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Mar 4th, 2017
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  1. The Tiny Skeletons are Falling out of the Closet
  3. Posted on March 3, 2017 by Anonymous Writer
  4. CONTENT WARNING: Non-graphic description of illegal activities related to the exploitation of humans.
  6. People on the internet are obsessed with an emerging scandal that isn’t being covered by the mainstream media.
  7. People in the media are obsessed with an emerging scandal they are not allowed to cover.
  8. People in government are scared that the details of their manipulation and blackmail will come to light.
  9. People in law enforcement are mad that they cannot do their job when it comes to a protected class of criminals.
  10. The Trump administration has declared a goal to seriously hinder “Human Trafficking” in the United States going against a decade long ban on acknowledging the presence of this exploitative industry in the U.S.
  11. But Why?
  13. In the Summer of 2016, regular folks like you and me began investigating Washington D.C. corruption, that is, the peculiar relationships between government, NGOs, defense contractors and law enforcement. Of course citizens have been looking into such things for a while, using Wikileaks, The Panama Papers, The Snowden Leaks and regular media publications. This investigation picked up steam in October after batches of John Podesta e-mails revealed interesting ties with Marina Abramovic and James Alefantis. These are not the only people connected to Podesta and Hillary Clinton via the #Pizzagate conspiracy theory. But they are the ones who have been most covered by the MSM. To be fair, Mr. Alefantis has been shortchanged by the MSM. Acting to protect the Elites who own them, the MSM manufactured a strawman story that circonscripts #pizzagate to a very narrow and ludicrous assessment: That Podesta and Clinton run a child sex trafficking ring from a NW D.C. pizzeria. This conveniently narrow representation of a huge investigation, was therefore easy to dismiss as false. #Pizzagate is an investigation into hundreds of people who collaborate to abuse children in a myriad of ways under the cover of “watching over them”. It is important to mention that the sexual abuse of children is an accessory activity to the real goals of this cabal. This “service class” of people work under management of “manipulators” who entrap your government representatives and blackmail them. What the MSM doesn’t want you to know is that they are members of this ecosystem. They work for people concerned with power, manipulation, and the ability to control outcomes in policy development, lawmaking and backroom dealings.
  15. Pizzagate is a conspiracy theory. That is, in the classic sense, a theory of how people work together to accomplish a goal. The theory of #pizzagate is told by the people who are persons of interest within this case. #Pizzagate paints a picture of a subculture and business ecosystem that is concerned with the occult (Luciferianism), visionary art, ritual sexual abuse, the trafficking of children, murder and disposal of human remains, mind control and cannibalism. This is the way people involved in #Pizzagate want to be seen via their pictures, art, comments, blog posts, poems and songs. The underclass of “logistic/service providers” appear to refer to themselves as a “family”, and they travel within specific Luciferian hubs in the U.S. such as Washington D.C., Brooklyn, Portland, Austin, Chicago and Berkeley. Most of them are connected to the CIA via their parents going back generations.
  17. Within the hundreds of people who are involved in this emerging scandal, there are many types of people involved in compartmentalized work. Thousands more do not know that they allow and facilitate evil.
  19. Academics who opera safe houses connected to religious schools (e.g. schools filled with acquired orphans from NGO-connected countries.)
  20. Art dealers who operate fronts for money laundering and purchase of alternate goods (e.g. children or drugs included in the purchase price of art). The Modern Art market, internationally, is the largest unregulated market in the world. It allows the Elite to move massive amounts of capital unseen. Similarly, within the upper-middle-class, the Visionary art movement is a cover for the same type of activities as well as being a sacred house of worship for the Luciferian family.
  21. Business people who run bars and restaurants as social gathering places for their “family” or to socialize with would-be customers for the special goods they offer. Sometimes, these places are used as a place of worship.
  22. Psychologists and psychiatrists who are involved in the continuation of the CIA’s MKUltra/Monarch program, an advanced R&D program into psychological manipulation or mind-control. This program had to be taken “off-the-books” after horrific details of its practices were exposed in the media. (e.g. Psychologists who study Leadership, electroshock shock therapy, LSD influence and Dissociated Identity Disorder, formerly known as multiple-personality disorder)
  23. Foundations that give grants and support artists who promote the sexualization of children, the performance of mock-cannibalism and the sale of organs (Clinton Foundation/Marina Abramovic and Bush Foundation/Stu Mead)
  24. Military Industrial Complex contractors who operate key services in the transport of organs, human remains, infants and children from war zones to underground U.S. operations who trade in these products. (e.g. DynCorp’s work in Kosovo)
  25. Government agencies minded by people intimately connected to the business of covering up multiple ways in which the system exploits children in the U.S. while maintaining that “human trafficking” is only a problem internationally (e.g. U.S. State Department’s 7th floor shadow government)
  26. Private enterprises who benefit financially from the removal of children from their parents and the diagnosis of them as mentally ill. (e.g. Child Protective Services)
  27. Women who are manipulated into choosing adoption by operators of fake abortion clinics related to small religious groups. In other cases, women who accept money or non-financial favors to produce babies for friends, family or other contacts.
  28. Private birthing centers and adoption agencies who are able to produce babies outside of the normal registration process.
  29. Technology firms who get to decide which abduction cases get national attention, and which don’t (e.g. Amber Alert).
  30. NGOs who scoop up and take exclusive ownership of photos and videos of child abuse allowing them to trade in the strategic information contained within. (e.g. NCMEC, ICMEC and Thorn)
  31. Performers and bands who make MKUltra-inspired or pedophilia-related videos. (e.g. Sex Stains and Heavy Breathing)
  32. Lobbyists who trade in strategic info or seek to control policy makers and politicians on behalf of their clients, both national and international. (e.g. The Podesta Group)
  33. Highly visible and powerful political agents who protect high-level VIP pedophiles against inquiry or arrest. (e.g. Hillary Clinton’s work on behalf of the Ambassador to Belgium during the Dutroux scandal cover-up).
  34. Highly visible and powerful political agents who rescue Americans arrested while involved in child exploitation operations worldwide. (e.g. Hillary Clinton’s work on behalf of Laura Silsby in Haiti and Bill Clinton’s work on behalf of Laura Ling in Korea.)
  35. Religious groups, both mainstream and cult-ish, constantly associated with sexual exploitation scandals all over the world. (e.g. Catholic Church)
  36. U.N.-related agencies who are supposed to protect children all-the-while hosting child abuse video production facilities in their basement (e.g. UNESCO in Brussels).
  37. Republican and democratic politicians who enjoy an intimate relationship with the pedophile “service class”, or act under the influence of manipulators who have “Brownstone Operation”-type incriminating evidence against them. (e.g. Those most closely involved with the efforts to remove Trump.)
  38. Quirky artists who make products supposedly sourced from human remains.
  39. Movers and shakers very active in the sexual exploitation of young women who own private islands where VIPs are filmed having sex with underaged women. (e.g. Jeffrey Epstein)
  40. Programmers who fracture children into a state of dissociation via traumatization, in order to make them easier to manage within a Satanic ritual abuse circle, a child sex exploitation ring or a program designed to use them for a specific lifelong purpose.
  41. Social Media Platforms where people who sell their children or other children for sex can advertize (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and youtube)
  42. Pundits, writers and talking heads, related to persons of interest, who publish coordinated prose to decry the fight against human trafficking as “fake news”. (e.g. CNN’s Jake Tapper)
  43. Community influencers who protect accused pedophiles and write recommendations letters for them, or install them in positions of power once their short sentence is over.
  44. Convicted pedophiles who change their name in order to continue working for the government and avoid detection via the registry system.
  45. Real Estate Agents who help VIP pedophiles find adequate private properties to rent for private parties.
  46. Chefs who specialize in the preparation of human flesh for consumption (includes those who specialize in the consumption of the placenta).
  47. Celebrities who pattern their performances after Luciferian references or “illuminati” symbolism to prove their adherance and obedience to the Satanist Elites. (Lady Gaga’s Luciferian flight, Beyonce’s Grammy performance and costume.)
  48. Parents who provide their children to the service class or the Elites in return for money and influence or inclusion.
  49. Performance artists who execute artistic rituals designed around mock-cannibalism or the promotion of human remains (skeletons), organs (heart transplants). (e.g. Marina Abramovic)
  50. Doctors, dentists and pediatricians who serve families connected to organized child sexual exploitation and protect parents involved in this system.
  51. Corrupted officials who must be paid in sexual services or drugs because they are prevented by law from receiving cash.
  52. Fabricators and construction companies that install underground hiding rooms, and play rooms or make cages and secure holding facilities.
  53. Financial institutions that help criminals launder the profits of drugs and human trafficking. (eg. HSBC and Franklin Credit Union)
  54. International royalty who require disposable human entertainment.
  55. Museums, attractions and other facilities with decommissioned government bunkers who house children.
  56. Religious groups or charities used to remove children from orphanages and transport them to the United States. (e.g. Laura Silsby)
  57. Farmers who use their livestock to dispose of human remains.
  58. Art collectors who support, fund and patronize artists who depict themes of pedophilia, ritual sexual abuse, traumatization of children and mind control. (e.g. Anthony and Heather Podesta modern art collection)
  59. Fertility clinics who help parents produce children who will bear organs compatible with Elites who have rare genetic disorders or clients requiring anti-aging treatments or organs for transplant in the future.
  60. Art groups who maintain access to the underground tunnel systems present in most cities associated with Luciferian practices and human trafficking.
  61. Camping ground and social group operators who cater to Luciferian or CIA-connected families.
  62. Hotels who host American patrons looking for sexual services by underaged boys and grils.
  63. Social butterflies who like to talk about Luciferianism, cannibalism and pedophilia on social media.
  64. Photographers who advertise photography of young women in seductive poses.
  65. Local newspapers and blogs concerned with the promotion of the official or non-official cover of people connected to the CIA and/or Luciferian groups. (e.g. The Washingtonian and Bright Young Things)
  66. Business people who participate in sleepovers and off-the-record meetings at the White House and travel with the First family. (e.g. James Alefantis)
  67. Pop stars who write pedophilic anthems laden with code words about child sex while normalizing the “secret pizza party” and satanic subculture of sexual abuse. (e.g. Kathy Perry, Lady Gaga, Madonna, Miley Cyrus)
  68. Art directors who create videos rife with pedophilia imagery.
  69. Powerful connector who knows or is related to people in each of the groups mentioned above, as well as advising the president of the United States and his chosen successor and who choose to bring up cannibalism when asked about unrelated subjects. (e.g. John Podesta)
  70. #pizzagate is not about what happens in a pizzeria basement that doesn’t exist. It’s a worldwide network of people with matching incentives, sharing in a religion that has illegal practices, the manipulation of politicians and the business of child sexual exploitation under the protection of people at all levels of power, right up to the former secretary of state and president of the United States.
  72. It is important to note that a lot of this work is being done in your name and with your tax dollars.
  74. Why would people protect a massive networks of human trafficking and exploitation in the United States?
  76. Because it is a system that victimizes everybody involved in one way or another.
  77. Because people work in very compartmentalized services and only see a small fraction of this activity.
  78. Because detractors and whistle-blowers die in suspiscious circumstances or are “suicided”.
  79. Because those who seek to conduct journalists against the powerful or the State are swiftly fired or removed.
  80. Because Elites and billionaires who benefit from this system also own all the major media companies.
  81. Because people who are good at covering up the misdeeds of elite pedophiles control the editorial policy of the media.
  82. Because the media and Hollywood has been folded into the Elite class who promise them advancement and protection from their nefarious globalist plans.
  83. Because it’s a long game plan to engineer an apathetic society who looks away from sexual exploitation, infanticide, genocide, human trafficking, organ theft and other horrific practices.
  84. Because the entire Western affluenza lifestyle runs on greed-fueled exploitative labor practices.
  85. Because hundreds of thousands of hostages are hostages of this system as employees of companies run exclusively via a secret black budget.
  86. Because this system leaves little traces as victims are disposed of effectively.
  87. Because surviving victims are fractured and unable to defend themselves or explain the context of their abuse.
  88. Because Americans have been well-trained to think this is not a problem, as exhibited by the convenient absence of the coverage of this topic in the mainstream national press for the past 10 years. Americans are left to believe that the arrests covered in their local press must be an outlier, and not an indication that this is going on in every middle to large city in America.
  89. Because removing everyone connected to these operations leaves the government of the United Sates with a huge void of competencies.
  90. Because people want to keep their job(s).
  91. Because people use their knowledge of this for social, political and career advancement.
  92. Because enabling crime pays well and protected crime pays even better.
  93. And it would seem we are stuck with this system for now. It would seem that people with a predilection for pedophilia or murder have been controlled and promoted to serve as enforcers or watchdogs in official position within government. They are so empowered that they do not seek to hide their associations. They enjoy showing us their culture in plain sight.
  95. This state of affairs has angered good factions of law enforcement for years where this scandal is referred to as #pedogate.
  97. Unfortunately, most people currently involved in #TheResistance are sad that their candidate, a central figure in the #pedogate scandal, did not get elected. As such, they are too partisan to consider the implication of electing someone who has successfully protected an industry of exploitation since the early 90s. #Pedogate involves people of all political persuasions who work together with the deep state to control the country regardless of who is in the White House. It has been a revolving door of shared power between the Bush family and The Clintons who have both enjoyed a permanent place in power since 1984. This backstage alliance between the globalist Elites, the CIA, the politicians and their underclass of pedophile puppets goes back to the cosy relationship between Prescott Bush, Edgar Hoover and the Rothschild family. In preparation for the ban on domestic propaganda to quietly die, these operators sought to fund manipulative TV and movie programming as well as newstertainment to move towards the end of journalism. However, unwanted transparency caused by social media, powerful search engines and whistle-blower leaks exposed many parts of these nefarious organizations.
  99. It used to be that the mere discovery that a celebrity manufactured her clothing in a child-labor sweatshop caused national outrage. Today, the routine sexual abuse and destruction of children barely receives a nod in the mainstream press. As such, the details of this emerging scandal is the most dangerous knowledge of all.
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