
Gee, what a nice offer

Jun 23rd, 2015
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  1. 13:10:06 <%ZombieMesh> Vincent emerges from his room, yawning. He spots the Leonard.
  2. 13:10:16 <%ZombieMesh> "Yo."
  3. 13:10:28 <Hankolijo> Leo continues looking thoughtful. He looks to Vincent.
  4. 13:11:33 <%ZombieMesh> Vincent sighs, pulling up a seat to sit across from him.
  5. 13:11:42 <Hankolijo> :|
  6. 13:11:55 <%ZombieMesh> "Leo."
  7. 13:12:12 <Hankolijo> :|
  8. 13:12:40 <%ZombieMesh> Vincent leans forward and goes to press his hands against Leo's face to squish his cheeks together. "Stop being such a bother."
  9. 13:13:04 <Hankolijo> Leo pulls his head back. "..."
  10. 13:13:29 <%ZombieMesh> Vincent releases his grip at the resistances, crossing his legs.
  11. 13:14:45 <Hankolijo> "Vincent, you don't as much as believe in what I feel. Excuse me if I have trouble taking your advice." :|
  12. 13:15:17 <%ZombieMesh> "I'm not giving you advice, I'm telling you to stop being so bothersome. "
  13. 13:15:55 <%ZombieMesh> "You keep getting rejected and that's just a sad thing that it's making me depressed."
  14. 13:16:33 <Hankolijo> "Me getting rejected shouldn't bother you. I try not to let it bother myself, after all."
  15. 13:17:14 <%ZombieMesh> "But seeing stupid people falling for the same thing over and over is depressing. I can't help it."
  16. 13:17:32 <%ZombieMesh> Vincent leans back, looking at the wall as if in thought.
  17. 13:18:10 <%ZombieMesh> "Why don't you let me take you on a date? That way you can be the one who rejects someone instead of the opposite."
  18. 13:18:24 <Hankolijo> Leonard sighs. "I'm sorry, but my stupidity and emotions are my own business."
  19. 13:18:30 <Hankolijo> "..."
  20. 13:18:40 <Hankolijo> "Hilarious."
  21. 13:19:02 <%ZombieMesh> "I'll take you out to dinner, we'll have a nice night, and at the end of the night I'll lean in for a kiss and you'll say you don't feel the same way."
  22. 13:19:06 <%ZombieMesh> Vincent looks completely serious,
  23. 13:19:08 <%ZombieMesh> Or indifferent,
  24. 13:19:11 <%ZombieMesh> It's hard to tell.
  25. 13:19:17 <Hankolijo> :|
  26. 13:19:45 <Hankolijo> "Yeah, you were right. Maybe your life would be simpler if you were a chick." :|
  27. 13:20:04 <%ZombieMesh> Vincent lets out a long sigh, slumping down.
  28. 13:20:14 <%ZombieMesh> "How unfair..."
  29. 13:20:44 <%ZombieMesh> "I bet a woman would get a lot of dates with a line like that..."
  30. 13:21:30 <Hankolijo> "Yeah, well, until you manage to get a pair of boobs, I'm going to have to decline." :|
  31. 13:21:55 <%ZombieMesh> "Wait, so if I was a chick you would have accepted?"
  32. 13:22:13 <Hankolijo> "Possibly." :|
  33. 13:22:51 <%ZombieMesh> "What's the difference?! I mean, sure, a few body parts, but it's not like we're going to have sex. It's just a date."
  34. 13:23:57 <Hankolijo> "I'm not interested in going on dates with men." :|
  35. 13:24:42 <%ZombieMesh> "Come on, Leo. The only difference that there is is that you can't stare at my boobs the whole time."
  36. 13:26:09 <%ZombieMesh> "Think about Marion. They aren't a guy or a girl. Would you take the, on a date?"
  37. 13:26:14 <%ZombieMesh> Them**
  38. 13:26:32 <Hankolijo> Leo blinks. "Uh... Probably not?" :/
  39. 13:26:58 <%ZombieMesh> Vincent puts his hands on his head, "UUUUGH why are men so complicated."
  40. 13:27:20 <Hankolijo> Shrug. "For similar reasons why women are complicated, I suppose." :|
  41. 13:27:22 <%ZombieMesh> He sighs, looking back down again, his hands going back to a normal position.
  42. 13:27:41 <%ZombieMesh> "Women don't have a problem with going on a date with me. I mean, past the fact if they don't like me."
  43. 13:28:24 ⇐ GraemeCracker quit ( Quit: Run and fun
  44. 13:28:37 <Hankolijo> "But they may have a problem going out with other women. I mean, some of them. Sometimes it feels like every woman on site is attracted to women." :\
  45. 13:29:11 <%ZombieMesh> "Probably because they aren't as close minded and stubborn as men."
  46. 13:29:31 <Hankolijo> "Uh huh." :|
  47. 13:29:40 <%ZombieMesh> "Look, the whole point was to make you feel better, thus making /me/ feel better."
  48. 13:30:04 <%ZombieMesh> "You reject me after a date, that way you're not the one being rejected."
  49. 13:30:15 <Hankolijo> Leonard places his hand on his eyes. "Can't fucking believe this... What do you have in mind?"
  50. 13:30:15 <%ZombieMesh> "The point isn't that you like me, it's the end result."
  51. 13:30:35 <%ZombieMesh> Vincent's eyes light up, surprised by the sudden change.
  52. 13:30:55 <%ZombieMesh> "I was thinking something simple. Dinner then the cinema."
  53. 13:31:07 <Hankolijo> "Uh huh."
  54. 13:31:33 <%ZombieMesh> "I'd have to look into places around here though. Not familiar with the area."
  55. 13:31:58 <Hankolijo> "I am." ~Why did I say that?~
  56. 13:32:47 <%ZombieMesh> "Oh. Know a good place to eat? I can find movie listings in the newspaper."
  57. 13:33:19 <Hankolijo> "I know several, but only a couple in which I wouldn't be recognized." :|
  58. 13:35:50 <%ZombieMesh> "Well, you can pick one of those if you'd like."
  59. 13:37:31 <Hankolijo> Leonard nods. "And if you tell anyone about this, you're dead." :|
  60. 13:38:15 <%ZombieMesh> Vincent makes a zipper gesture up to his mouth.
  61. 13:40:02 <Hankolijo> Leonard rubs his face. "Just... Tell me when you find a movie or something and we can go."
  62. 13:40:59 <%ZombieMesh> Vincent nods. "I might have time tommorow..." He looks up at the clock. "Or rather, today. I'll tell you when I find out times for the cinema."
  63. 13:42:42 <Hankolijo> "Yeah, whatever." :|
  64. 13:43:23 <%ZombieMesh> Vincent stands up. "Well, thanks for agreeing. I hope it won't be too unpleasant for you."
  65. 13:43:41 <Hankolijo> "Uh huh."
  66. 13:44:41 <%ZombieMesh> "I'm going to sleep, have a good night Leo."
  67. 13:44:52 <Hankolijo> "Yeah. Good night Vincent."
  68. 13:45:28 <%ZombieMesh> He waves to Leonard and exits the commons, going to his room to sleep.
  69. 13:47:42 <Hankolijo> Leo lays down in the couch. Slowly a thought sinks in.
  70. 13:47:51 <Hankolijo> ~I just agreed to go on a date with Vincent.~
  71. 13:47:53 <Hankolijo> :[
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