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Oct 17th, 2017
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  1. <capitalthree> well if we assumed things were fine just because most people can't tell the difference, we'd be living in a world of 128 bit mp3 audio. oh wait...
  2. <capitalthree> *128 kbit
  3. <MajGenRelativity> What?
  4. * PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
  5. <capitalthree> what? just that, everyone who knows mumble has better audio quality than discord, isn't going to change their mind because you "haven't had problems with the quality"
  6. <MajGenRelativity> I don't think that a voice chat needs the ultimate in audio quality
  7. <capitalthree> ok so we should use something worse on purpose?
  8. <MajGenRelativity> If you spend $5,000 on a studio-grade audio set up to talk to people over the Internet, there is a little bit of a problem
  9. <MajGenRelativity> I'm not saying that, but Discord does things Mumble doesn't
  10. <capitalthree> you don't need studio grade equipment to tell the difference
  11. <capitalthree> like go down for maintenance?
  12. <MajGenRelativity> Every service centrally run has to go down for maintenance eventually
  13. <MajGenRelativity> That's not even a valid point
  14. <capitalthree> yeah it is a valid point, because mumble isn't a centrally owned service
  15. <MajGenRelativity> I've rarely had trouble with Discord going down for maintenance, usually every few months
  16. <modmuss50> Mumble also has positional audio, that is linked to the game. We will be using that for BTM
  17. <MajGenRelativity> That is a valid point
  18. <capitalthree> this is a *CONVENTION*, do you think people are going to risk a third party service going down for the main communications?
  19. <MajGenRelativity> The BTM server has gone down multiple times
  20. <capitalthree> oh you're right, I guess in that case we should optimize for more outages of more services
  21. <MajGenRelativity> No, but the chance is sufficiently low that it doesn't need to be considered
  22. <MajGenRelativity> You could get hit by an asteroid right now
  23. <MajGenRelativity> Why aren't you in a bunker?
  24. <capitalthree> no, it's not that low, I've seen plenty of discord outages o_o
  25. <capitalthree> the earth isn't hit by an asteroid every month
  26. <capitalthree> look I get it dude, you're emotionally attached to some company's product. modmuss50 made a good point too and that point isn't in a vacuum
  27. <capitalthree> there's a *reason* we can get positional audio in mumble, it's because it's an open source community project
  28. <capitalthree> discord is just some company's centralized platform they want you to use because they make money off it
  29. <MajGenRelativity> I'm not arguing against using Mumble in BTM
  30. <capitalthree> can you really not see the difference? this is a *developer* convention
  31. <capitalthree> it makes no sense to prefer proprietary anything
  32. <MajGenRelativity> modmuss50 makes a critical point, and it makes sense to use Mumble for this
  33. <MajGenRelativity> Closed or open source is irrelevant, and I refuse to argue that with you
  34. <capitalthree> yeah and again, that point is not in a vacuum
  35. <capitalthree> you're a clown if you think closed vs open source has nothing to do with why mumble has positional audio plugins for every game ever and discord doesn't
  36. <MajGenRelativity> I didn't say that
  37. <capitalthree> you said closed or open source is irrelevant. it's not irrelevant, it's exactly why mumble has integration features we need
  38. <mezz> stop being a dick nobody cares and they're using mumble anyway
  39. <MajGenRelativity> I was making a different point, and I'm not going to argue this with you
  40. <MajGenRelativity> Also, thank you mezz
  41. <capitalthree> yes different point I'm sure
  42. <MajGenRelativity> K
  43. <MajGenRelativity> You can PM me about this if you want, but I can't promise a serious conversation :)
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