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Sep 20th, 2018
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  1. Indeed, it must be very difficult to have your vast repository of knowledge, doing such mundane work. I appreciate you completing the work regardless. Given your tone, I'm assuming you must be extremely busy with other courses you are taking and just can't really be bothered with this material right now.
  3. I often ask students at your level what they are doing to build their knowledge level to challenge themselves and grow on their own? Are you reading any good research papers in your areas of interest? If not, you should be. I'm assuming graduate school is potentially in your future? Are you attending the ACM club trying to become a leader and sharing some of your awe-inspiring projects that you're working on, or more likely, have already developed? Are you learning about the desperate opportunities for computer scientists to help in solving ongoing crises in healthcare? Identifying genetic causes of cancer and diseases from exabytes of genetic data and electronic healthcare records? Developing new algorithms to aid in identifying patterns in the genome related to disease? Or, analyzing MRI and other medical images to automate tumor identification at microscopic scales? How about brainstorming potential Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality apps that can help the medical research community? Or, if medical imagery is icky for you, how about exploring the world of climate change, another emerging, desperate situation for humanity? There are no lack of opportunities for gifted computer scientists to play a part in changing the world. I challenge you to consider the enormous challenges in developing nations worldwide. Security? Education? Economic crises? Environmental? Pollution? etc. There are no lack of data to understand the problems. Do some research, and look into unique ways that computer science can be a part of the solution to some of the worlds grand challenges, and do it!
  5. Here's my point - can you dream of something unique and big that you can do with your skillset? The worst state for a college student is boredom, lethargy, becoming critical of everything, leading to disengagement.
  7. I encourage you to stick it out a bit longer. Things will soon become more challenging. I promise. It still might not be up to your level, but it'll certainly be better than it is right now. After a few more labs, the course switches gears substantially, particularly when you are introduced to the first assignment soon. And, if you surpass all expectations on the large assignment, then I will strongly push you to do something special for your CSCI 205 project, and complete the start of a project that addresses any of the numerous grand challenges listed above. Because, the world needs talented, gifted people who can make a difference and use their skills for greatness.
  9. Prof. King
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