

Mar 24th, 2017
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  1. Light, make me so mighty in war that I defeat every impulse in my soul that destroys peace.
  2. Light, make my trunk and branches so mightily tough and impervious to wind and drought that I never cease to bear the fruit of gentleness.
  3. Light, make me so mightily unmoved by the sting and deceits of injustice against me that I may feel and show the miracle of undeserved compassion.
  4. Light, make me so mightily unyielding to the enticements of selfishness that from my heart kindness forever flows.
  5. Light, make me so mightily unresponsive to the honeyed lure of self-pity that I may have ever-replenished resources to return good for evil.
  6. Light, make me mighty with ruthless courage to cut off my hand at every trace of greed that I may be content with what I have.
  7. Light, make me so mighty against the powers of self-justification that I never lose the humility to repent and weep for my sin.
  8. Light, make me so mighty against the deadly undertow of self-reliance that I am never ashamed to trust your arm, like a child with his father, in every breaking wave.
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