
The Activity Club #uranium-chef 7/6/2019

Jul 6th, 2019
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DiscoDude: ---BEGIN SESSION---
DiscoDude: Session logging commenced
GM: With a horn blast, Holly announces; "we have officially reached the half-way point in this cook-off! Take it away, Chairwoman!" The chairwoman stands up.
"Because fighting Nasby Pike was in of itself an ordeal, we allotted a handicap to the chefs in the form of an anchor." There's a shudder throughout the ship. "Now that the beast is felled, it's about time to aweigh this aid!"
GM: The ship lurches. "Rest assured that our ship - and driver - is quite capable of keeping us from capsizing, but one should exercise caution lest they find themselves falling overboard!" She takes a moment to steady herself before sitting back down.
GM: Sea-Sick Soiree: When a chef completes a dish aspect worth 4 or more, they must then defend against a difficulty of +2 to keep the delicate balance and not spill what they just created.
GM: - EXCHANGE 7/12 -
Reality Glitch: ((I feel specifically targeted.))
GM: (I mean, you're not the only one doing that.)
GM: Cocoa glances at the clock, and steadies herself. "Hokay... gonna need something from the Lardertron for this..." She heads there to do just that.
GM: !f 3 (Careful)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4dF+3 for 3 [4dF = [ ][ ][-][+]]
GM: And she succeeds at procuring some Ocean Spray Modeling Chocolate - Sweet [!!].
GM: (You guys can go whenever, too.)
GM: Norstar, meanwhile, gets out her syrup and a bunch of other fancy-looking ingredients and heads to the ice-cream machine.
Dovelia: simply slaps the rice cooker to the side and sets to work quickly marinating her tail meat before putting it on the grill.
GM: "The humble ice-cream machine... what can go wrong here?! Nothing, I say! Commencing the generation of one Sweet Bullion Bounty Sundae (Value:7)!"
Dovelia: !f 1 (Quick)
DiscoDude: <@Dovelia> rolled 4dF+1 for -1 [4dF = [-][ ][ ][-]]
Dovelia: (JEEZ)
GM: !f 1 (Sweet)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4dF+1 for -1 [4dF = [ ][-][-][ ]]
GM: (Using all of the invokes on the syrup... and spending a FATE for a 4th.)
GM: (Describe your failure, and name an aspect, <@!Dovelia>. Unless you want to invoke?)
Dovelia: (you know, screw it, i don't want a negative aspect)
Dovelia: (wait - don't I have a boost from earlier?)
GM: (From where?)
Dovelia: (dammit, hang on, wait)
Dovelia: (i gotta back up to something earlier)
Dovelia: (since when the fuck is the difficulty for making a prep aspect +2)
Dovelia: (i thought it was +1 for the first?)
GM: (After you attempt your first one.)
Dovelia: (but that was my first wasn't it?)
Dovelia: (oh wait)
Dovelia: (it was my second)
Dovelia: (ugh)
GM: (You would still be failing if the difficulty was 1.)
Dovelia: (well, fuck it. spending a FATE Point won't help here.)
GM: (Alright, describe it!)
GM: (Anyone contesting Norstar? No?)
Reality Glitch: ((Also, the slip avoidance roll makes more sense as an Overcome action than a Defend action; Defend is specifically used to oppose another’s roll.))
GM: (Overcome, then. Still happens outside of normal turn action.)
Reality Glitch: ((I’ll oppose Norstar.))
GM: (What are you invoking?)
Reality Glitch: ((Already used Scrambled; what else is there?))
GM: (Without a FATE point... there's nothing, I think.)
Dovelia: Despite Dovelia's best efforts, the rapid marination device likewise fails to operate properly. She shakes her fist: "Greto," she mutters under her breath. Completely ignoring Greto's actual sabotage.
Reality Glitch: ((Oh; I spent all my fate points stopping Norstar from slaying Nasby.))
GM: (Alright.)
She succeeds at assembling the marbled scoops below the dispenser with her gold flakes and chocolate covered waffle crisps. But then the ship lurches. "My auto-stabilizers should save me...!"
(Attempting to roll clever.)
GM: !f 3 (Clever)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4dF+3 for 5 [4dF = [+][ ][+][ ]]
GM: (phew! Even with the maximum of +2 to difficulty I was considering adding for the strange approach, she beats it.)
Ratatoskr: Ratatoskr actually begins producing a base for the soup with the Xianchu Limb, A [XianXianXu - Savory][Value : 5] as many peers affectionately called it!
GM: (Let's say that's what I did and deny her the SWS. (Seems you guys are having it rough as it is. Let's not make that gap wider.))
Reality Glitch: Rachelle, realizing that she that she does not have her sea legs, decides to switch up her strategy from last time and goes straight for the Bountiful Bullion Beluga Burger (Savory: 5).
GM: (Roll it, <@!Ratatoskr>?)
Reality Glitch: !f 3 (Quickly Create an Advantage)
DiscoDude: <@Reality Glitch> rolled 4dF+3 for 3 [4dF = [+][-][+][-]]
Ratatoskr: !r 1 (invoking Limb and Knives and also RNGesus)
DiscoDude: <@Ratatoskr> rolled 1 for 1 [] (invoking Limb and Knives and also RNGesus)
Ratatoskr: ...
Ratatoskr: !f 1
DiscoDude: <@Ratatoskr> rolled 4dF+1 for 0 [4dF = [ ][-][ ][ ]]
Reality Glitch: ((Invoking the ingredient.))
Ratatoskr: (face palm)
GM: (FATE point, <@!Ratatoskr>?)
Ratatoskr: (can i invoke the world aspect as to not run out of my last fate point?)
Reality Glitch: !r 3 (Quickly Overcome Slippage)
DiscoDude: <@Reality Glitch> rolled 3 for 3 [] (Quickly Overcome Slippage)
GM: (Remind me what I decided on for that aspect?)
Reality Glitch: !f 3 (Quickly Overcome Slippage)
DiscoDude: <@Reality Glitch> rolled 4dF+3 for 4 [4dF = [+][+][-][ ]]
Reality Glitch: ((Yes!))
Ratatoskr: ((Feeling the Pressure, which i feel would be slightly appropiate here?))
GM: (Didn't quite resolve the dish creation on your end because I was focused on Ratatoskr, <@Reality Glitch>. I'm gonna be invoking the squished buns against you. I take it you counter with the other free invoke on the beluga?)
Reality Glitch: ((Pretty sure you still need fate points to invoke world aspects.))
GM: (I might have mentioned that that aspect lets you spend stress instead? I forget though...)
Reality Glitch: ((Nice and Neat Proportions, actually. They are just small enough to fit within the squished buns’s more compact form.))
GM: (Ah, so you have another savory dish aspect in mind? I see.)
GM: (Not gonna punish you for jumping the gun on the balance roll; that result stands.)
GM: (Describe it!)
Ratatoskr: ((Soo, how does mine resolve?))
Reality Glitch: Rachelle decides to get creative and carves the burger into the rough outline of an Earthling whale.
GM: (It's up to you! If you're serious about succeeding without spending FATE, I'll rule that the existence of Feeling the Pressure lets you spend stress on invoking that aspect once per roll.)
GM: (What say you, <@!Ratatoskr>?)
Ratatoskr: ((if i can invoke [Feeling the Pressure] So i still have one fate point at the expense of ending up a bit [SCRAMBLED][]...))
GM: (Yep, the cost starts at just 1 stress.)
GM: (Next time it'll be 2, then 3... and so on. Only resets at the end of the episode. That's what I've decided.)
GM: (So do you do it, <@!Ratatoskr>?)
Ratatoskr: (Ah, Yeah yeah)
GM: (Alright, describe it!)
Reality Glitch: ((Fleeting => Sticky => Fleeting + Sticky => Lasting => being taken out, because your lat remaining condition is lasting, which will only absorb 4 out of the 5 shifts of stress received.))
GM: (Yeah, that's it at its absolute longest. It'll ensure that it won't take too long to crash and burn if you're too eager with this.)
Reality Glitch: ((As opposed to the seven invokes to take out a character if it was 1 shift of stress each time.))
GM: (Yep. Describe it, <@!Ratatoskr>!)
Ratatoskr: PHEW! The Limb lends itself to the knives, ending up in beautiful Tender cuts as he Shoves the damn bowl with water and all onto an Oven, spinning...Hopefully that counteracts the whole Ship shaking thing that is currently happening right now, Crossing fingers.
GM: Greto takes out the tureen he made. "This isn't done yet, despite appearances." The rice cooker he was working with dinged, and he proceeds to dump in the loose plum pulp and vinegar - taking a pleasing note of how his compressed beluga stays firmly in the tin. "Next layer of the stack down is going to be some Sour Panacea Plum Rice (Value:3)."
GM: (Roll it, <@!Ratatoskr>. Also, what condition did you take from that?)
GM: !f 3 (Sour)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4dF+3 for 1 [4dF = [ ][ ][-][-]]
Ratatoskr: (( Strained(Fleeting) and rolling Flashy))
Ratatoskr: !f 3 (flashy)
DiscoDude: <@Ratatoskr> rolled 4dF+3 for 7 [4dF = [+][+][+][+]]
Ratatoskr: (> . >)
GM: (That's a success with style... until I invoke that condition you just took, and factor in a +1-2 passive difficulty boost from the slightly strange approach. (I consider Careful and Quick to be the two approaches that don't need any extra skill to pull off. Sneaky is extra cursed in this check, if you're wondering.))
GM: (Still, you succeed, and get to name a popularity aspect from your eclipse, <@!Ratatoskr>! :3)
Ratatoskr: ( >:! )
GM: (Take your victory, man. XD)
GM: (Also, mark your condition to show that I already spent the invoke.)
Ratatoskr: After that [Radicool Cooking Trick] He pulled off, the Dish was ready....for more condimenting, Oh boy, this was just the start of the TRUE cooking challenge!
Reality Glitch: ((You should probably get into the habit of declaring the passive opposition for each approach before asking for a roll; <@!GM>.))
Ratatoskr: ((Already done....I thought you would invoke it, actually)
GM: (Good point, I should. So long as you guys get in the habit of waiting for me to tell you to roll after you declare your approach. ^_^;)
GM: (Was that your first dish aspect, <@!Ratatoskr>, BTW?)
Reality Glitch: ((I meant that to mean listing the various difficulties so we can use that information to choose which approach to use.))
Ratatoskr: ((Yeah, Main aspect))
GM: (Anyways, on Greto's end, I'm invoking the Tureen Mold [!], as he's going to be packing it back in once he's done mixing.)
GM: (And since it's Value:3, he won't need to exert any real effort in keeping that stable. Any objections?)
GM: (Alright then.)
GM: Once he's done mixing the rice, to the point where the plum is only noticeable as maroon flakes in the bed of white, he packs it back in on top of the beluga meat at the bottom.
GM: - EXCHANGE 8/12 -
Dovelia: Invoking the names of the old Chater gods is considered high profanity in their culture. Dovelia curses as many of them as she can remember as she sets to work trying to put her beluga tail in some semblance of edible condition.
Dovelia: (attempting to make [Grilled Bullion Beluga Tailfin (Bitter): 5])
Dovelia: !f 3
DiscoDude: <@Dovelia> rolled 4dF+3 for 2 [4dF = [-][+][-][ ]]
Dovelia: (and i spend both invokes on the tail)
GM: (I spend an invoke on... whatever negative aspect you forgot to name. Let's just say it's a third invoke on the flaming countertops you were letting get out of control. XD)
GM: (That sound right, <@!Dovelia>?)
Reality Glitch: Rachelle rushes to the Lard-o-tron (thankfully, without slipping), and tried to summon some Fine Earthling Lettuce.
Dovelia: (right. can i spend my invoke on the grills?)
GM: (Sure. Also, <@Reality Glitch>, I'm assuming that will be Cool?)
GM: Greto smiles to himself. "Now for the final layer; Spicy Sprout Gelatin (Value:1). The dish won't quite be done after this, but it will be close." He cuts up the onion sprouts in question and mixes it up in gelatine quickly before slamming it in the accelerator, this time on chill.
Reality Glitch: ((I assume the Mediocre (±0) passive opposition holds true for all reality approaches.))
GM: (Yes.)
GM: !f 1 (Spicy)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4dF+1 for 2 [4dF = [ ][+][+][-]]
Reality Glitch: ((Then, yeah; Cool.))
Reality Glitch: !f 3 (Quickly Create an Advantage against Mediocre (±0) passive opposition)
DiscoDude: <@Reality Glitch> rolled 4dF+3 for 2 [4dF = [+][-][ ][-]]
GM: (Actually, in hindsight, I should have made Sneaky harder to pull off with that when I had Gwystan do it.)
GM: (Anyways, anyone have any objections to either of these successes?)
GM: (No, alright. Describe it, <@Reality Glitch>!)
Dovelia: can't help but frown as the fish comes off the grill. It's a competent effort, but...no. Such a magnificent creature deserved a better end than her last-ditch last-minute efforts.
GM: Greto pops the gelatin out of the accelerator and turns it over on the tureen, pressing down to use the tureen frame itself as a shape cutter, discarding the rest.
Reality Glitch: And with a rapid series of jabs at the alien control panel, Rachelle manages to get the leafy greens she needs.
GM: (Planning a wedge salad as your other dish, or perhaps you have other plans? It should be noted that people should be planning on making their second main dish aspect very soon.)
Reality Glitch: ((I might decide to bulk plate them, and follow up with her new stunt being a +2 to bulk plating.))
GM: Cocoa heads back to her station and lays out the modeling chocolate and some cake pans. She slaps her cheeks. "Okay... Stay calm... You can do this! You know that your idea for a Sweet Nautilus Ship Cake (Value:8) is still in the theory-crafting stage, but you don't care! YOU TOOK A BOMB TO THE SQUEAKING CHEST SO YOU COULD DO THIS, YOU SQUEAKING GOT THIS!"
GM: !f 5 (Sweet + Pastry Architect)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4dF+5 for 1 [4dF = [-][-][-][-]]
GM: (... Invoking the modeling chocolate for a reroll.)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4dF+5 for 5 [4dF = [ ][+][-][ ]]
GM: (Invoking the other freeby on the chocolate, and... a free invoke of the plasma conduits. (Pyrotechnics, anybody?))
GM: (So... any objections?)
Dovelia: (not really?)
GM: (Alright. Time to roll Careful to avert a Happy Birthday on the GROOOOUUUUUND!!!)
GM: !f 3 (Careful)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4dF+3 for 4 [4dF = [+][+][ ][-]]
GM: (fist-bump)
GM: She nearly topples the whole set-up several times, but despite her erratic attitude, she knows when to take it slow. Eventually, she finishes what appears to be an up-sized model ship made of sponge-cake, frosting, and lots and lots of teal modeling chocolate! "Hoooooly bajeezus... Can't believe I pulled that off!"
GM: (<@!Ratatoskr>, I believe you still have your turn this Exchange.)
Ratatoskr: ((...I didn't see the turn change, Whoops!))
Ratatoskr: Ratatoskr tries to clean some of the knives to begin working on the Fins, Thought it seems it's not gonna be nowhere near as good as the actual soup, the [Bitter Fishy Addition - Bitter][Value: 2] should prove enough to please Mrs. Twopetal!
GM: Norstar sets her elaborate sundae down on the counter and announces: "A luxurious sundae... but with one flavor, that's boring! This needs some salt; some Savory Sea-Salt Wafers (Value:2) to be specific!"
GM: !f 2 (Savory)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4dF+2 for 3 [4dF = [ ][+][ ][ ]]
Ratatoskr: !f 0 (Bitter)
DiscoDude: <@Ratatoskr> rolled 4dF+0 for 0 [4dF = [ ][-][+][ ]]
Ratatoskr: ( a h)
GM: (Invoking the fin, I take it?)
Ratatoskr: (that would make for a Tie...)
GM: (Which we discovered a while back is totally fine.)
Ratatoskr: (...Right! Invoking the Fin)
GM: (Alright, is this plating?)
Ratatoskr: (...You know, Let's make it a Plating aspect, I think i will need the extra turns for the next dish)
GM: And she takes the extra-salty caramel wafers out of the oven and throws them in the blast chiller before delicately stabbing the sundae with them in strategic locations.
GM: (Alright, is that everyone? Think we can go for one more exchange? (It's 9:49pm on my end.))
Dovelia: (sure)
Reality Glitch: ((Good (+3) night.))
GM: (Is that a no, <@Reality Glitch>?)
Reality Glitch: ((Oh! I thought you said to wrap it up right now?))
GM: (I was just stating the time because I was unsure, myself. I think I can do another exchange.)
Reality Glitch: ((I can go for another exchange.))
Ratatoskr: ((its roaring 22:52 here, Ending would be fine, but i can keep going if needed.))
GM: (I guess the final decision is down to you, <@!Ratatoskr>, if you're the fence-sitter.)
Ratatoskr: (Eeehhh... I'm not good with final descision but... Maybe enough for today?)
GM: (Alright, fair enough. Let us...)
GM: !end

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