
Life - Cyberstuck

Aug 9th, 2017 (edited)
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  1. The Life Aspect and its God Tiers/Classpect Roles
  3. Keywords: Energy, Unrestricted, Rejection, Break Rules, Sacrifice Others, Options, Domination, Effective, Reckless, Temptation, Optimism, Luxury, Increase, Activity
  5. Symbols: Growth, Plants, Animals, Food, Youth
  7. Life is one of the 12 Aspects of Homestuck. Its Opposite is the Aspect Doom. When I think of Life, I think of the growth and potential of energy that happens when you are first born and grow as a child and the rebellious nature of children and teens, not accepting that you just can’t do some things and finding loopholes and ways out of responsibilities and obligations to just do what you wanna do. It is the desire to change, do something different. It’s the messy grey foggy area where things are not always clear about what’s happening or why, or where and when you should go next. It is the excitement and anticipation for the unknown that’s waiting out there for you. Life maybe doesn’t always see what it truly wants, but when it does, or it sees something it might really want, its gets there as fast as it can, no matter who or what is in the way. Things can Change and you do have that power and opportunity! The universe isn’t stagnant and neither are you! Nobody not even Life itself has everything figured out quite yet, so don’t stop trying when you mess up, you’re only on the beginning of your path!
  9. Mage of Life: One who Knows with Life or Knows Life
  11. Mages will uniquely experience their Aspect, both good and bad. As a result, they gain a unique understanding of what their Aspect is or does. Their challenge is to become open to new insight or different perspectives than their own.
  13. A Mage of Life might suffer from an overload of energy, recklessness or temptation and would probably be very hyperactive and have very low impulse control. They might suffer also from an excess of optimism, making them seem naive or unaware of things going on around them, when really they just tend to focus on the bright side of things. This still might make them suffer though because problems don’t go away just because you can ignore them and in fact can makes things so much worse if you do ignore them or put off dealing with them. Just like how recklessly diving in headfirst without realizing or in fact even caring about the damage done can be very damaging. At the same time they might be one of the few to take a high reward risk when no one else will, because only they understand the benefits and has the willpower to do so, letting them get further on risky ventures than other people might.
  15. If you look at Life as Luxury, someone might suffer from being very rich or wealthy, and is used to people constantly backstabbing them or having ulterior motives towards them because of this. Famous people often have creepy fans and stalkers and other people who have problems with boundaries and rules to contend with as well. A Mage of Life might also suffer from someone else recklessly dominating over them, and thus know firsthand how it feels to be on the other end of someone else’s unrestricted temptations. Maybe they were once rejected, and thus understand how it feels to be rejected. A Mage of Life would eventually from experience, know intuitively how this kind of Luxury and Dominance over others affects them and would learn not to use it to hurt others, but instead help them out.
  17. Think of like a really crappy and privileged celebrity doing shitty things and having shitty fans, but eventually having that shittyness turned against them and making them realize how destructive it can be, and then turning it around to use their knowledge of it to help other people understand it and help them grow. Another way a Mage of Life could suffer from Life and Growth is if they suffer some form of cancer or fast growing destructive illness. They might also get food poisoning every now and again or be very bad at handling animals. But all these things would do is give them firsthand experience and knowledge about these things and thus help them be better at it.
  19. Thief of Life: One who Steals with Life or Steals Life
  21. Thieves have good intentions, and might be egocentric. They have natural confidence with their Aspect, but hide insecurities and hate being seen as weak. Their challenge is to learn to let others have their Aspect as well
  23. Thieves of Life have a natural knack for getting what they want, when they want. Temptations, luxuries, their favorite food etc you name it. If they want it, they have it or they will take it, no question. They have a natural air of domination about them and they often go unquestioned or unpunished for any rules that they break. They take that power for themselves and they use it like it was a natural extension of their own body. They definitely are the type to just do what they want without regard for any rules or consequences. They are someone who steals the crown and throne and sits in it like it was made for them in the first place. They might be the person snickering and goading others into dares or planning the panty raid and getting others to join along just for the pure exhilaration of almost getting caught and breaking rules.
  25. They definitely get annoyed by downers and sticks in the mud, thinking they’ll ruin all the fun, or that there no fun themselves. For the Thief of Life, it’s not enough to just do things and break rules themselves, all the fun lies in getting others to do it with them, or for them to do it first, get caught and take the fall while they laugh and run away with the spoils. They are definitely energetic people and enjoy riling up other people in bouts of adrenaline. They might pop out of dark corners to scream BOO just to see the scared look on people’s faces and crack up laughing. They looove encouraging other people to do dumb things like try to hop a barbed wire fence, all the while screaming DO YOU IT PANSY ASS BITCH! And if a fight happens to break out near them they are standing at the edge screaming YEAH FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!
  27. They might even break more serious rules, like stealing jewelry or money or valuables from places, all the while convincing others that it’ll all be fine and to just go with it man its fine its cool just do what i say. But if they don’t like you, or see you as a kind of amusing prey, then more often than not, attempts on your life will be made, either serious ones or joking ‘harmless’ attempts. Though it probably won’t be obvious what their intentions are, most likely they’ll befriend you, let you into their inner circle, gain your trust, them have you do something dangerous for them, with the intent that you will die attempting it because pfft really some weakass loser like you actually in my gang? What made you think that? Though if you seriously piss a Thief of Life off, you are officially on a list, and you are going down.
  29. Knight of Life: One who Exploits with Life or Exploits Life
  31. Knights hide a fear of a perceived fundamental failure with their Aspect behind a shield of confidence and obsessive effort. Their challenge is to learn to take it down a notch and to understand that they are skilled enough
  33. A Knight of Life is someone who is very skilled with using their own natural energy and optimism to their advantage. They skillfully grow and dominate and just generally kickass with ease. They have a natural inclination for energy, activity and being on the go, but none of this energy is wasted and all of it put towards a purpose or use. In fact it might be more accurate to say they are extremely hard working towards the things that they really want in life, and thus achieve these things with ease. They break boundaries, reject what doesn’t work, increase options. They are dominant, more than likely a bit reckless with how fast they move forward and to the top and have no qualms about getting rid of what doesn’t work.
  35. As Knights, this also comes from believing they are just never gonna be good enough, so they work even harder. They might, despite their success, feel a manic fear of failure, being antsy or on edge and impatient, wanting to go work out NOW why cant we go fix it NOW. Yes I know I did good, but this little thing needs to be fixed or its RUINED. Its not good enough. Or yes I got a high score but I didn’t get a high enough one! I can do better damnit. Perfectionist might be a very accurate word to describe Knights of Life. They sound like people who eat their food as quickly as possible in order to not waste any time as well, or they might plan out excruciating detail about their food, like exactly how many nutrients do I need each day. They don’t necessarily have hard rules about what they do each day, but they do have extremely high standards.
  37. I will only have the best, get into the best schools, have the best clothes, get the best marks/schoolwork, only through working the hardest and having the best opportunities will get me the highest in Life. They sound like people who are already advantaged in life though, using and exploiting their natural status to the best of the ability as well, which might seem a bit paradoxical, why work so hard if you already have high status? Well, they’re not just aiming for the top, they are aiming for beyond the top. They don’t wanna just break records, they wanna set records that no one else will ever achieve or surpass. I haven’t watched this in a while, but BlackStar sounds like a Knight of Life if I remember him correctly.
  39. Page of Life: One who Invites Exploitation of Life or one who Invites Exploitation through Life
  41. Pages start with a deficit in their Aspect that they confidently overcome through obvious overcompensation. Their challenge is to keep at it, even if they fail and the journey is slow, for they become the strongest players
  43. A Page of Life would start out with a deficit in their ability to grow, their own power, or just their own status and wealth. They start out at the very bottom as the underdog. They don’t know how to handle wealth or power very well, and may wield any that they gain very clumsily at first. They think they do though, in fact they believe themselves worthy of more than what they currently have for sure, and just recklessly go along with any temptations that they might have. They think they are invincible or untouchable, when they’re really not. They also don’t have a strong grasp on the correct way to go about getting that status or wealth that they so desire. They think power and status means that they can just do whatever they want without consequence, and thus they act like they can get away with anything.
  45. They have trouble growing or changing in this way, but eventually they will see the consequences of their actions and where it has lead to, and they will start actually growing for a change. Yes they will energetic, but they will start putting that energy to good use and start working towards what they desire, instead of just expecting it to happen to them. Since Pages are prone to having their temptations, their power and whatever status they earn exploited by others, they must be wary of anyone seeking to usurp what they’ve earned or own, or be wary of people directing them to do things that they wish to do, but dont currently have the power to, while the Page of Life does have the power to do. It might be as simple as someone holding one of their favorite possessions hostage, like do what I say or the puppy gets it!
  47. Or im going to steal all your gold if you don’t do what I want! They follow these threats at first because their desire for wealth, objects and food is more powerful than their true control over these things. But once a Page of Life has risen to their challenge, they might literally be able to turn the tables on those who once exploited them, and allow them to exploited instead. Dangling their better grasp of status and power over the heads of those who once tried to use them. If at first they were ill equipped for power and status, their growth should let them truly understand what it means to be powerful and they will wear their crown of riches with more grace than they once would have. It’s funny, cuz Two Different Disney Princes could be Pages of Life, Aladdin from Aladdin, and Naveen from the Frog Princess. I always knew something about these two felt similar to me.
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