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Jul 22nd, 2018
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  1. litebans.*: All permissions except notify permissions.
  2. litebans.ban: Permission to use /ban
  3. litebans.tempban: Permission to use /tempban
  4. litebans.ipban: Permission to use /ipban
  5. litebans.ipmute: Permission to use /ipmute
  6. litebans.override: Permission to override previous bans/mutes.
  7. Permission to bypass ban/mute limits
  8. litebans.cooldown.bypass: Permission to bypass all cooldowns
  9. litebans.cooldown.bypass.ban: Permission to bypass ban cooldowns
  10. litebans.cooldown.bypass.warn: Permission to bypass warn cooldowns
  11. litebans.mute: Permission to use /mute
  12. litebans.tempmute: Permission to use /tempmute
  13. litebans.unban: Permission to use /unban -- grants litebans.override
  14. litebans.unmute: Permission to use /unmute
  15. litebans.unwarn: Permission to use /unwarn
  16. litebans.unban.queue: Permission to automatically queue unbans for offline players when a matching ban is not found
  17. litebans.kick: Permission to use /kick
  18. litebans.warn: Permission to use /warn
  19. litebans.history: Permission to use /history
  20. litebans.warnings: Permission to use /warnings
  21. litebans.warnings.self: Allows a player to use /warnings to see their own warnings (with no arguments).
  22. litebans.staffhistory: Permission to use /staffhistory
  23. litebans.prunehistory: Permission to use /prunehistory
  24. litebans.staffrollback: Permission to use /staffrollback
  25. litebans.iphistory: Permission to use /iphistory
  26. litebans.banlist: Permission to use /banlist
  27. litebans.checkban: Permission to use /checkban
  28. litebans.checkmute: Permission to use /checkmute
  29. litebans.lastuuid: Permission to use /lastuuid
  30. litebans.geoip: Permission to use /geoip
  31. litebans.dupeip: Permission to use /dupeip
  32. litebans.dupeip.viewip: Permission to see IP addresses in /dupeip
  33. litebans.ipreport: Permission to use /ipreport
  34. litebans.togglechat: Permission to use /togglechat
  35. litebans.togglechat.bypass: Permission to bypass /togglechat, showing your messages to all players that have /togglechat enabled.
  36. litebans.clearchat: Permission to use /clearchat
  37. litebans.clearchat.bypass: Permission to bypass /clearchat, anyone with this permission won't have their chat cleared
  38. litebans.mutechat: Permission to use /mutechat
  39. litebans.mutechat.bypass: Permission to bypass /mutechat, anyone with this permission will still be able to chat
  40. litebans.lockdown: Permission to use /lockdown
  41. litebans.lockdown.bypass: Permission to not be kicked during a lockdown, and to join the server while a lockdown is in progress.
  42. litebans.admin: Permission to use /litebans <reload/import/sqlexec/...>
  43. litebans.notify: Permission to see all notifications. This permission also needs to be negated if you are removing other notify permissions.
  44. litebans.notify.clearchat: Permission to see the broadcast whenever someone uses /clearchat.
  45. litebans.notify.silent: Permission to see silent punishments (e.g. "/ban -s <target> [reason]")
  46. litebans.notify.banned_join: Permission to see when banned or blacklisted players attempt to join.
  47. litebans.notify.mute: Permission to see when muted players try to chat.
  48. litebans.notify.dupeip_join: Permission to see dupeip notifications, for example, when a player joins and has a banned account on the same IP address.
  49. litebans.json.hover_text: Permission to see hover-text
  50. litebans.tabcomplete: Permission to tab-complete names of online players across the entire network with the BungeeCord version of the plugin.
  51. litebans.server.<scope>: If the default_server_scope is not global, litebans.server.<scope> permission is required to use non-default server scopes.
  52. These permissions are true by default under Spigot, but require manual configuration under BungeeCord:
  53. litebans.notify.broadcast: Permission to see ban/mute/warning/kick broadcasts.
  54. litebans.notify.warned: Permission to see own warning notifications.
  55. litebans.notify.muted: Permission to see own muted notifications.
  57. Exempt permissions require Vault for offline player checks under Spigot.
  58. Under BungeeCord, no additional plugins are required.
  59. litebans.exempt: Exempt from bans/mutes/warnings/kicks
  60. litebans.exempt.ban: Exempt from bans
  61. litebans.exempt.mute: Exempt from mutes
  62. litebans.exempt.warn: Exempt from warnings
  63. litebans.exempt.kick: Exempt from being kicked
  64. litebans.exempt.bypass: Bypass exempt permissions
  65. litebans.exempt.bypass.<type>: Same as above, bypasses specific exempt permissions.
  66. litebans.exempt.dupeip_join: Exempt from dupeip checks on join
  67. For exempt permissions to work, a player needs litebans.exempt or litebans.exempt.<type>. For example, if Admin is trying to ban Player, first Player is checked for litebans.exempt, then litebans.exempt.ban. If Player has either of those permissions, Admin is checked for litebans.exempt.bypass, then litebans.exempt.bypass.ban. If Admin has either of these permissions, Player is banned anyway.
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