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Feb 26th, 2020
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  1. need it while i promise ya i'll be stickin' to the den all afternoon to cheer you on and ready m'self with open arms for when you get back in. --hey, and if it helps lift the chin a little higher, this fella of yours doesn't go in till around three that day. we've another full on ahead of us by my read of it. )
  2. Just a City Girl 2020-02-26 09:07:31 //nnh. unfortunately, she does; aye. ash wednesday dinner rush, that oughta be fun. 'm sure it'll be fine though -- i remember the lunches bein' worse. but! if he's seekin' some convincin', his gal has a nudge on hand with the reminder she'll be rushin' on back to the lair after it's over. have a feelin' there's a fella who'll wanna have his time before thursday noon-sirens, yeah?
  3. Yamcha 2020-02-26 09:02:24 ( heee's... startin' to feel a little weight over the lids. gal's gotta head out tomorrow now that i think of it, yea'? iii could be convinced to take that nudge over. )
  4. Just a City Girl 2020-02-26 08:56:37 //how's my fella doin' over on his end? it's about that hour for us again.
  5. Just a City Girl 2020-02-26 08:25:00 "G'hn!--"
  6. Just a City Girl 2020-02-26 08:24:43 Were it the timed stamps of one greedy header that were to blame or an indulgent swivel remained unclear. Though the more immediate culprit would find itself quite close to the source of these projections, and in fact, the man who owned them and delighting in the lingering floral notes mixed in with that distinctly she took it upon himself to learn the flavor of the terrain, and not only awarded himself with succulent morsel, but the locking wrap of the little miss to coincide with reflexive tense along the tissue, so too, the impress of keratin against his back.
  7. Just a City Girl 2020-02-26 08:23:50 Beyond that? Rugged expulsions straight shot into the curve of her neck where breath crashed against skin and washed against slope and ear alike, enticing squeezes external in addition to responsive little assertions of her own, "Mnh'gh-- ...ah'. Ah'-" If she could twist her hips upward all their own in hopes of his receive truer still, then ... oh, no; don't let those trademark 'isms find their way in here of all times. Words were not a thing, nor should they be, yet he tried regardless, and somehow that turned into excessive heating than already radiated from Kurumi inside and out, "Ss'h...hhh'uh," scarcely a convincing command in the slightest, especially not when it peters out as little more than evidence of sultry groan elevating in its pitch upon the latter.
  8. Just a City Girl 2020-02-26 08:23:40 Ever still did those fingers endeavor to inflict the tensed muscle with pinpointed pressure of grasping fingers until they finally gave in toward release, only to slip them in under the arms which kept her and fed them out across the blades of his shoulders instead; certainly the weight and wedging of marred features into the crook of her neck held some influence over the inclination. "Hh'h...ahn. --mnh." The 'painstaking' ease out and weighty push back in through, etching himself into the saturated canal, uncaring of the squelching naturally part of the excess flow befalling them as product and proof of their lengthy neglect. No longer though, was farthest from lone piece of evidence albeit most tangible next to apparent signs of their mutual enliven through constrict and rebellious wags aplenty.
  9. Just a City Girl 2020-02-26 08:23:32 ...For the moment. As it was, the deep set nestle kissing square up into her cradle reduced the outward cries into shrill notes fragmented more so than their prior and deigned to still the ongoing battles for air and eased them back out in breathless whimper, "Hhh-' ah...h." Ohh, he was certainly lucky there was no room to consider aspect of a weaponized lunge, although were this another story, with another wolf, this would not be such a stretch in the slightest. Instead stretching is something the little woman's spine intended to do in aspiration towards reposition if not contribute to a current one with the weight of pressure bearing down on her shoulders to ensure he not jostle her free of him unintentionally, but too for depths coveted above all else and thoroughly harry the textured ceiling not unlike the buffering bosom with each rake across conducted by his rigid, albeit fluid propel.
  10. Just a City Girl 2020-02-26 08:23:18 Presently voices were scarcely capable of intelligible speech just as minds were in completing a complex thought. Every bit true and they need only turn focus back towards the binding shapes that were fairer limbs offering their claiming snakes about hulkier physique whose own step-taking stalks remained caught with slacks around his knees as they persisted in image's upkeep befitting a pair of over-starved fiends despite its hinging still on quite time in the widest scheme of steamy entanglements. Where heels did dig into the strength of one lumbar ankles thought to cross over in means of squeezing flanks holding their keep of commanding thrusts of a fellow none too shy about his gluttonous repetition or the corking wedge in where he sought to stir the pot as well as whatever sense remained in order to bid it adieu in Kurumi's head.
  11. Just a City Girl 2020-02-26 08:23:10 And here? Projections of the guttural variety would never again find ears the same way, taken out of the elements of ultra-grouch and reduced to mewls of a differing frustration entirely. Maybe it had always been this way, but the green eyed tyrant hid it well beneath those nefarious chips dressing a mantle like her own set of spines. Unlikely even in consideration, but a combination of this and ill-tempered swings had served well to keep at bay the idea of romantic interest for a ... short while. To say nothing of ongoing mystery of where it all truly taken root in the first place, but that's a wonder to voice later, as would be many other higher priority wonders either soon or the morning after.
  12. Just a City Girl 2020-02-26 08:23:02 Not to say they were gone for good, because that would be a miracle, but once the downhill roll began there was little in way hopes to stop it until it was good and ready. Meaning the momentum's own depletion or something with a guaranteed stopping power would have to arrive on the scene. The latter was most definitely in short supply, wasn't it? When the usual had all seen itself undone with the compromising representations of a young woman with lowered guard; striking eyes? N'ah, captivating nowabouts and something to seek out midst those steamier moments just before the plunge of no return. Cutting glares equipped with those lips at scowl? Pouting, which became grounds inviting reformed bandits to dash their years long progress into model citizens without a second thought.
  13. Just a City Girl 2020-02-26 08:22:52 In this case, it was accursed interference and nature's gifts of man and natural process of fermentation that provided them reddish brands of liquid courage. Certainly stripped Yamcha of his cowardice, albeit rightly placed and mislabeled when it should be better known as heightened sense of self-preservation for a number of reasons varying in degrees of seriousness. Fairly speaking, the desert wanderer ought to be giving himself a pat on the back in the near future -- for that aforementioned peace offering turned contributing factor seemingly provided little in way of immediate detriment and removed more than those self-defeating braces from his persona long enough to cover more bases than he had during a rival game and ultimately dulled the defensive barbs belonging to one oft' prickly florist for that matter.
  14. Just a City Girl 2020-02-26 08:22:44 Dotting became the very line they deigned to push until it reached its breaking point. All through no immediate fault of their own, mind; or so that would be the maintained later. It was simply a collection of things beyond their immediate control. One could not end droughts with a snap of their fingers as much as some may have wished at one point or another, just as others could not be expected to change their opinion at the drop of a hat. Everything had its way or sorting itself out sooner or later and in this case it came much later. Gone from thinking little of it due to altercations prior or ear piercing announces, to gradual come around, and finally the moment of something's gotta give. Took the first step, then that leap, and tumbled into the ravine thereafter only to land on their feet through some frame of miracle most would sooner write off as divine intervention.
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