

Dec 7th, 2019
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  1. function checkifallowed()
  2. return true
  3. end
  5. wait(2)
  7. if checkifallowed() then
  8. pcall(function()
  9. if getgenv().exe ~= true then
  10. --Library
  11. local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()
  13. --Main
  14. local w = library:CreateWindow('Saber Farm')
  16. --Credit Tab
  17. local cred = library:CreateWindow('Credits')
  19. --Credits
  20. cred:Section('Scripts: Guerra')
  21. cred:Section('UI Library: wally')
  22. cred:Section('Seller: Guerra')
  24. cred:Label('Thank for Purchase')
  26. --Top
  27. w:Section('Made by Megumu & Guerra')
  29. --Toogle
  30. w:Section('Auto Farms')
  31. local t = w:Toggle('Strength', {flag = "farm"})
  32. local t = w:Toggle('Boss', {flag = "boss"})
  33. local t = w:Toggle('Daily Reward', {flag = "daily"})
  35. --Section
  36. w:Section('Auto Upgrade')
  38. --Toogles
  39. local t = w:Toggle('Saber', {flag = "saber"})
  40. local t = w:Toggle('DNA', {flag = "dna"})
  41. local t = w:Toggle('Class', {flag = "class"})
  42. local t = w:Toggle('Aura', {flag = "aura"})
  44. --Section
  45. w:Section('Auto Sell')
  47. --Toogles
  48. local t = w:Toggle('Enabled', {flag = "sell"})
  49. local t = w:Toggle('Fill', {flag = "fill"})
  51. --Section
  52. w:Section('Teleports')
  54. --Toggles
  55. local t = w:Toggle('Coins', {flag = "coins"})
  56. local t = w:Toggle('Candy', {flag = "corn"})
  57. local t = w:Toggle('NoClip', {flag = "noclip"})
  58. local t = w:Slider("TP Speed", {
  59. min = 30;
  60. max = 50;
  61. flag = 'tpspeed'
  62. },function(v)
  63. getgenv().tpspeed = tonumber(v)
  64. end)
  66. local h = library:CreateWindow('Not VIP Servers')
  68. h:Section('Farm')
  70. local z = h:Toggle('Capture all Flags', {flag = "flagss"})
  71. local z = h:Toggle('Hill!', {flag = "hill"})
  72. --Pets
  73. local pet = library:CreateWindow('Pets')
  75. --Toggles
  76. pet:Section('Auto Buy')
  77. local t = pet:Toggle('Auto Buy x1', {flag = "petbuy"})
  78. local t = pet:Toggle('Auto Buy x3', {flag = "petbuy1"})
  79. pet:Section('Autobuy x3 works ONLY')
  80. pet:Section('if you have x3 Gamepass')
  82. --Get List
  83. local elist = {}
  84. for i,v in pairs(game.ReplicatedStorage.Eggs:GetChildren()) do
  85. table.insert(elist, v.Name)
  86. end
  87. pet:Dropdown("Eggs", {
  88. location = getgenv();
  89. flag = "egg";
  90. list = elist
  91. }, function(new)
  92. getgenv().egg = tostring(new)
  93. print(new)
  94. end)
  96. --Settings
  97. pet:Section('Auto Sell')
  98. local t = pet:Toggle('Auto Sell', {flag = "petsell"})
  99. local box = pet:Box('Strength', {
  100. flag = "str";
  101. type = 'number';
  102. }, function(new, old, enter)
  103. getgenv().petstrength = new
  104. end)
  105. local box = pet:Box('Coins', {
  106. flag = "str";
  107. type = 'number';
  108. }, function(new, old, enter)
  109. getgenv().petcoin = new
  110. end)
  111. local box = pet:Box('Crowns', {
  112. flag = "str";
  113. type = 'number';
  114. }, function(new, old, enter)
  115. getgenv().petcrown = new
  116. end)
  117. pet:Section('Auto Sell Rarity')
  118. local t = pet:Toggle('Commons', {flag = "common"})
  119. local t = pet:Toggle('Un-commons', {flag = "uncommon"})
  120. local t = pet:Toggle('Rare', {flag = "rare"})
  121. local t = pet:Toggle('Epic', {flag = "epic"})
  122. local t = pet:Toggle('Legendary', {flag = "legendary"})
  123. local t = pet:Toggle('Moon', {flag = "moon"})
  124. pet:Section('If you select the "Moon"')
  125. pet:Section('You are SOO Stupid.')
  126. pet:Section('AUTO CRAFT ALL PETS')
  127. local t = pet:Toggle('Auto Craft Golden', {flag = "combineg"})
  128. local t = pet:Toggle('Auto Craft Shiny', {flag = "combines"})
  129. local t = pet:Toggle('Auto Craft Rainbow', {flag = "combiner"})
  132. --Anti-AFK
  133. local VirtualUser=game:service'VirtualUser'
  134. game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Idled:connect(function()
  135. VirtualUser:CaptureController()
  136. VirtualUser:ClickButton2(
  137. end)
  139. --Globals
  140. getgenv().exe = true
  141. getgenv().petcrown = 1
  142. getgenv().petcoin = 1
  143. getgenv().petstrength = 1
  144. getgenv().tpspeed = 30
  145. getgenv().egg = "Basic Egg"
  146. getgenv().TELEPORTING = false
  148. --Variables
  149. local RS = game.ReplicatedStorage
  150. local events = RS.Events
  151. local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  153. if game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):UserOwnsGamePassAsync(game.Players.LocalPlayer.UserId, 7163507) then
  154. getgenv().speedGP = true;
  155. else
  156. getgenv().SpeedGP = false;
  157. end
  159. --Credits
  160. for i = 1, 3 do
  161. game:GetService"StarterGui":SetCore('SendNotification', {
  162. Title = "Discord: BzTXuEk";
  163. Text = "Updated by Guerra";
  164. Duration = 30;
  165. })
  166. end
  168. --Check
  169. function check(p, i)
  170. if p:FindFirstChild(i) then
  171. return true
  172. else
  173. return false
  174. end
  175. end
  177. --Equip
  178. function equip()
  179. if player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") then
  180. return true
  181. elseif player:FindFirstChild("Backpack") and player.Backpack:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") and player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  182. repeat
  183. if player:FindFirstChild("Backpack") and player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and player.Backpack:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") then
  184. player.Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(player.Backpack:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool"))
  185. end
  186. wait()
  187. until player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool")
  188. return true
  189. else
  190. return false
  191. end
  192. end
  194. --NoClip
  195. spawn(function()
  196. while wait(0.25) do
  197. if w.flags.noclip and tostring(Stepped) ~= "Connection" then
  198. Stepped = game:GetService('RunService').Stepped:Connect(function()
  199. if player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  200. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(11)
  201. end
  202. end)
  203. elseif not w.flags.noclip and Stepped then
  204. Stepped:Disconnect()
  205. Stepped = nil
  206. end
  207. end
  208. end)
  210. --Delete Pet
  211. function petdel(pet)
  212. events.PetCommand:FireServer(pet.Name, "Delete")
  213. end
  214. -- Combine Pet
  215. function combinepet(pet)
  216. events.PetCommand:FireServer(pet.Name, "Combine")
  217. end
  218. --Pet Buy
  219. spawn(function()
  220. while wait(0.15) do
  221. if pet.flags.petbuy then
  222. if RS.Eggs:FindFirstChild(getgenv().egg) then
  223. events.HatchEggs:InvokeServer(RS.Eggs[getgenv().egg], 1)
  224. wait(0.15)
  225. end
  226. end
  227. end
  228. end)
  229. spawn(function()
  230. while wait(0.15) do
  231. if pet.flags.petbuy1 then
  232. if RS.Eggs:FindFirstChild(getgenv().egg) then
  233. events.HatchEggs:InvokeServer(RS.Eggs[getgenv().egg], 3)
  234. wait(0.15)
  235. end
  236. end
  237. end
  238. end)
  240. ------------------------------------------------------------------------COMMON PET
  241. spawn(function()
  242. while wait(0.15) do
  243. if pet.flags.common then
  244. if check(player, "PlayerGui") and check(player.PlayerGui, "Gui") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui, "Submenus") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus, "PetsInventory") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory, "PetsFrame") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory.PetsFrame, "Frame") then
  245. for i,v in pairs(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory.PetsFrame.Frame:GetChildren()) do
  246. if v:IsA("ImageButton") and check(v, "IMG") and v.IMG:FindFirstChildOfClass("ViewportFrame") then
  247. local PLR_PET = v.IMG:FindFirstChildOfClass("ViewportFrame").Name
  248. if v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Cat") then
  249. petdel(v)
  250. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Chicken") then
  251. petdel(v)
  252. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Noob") then
  253. petdel(v)
  254. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Dog") then
  255. petdel(v)
  256. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Penguin") then
  257. petdel(v)
  258. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Magma") then
  259. petdel(v)
  260. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Owl") then
  261. petdel(v)
  262. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Ninja") then
  263. petdel(v)
  264. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Sheep") then
  265. petdel(v)
  266. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Clown") then
  267. petdel(v)
  268. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Dominus Rex") then
  269. petdel(v)
  270. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Redcliff") then
  271. petdel(v)
  272. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Fox") then
  273. petdel(v)
  274. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Sailor") then
  275. petdel(v)
  276. end
  277. wait()
  278. end
  279. end
  280. end
  281. end
  282. end
  283. end)
  284. ------------------------------------------------------------------------UNCOMMON PET
  285. spawn(function()
  286. while wait(0.15) do
  287. if pet.flags.uncommon then
  288. if check(player, "PlayerGui") and check(player.PlayerGui, "Gui") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui, "Submenus") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus, "PetsInventory") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory, "PetsFrame") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory.PetsFrame, "Frame") then
  289. for i,v in pairs(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory.PetsFrame.Frame:GetChildren()) do
  290. if v:IsA("ImageButton") and check(v, "IMG") and v.IMG:FindFirstChildOfClass("ViewportFrame") then
  291. local PLR_PET = v.IMG:FindFirstChildOfClass("ViewportFrame").Name
  292. if v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Panda") then
  293. petdel(v)
  294. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Guest") then
  295. petdel(v)
  296. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Spider") then
  297. petdel(v)
  298. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Vampire") then
  299. petdel(v)
  300. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Bee") then
  301. petdel(v)
  302. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Shark") then
  303. petdel(v)
  304. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Iris") then
  305. petdel(v)
  306. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Television") then
  307. petdel(v)
  308. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Duck") then
  309. petdel(v)
  310. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Royal Red") then
  311. petdel(v)
  312. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Dominus Messor") then
  313. petdel(v)
  314. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Astral Isle Wizard") then
  315. petdel(v)
  316. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Pink Fox") then
  317. petdel(v)
  318. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Pancake") then
  319. petdel(v)
  320. end
  321. wait()
  322. end
  323. end
  324. end
  325. end
  326. end
  327. end)
  328. ------------------------------------------------------------------------RARE PET
  329. spawn(function()
  330. while wait(0.15) do
  331. if pet.flags.rare then
  332. if check(player, "PlayerGui") and check(player.PlayerGui, "Gui") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui, "Submenus") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus, "PetsInventory") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory, "PetsFrame") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory.PetsFrame, "Frame") then
  333. for i,v in pairs(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory.PetsFrame.Frame:GetChildren()) do
  334. if v:IsA("ImageButton") and check(v, "IMG") and v.IMG:FindFirstChildOfClass("ViewportFrame") then
  335. local PLR_PET = v.IMG:FindFirstChildOfClass("ViewportFrame").Name
  336. if v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Cow") then
  337. petdel(v)
  338. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Candy") then
  339. petdel(v)
  340. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Octopus") then
  341. petdel(v)
  342. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Frankenstein") then
  343. petdel(v)
  344. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Zombie Dog") then
  345. petdel(v)
  346. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Bat") then
  347. petdel(v)
  348. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Demon") then
  349. petdel(v)
  350. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Fiery Slime") then
  351. petdel(v)
  352. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Butterfly") then
  353. petdel(v)
  354. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("King") then
  355. petdel(v)
  356. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Angel") then
  357. petdel(v)
  358. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Tiger") then
  359. petdel(v)
  360. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Bubbles") then
  361. petdel(v)
  362. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Werewolf") then
  363. petdel(v)
  364. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Halfy") then
  365. petdel(v)
  366. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Dominus Astra") then
  367. petdel(v)
  368. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Dominus Aureus") then
  369. petdel(v)
  370. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Darkage") then
  371. petdel(v)
  372. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Splintered Knight") then
  373. petdel(v)
  374. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Monkey") then
  375. petdel(v)
  376. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Flower") then
  377. petdel(v)
  378. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Spikey") then
  379. petdel(v)
  380. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Derp") then
  381. petdel(v)
  382. end
  383. wait()
  384. end
  385. end
  386. end
  387. end
  388. end
  389. end)
  390. ------------------------------------------------------------------------EPIC PET
  391. spawn(function()
  392. while wait(0.15) do
  393. if pet.flags.epic then
  394. if check(player, "PlayerGui") and check(player.PlayerGui, "Gui") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui, "Submenus") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus, "PetsInventory") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory, "PetsFrame") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory.PetsFrame, "Frame") then
  395. for i,v in pairs(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory.PetsFrame.Frame:GetChildren()) do
  396. if v:IsA("ImageButton") and check(v, "IMG") and v.IMG:FindFirstChildOfClass("ViewportFrame") then
  397. local PLR_PET = v.IMG:FindFirstChildOfClass("ViewportFrame").Name
  398. if v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Turtle") then
  399. petdel(v)
  400. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Queen") then
  401. petdel(v)
  402. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Special Ops") then
  403. petdel(v)
  404. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Demonfly") then
  405. petdel(v)
  406. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Neon Green") then
  407. petdel(v)
  408. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Alien") then
  409. petdel(v)
  410. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("C.C Bot") then
  411. petdel(v)
  412. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Spider Queen") then
  413. petdel(v)
  414. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Mad Scientist") then
  415. petdel(v)
  416. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Dominus Frigidus") then
  417. petdel(v)
  418. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Dominus Infernus") then
  419. petdel(v)
  420. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Overseer Eyes") then
  421. petdel(v)
  422. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Redcliff Knight") then
  423. petdel(v)
  424. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Tank") then
  425. petdel(v)
  426. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Zoom") then
  427. petdel(v)
  428. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Train") then
  429. petdel(v)
  430. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Hazmat") then
  431. petdel(v)
  432. end
  433. wait()
  434. end
  435. end
  436. end
  437. end
  438. end
  439. end)
  440. ------------------------------------------------------------------------LEGENDARY PET
  441. spawn(function()
  442. while wait(0.15) do
  443. if pet.flags.legendary then
  444. if check(player, "PlayerGui") and check(player.PlayerGui, "Gui") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui, "Submenus") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus, "PetsInventory") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory, "PetsFrame") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory.PetsFrame, "Frame") then
  445. for i,v in pairs(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory.PetsFrame.Frame:GetChildren()) do
  446. if v:IsA("ImageButton") and check(v, "IMG") and v.IMG:FindFirstChildOfClass("ViewportFrame") then
  447. local PLR_PET = v.IMG:FindFirstChildOfClass("ViewportFrame").Name
  448. if v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Pumpkin") then
  449. petdel(v)
  450. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Volcano") then
  451. petdel(v)
  452. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Apollo") then
  453. petdel(v)
  454. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Blink-o") then
  455. petdel(v)
  456. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Overseer") then
  457. petdel(v)
  458. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Dusk Reaper") then
  459. petdel(v)
  460. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Dominus Empyreus") then
  461. petdel(v)
  462. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("OpaOpa") then
  463. petdel(v)
  464. end
  465. wait()
  466. end
  467. end
  468. end
  469. end
  470. end
  471. end)
  472. ------------------------------------------------------------------------MOON PET
  473. spawn(function()
  474. while wait(0.15) do
  475. if pet.flags.moon then
  476. if check(player, "PlayerGui") and check(player.PlayerGui, "Gui") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui, "Submenus") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus, "PetsInventory") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory, "PetsFrame") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory.PetsFrame, "Frame") then
  477. for i,v in pairs(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory.PetsFrame.Frame:GetChildren()) do
  478. if v:IsA("ImageButton") and check(v, "IMG") and v.IMG:FindFirstChildOfClass("ViewportFrame") then
  479. local PLR_PET = v.IMG:FindFirstChildOfClass("ViewportFrame").Name
  480. if v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Dual Green Reaper") then
  481. petdel(v)
  482. elseif v.IMG:FindFirstChild("Zappy") then
  483. petdel(v)
  484. end
  485. wait()
  486. end
  487. end
  488. end
  489. end
  490. end
  491. end)
  492. -----------------------COMBINE PET-- GOLDEN
  493. spawn(function()
  494. while wait(0.15) do
  495. if pet.flags.combineg then
  496. if check(player, "PlayerGui") and check(player.PlayerGui, "Gui") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui, "Submenus") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus, "PetsInventory") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory, "PetsFrame") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory.PetsFrame, "Frame") then
  497. for i,v in pairs(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory.PetsFrame.Frame:GetChildren()) do
  498. if v:IsA("ImageButton") and check(v, "IMG") and v.IMG:FindFirstChildOfClass("ViewportFrame") then
  499. local PLR_PET = v.IMG:FindFirstChildOfClass("ViewportFrame").Name
  500. if v:FindFirstChild("Shiny") and v.Shiny.Visible == false then
  501. if v:FindFirstChild("Golden") and v.Golden.Visible == false then
  502. if v:FindFirstChild("Rainbow") and v.Rainbow.Visible == false then
  503. combinepet(v)
  504. end
  505. wait()
  506. end
  507. end
  508. end
  509. end
  510. end
  511. end
  512. end
  513. end)
  514. -----------------------COMBINE PET-- SHINY
  515. spawn(function()
  516. while wait(0.15) do
  517. if pet.flags.combines then
  518. if check(player, "PlayerGui") and check(player.PlayerGui, "Gui") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui, "Submenus") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus, "PetsInventory") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory, "PetsFrame") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory.PetsFrame, "Frame") then
  519. for i,v in pairs(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory.PetsFrame.Frame:GetChildren()) do
  520. if v:IsA("ImageButton") and check(v, "IMG") and v.IMG:FindFirstChildOfClass("ViewportFrame") then
  521. local PLR_PET = v.IMG:FindFirstChildOfClass("ViewportFrame").Name
  522. if v:FindFirstChild("Shiny") and v.Shiny.Visible == false then
  523. if v:FindFirstChild("Rainbow") and v.Rainbow.Visible == false then
  524. if v:FindFirstChild("Golden") and v.Golden.Visible == true then
  525. combinepet(v)
  526. end
  527. wait()
  528. end
  529. end
  530. end
  531. end
  532. end
  533. end
  534. end
  535. end)
  536. -----------------------COMBINE PET-- RAINBOW
  537. spawn(function()
  538. while wait(0.15) do
  539. if pet.flags.combiner then
  540. if check(player, "PlayerGui") and check(player.PlayerGui, "Gui") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui, "Submenus") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus, "PetsInventory") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory, "PetsFrame") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory.PetsFrame, "Frame") then
  541. for i,v in pairs(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory.PetsFrame.Frame:GetChildren()) do
  542. if v:IsA("ImageButton") and check(v, "IMG") and v.IMG:FindFirstChildOfClass("ViewportFrame") then
  543. local PLR_PET = v.IMG:FindFirstChildOfClass("ViewportFrame").Name
  544. if v:FindFirstChild("Rainbow") and v.Rainbow.Visible == false then
  545. if v:FindFirstChild("Golden") and v.Golden.Visible == false then
  546. if v:FindFirstChild("Shiny") and v.Shiny.Visible == true then
  547. combinepet(v)
  548. end
  549. wait()
  550. end
  551. end
  552. end
  553. end
  554. end
  555. end
  556. end
  557. end)
  558. --Pet Sell
  559. spawn(function()
  560. while wait(0.15) do
  561. if pet.flags.petsell then
  562. if check(player, "PlayerGui") and check(player.PlayerGui, "Gui") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui, "Submenus") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus, "PetsInventory") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory, "PetsFrame") and check(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory.PetsFrame, "Frame") then
  563. for i,v in pairs(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Submenus.PetsInventory.PetsFrame.Frame:GetChildren()) do
  564. if v:IsA("ImageButton") and check(v, "IMG") and v.IMG:FindFirstChildOfClass("ViewportFrame") then
  565. local PLR_PET = v.IMG:FindFirstChildOfClass("ViewportFrame").Name
  566. if v:FindFirstChild("Shiny") and v.Shiny.Visible == true then
  567. Shiny = 2;
  568. elseif v:FindFirstChild("Golden") and v.Golden.Visible == true then
  569. Shiny = 1.5;
  570. elseif v:FindFirstChild("Rainbow") and v.Rainbow.Visible == true then
  571. Shiny = 2.5;
  572. else -- normal pet
  573. Shiny = 1;
  574. end
  575. if RS.Pets:FindFirstChild(PLR_PET) then
  576. if RS.Pets[PLR_PET].StrengthMulti.Value * Shiny < getgenv().petstrength then
  577. petdel(v)
  578. end
  579. wait()
  580. if RS.Pets[PLR_PET].CoinsMulti.Value * Shiny < getgenv().petcoin then
  581. petdel(v)
  582. end
  583. wait()
  584. if RS.Pets[PLR_PET].CrownsMulti.Value * Shiny < getgenv().petcrown then
  585. petdel(v)
  586. end
  587. wait()
  588. end
  589. end
  590. end
  591. end
  592. end
  593. end
  594. end)
  599. --Auto Stuff
  600. spawn(function()
  601. while true do
  602. if then
  603. --AutoSaber
  604. if w.flags.saber then
  605. for i,v in pairs(RS.ShopItems.Swords:GetChildren()) do
  606. if not v:FindFirstChild("ID") then
  607. events.BuyItem:FireServer(v)
  608. end
  609. end
  610. end
  611. wait(0.5)
  612. --AutoDNA
  613. if w.flags.dna then
  614. for i,v in pairs(RS.ShopItems.Backpacks:GetChildren()) do
  615. if not v:FindFirstChild("ID") then
  616. events.BuyItem:FireServer(v)
  617. end
  618. end
  619. end
  620. wait(0.5)
  621. --AutoClass
  622. if w.flags.class then
  623. for i,v in pairs(RS.ShopItems.Classes:GetChildren()) do
  624. if not v:FindFirstChild("ID") then
  625. events.BuyItem:FireServer(v)
  626. end
  627. end
  628. end
  629. wait(0.5)
  630. --Daily
  631. if w.flags.daily then
  632. if workspace.DailyReward.Location.BillboardGui.Frame.TextLabel2.Text == "DAILY REWARD" and check(player.Character, "HumanoidRootPart") then
  633. getgenv().TELEPORTING = true;
  634. game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(player.Character.HumanoidRootPart,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {CFrame = workspace.DailyReward.Location.CFrame}):Play()
  635. wait(player:DistanceFromCharacter(workspace.DailyReward.Location.Position)/getgenv().tpspeed)
  636. getgenv().TELEPORTING = false;
  637. end
  638. end
  639. wait(0.5)
  640. if w.flags.aura then
  641. for i,v in pairs(RS.ShopItems.Auras:GetChildren()) do
  642. if not v:FindFirstChild("ID") then
  643. events.BuyItem:FireServer(v)
  644. end
  645. end
  646. end
  647. wait(0.5)
  648. else
  649. wait(0.5)
  650. end
  651. end
  652. wait()
  653. end)
  655. --Boss
  656. spawn(function()
  657. while wait() do
  658. if w.flags.boss then
  659. if getgenv().TELEPORTING == false and check(workspace, "Boss") and check(workspace.Boss, "Health") and workspace.Boss.Health.Value > 0 and check(player.Character, "HumanoidRootPart") then
  660. enemy = workspace:FindFirstChild("Boss")
  661. getgenv().TELEPORTING = true
  662. game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(player.Character.HumanoidRootPart,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {CFrame = enemy.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame}):Play()
  663. wait(player:DistanceFromCharacter(enemy.HumanoidRootPart.Position)/getgenv().tpspeed)
  664. repeat
  665. if player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and enemy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and player:DistanceFromCharacter(enemy.HumanoidRootPart.Position) < 10 then
  666. player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = enemy.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  667. if equip() then
  668. player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool").RemoteClick:FireServer()
  669. end
  670. wait()
  671. elseif check(player.Character, "HumanoidRootPart") and check(enemy, "HumanoidRootPart") then
  672. game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(player.Character.HumanoidRootPart,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {CFrame = enemy.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame}):Play()
  673. wait(player:DistanceFromCharacter(enemy.HumanoidRootPart.Position)/getgenv().tpspeed)
  674. end
  675. until w.flags.boss == false or enemy == nil or enemy.Parent == nil or not enemy:FindFirstChild("Health") or enemy.Health.Value <= 0
  676. getgenv().TELEPORTING = false
  677. end
  678. end
  679. end
  680. end)
  682. --Find Nearest
  683. function nearest(Pose, type)
  684. local Closest
  685. local Distance = math.huge
  686. for _,v in pairs(workspace[type]:GetChildren()) do
  687. if getgenv().TELEPORTING == false and v:FindFirstChild("TouchInterest") and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  688. local newDistance = (v.Position - Pose).magnitude
  689. if newDistance < Distance then
  690. Closest = v
  691. Distance = newDistance
  692. end
  693. end
  694. end
  695. return Closest
  696. end
  698. --TP Collect
  699. function collect(type)
  700. repeat
  701. if check(player.Character, "HumanoidRootPart") then
  702. v = nearest(player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position, type)
  703. end
  704. wait(0.25)
  705. until v ~= nil
  706. if getgenv().TELEPORTING == false and v:FindFirstChild("TouchInterest") and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  707. getgenv().TELEPORTING = true
  708. game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(player.Character.HumanoidRootPart,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {CFrame = v.CFrame}):Play()
  709. wait(player:DistanceFromCharacter(v.Position)/getgenv().tpspeed)
  710. getgenv().TELEPORTING = false
  711. return
  712. end
  713. end
  715. --Collect Coins
  716. spawn(function()
  717. while true do
  718. if w.flags.coins then
  719. collect("CoinsHolder")
  720. end
  721. wait(0.25)
  722. if w.flags.corn then
  723. collect("CandyHolder")
  724. end
  725. wait(0.25)
  726. end
  727. end)
  729. --Sell
  730. spawn(function()
  731. while wait() do
  732. if w.flags.sell then
  733. if w.flags.fill and player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") and player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("Gui") and player.PlayerGui.Gui:FindFirstChild("Home") and player.PlayerGui.Gui.Home:FindFirstChild("Sand") and player.PlayerGui.Gui.Home.Sand:FindFirstChild("Amount") then
  734. if string.split(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Home.Sand.Amount.Text, " / ")[1] == string.split(player.PlayerGui.Gui.Home.Sand.Amount.Text, " / ")[2] then
  735. if check(player.Character, "HumanoidRootPart") and player:DistanceFromCharacter(workspace.Locations.Sell.Position) > 15 and getgenv().TELEPORTING == false then
  736. getgenv().TELEPORTING = true
  737. game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(player.Character.HumanoidRootPart,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {CFrame = workspace.Locations.Sell.CFrame}):Play()
  738. wait(player:DistanceFromCharacter(workspace.Locations.Sell.Position)/getgenv().tpspeed)
  739. getgenv().TELEPORTING = false
  740. end
  741. events.Sell:FireServer()
  742. end
  743. else
  744. if check(player.Character, "HumanoidRootPart") and player:DistanceFromCharacter(workspace.Locations.Sell.Position) > 15 and getgenv().TELEPORTING == false then
  745. getgenv().TELEPORTING = true
  746. game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(player.Character.HumanoidRootPart,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {CFrame = workspace.Locations.Sell.CFrame}):Play()
  747. wait(player:DistanceFromCharacter(workspace.Locations.Sell.Position)/getgenv().tpspeed)
  748. getgenv().TELEPORTING = false
  749. end
  750. events.Sell:FireServer()
  751. end
  752. end
  753. end
  754. end)
  755. spawn(function()
  756. while wait() do
  757. local CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  758. for i , v in pairs(game.Workspace.Flags:GetChildren()) do
  759. if v.OwnerValue.Value ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then
  760. if h.flags.flagss and getgenv().TELEPORTING == false then
  761. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.Base.CFrame
  762. repeat
  763. wait()
  764. until v.OwnerValue.Value == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name
  765. wait(13.5)
  766. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame
  767. end
  768. end
  769. end
  770. end
  771. end)
  773. spawn(function()
  774. while wait() do
  775. if h.flags.hill and getgenv().TELEPORTING == false then
  776. if check(player.Character, "HumanoidRootPart") then
  777. getgenv().TELEPORTING = true
  778. game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(player.Character.HumanoidRootPart,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {CFrame = workspace.Locations.KOH.CFrame}):Play()
  779. wait(player:DistanceFromCharacter(workspace.Locations.KOH.Position)/getgenv().tpspeed)
  780. getgenv().TELEPORTING = false
  781. end
  782. end
  783. end
  784. end)
  786. --Strength
  787. while true do
  788. if then
  789. --AutoFarm
  790. if equip() then
  791. events.Clicked:FireServer()
  792. if getgenv().speedGP then
  793. if player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool"):FindFirstChild("SwingDelay") then
  794. wait(player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool").SwingDelay.Value/2)
  795. else
  796. wait(1)
  797. end
  798. else
  799. if player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool"):FindFirstChild("SwingDelay") then
  800. wait(player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool").SwingDelay.Value)
  801. else
  802. wait(1)
  803. end
  804. end
  805. end
  806. end
  807. wait()
  808. end
  809. end
  810. end)
  811. else
  812. pcall(function()
  813. if getgenv().exe ~= true then
  814. --Library
  815. local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()
  817. --Main
  818. local w = library:CreateWindow('YOU NOT HAVE ACCESS')
  820. --Credit Tab
  821. local cred = library:CreateWindow('Only Premium Users')
  823. --Credits
  824. cred:Section('Buy this script from')
  825. cred:Section('GUERRA')
  826. cred:Section('Discord:')
  827. cred:Section('')
  828. for i = 1, 5 do
  829. game:GetService"StarterGui":SetCore('SendNotification', {
  830. Title = "Discord: BzTXuEk";
  831. Text = "Updated by Guerra";
  832. Duration = 30;
  833. })
  834. end
  835. end
  836. end)
  837. end
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