Guest User


a guest
Jul 26th, 2016
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  1. # ! Please ensure that all configuration options
  2. # ! are filled out correctly, before contacting
  3. # ! our support channel.
  4. # ! Discord Support:
  5. # !---------------------------------------------------------!
  6. # ! Do not edit this.
  7. Config-Version: 2
  8. # !---------------------------------------------------------!
  9. # ! Plugin Storage
  10. # ! What storage should be used, Flat-File or MySQL
  11. Database: Flat-File
  12. # ! Leave default if Option above is Flat-File
  13. MySQL:
  14. Host: localhost
  15. Database: minecraft
  16. Port: '3306'
  17. Username: username
  18. Password: password
  19. # !---------------------------------------------------------!
  20. # ! Options
  21. # !---------------------------------------------------------!
  22. # ! Helpop command configuration.
  23. # ! If enabled, players with minecord.helpop.command will be
  24. # ! Able to do /helpop <message> and it will be forwarded to
  25. # ! the specified Discord Channel.
  26. Helpop:
  27. Enabled: true
  28. Channel-ID: ''
  29. Ingame-Message:
  30. - "&8&m----------------------------------------------------"
  31. - "&e&lID: &e{ID} &8| &3&lServer &3{Server} &8| &6&lName: &6{Name}"
  32. - " "
  33. - "&7{Message}"
  34. - " "
  35. # ! This line will currently not work if edited.
  36. - "&8[&4&lHandle&8] [&c&lConnect&8] [&eMessage&8] [&3&lWarn&8]"
  37. - "&8&m----------------------------------------------------"
  38. Discord-Message: "`ID:` {ID} `Server:` {Server} `Name:` {Name} ```{Message}```"
  39. Log:
  40. Report: true
  41. Handle: true
  42. Ignore: true
  43. Ingame-Handle-Message:
  44. - "&8&m----------------------------------------------------"
  45. - "&7Helpop with ID {ID} has been handled by {handler}"
  46. - "&8&m----------------------------------------------------"
  47. Discord-Handle-Message: "Update on Helpop: {ID}. It has been set to handled by {handler}"
  48. Report:
  49. Enabled: true
  50. Channel-ID: ''
  51. Ingame-Message:
  52. - "&8&m----------------------------------------------------"
  53. - "&e&lID: &e{ID} &8| &3&lServer &3{Server} &8| &6&lName: &6{Name}"
  54. - "&c&lReported: &c{ReportedName}"
  55. - "&7{Message}"
  56. - " "
  57. # ! This line will currently not work if edited.
  58. - "&8[&4&lHandle&8] [&c&lConnect&8] [&eMessage&8] [&3&lWarn&8]"
  59. - "&8&m----------------------------------------------------"
  60. Discord-Message: "`ID:` {ID} `Server:` {Server} `Name:` {Name} ```{Message}```"
  61. Log:
  62. Report: true
  63. Handle: true
  64. Ignore: true
  65. Ingame-Handle-Message:
  66. - "&8&m----------------------------------------------------"
  67. - "&7Report with ID {ID} has been handled by {handler}"
  68. - "&8&m----------------------------------------------------"
  69. Discord-Handle-Message: "Update on Report: {ID}. It has been set to handled by {handler}"
  70. # ! This feature is experminental. Use at your own risk
  71. Chat:
  72. Enabled: true
  73. Channel-ID: ''
  74. Format: "{name} | {message}"
  75. Log: false
  76. # !---------------------------------------------------------!
  77. # ! Discord Configuration
  78. # !---------------------------------------------------------!
  79. # ! Your Bots Token. If you are unsure about this refer to
  80. # ! Our Spigot page {link} where this is refered to in detail.
  81. Bot-Token: ''
  82. # ! Discord command prefix, E.G -help
  83. Prefix: '-'
  84. # ! The bots displayname, This can be changed at any time.
  85. Bot-User: 'Minecord'
  86. # ! The bots avatar, Please make sure the URL is correct.
  87. Bot-Avatar-URL: ''
  88. # ! Members of discord able to execture the plugin commands.
  89. Members:
  90. - 'Arraying'
  91. - 'ipr0james'
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