meanwhile, I've been re-imagining my TES PCs in Torchlight 2
  177. [22:08:00] <Zini> :o ?
  178. [23:26:10] <Sefiriot> Sorry for AFK Zini. Am at cousin's wedding
  179. [23:27:33] <Sefiriot> Anyway, yeah. Torchlight 2 is pretty much like Diablo 2 & 3, but better, easily moddable
  180. [23:33:15] <Sefiriot> But the story is interesting, even if it lacks TES's depth
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