

Nov 26th, 2017
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  3. » | name:
  4. ◦ Winochai Kyungsoo | his birthname with his father’s surname
  5. ◦ Hong Kyungsoo | 홍경수 | after his mother got married to his step-father, Kyungsoo took his step-father’s last name
  6. » | nickname(s):
  7. ◦ soo | a shortening of his name. the much younger members call him this on top of hyung.
  8. ◦ smol hiro | the other members call him this to piss him off. It works.
  9. ◦ flying fairy | comes from his cheerleading team. They called him this because he was a flyer, and also because he is so small.
  10. ◦ lemur | nobody really knows the origin of this nickname. Some say it comes from him acting like a spoiled lemur. Somehow it just stuck, and Kyungsoo doesn’t really complain.
  12. » | birthday: march 14, 1995
  13. » | age: 22
  15. » | sex: male
  16. » | height: 165cm (5'5)
  17. » | weight: 52kg (114lbs)
  18. » | blood type: A
  23. » | faceclaim: ten of nct
  24. » | backup faceclaim: jinhwan of ikon
  26. » | nationality: korean
  27. » | ethnicity: korean-thai
  29. » | birthplaces: seoul, south korea
  30. » | hometown:
  31. ◦ seoul, south korea (lived from birth to 4)
  32. ◦ jinhae-gu, south korea (4 to present)
  33. » | languages spoken:
  34. ◦ korean | fluent
  35. ◦ english | mostly-fluent, taught by mother and comic books
  37. » | family:
  38. ◦ soo yebin | 수예빈, 44, mother, translator, 5
  39. ◦ hong changmin | 홍창민, 39, step-father, cafe owner, 5 [ very close considering he was the only person that gave him and his mom a chance ]
  40. ◦ hong chungha | 홍청하, 22, step-sister, idol, 5
  42. » | godly parent:
  43. ◦ Hermes aka Winochai Ampawn, father, 2
  44. ◦ The two don’t really get along. Kyungsoo kinda hates his dad’s guts, even though he knows his dad had no other choice but to leave his mom and go back to Olympus. It didn’t help that when they met, Ampawn looked down lifelessly as Kyungsoo cried angrily and heartbroken towards his father. Kyungsoo was never really one to show his emotions so easily, so for him to cry in front of someone who was practically a stranger meant what he was feeling was a feeling very strong. The only reason why their relationship is a bit more decent that shit is because Ampawn helped Kyungsoo control his powers and learn them. Kyungsoo appreciated that, and thus cut his father a bit of slack.
  45. ◦ Yebin doesn’t hate Junhoe, she understands him in some odd way. She’s a hopeless romantic and likes to believe that Junhoe loves her as she did him, but if he didn’t she wouldn’t start hating him because of it. Yebin could never muster up enough emotions to hate Junhoe, he gave her Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo was her gift from the gods– literally.
  47. » | background: ❨ Yebin & Ampawn ❩
  48. ◦ there isn't much to say about Yebin and Ampawn. Yebin was in an exchange program, helping foreign students as a part of her degree at the university in Seoul when she met him; she was only 21. It was love at first sight, Yebin immediately falling in love with him. He was youthful, graceful, and seemingly pure. Yebin found that he was in touch with the present world, and the world beyond. He was perfect in her eyes, and Yebin honestly believed he could do nothing wrong. He was kind and gentle with her, he treated her amazingly, making her fall even more and more in love with him. He laid his trap perfectly, and like a naive idiot, she took the bait. They dated, and during that time he treated her amazingly, making her blind to who he really was and what his real purpose was. Hermes was the god of trickery (and other things) and he used that gift of his to complete what he was sent down here to do, to create offspring. He wasn't totally heartless, but he had to create offspring, and that was most important (even more than Yebin). It was his mission, and he has to complete it for the sake of his bloodline and the bloodline of the gods. And when Yebin got pregnant, Ampawn told her who he really was. She was taken back, to say the least. She was livid; he had lied to her and gotten her pregnant just to leave. Ampawn, hoping to make it better, promised to stay and provide for her and the baby until it was born. He would stay until the baby was born to ensure it was healthy and alive, but he would have to go back to Mount Olympus.
  50. » | background: ❨ Kyungsoo ❩
  51. ◦ Kyungsoo lived a pretty okay life. For the most part he got what he wanted, his single mom wanting to keep him healthy and happy. It was true his mom struggled to get everything for him, but she would always go the extra mile just to see him happy. He did lack some materialistic things, but those things he lacked – his mother made up in love. She constantly was there to love on him when she knew he was having a bad day, and encouraging him when it was a good one. She constantly was one to give into Kyungsoo's needs, even if they were stupid (which they ended up being a lot of the time). An example of this is when Kyungsoo once refused his mom's food because he wanted chicken nuggets. That poor fucking woman drove to the exact place he wanted and got him chicken nuggets. It's easy to say that his need for chicken nuggets was the beginning of his bratty ways. His mom constantly did everything to keep her son happy. She would make ends me as best she could, and would encourage her son to pursue things, even if she couldn't afford everything. Growing up he was a very involved child. He was in boy scouts when he was younger, as well as the school band for a bit, he was also in choir in middle school, and sports as well. He remained busy, his mom providing him with every necessity he needed. Due to his mom providing for him constantly, he never has time to stop and think about how he never really appreciated that. It wasn't until he was older that he saw how much his mother struggled to make him happy and provide basic necessities. He was selfish as a child, and for most of his teen years until he truly saw how much effort his mom had put in just to give him a good life. To make it even better, his grandmother (like any good grandma does) showered him with love, often taking his side when he disagreed with his mother. He was her only grandchild so you better fucking believe his ass was pampered by this woman.
  52. ◦ It was 8 years old that he discovered his powers. He was attempting to buy his mom's favorite snack on the way home from school to surprise her (with money he stole from his teacher). He found that he didn't have enough money to get the thing he needed, and became pissed with himself for not taking enough money. So he decided he would steal the snack. However when he was going to do that, he felt a strange feeling take over his body. He looked down at the money and found that it had multiplied right before his eyes. Frightened with what happened, he ran away from the scene, the money still in hand. He ran home and showed his mom. Kyungsoo couldn't understand what was happening, while his mother knew her fear was coming true. His father visited him not long after that, while his mother was working a job. He was frightened at first, being that a stranger magically appeared in his house. However when he soon found the identity of the strange man, he was livid to say the least (and confused at how his father could be a greek god). He screamed and cursed at the man until he cried. He broke down while his father simply watched him with emotionless eyes. He explained how he saw his son's future, thanks to a seer, and was here to help him understand his powers. His father did not take no for an answer, and thus Kyungsoo had no choice but to accept his offer, as much as he despised it and his father.
  53. ◦ kyungsoo grew up much of his life cocky and arrogant. He showed disdain towards many others, thinking of himself as somebody so great. Not only was he good at everything that he came in contact with, but he was a demi-god for fucks sake. The years following his discovery of his powers, he abused them. the boy would steal from stores, not because he needed it, but because he found joy in it. he would manipulate his loose change to buy himself things he never needed, rather than giving back to his mom that worked hard to make him happy. while he was cocky and arrogant in his sports, he was a very very hard worker (if that makes up for anything). He took his sports seriously and always put 110% into anything he did. he was one of the best players in all of the teams he played on, boosting his already astronomical ego.
  54. ◦ his step-father and step-sister first properly joined the family unit when he was in his 1st year of middle school. he hated them with a fiery passion because they just had to come in and fuck everything up. sure he did like changmin, but that bitch ruined everything he had going with his family unit that consisted of him and his mom. any kid would be defensive when their routine and life was flipped around. he tended to be a little shit to chungha who was a year older than him. it wasn’t until he made he cry once that he realized he had taken it to far, and immediately turned his act around. he slowly but surely came around, and ended up actually taking a strong liking to them – creating close bonds with both changmin and chungha.
  55. ◦ in his high school career, kyungsoo was both the most hated and the most liked person in the school. sure he was the biggest bitch in the whole school, but he was good at everything he did that it was hard not to like him. kyungsoo is charismatic in his own way, and somehow despite his selfish and egotistical ways people still liked to be around him. he was the star of the track team, one of the best soccer players, and a pretty damn good cheerleader. it was when he started to discover himself more and accepted things about himself he secretly had his before. it was when he started dating the closeted gay football player and would hook up with him in the guy’s shower room and random janitor’s closets. it was also the time he was at cheerleading practice and teleported into the boy’s locker room because he had recently discovered the power and was still learning how to control it.
  56. ◦ when he first found rapping, it was more of a hobby. he was far too focused on sports to actually become invested in it. it wasn’t until his 2nd year of high school that he actually started practicing a lot, and taking rapping seriously. one day while on the locker room he was rapping to himself while getting into his cheerleading outfit when that one gay football player came in a heard him rapping. he complimented kyungsoo and told him how good his rapping was. The boy, of course, let it get to his head (and his dick) and started rapping a lot more after that, practicing day and night and writing raps in his room at 1 in the morning. over time he became very invested with the art, it becoming a passion over a hobby. The boy took from older artists like Seo Taji and the Boys, Epik High, etc. and adapted his rap to sound more old school than anything. And his passion became more when he began frequenting at underground rap performances. Imagine it, a small teenager performing on stage among older, equally cocky rappers. He surprised his audiences quite a few times, proving his skill even at such a young age.
  57. ◦ It wasn’t until he was out of High School that the boy auditioned for a Entertainment Company. He graduated in 2012, and immediately after went to a company. He first auditioned at Starship Entertainment, and made it in, staying there for two years. Then after an argument with a vocal coach who tried to change his rapping style (and even threatened to make it so he didn’t debut if he didn’t change his style) numerous times, he left the company and searched for a new home. The boy needed up finding it in the sketchy ass TS Entertainment. He however didn’t care about their image all too much, as long as they were content with his rapping, then he would be fine as well.
  63. » | slot: son of hermes
  64. » | backup slot: son of hades
  66. » | personality:
  68. • arrogant, confident, egotistical, prideful
  69. ◦ kyungsoo has always thought highly of himself since he was young. putting himself on a pedestal away from everyone else not only made him feel better about his own fucked up emotions, but to reassure him that he was golden and could not be hurt by people less than him. his achievements throughout childhood seems to fuel his prideful ways, causing him to think better of himself because he was the one getting gold medals and trophies for his achievement – not other kids. it didn’t help when he discovered he was a demi-god. as if his goddamn emotions couldn’t get any more unstable, his dad whom he always thought bitterly comes into his life and changes his world forever. and while kyungsoo didn’t really care for his dad all too much, he took a liking to a power he had over people around him. this new discovery of his heritage has taken the pedestal he had before, and raised it about 10x higher. with all his talents and his powers he thought he was untouchable, that nobody would ever amount to anything he had done. it was a childish way of thinking that he had much throughout his childhood and took on with him into adulthood, however he has slightly matured about the fact and let his was deflate a bit. don’t let this fool you though, while he has matured a lot – any compliment given to him will go straight to his dick.
  71. * bratty, stubborn, “my way or the highway” type
  72. ◦ kyungsoo is, to put it simply, a brat. while he wasn't exactly from the richest family, he was still an only child, and that being said he didn't have to fight with anyone for his mother's attention. he gets what he wants and he doesn't take kindly to the word no. he tends to become very cynical if he doesn’t get his way, and will go out of his way to piss anybody and everybody off until he is satisfied with the end result. he is very hard-headed and will argue to the ends of the earth just to prove his point, even if he is wrong (he ends up just looking stupid but he doesn't care he will fucking fight). he tends to butt heads with seongwoo more often than not, despite also helping seongwoo handle the children.
  75. * cynical, sarcastic, impulsive
  76. ◦ it’s a wonder how much kyungsoo helps seongwoo when he tends to be the most unhelpful person on the planet with his relentless, in your face attitude. while kyungsoo is surprisingly patient with others, it doesn’t stop him from throwing unnecessary sarcasm someone’s way. kyungsoo is a selfish person, often thinking of how things would benefit him – whether it be messing with another member or doing something that could very well get everyone in trouble. he doesn’t really think before he does when it comes to what he wants for himself, often just saying “fuck it” and hoping for the outcome he wants. yet, when it comes to the others he won’t be quick to act and will actually surprise them by thinking his actions through.
  78. • hardworking, helpful, resilient, diligent
  79. ◦ despite his cockiness, he doesn’t use that as a scapegoat to get out of doing things. in fact, kyungsoo works very hard and is always trying to perform above & beyond. he often spends hours trying to perfect his skill, and is very persistent when doing so. he tends to sometimes give the others shit when they don’t practice as long as he does (which calls for seongwoo to have to get his dog to heel). on the other hand he is also very helpful when it comes to practice. despite not being the best dancer in the whole wide world, he learns quick thanks to cheerleading and helps the struggling members get the choreography (although he denies any emotions had a play in helping them, he claims he just wanted it to be learned and done with). he also helps the rappers perfect their raps, it’s almost like kyungsoo has an almost heightened sense just for detecting discrepancies in other’s raps and is quick to try and help them fix it (but he doesn’t save being a little shit while doing it. one time he told son of thanatos that he needs to rap better like him. let’s just say that one little shit should not spite another little shit because it will always end in a shit storm). kyungsoo is very patient with the others, but he tends to sometimes get to wrapped up in something that he will start throwing a bitch fit at the other members. sometimes, when worst comes to worst seongwoo has to step in to tell the boy to calm down and leave the kids alone.
  81. • emotionally stupid, secretly caring, safety in indifference
  82. ◦ kyungsoo has never really been one to show his emotions. he never really cried in front of his mom that much, or anyone except his biological father once. the boy’s ego is simply too big and he is too prideful to wear his heart on his sleeve. kyungsoo, in a selfish attempt to protect his feelings and his ego, believes that if he pretends not to care or feel then he won’t be hurt. he may act like a tough bitch, but kyungsoo is a china shop just waiting for the bull to run through. in fact, kyungsoo might be one of the worst at dealing with his own emotions. he is always quick to over up his emotions with cocky self-praise, and rude ass remarks. he in general doesn’t know how to handle emotional moments, due to having the emotional intelligence of a potato. there are only a few rare times when he can overcome this awkward approach to feelings and actually give good advice.
  83. ◦ despite his asshole ways and his tendency to pinpoint every other member and attack them the second they breathe, he truly cares about them. it’s a given due to the fact that the boys have been together for years now. he also is always working behind the scenes making sure everyone is content and happy because he knows most of them (if not all) will die, so he wants to be there for the others in the short time they have left. lastly, he wants to be a better person for his mother. growing up he didn’t really appreciate his mother before it was too late, so to make it up to her he wants to be he best man he can be (and he hopes to become that by taking care of the other members).
  86. » | habits:
  87. ◦ he has long nails so he often clicks them together
  88. ◦ when he is nervous, he tugs at his ear
  89. ◦ he is constantly putting chapstick on his lips, it’s a habit that he has never been able to get out of.
  90. ◦ whenever he is working he tends to mumble under his breath to himself.
  91. ◦ clicking his tongue when he is aggravated.
  93. » | hobbies:
  94. ◦ tumbling
  95. ◦ running — he runs most when he is stressed out
  96. ◦ listening to music
  97. ◦ cooking — he only cooks chicken nuggets. that’s it. just chicken nuggets
  98. ◦ being a whiny bitch — he loves pissing people off
  100. » | fears:
  101. ◦ the dark — fucking pussy
  102. ◦ being forgotten — kyungsoo is someone that lives off of attention whether he likes it or not, so for him to be put on the back burner would be the worst thing in the world.
  103. ◦ the ocean — he doesn’t trust those sketchy ass fish bitches
  104. ◦ fish — fish give him the creeps. also they are fucking stupid. fuck fish
  107. » | likes:
  108. ◦ captain america — when he was younger it was one of the only things his mother could afford to get him as entertainment (and when she couldn't afford them, he would simply steal them. he read them times over and over again, wanting to be a hero like Steve Rogers for his mom.
  109. ◦ harry potter — he doesn't appreciate the book series as much as captain america, but it's his favorite book series.
  110. ◦ track and field — when he was in high school he got into the sport. He enjoyed running but never really thought going anywhere with it until the Track coach urged Kyungsoo to try out for the team his first year of high school. The boy immediately took a liking to it,
  111. ◦ cheerleading — one of his girl friends was complaining about not having enough girls on the team. she kept saying that nobody was wanting to be a flyer so he said fuck it because he was shorter than most of the girls on the team and tried out and made the cheer team.
  112. ◦ chicken nuggets — they are amazing fuck you
  113. ◦ chokers — give him just a piece of fabric or even a fucking dog collar and he will love it. this boy loves chokers so much and will wear them any chance he can
  114. ◦ south park — its crude, funny, and mad woke what’s not to love?
  115. ◦ ice cream — he likes ice cream but not milk ?? weird
  116. ◦ when people lightly trace their fingers across his body — do this to him and he is fucking yours
  117. ◦ glitter eyeshadow — ???? yes
  118. ◦ the gym — catch his small ass being surprisingly muscles even though it does not show on his body at all
  119. ◦ video games — his favorite type of video games are open world games and meme type games that make fun of themselves
  121. » | dislikes:
  122. ◦ milk
  123. ◦ being told no
  124. ◦ hot weather — he would rather snuggle up in be warm, which makes no sense because all he likes to do is take his clothes off
  125. ◦ cats — he is convinced they are evil and planning world domination
  126. ◦ homophobes — he once told this homophobe to “suck my gay dick”
  127. ◦ fake woke people
  128. ◦ being upstaged
  129. ◦ people who mispronounce words that are easy to pronounce
  130. ◦ horror movies — it’s not that he is scared it’s just that they are always so fucking cheesy and there is nothing scary about any of them
  131. ◦ those really sad dog commerials
  132. ◦ hypocrites
  133. ◦ oreos — fuck those things they are fucking disgusting. and them with milk? fuck that shit
  135. » | trivia:
  137. ◦ due to cheerleading, he is amazing at tumbling
  138. ◦ he has a twitter and instagram, both under @ks.hiro
  139. ◦ he could probably tell you everything about captain america he loves captain america with his whole being. he has a shit ton of merch. don’t ask him about captain america unless you want to die because he will talk you to death.
  140. ◦ he has all of the harry potter series three times over: twice in korean, and once in english.
  141. ◦ reading harry potter in english helped him improve his english.
  142. ◦ he wasn't very smart when he started school, and was slandered because of it. so to show everyone he was able of doing it, he studied harder and harder (also because he actually appreciated learning and liked to do so). he ended up being 1st in his class for his middle school and some of his high school career.
  143. ◦ whenever he gets bored, he makes chicken nuggets
  144. ◦ he is openly gay. While he doesn't go spouting it around on live television, if someone were to question him he would tell them he is homosexual. his reason for being open with it being: "i’ll probably die soon anyways, so why not go out guns blazing?"
  145. ◦ during high school, kyungsoo was very athletic. He was on the cheerleading time as a flyer, on the boys soccer team, and track & field.
  146. ◦ his last two years of track & field he was the captain.
  147. ◦ he has a total of 10 piercings. 9 on his ear and 1 belly button piercing.
  148. ◦ since he was a trainee at starship, he is close to the monsta x members. most importantly he is close with wonho, shownu, and jooheon. (him and kihyun are too alike it would be bad)
  149. ◦ he claims his charm points are his hands, his lips, and his beauty mark under his eye
  150. ◦ he secretly likes wearing mesh tops (gets flashbacks to jinhwan in a mesh top)
  151. ◦ he wore hoop earrings this one time and actually liked them a lot.
  152. ◦ he is allergic to penicillin.
  153. ◦ when he was younger he would read captain america comic books which better furthered his english
  154. ◦ claims he is chaotic evil
  155. ◦ since he is afraid of the dark, he has a hello kitty nightlight that he claims is “totally metal”
  156. ◦ he played the clarinet for 2 years in middle school
  157. ◦ he was in choir for about 4 years in elementary and middle school
  158. ◦ he is really strong but shows like 0 muscle, so people are really surprised when he fucking flings them across the room
  159. ◦ secretly likes shakira but nobody knows
  160. ◦ he admires and loves seo taji & the boys, epik high, jay park, loco, bang yongguk, and simon d
  165. » | stage name: hiro (히어로)
  166. ◦ this comes from the japanese name which means to be tolerant and generous (which are two things that hardly represent kyungsoo as a person). it also is a play on the word hero, meaning that kyungsoo often is there in times of need for the other members. he is a strong member that keeps the team going behind the scenes (but also loves to start a bit of chaos).
  168. » | self-introduction:
  169. ◦ “hi. 안녕. . i’m royalty’s main rapper, your hero, hiro.”
  171. » | signature lines:
  172. ◦ “i can be your hero!” (to the tune of hero by monsta x)
  173. ◦ “i expect nothing and i’m still let down.”
  174. ◦ “i’m not smol and cute. i’m evil, fear me.”
  175. ◦ “captain america-sunbaenim.”
  176. ◦ “i just came to stare at seongwoo’s ass if i’m being honest.”
  177. ◦ “how about fuck you?”
  178. ◦ “look, it’s me... picking up the slack for your sorry asses... again.”
  179. ◦ “i will kick your ass in the ass.”
  180. ◦ “i’m feeling mad horny right now guys” (an alternative is “this yelling and shit totally deflated my boner and now i’m pissed.”)
  182. » | trainee period:
  183. ◦ 4 years: 2 at starship and 2 at ts
  186. » | why did you character audition to become a trainee? especially if it was after the wrath and they knew they might end up on sacrificial lamb
  187. ◦ at the end of his high school career, rapping and sports were his life. he could either take a career in sports or one in rapping. he quickly realized that with rapping he could sill run and play soccer on the side, but professional sports left room for not much of anything besides that. so he decided to go into the music business so he could tackle to things he loved, even though he knew the wrath was a thing. the wrath didn’t really worry him until it shit on his door step. when he was a trainee he was nothing but confident in his abilities and thought he had a good chance of winning sacrificial lamb. however he never really though it would happen to him, and did nothing but run his mouth until it came knocking on his door.
  189. » | vocal skill: 2.5/5
  190. » | vocal range:
  191. ◦ while in the school choir he didn’t learn how to perfectly master his voice, but he was able to get a stable voice and understand tone and pitch and learn how to follow notes. kyungsoo is a tenor when he sings, he cannot sing low notes for the life of him.
  192. » | style of vocal:
  193. ◦ he is good at singing ballads and choir songs, that’s about it.
  195. » | rap skill: 4.5/5
  196. ◦ kyungsoo isn’t perfect but he has damn near perfected his ideal rap type. he is pretty flexible and has come to understand his flow and the message he wants to convey during his words. due to practicing non-stop, it’s hard for him to skip up on his rap. he also has a keen ear for catch discrepancies in not only his rap but the raps of the other members.
  197. » | style of rap:
  198. ◦ kyungsoo’s style of rap is definitely taken from 90’s rap groups like seo taji and the boys and other groups that have adapted the old school rap style through out the decades. while kyungsoo is pretty flexible, he sticks to the old school gangster style that became popular in 1990’s los angeles.
  200. » | dance skill: 3/5
  201. ◦ despite kyungsoo’s only experience with some sort of dance was cheerleading, he is a very good dancer. his enhanced athletic ability and speed allows for him to pick on stuff pretty fast, making for a pretty good dancer.
  202. » | style of dance:
  203. ◦ due to the group being more hip-hop based that’s the style he is best at since it’s really the only one he knows. (cheerleading doesn’t really count as a style of dance so...)
  205. » | other talents:
  206. ◦ he can rap in english and korean.
  207. ◦ he is really good at tumbling
  208. ◦ he can run a mile in under 4 minutes
  209. ◦ uhhhhhh he good at sucking dick
  211. » | how they act on stage:
  212. ◦ kyungsoo despite his small stature has a powerful stage presence. he has the hard look down, but there is a certain badass elegance to it. during his raps he can get really invested into them and become animated, and somehow that translates to well on camera and makes him look cooler than he actually is.
  213. » | how they act off stage but on camera:
  214. ◦ basically bullying everybody and trying to act innocent for the camera. he will pick at the other members but if it gets to far and the camera is on him he will act as if he is sorry and give them a hard slap on the back, laugh, and say “ahhh i’m just joking.”
  215. » | how they act off stage and off camera:
  216. ◦ he is just the world’s biggest asshole basically. he is either whining and bitching about the other guys and giving them a hard time. he never really shuts his mouth, and nothing good ever comes out of his mouth. one would think him an baggy mother if he didn’t cuss so fucking much. he is comfortable with the guys, but not the point where he gets mushy and emotional because, again, his head is too big to show the world the real kyungsoo who actually cares so god damn much about the others. if he is trying to make others feel better he will somehow turn insults directed at them into something that can make them laugh (ex. “you think this is bad? remember that time when you ate shit in the practice room?”). he is pretty patient but when pushed to the edge he is a shit storm and nobody can really call him back to earth except for seongwoo, so don’t get him mad unless you want to hear every expletive under the sun fall from his mouth
  218. » | fanservice:
  219. ◦ he will do little cheers for the fans (which usually results in him getting laughed at by the other guys and then said guys getting a hard kick to their ass).
  220. ◦ he isn’t a big aegyo guy despite having a cute face but sometimes he will send little winks and peace signs by his eyes.
  221. ◦ will also pull down his shirt a bit to tease the fans.
  223. » | hardships and struggles as an trainee/idol:
  224. ◦ out of everything, kyungsoo struggled most with vocals. he has some experience with choir but that didn’t mean he was a good singer at all, just that he could listen and match tone for the most part. other trainees tended to hate him because he was so critical and overbearing and arrogant. the few that actually did like him, liked him because they knew that secretly him being a grade a asshole was his way of showing his love for the others.
  229. » | powers + skill level: please be detailed when explaining their skill level. how did they reach that level? who taught them? how long have they had that power? why is their skill so high or so low?
  230. ◦ money manipulation: money manipulation is kyungsoo’s highest and first skill he learned. he first used it on accident, his emotions and strong desires fueling his powers and giving him more money than he actually needed from thin air. this power was the first and come to him when he was 8. at first, he could only use strong emotions to forge money which proved to be very useless sometimes. it wasn’t until his father offered him guidance (guidance he was very weary to take) was he able to heighten and strengthen his powers. now he can simply create money on a whim, so if he is out of money he can easily create some as fast as he can blink.
  231. ◦ lock manipulation: he learned this about the same time as money manipulation, but he didn’t practice it as much because he found it of no use to him as a greedy kid. he did however start to practice it when he started hooking up with the gay football player and needed to lock doors on a quick whim to stop from others finding them. when he debuted he started practicing it more so i could fuck with the other members, unlock their doors, and piss them the fuck off just for his enjoyment.
  232. ◦ teleportation: he learned in high school. it originally was on accident when he was being thrown up into the air by the cheerleaders, disappeared and reappeared in the boy’s locker room surrounded by a bunch of half naked (and hot as fuck) football players.
  234. » | experience with weapons/fighting styles: how/where/from whom did they learn to use these weapons
  235. ◦ he has only really knew how to use a switch blade he stole from this annoying ass kid from his school, and guns from the company. he has kept it since then (and still has it now) and used to always carry it with him on the way home from school. when he joined the company, they were aware of his recreational use of the blade and further expanded that by getting people to teach him how to use knives (and the guns as well)
  237. » | skill level w/weapons and fighting styles:
  238. ◦ since kyungsoo has a heightened athletic ability and is pretty fit and strong, he has no problem with close combat. because of his small stature, he can easily run circle around his enemy – especially if they are tall, lanky, and clumsy. he is good with knives because they are small, easy to carry, and light in his hand to they work well with his speed and agility.
  239. ◦ kyungsoo is also pretty okay with guns. while he doesn’t prefer them, he has a good aim and sometimes it’s better to stay away from a dangerous foe that may outrank him in power, smarts, or whatever it may be.
  241. » | how do they feel about being on sacrificial lamb?
  242. ◦ he is actually scared as fuck. he acts like he is totally confident in himself but he is 100% afraid to die. there is so much he hasn’t done: he hasn’t made it up to his mom he neglected to appreciate when he was younger, he hasn’t become fully open with who he really is as a person, he hasn’t treated his members properly, and he hasn’t told seongwoo how much he loves and cares about him (soowoo is really out here being soft as fuck). he doesn’t care about himself when he thinks about death, which is really out of the ordinary for kyungsoo. what he cares about are those around him and how he hasn’t been the best person for anyone he has ever come in contact with.
  244. » | how would your character react to killing someone? what if s/he was close to that person? what if s/he had to do it to survive or to save someone they are close with?
  245. ◦ of course he would be mortified, kyungsoo may act like a stone cold bitch but he is far from it. however if it came to killing someone for a person he cares about, he would do it in and instant and do it again and again if it meant keeping the people he cares for safe. kyungsoo isn’t sure he would be able to kill someone he is close to, it would probably break him. if they came charging at him he would probably break down and cry while putting up one hell of a fight. he would beg someone he loved not to do it, that they could find out another way. but he knows that in the end that one way one of them is gonna die and he will still put up a fight, albeit unwillingly.
  247. » | how would your character react to watching someone die? what if s/he was close to that person?
  248. ◦ kyungsoo would look at it with sadness, even if he didn’t do it, but would know that it was expected and there isn’t anything he can do to save them or bring them back. he is delicate but he trained his mind to know that people were gonna die, and even if it is hard he has to accept what will happen. however if it was someone he was close to, he would be ruined. he couldn’t take it, the silent promises to be there for the people he cared about would be shattered and he would feel like it was all his fault.
  250. » | would your character sabotage someone else? what if it was to save someone s/he is close to? how would s/he react if that caused the person’s death?
  251. ◦ hell fucking yeah he would sabotage someone else. this kid is the son of hermes, and he has had his fair share of messing with others in order to ruin their lives (mostly kids at school). sure he would be guilty if he killed someone but if it came down to people he cared about he would do it in an instant with no second thoughts, acting as impulsive as he is.
  256. » | suggestions for a theme song:
  257. ◦ ready or not by monsta x
  258. ◦ jungle game by sf9
  260. » | requested scenes:
  261. ◦ The group having to look at weapons and Hiro chasing some of the other members around with a small ass knife.
  262. ◦ Hiro having a heart to heart with one of the members because he is honestly so fucking scared to go against others.
  263. ◦ Kyungsoo staring at Seongwoo’s ass on the daily and giving it random compliments which annoys the hell out of Seongwoo.
  265. » | why do you want to join? because who doesn't love demi-gods and death
  266. » | why should we pick your form? you should pick it because you like it
  268. » | note to the authors:
  269. ◦ I’m just gonna say that in his background I started his mother was in the working middle class and couldn’t give him everything he wanted, however he was really involved. Not to say you would deny this is possible but my ass is the child of a single mom and I was involved in activities like sports and shit so it’s very possible for him to be involved and doing shit, just to let you know.
  270. ◦ my son is mad kinky i hope you can handle his horny ass.
  271. ◦ also i’m still letting you guys fight over ten or jinhwan even though i lean towards jinhwan bc i cant imagine ten being kinky as fuck but that’s just me. just don’t kill each other over this please and thank you.
  275. » | anything else: soowoo is real bitches
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