
KSSU TTU 3:24.95 Mistakes/Summary

Aug 1st, 2017
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  1. Kracko - 8.40
  2. I got the best possible time with the pattern he gave me. If you get the pattern where he goes to the left and then spawns a Waddle Doo, you can get a 7.68 by hitting him twice in one jump, which is kinda tricky but possible
  3. Time Lost - 0.72 seconds
  5. Whispy Woods - 11.12
  6. I had slightly sloppy movement getting down to Whispy and then didn't get the first hit on him as quick as possible. A perfect fight can get you around a 10.8-10.9
  7. Time Lost - 0.30 seconds
  9. Lololo & Lalala - 11.13
  10. I got perfect RNG in this fight, but still have somehow managed before to kill them at a 10.93, probably because I hit them sooner on the final hit
  11. Time Lost - 0.20 seconds
  13. Mid-Bosses - 20.20
  14. I got a pretty clean overall fight so not much to say about specific time losses, I think I could probably saved .25 seconds with cleaner execution and whatnot. However, there is a strat where if you get the Mid-bosses for your first boss, you can get Hammer and then make Bonkers, and then get Copy to go into the fight with. This allows you to copy Mr. Tick-Tock's Mike which you can kill him with and then take his Mike to kill Big Wheelie. The rest of the fight is the same as I did in this run. While this strat is tideous since it means you have to keep restarting until you get Mid-bosses first (which is why I chose not to do it) it can save about exactly 2 seconds, allowing you to get an 18.00 or maybe even lower
  15. Time Lost - 2.25 Seconds
  17. Kracko - 14.47
  18. This was easily my worst fight out of the first 6. I missed the 2nd Up Hammer by swinging just a little bit too soon, which wasted 3+ seconds. Landing that Hammer and then finishing him off with a jump attack can get you under 11.5 easily.
  19. Time Lost - 3.10 Seconds.
  21. Kabula - 13.42
  22. I got a mediocre but non-costly enough pattern here. Kabula moved quickly down and then back up, making me not able to hit him with all 3 lasers (the actual laser and then the two short range bursts around it) for a little bit. Also, I could have killed him a bit closer to the edge of the screen, which would have gotten him off screen quicker, thus saving time. With an insane pattern and good shot landing, you can get around 10.5 on this fight
  23. Time Lost - 2.90 Seconds
  25. Masked Dedede - 20.97
  26. I got pretty much the worst possible pattern I could get from Masked Dedede. NOt only did he DM Hammer me which wastes 5.5 seconds, but he also jumped at the end of the fight wasting nearly another second. Getting the best pattern of him shooting either missles or fire at you with this hammer can get you around a 14.6 or lower with good Hammer timing
  27. Time Lost - 6.40 seconds
  29. Wham Bam Jewel - 20.05
  30. I got pretty much the cleanest possible fight here. Only time save really is that I could have killed the hand quicker at the end, but this time is still only .1 off my best ever, so this time loss is hardly worth mentioning
  31. Time Lost - 0.10 seconds
  33. Galacta Knight - 35.85
  34. Pretty normal fight here besides that Galacta Knight spawned in the hardest and scariest enemies to deal with. Very rarely, Galacta Knight can choose to go to the left of the screen anddo his giant tornado attack instead of going in the air, I'm not positive how much time this saves because of how rare it is to get that perfect of a pattern, but I bet it's at least 5 seconds
  35. Time Lost - 5.00 seconds
  37. Marx Soul - 49.28
  38. This fight got what I call "God Marx" which means that I was able to kill Marx before he spawned away to do either his seed meteor or two orb paintball attack. (lol I'm good at naming attacks) This is incredibly rare as you need to get practically perfect spawns and land pretty much every possible hit you can on him. I was literally a few frames away from him spawning away as I landed the last hit, and actually, I'm surprised I got God Marx without him spawning closer to the ground on his first spawn and missing a hit during his attack on the 2nd spawn. Either way, getting God Marx saves 8 or more seconds over having him spawn away, and idk how much I could improve this fight.
  39. Time Lost - (Maybe like) 1.00 seconds
  41. Total Time Lost - 21.97 seconds
  42. Approx. Best Possible Time - 3:02.98
  44. I definitely am going to aim for sub 3:15, as I could have gotten that this run with just a cleaner First 6 and good RNG on Masked Dedede. Overall though, it's always nice to PR, and this run definitely isn't too bad. Hopefully I'll PR by more than .14 seconds next run tho lol.
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