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- ACCORDIAN - Type 1 Cryptographic algorithm used in a number of crypto products
- AGILITY - NSA internet information tool or database
- AGILEVIEW - NSA internet information tool or database
- ALPHA - SIGINT Exchange Designator for Great Britain
- ANCHORY - NSA software system which provides web access to textual intelligence documents
- AUTOSOURCE - NSA tool or database
- AQUACADE - A class of SIGINT spy satellites (formerly RHYOLITE)
- ASSOCIATION - NSA tool or database
- BANYAN - NSA tool or database
- BATON - Type 1 Block cipher algorithm, used with many crypto products
- BELLTOPPER - NSA database *
- BINOCULAR - Former NSA intelligence dissemination tool
- BLACKPEARL - NSA tool or database
- BLARNEY - NSA internet and telephony network collection program
- BOUNDLESSINFORMANT - DNI and DNR data visualization tool
- BYEMAN (BYE) - Retired control system for overhead collection systems (1961-2005)
- CADENCE - NSA collection tasking tool or database
- CANYON - Class of COMINT spy satellites (1968-1977)
- CANNON LIGHT - Counterintelligence database of the US Army
- CHESS - Compartment of TALENT KEYHOLE for the U-2 spy plane
- CORDOBA - Type 2 Cryptographic algorithm used in a number of NSA-developed crypto chips
- CONFIRM - NSA database for personell access
- CONTRAOCTAVE - NSA tool or database
- CONVEYANCE - A voice content ingest processor?
- CORONA - A series of photographic surveillance satellites (1959-1972)
- COURIERSKILL - NSA Collection mission system
- CREST - Database which automatically translates foreign language intercepts in English *
- CULTWEAVE - Smaller size SIGINT database *
- DELTA - Compartment for COMINT material from intercepts of Soviet military operations
- DIKTER - SIGINT Exchange Designator for Norway
- DINAR - Predecessor of the UMBRA compartment for COMINT
- DISHFIRE - NSA internet information tool or database
- DRUID - SIGINT Exchange Designator for third party countries
- DYNAMO - SIGINT Exchange Designator for Denmark
- ECHELON - A SIGINT collection network run by Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States
- ECHO - SIGINT Exchange Designator for Australia
- FAIRVIEW - NSA internet and telephony network collection program
- FALLOUT - DNI metadata ingest processor
- FIREFLY - NSA-developed key generation scheme, used for exchanging EKMS public keys
- FISHBOWL - NSA program for securing commercial smartphones
- GAMMA (G) - Compartment for highly sensitive communication intercepts
- GAMUT - NSA collection tasking tool or database
- GLOBAL BROKER - NSA tool or database
- HAVE BLUE - Development program of the F-117A Stealth fighter-bomber
- HAVE QUICK (HQ) - Frequency-hopping system used to protect military UHF radio traffic
- HERCULES - CIA terrorism database
- HIGHTIDE - NSA tool or database
- INDIA - SIGINT Exchange Designator for New Zealand
- INTRUDER - Series of ELINT and COMINT spy satellites (since 2009)
- ISHTAR - SIGINT Exchange Designator for Japan
- IVY BELLS - NSA, CIA and Navy operation to place wire taps on Soviet underwater communication cables
- JEROBOAM - Another name used for the TRUMPET spy satellites
- JUGGERNAUT - Picks up all signals from mobile networks *
- JUMPSEAT - Class of SIGINT reconnaissance satellites (1971-1983)
- KEA - Asymmetric-key Type 2 algorithm used in products like Fortezza, Fortezza Plus
- KLONDIKE (KDK) - Control system for sensitive geospatial intelligence
- LOPERS - Software application for Public Switched Telephone Networks *
- MAGIC LANTERN - A keystroke logging software developed by the FBI
- MAGNUM - Series of SIGINT spy satellites (since 1985)
- MAIN CORE - Federal database of personal and financial data of suspicious US citizens
- MAINWAY - NSA database of bulk phone metadata
- MARINA - NSA database of bulk internet metadata
- MENTOR - Class of SIGINT spy satellites (since 1995)
- MESSIAH - NSA automated message handling system
- METTLESOME - NSA Collection mission system
- MINARET - A sister project to Project SHAMROCK (1967-1973)
- MOONLIGHTPATH - An NSA collection program *
- MORAY - Retired compartment for the least sensitive COMINT material
- NUCLEON - Database for contents of phone calls
- OAKSTAR - NSA internet and telephony network collection program
- OCEANARIUM - Database for SIGINT from NSA and intelligence sharing partners around the world *
- OCELOT - Probably a NSA program for collection from internet and telephony networks
- OCTAVE - NSA tool for telephone network tasking
- OCTSKYWARD - NSA tool or database
- OSCAR - SIGINT Exchange Designator for the USA
- OXCART - The Lockheed A-12 program (better known as SR-71)
- PADSTONE - Type 1 Cryptographic algorithm used in products like Cypris, Windster and Indictor
- PATHFINDER - SIGINT analysis tool (made by SAIC)
- PINWALE - Database for recorded signals intercepts/internet content
- PLUS - NSA SIGINT production feedback program *
- PRISM - NSA collection program for foreign internet data
- PROTON - Smaller size SIGINT database
- PURPLE - Codename for a Japanese diplomatic cryptosystem during WWII
- PUZZLECUBE - NSA tool or database
- RAGTIME (RT) - Codeword for four NSA surveillance programs
- RENOIR - NSA telephone network visualization tool
- RESERVE (RSV) - Control system for the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
- RICHTER - SIGINT Exchange Designator for Germany
- RUFF - Compartment of TALENT KEYHOLE for IMINT satellites
- RHYOLITE - Class of SIGINT spy satellites (in 1975 changed to AQUACADE)
- SABRE - Retired(?) SIGINT product codeword
- SAVILLE - Narrow band voice encryption used for radio and telephone communication
- SHARKFIN - Sweeps up all-source communications intelligence at high speed and volumes *
- SEMESTER - NSA SIGINT reporting tool
- SENTINEL - NSA database security filter*
- SETTEE - SIGINT Exchange Designator for South Korea
- SHAMROCK - Operation for intercepting telegraphic data going in or out the US (1945-1975)
- SHELLTRUMPET - NSA metadata processing program *
- SIGSALY - The first secure voice system from World War II
- SILKWORTH - A software program used for the ECHELON system
- SIRE - A software program used for the ECHELON system
- SKIPJACK - Type 2 Block cipher algorithms used in products like Fortezza, and the Clipper Chip
- SKYWRITER - NSA internet intelligence reporting tool
- SOLIS - SIGINT product databases *
- SPHINX - Counterintelligence database of the Defense Intelligence Agency
- SPINNERET - an NSA operational branche? *
- SPOKE - Retired compartment for less sensitive COMINT material
- STELLARWIND (STLW) - SCI compartment for the President's Surveillance Program information
- STONE GHOST - DIA classified network for information exchange with UK, Canada and Australia
- STORMBREW - NSA internet and telephony network collection program
- STUMPCURSOR - Foreign computer accessing program of the NSA's Tailored Access Operations
- TALENT KEYHOLE (TK) - Control system for space-based collection platforms
- TALK QUICK - An interim secure voice system created to satisfy urgent requirements imposed by conditions to Southeast Asia. Function was absorbed by AUTOSEVOCOM
- TAPERLAY - covername for Global Numbering Data Base (GNDB)?
- TAROTCARD - NSA tool or database
- TEMPEST - Investigations and studies of compromising electronic emanations
- THINTREAD - NSA program for wiretapping and sophisticated analysis of the resulting data
- TRACFIN - NSA Database
- TRAFFICTHIEF - Part of the TURBULENCE and the PRISM programs
- TRAILBLAZER - NSA Program to analyze data carried on communications networks
- TREASUREMAP - NSA internet content visualization tool
- TRIBUTARY - NSA provided voice threat warning network
- TRINE - Predecessor of the UMBRA compartment for COMINT
- TRUMPET - Series of ELINT reconnaissance satellites (1994-2008)
- TUNINGFORK - NSA tool or database
- TURBULENCE - NSA Program to detect threats in cyberspace (2005- )
- TURMOIL - Part of the TURBULENCE program *
- TUSKATTIRE - DNR (telephony) ingest processor
- TUTELAGE - Part of the TURBULENCE program *
- ULTRA - COMINT from decryption of high-level Nazi ciphers, like the Enigma machine
- UMBRA - Retired compartment for the most sensitive COMINT material
- UNIFORM - SIGINT Exchange Designator for Canada
- VORTEX - Class of SIGINT spy satellites (1978-1989)
- WALBURN - High-speed link encryption, used in various encryption products
- WEALTHYCLUSTER - Program to hunt down tips on terrorists in cyberspace (2002- ) *
- WEBCANDID - NSA tool or database
- WEASEL - Type 1 Cryptographic algorithm used in SafeXcel-3340
- XCONCORD - Program for finding key words in foreign language documents
- XKEYSCORE (XKS) - Program for analysing SIGINT traffic
- ZARF - Compartment of TALENT KEYHOLE for ELINT satellites
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