

Mar 20th, 2015
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  1. "Alright. I have been witnessing all of this slowly spiral out of control. All of it deteriorating as friends become enemies and allegiances become corrupted. Then the remnants fall back onto an ever-dwindling group of supporting parties and wait for it to happen again. It appears that only Feferi is really actively fighting the power so to speak, and for that I thank her, but you guys really need to pick up the fucking slack. This is getting out of hand. GHB is obviously stepping up the chucklevoodoos a notch, breaking through Terezi's natural immunities to mind control. This means that we might see some highbloods suffering from the ill effects, such as Aranea, Darkleer, and some of the weaker human minds. Some of the lowblooded troll adults may begin to suffer as well, though that is unlikely. Their minds are much stronger than your average trolls, not to mention their more potent godblood. If it comes down to it, we should try to convince as many teachers as possible to side with us. That seems doable, no?”
  2. “Furthermore, I think that we should perhaps stop trying to piss off some of the teachers. Her Imperious Condescension may be powerful, but she’s not invincible. If we can turn the majority of the lowbloods, midbloods, and some of the highbloods against her we could perhaps overthrow her more easily. Though their efforts could easily be overturned if and when she earns the support of Aphrodite. Those efforts, in turn, could be overpowered easily if the lowbloods, midbloods, humans, and gods worked together. I’m assuming that John is retrieving some powerful artifacts as we speak; Zeus’ thunderbolt will be an excellent bargaining tool and a fantastic weapon to use in any battles that may take place in the future. He might be retrieving some other artifacts of value, which can perhaps be used to take advantage of the Trollian susceptibility to sunlight. This brings me to the biology of trolls.”
  3. “Trolls are a lot more hardy than humans, but they are not suited to this environment. Their eyes are built for the dark and they are meant to hunt lesser beings. Humans however live in the light and are intellectually superior to trolls in a number of ways. Lowbloods typically have a higher IQ than your average human but a much lower strength, and Highbloods barring seadwellers typically have a lower IQ than your average human but a much higher strength. For example, Gamzee Makara is the epitome of your typical purpleblood. Not very bright, capable of massive feats of strength, and is otherwise very nice and loud and a bit petite. But, he’s more docile than his adult counterpart, GHB.”
  4. “GHB is one dumb motherfucker. The only reason that he hasn’t tripped over a student and impaled himself is that there isn’t a stick big enough to impale him on. Which is a shame. Dirk, you should work on that. But in all seriousness, )(IC has been keeping a close eye on him to make sure he doesn’t try and kill Dualscar. Did i mention Dualscar? Dualscar is the headmaster of this school and is a Poseidon Godblood. His intervention is probably the reason that )(IC hasn’t killed all of us outright, due to the fact that we can be manipulated by chucklevoodoos. GHB was too dumb to realize this, and )(IC was too eager to consider it. But, he was mistaken in that regard. We are the only reason that the trolls haven’t already beaten their gods. Human dramas are very very distracting, if you hadn’t noticed.”
  5. “However, Rose is now dead. Which… I’m sure you’re aware of. Of course Summoner, who supports humans, has done something with her since she killed Rose. That brand new tree in the courtyard and the cries of agony from within are very telling. Not to sound too sadistic, but she deserves to sit in there for the rest of her natural life. Which is about 40 years longer than your average human’s, I think. So, good luck to her. Because I’m sure that Summoner is going to be a lot less forgiving than I would be in his situation. But all of this horrible shit is not a reason to give up hope. It just means that the trolls are beginning to lose control, and their façade is cracking. If and when the gods recognize their intentions, they will be all over them. Which is good. So everything’s going to be fine as long as you [i]don’t give up[/i]”
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