
CUiE Ch.3: Ponyville, Sorcery, and a puny dragon

Apr 7th, 2012
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  1. >This situation is frankly making YOU, of all people, uncomfortable
  2. >You clear your throat
  3. “O-oh, excuse me.” Fluttershy sniffles a little before turning her attention back to you with a slight smile on her face. “Maybe my friend, Twilight Sparkle, can help. She knows all sorts of things.”
  4. >Twilight…Sparkle?
  5. >Sounds mage-y, very mage-y
  6. >You dislike mages
  7. >Greatly
  8. >But this…Twilight Sparkle maybe be able to help you get back to Lordran
  9. >You motion towards the main doorway of the home to let Fluttershy know of your desire to leave now
  10. “You want to leave now? But aren’t you hungry? I could make another bowl--”
  11. >You cut her off by motioning back towards the door a bit more forcefully this time
  12. “Al-Alright, we’ll leave now. Give me a second please.”
  13. >You roll your eyes, not that she could see it
  14. “Angel, come here please.” she calls out
  15. >You watch a white rabbit trot past you like you weren’t even there
  16. “Angel, I’m going into to town to talk to Twilight about my new…um, friend here, and I need you to watch the house, ok?”
  17. >The rabbit stares up at you, its face one of complete contempt. Hollows and demons alike have never glared at you as hard as this rabbit is
  18. >Maybe it IS a demon
  19. >Note to self: Slay small rabbit demon at earliest opportunity
  21. >Fluttershy leads you from her small cottage and quietly trots in front of you as the two of you make your way down a simple dirt road
  22. You constantly look around at the beautiful landscape before you
  23. >It’s so very…colorful with its azure sky and viridian grasslands and hearty trees
  24. >Overbearingly so
  25. >You absentmindedly paw at the hole in your armor while you view glance around
  26. >You’d have to patch that eventually
  27. >The moment you find a bonfire and have a moment to…
  28. >Wait a second
  29. >What if…what if there were no bonfires here?
  30. >That could be problematic
  31. >Hell, what if this wasn’t some distance part of Lordran at all? What if this was all just some illusionary world crafted by the unseen mage?
  32. >You were starting to panic just slightly
  33. “We’ll be in Ponyville soon enough.” the winged horse in front of you chimes in.
  34. >Fluttershy’s voice snaps you from your worrying thoughts
  35. >Ponyville? That MUST be a joke name, right? It has to be…
  37. >It’s not. It really is nothing but ponies of varying bright colors wandering around. Some working stalls, others tending to gardens, and some tending to their homes.
  38. >Not one single human is in sight
  39. >If this is the unseen mage’s idea of a joke your TRULY don’t get it
  40. >At all
  41. >As you feel a headache starting to come on Fluttershy pipes up again
  42. “There’s Twilight’s house up ahead. I’m sure she’ll be able to help out with this whole situation.”
  43. >You see your equine companion looking towards a rather large tree
  44. >Naturally a mage would live in a tree
  45. >Fluttershy gently rapped on the door of the tree-home
  46. >The door swung open a moment later and there was a small reptile standing there
  47. >You know a dragon when you see one but this was…pathetic
  48. >Though better small and worthless than another Seath the Scaleless you think to yourself
  49. >You stare down at him
  50. >It stares up at you
  51. >Dead silence for a full minute
  52. >It slowly takes a step back and quietly closes the door
  53. “Twilight, I think it’s for you.”
  55. >A moment or two later the door reopens and you see a purple-tinged horse standing there
  56. “Well, who was it…Spike…?”
  57. >Joy unbounded, another staring contest
  58. >And again, utter silence
  59. “Um, hello, Twilight.” Fluttershy waves at the violet-eyed horse.
  60. >Twilight never breaks eye contact with your helmeted face as she turns to speak to her friend
  61. “Hi…Fluttershy. Uh…who, or what, is this?”
  62. “Well, I’m not really sure. I found him in the Everfree Forest. He was hurt so I had to help him.”
  63. >Twilight nods in understanding as Fluttershy gives her the story
  64. “Ok, that explains some things. But not nearly everything. So…uh, you, what’s your name? Where are you from exactly?” Twilight begins to lob questions at you
  65. >These horse where so hung up on names
  66. >Why did they care? No one else did…
  67. >You inwardly sigh
  68. >NOT speaking was proving to be a problem. You weren’t even sure you could speak after forgoing it for so long, but short simple answers should suffice for these creatures
  69. “Anonymous.”
  70. >You surprised by the sound of your own voice. It’s so low and gravelly, and muffed by your helm
  71. >Fluttershy also looks surprised it seems she didn’t quite believe you beforehand when the speaking question came up.
  72. “And you’re from…?” Twilight continues to probe with questions
  73. “Lordran.”
  74. >Lordran… You can honestly say you miss it. Hollows, demons, and devils all.
  76. “I have never heard of, what was it? Lordran?” Twilight pursed her lips as she brought a hoof to her chin.
  77. “Maybe there’s something in my library. Please, come in.”
  78. >The purple-ish horse waves you inside her treehouse/library
  79. >You actually have to duck down in order to clear the doorway
  80. >You survey the hollowed out tree and find it to be a fair deal larger than Fluttershy’s home. Though it’s roughly equal in terms of furniture. But every available inch of wall space seemed dedicated to rows and rows of books
  81. >It was no Duke’s Achieve but impressive for a horse
  82. “Now, let’s see here.” Twilight began to eye her tome collection before the horn that adorned her forehead began to glow with a magical aura
  83. >SORCERY
  84. >You stealthily reach for your sword and began to unsheathe the blade slowly
  85. “Spike, can you help me find Ends of Equestria: Lost Lands and other Legendary Locales vol. 1?” the sorcerer-horse calls out to its assistant.
  86. “Sure thing Twi--” Spike, the puny dragon, said eagerly as he came down from the second floor.
  87. >He froze when he saw you with sword in hand and where it was pointing currently
  88. >Fluttershy was whimpering and shivering behind a nearby potted plant
  89. “What in the world is wrong with you two?” Twilight asked, turning to face you as she did so
  90. >You could hear her breath hitch in her throat as she came to see your sword leveled at her right eye, just inches apart
  92. “You.” You say simply but threateningly.
  93. “M-M-Me?” Twilight Sparkle stammers out a response.
  94. “Brought me here with…sorcery.”
  95. >Twilight’s eyes are locked on the sword tip right in front of her
  96. “N-No, I didn’t. A-All unicorns can use magic. I‘m not the only one… And I certainly don’t remember cas-casting a teleportation spell recently that went haywire.”
  97. >She seems to be telling the truth. A sword pointed at ones head tends to bring about honesty in people
  98. >Or she could be playing dumb very well and doesn’t want to own up to her mistake
  99. >But…you can’t help but believe her. It’s a worrying feeling, to trust this easily
  100. >You return Astora’s Straight Sword to its sheath and the whole room lets loose with a collective sigh of relief
  101. “N-Now if all if you would help me, we can try and figure this out.” Twilight states to the room.
  102. >You and the rest nod and begin to search for the book she wants
  103. >You distance yourself from the two talking horses and the least intimidating dragon ever to look on your own.
  105. >Left alone with your thoughts again as you scour the shelves
  106. >Why did you believe that…unicorn? Or whatever she was. She simply told you the ‘truth’ and you believed it. That…just didn’t add up to you.
  107. >She must have some ulterior motive in mind. She’ll want SOMETHING in some capacity for her efforts. They all ways do…
  108. “I found it, Twilight.” Fluttershy’s soft voice came from overhead and brings you back to the task at hand.
  109. “That’s great, Fluttershy. Lemme see it.” Twilight’s horn began to glow again and the book magically levitated through the air to her location on the first floor.
  110. >You hoped this would be the key to get back
  111. >You lean against a nearby wall and rest slightly as the trio gloss over the book
  112. “Lordran, Lordran…” Twilight repeats to herself as she thumbs through the tome
  113. >How she did that with no actual thumbs you could only guess
  114. “I’m not seeing any Lordran anywhere in here. Not past the Griffon Kingdom, not in the Dragon’s Valley, just nowhere!” Twilight huffed and closed the book. “Just HOW did you get in the Everfree Forest?”
  115. “Blacked out. In the Kiln. Woke up here.” You answer simply.
  116. >Twilight seemed to be getting edgy over the fact she couldn’t figure this out
  117. >But she visibly clamed when an idea seemed to pass in her mind
  118. “Then maybe… But, no, that’s not…possible. At least it shouldn’t be.”
  119. >You didn’t like where this was going
  121. “Maybe the reason Lordran doesn’t appear in the book is because it doesn’t exist here. That means…you’re from another world entirely!” Twilight gushed excitedly as she pointed a hoof at you
  122. >Another world? The thought had crossed your mind. After all, Lordran had its own bizarre occurrences, though that to do more with time than this world-hopping business
  123. “Than send me back. Now.” You weren’t asking.
  124. “I, uh, I can give it a try I guess. Come over here please, Anonymous.” Twilight waved you over to stand before her.
  125. >She starts to focus and her horn lights up again and starts to throw off sparks of magic
  126. >You feel light again, maybe this’ll just be a minor hiccup in your life
  127. >The light around Twilight’s horn grows and pulsates
  128. >Yes, this’ll be a memory and nothing more soon enough
  129. >Twilight is visibly straining know with teeth clenched and sweat running down her face
  130. >The magical light in the room is getting to be blinding
  131. >A low rumble could be heard building in the air
  132. >And all at once the sorcery in Twilight’s horn and building around you explodes in a terrific flash
  133. >Fluttershy yelps, Spike takes cover and Twilight yells loudly as the arcane light envelops everything
  134. >Several heartbeats pass before the light dissipates and you finally see…
  135. >You’re right where you were before, although the black singed ring around your feet is new
  136. >You growl in annoyance
  137. >This was such a long day
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